(people and nation) as its inheritors. Government
interference is one thing which must be done by the
Indonesian government, as the Malaysian
government's efforts to protect its local arts. In 2008
Malaysia sought to review the law restricting the
broadcast of foreign songs on private radios by
applying a discourse regulating a 90:10 quota, i.e.
90% for broadcasting local songs and 10% for
broadcasting foreign songs (www.republika.co.id).
Under these conditions, Malaysian government
encourages more artists in Malaysia to be ready to
compete than to prevent the entry of art from foreign
countries by considering that making prevention
solution measures less effective by the existence of
internet media. Besides the government, it is
necessary to involve other stakeholders from such
various backgrounds as experts from various fields,
for instances: culture (karawitan), information and
communication technology, law, social, education,
etc. Last but not least and should also be regarded as
a priority is to create a karawitan information center
on the internet and to conduct transfer of information
and communication technology knowledge to
Indonesian karawitan community as a real effort to
build awareness on the importance of actively
contributing in documenting everything related to
karawitan in the internet world.
Thank to Ministry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic Indonesia for
financial support through the 2nd year Hibah
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