Investigation on Sediment Treatment in a Heavily-Polluted River,
Senjun Huang
, Jun Wei
, Heng Zheng
, Jianqiang Xu
, Wei Zhao
and Jiange Jiao
Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, Hangzhou, China
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China
Keywords: Sediment pollution level, dredging depth analysis, sediment treatment, Maozhou River
Abstract: Proper treatment of contaminated sediment in heavily-polluted rivers is of importance to water quality
improvement, especially in black-odor rivers. In the present study, 86 columnar samples are obtained by
drilling with depth of 3~4 m in the Maozhou River, known as black and odorous water body. Firstly,
potential ecological risk indexes at different depths in the study area is calculated according to heavy metal
concentration. Afterwards, the dredging depths are determined based on vertical pollutant level analysis.
Then, a harmless treatment system is established to achieve stabilization and solidification of dredged
sediment. The results of this study provide systematic scheme and valuable reference for sediment treatment
in black and odorous rivers.
Sediment is one of the most important component of
an aquatic ecosystem which can provide a
production environment for microorganisms and
food for fish. It is also the main sink of various
extraneous chemicals. As a result, the sediment will
be polluted if chemical concentration exceeds a
threshold, called contaminated sediment, thus
causing permanent hazards to water bodies (Singh,
2005; Kara, 2017). What’s worse, accumulated
contaminants in sediment could result in secondary
pollution because they can be released back to the
water body under disturbance of hydrodynamic
force or human activities by effect of molecular
diffusion, particle resuspension, and bioturbation
(Wang, 2016). Therefore, contaminated sediment is
often regarded as the secondary pollution source in
deteriorating water quality and becomes the focus in
water treatment (Kwaterczak, 2009). Among many
chemicals in sediment, Heavy metal elements
(HME) should be given enough attention. HME are
generally defined as metals with relatively high
densities, atomic weights, or atomic numbers. HME
are accumulated in sediment under effect of
adsorption, complexation and precipitation and
usually attach to fine-grained components (Lin,
2016). They not only influence aquatic ecosystem
but also threaten human health.
Thus, harmless treatment of contaminated
sediment is of importance in river projects. A variety
of remediation options for polluted sediments is
available (Rulkens, 1998; Thomas, 2001; Saponaro,
2003; Rulkens, 2005), mainly including in-suit and
ex-suit treatment. It is better to choose ex-suit
treatment as the pollutant concentration greater than
2~3 times the local background value (Chen, 2011).
Maozhou River, located in Bao'an District of
Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, Southwestern
China, which has been experiencing rapid
urbanization and industrialization. More and more
HME are released to water body and then
accumulated in the sediment. As a result, the
sediment is characterized as to be black and odorous,
which is threatening the living environment.
According to studies from year 1996 to 2016 (Jia,
2001; Dai, 2010; Gong, 2016), it can be seen that
sediment has been polluted by HME seriously. In
order to grasp the situation of sediment pollution, a
detailed investigation has been conducted using
columnar samples in 2016, especially on vertical
pollution of heavy metals in different depths.
Therefore, the objectives of the present study are:
(1) to understand the sediment pollution risk; (2) to
determine the dredging depths at different observed
points; (3) to establish a sediment treatment system
Huang, S., Wei, J., Zheng, H., Xu, J., Zhao, W. and Jiao, J.
Investigation on Sediment Treatment in a Heavily-Polluted River, China.
DOI: 10.5220/0008650600050010
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Future Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICFEPP 2019), pages 5-10
ISBN: 978-989-758-394-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved