musical compositions, namely rhythm, melody,
harmony, form or structure of songs, and expression
as a unit (Jamalus, 1988: 1).
3.1 Learning Methods
The method of learning music is a way taken to
achieve musical learning gradually according to the
logical sequence level. This method of learning music
is based on the stages of the sequence of music
learning activities. The method used by a music
teacher will depend on the views of the nature and
nature of music itself, the nature and nature of
learning, and the nature and rights of learning music
(Jamalus & Busroh, 1991: 120).
In music learning, various learning methods
according to Nana and Ibrahim (2003: 105), methods
commonly used in teaching and learning activities
include lecture methods, demonstration methods,
imitation methods, discussion methods, and training
drill methods (Sukmadinata & Ibrahim, 2003).
3.2 Band Learning Process
The band's extracurricular activities at Sewon
Yogyakarta 1 Junior High School are held every
Wednesday from 13.40-15.40 WIB or 2 hours of
learning in the band's classroom. Active time lasts
more or less for 4-5 months during holidays, holidays,
tryouts and other activities. The space used by band
extracurricular activities is located in the south of the
school measuring 9x15 meters. This space should be
the classroom used for theoretical learning. However,
due to the absence of a special band room or
soundproof room, the place is used for band
extracurricular activities.
The teacher gave the band's extracurricular
learning process at Sewon Yogyakarta 1 Junior High
School by learning to play musical instruments and
practical learning. Learning to play musical
instruments is given to students in band
extracurricular activities, which are only the basics in
playing music and getting to know the musical
instruments used to play the band. Theory learning is
given to students who first hold a band instrument.
Theoretical learning for beginners is also intended to
see students who have more abilities than other
beginner students. This is done to determine students
who will play band musical instruments such as
guitar, bass, drums, or vocals.
Learning the practice of the band is done in
practice together with playing a song determined by
the coach, and if there is a mistake, the teacher
immediately gives direction. The teacher also frees
teaching participants to choose the songs that will be
played when the band learning takes place. Practical
learning together can also train cohesiveness in a
team and hone the sensitivity of students to know
where the mistakes are afterwards; students can
improve them. Extra band learning takes place for one
semester consisting of 12 times face to face. In 1
semester divided into three stages. In stage 1 consists
of the 1st meeting until the 4th meeting to discuss the
first song, stage 2 consists of the 5th meeting to the
8th meeting for the second song discussion, while
stage 3 consists of the 9th to 12th meetings to discuss
the third song. At the final stage or the exam is held
after the meeting is completed.
3.3 Band Extracurricular Learning
After the band music, extracurricular activities
process was held, there were three fundamental
findings related to musical aspects, namely
constraints, solutions to learning outcomes. The
results of extracurricular learning are then evaluated
through examination activities. The three
fundamental findings related to musical aspects are
respectively in group 1 consisting of 5 students
extracurricular band activities, each student holding
musical instruments is Ngalim on guitar, Fitri on
vocals, Habib on guitar 2, Hafid on drums, and tough
on guitars 3. Constraints that exist in this group 1 are
the tempo of the song is often not right and
occasionally fast. In students who play musical
instruments drum tempo that is played too fast and not
right, so the song played is not fun to play. The
solution in group 1 is that the teacher provides
direction and guidance with demonstration methods
and drill methods in playing a song on a drum
instrument. Learning outcomes in group 1 show that
playing music must be able to regulate the rhythm
pattern and can adjust cohesiveness. In a group, 1,
music games are good enough to play music together.
In group 2 which consisted of 5 students
extracurricular band activities, each student holding a
musical instrument was Wunglen on guitar, Indah on
vocals, Yeremi on guitar 2, Rendy on drums, and
Dihan on guitar 3. Constraints in group 2 that is, the
students who held the role of vocal when singing the
song somewhat false. However, the song delivered
can adjust the pitch of the sound. The solution for this
group 2 is that the teacher guides students who are
less fit to sing by playing back songs played with
mobile media and laptops to display Mp3. The
learning results in group 2, which are music games,
are quite good at playing music together. In group 2,