of the gending, sometimes it is difficult to regulate the
gamelan rhythm stability. The players of gamelan
musicians taking into account the organology of the
instrument and the composition of such instruments,
the gamelan players must be in cross-legged sitting
positions, as well as the puppeteers, also have to sit
cross-legged, this is the essence of the rules or rules
that apply in puppet or puppetry. For the audience, in
the old days they sat relaxed, so that they could freely
see and listen to the stories performed by the dalang
‘puppiteer’. Especially if the performance was held in
the palace, surely similar things would still happen,
especially those that happened in the palace. The
order found in the universe of puppets like that is
often referred to by the public as a pakem ‘standard’,
even though now in terms of the real meaning has
undergone a shift.
The order in the concept of puppet thinking is an
ethical dimension as a reflection of the pattern of
behavior for citizens in living together, thus creating
a society that is harmonious, peaceful, prosperous and
happy. Umar Kayam (2001) calls it a residual culture
that is oriented towards court culture. Also expressly
stated in the Pedalangan Ngayogyakarta book
Volume I, this ethical dimension is included in the
manners section which consists of tatakrama Jawi
‘Javanese manners’, and tatakrama basa ‘language
manners’ (Mudjanattistomo, et al. 1977). For
supporters of Javanese culture, the space is not neutral
and homogeneous. People must be present, behave,
speak words in different spaces and times according
to social status even hierarchically as an attitude of
narima ing pandum ‘think what is their destiny’. This
means that people must know their place of fate and
be thankful to God, there is a satisfaction in fulfilling
their fate in the realization that everything has been
outlined for themselves (Mulder, 1984). The Javanese
Tatakrama ‘politeness’ is known to consist of three
very important ones, which are referred to as unggah-
ungguh ‘politeness’, empan-papan ‘look at the
situation and place’, and angon tinon ‘look at the
time’ Unggah-ungguh is often followed by the term
udanegara ‘to known of rules’, concerning behavior
and speech of the language used in dealing with
others, in greeting and behaving to others in order to
maintain mutual respect in Javanese kurmat-
kinurmatan ‘respect each other’ and mad-sinamadan
‘taking care of other’ and tolerance in the relations of
fellow human beings. The board is a behavior that is
adapted to a place that has a social structure, for
example being in a palace or at the house of the
courtiers who have differences in carrying
themselves. Including for example how to walk, sit,
and use language. Angon tinon involves behavior that
is adjusted to the circumstances around it. In
connection with the language manners in the universe
the wayang is described as follows.
The concept of order in the performance of puppet
shows can be seen from the use of puppetry or puppet
language. Language is a basic means for conveying
self-expression, both through narration and dialogue
between puppet characters. The delivery of this
language is done in the form of prose, for example,
descriptions of scenes, characters, atmosphere and so
on, besides that it is also done in the form of poetry,
for example puppet songs, sulukan, sindenan, and
gerongan. In terms of from its linguistic
characteristics, the language used is New Javanese,
which is sometimes added by Old Javanese or even
Sanskrit (Kasidi, 2009).
To give an overview of the concept of wayang
structure in the use of the New Javanese language, it
is necessary to explain about the problems related to
the variety of puppet languages that have unda-usuk,
or levels of language. These two things are varied by
puppeteers in wayang performances. For example,
the use of krama and ngoko languages which in fact
have relations with the disclosure of descriptions,
dialogues, and actions is always adjusted to the high
and low tone of the gamelan music instruments and
puppet characters. Also found is the form of
bagongan ‘special palace language’ language, which
is a special language used for certain characters. For
example, manira and special pekenira Prabu
Duryudana and Patih Sengkuni, ulun ‘first person
pronouns’ and kita ‘second person pronoun’ are for
deities. The presence of the New Javanese language
is basically a variation of language based on usage on
the basis of topics that are the focus of conversation,
conversation relationships, interlocutors, and the
medium of conversation (Kridalaksana, 1993).
There are two kinds of languages found in
wayang performances, namely official or formal
languages and a variety of informal or informal
languages. The variety of formal languages is used in
a dialogue between respected puppet figures and
lower-ranking puppet figures or younger puppet
figures, such as scenes in the palace. The variety of
informal languages is a language that is used as an
dialogue between puppets that is equal, for example
the language used among the soldiers. Informal
variety can also be called a casual variety, this is
found in the wayang performance, the atmosphere of
the scene is really relaxed, for example in the scene
of limbukan or because of it.
The emergence of unda-usuk or the level of
language is influenced by an attitude of the user of the
language to express respect to the interlocutor
through language, in addition to behavior and action
(Poewadarminto, 1953). For example, the form of
manners was elaborated again into young krama,
kramantara, and wredha krama. Then ngoko is
divided into ngoko lugu, antya basa, and basa antya,
besides that, it can still be found in bentuk madya ‘the