ole of MIDI Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process
of Flute Practice at ISI Yogyakarta
Tri Wahyu Widodo, Andre Indrawan, and Suryati
Institute Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Jl. Parangtritis Km 6.5 Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: MIDI, accompaniment instrument, flute practice.
Abstract: Research on the application of MIDI technology as the accompanying music media illustrates that MIDI
technology is essential in helping music practice, in this article provides a case study of MIDI technology as
one of the companions in the practice of flutes. The need for accompanying musical instruments is needed for
students, especially high-level students in the process of learning musical instruments. MIDI technology is
now elementary to find in various digital musical instruments, such as keyboards and synthesizers, to make it
easier for students to get accompaniment instruments. MIDI technology can store data in the form of sound
data from acoustic instruments, so musicians can easily use it. The ability of MIDI technology that is owned
can undoubtedly be utilised in the process of learning music. MIDI technology applications are more likely
to be used as instruments or additional friends. So that MIDI applications function as accompaniment music
instruments. Through MIDI data that is easily modified or processed, MIDI can be applied in flute practice.
One form of MIDI modification is replacing the sound produced. MIDI data that causes piano sound can be
changed with other sounds, such as violins, string instruments. Besides the speed or tempo of the song, MIDI
data can be easily changed. MIDI data processing helps students to practices flute training. The method of
utilising MIDI technology as a companion instrument is carried out in the learning process of flute practice.
Utilising MIDI technology, it is concluded that students who have low practice skills quickly follow playing
the flute instrument.
Technology is evidence of the development of human
activity. Technology has an impact on the pace of
human life. Also, technology is evidence that the
progress of the level of human civilisation, both
individuals and groups of people to a country.
Humans will always find solutions, completing
routine tasks. Electronics is one of the fruits of the
technology that exists. We have seen that electronics
developed rapidly after replacing mechanical
technology using electricity. After the discovery of
electric power, discoveries from the discovery of
assistive devices for human creativity emerged with
each other, such as lights to telecommunications
(Sasso, 2013).
Electronic technology is overgrowing to date,
namely computing technology. The beginning of
computing technology used a mechanical system
which later developed using an electric power system.
Through the development of energy from mechanics
to electricity, computational technology transforms
the system into digital technology. Although
electricity remains a significant driving force to date.
With the invention of computing systems with digital
technology, then through digital computer
technology, a technology with highly sophisticated
artificial intelligence has emerged. Computer
technology that has artificial intelligence or AI has a
significant impact on the activities of life and habits
of human activity (Duan, Zhang, Roe, & Towsey,
2014). MIDI is one of the results of the development
of digital computer technology.
MIDI technology emerged in the 1980s over the
anxiety of various musicians in using different
electronic music instruments manufacturers (Yelton,
2015). Musicians who will use various producers of
digital music instruments have communication
problems, so that musicians get difficulties in the
creative process of the musical. Substantial in 1985,
an agreement emerged that every producer must have
a standard of communication between digital music
instruments. The communication standard between
electronic instruments made various manufacturers,
Widodo, T., Indrawan, A. and Suryati, .
The Role of MIDI Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process of Flute Practice at ISI Yogyakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0008766104280434
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities (ICONARTIES 2019), pages 428-434
ISBN: 978-989-758-450-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
namely the standard of communication between
digital musical instruments. The communication
barrier between digital music instruments is called
MIDI (Valenzuela, 2015). Since the development of
the standardisation of communication between
electronic musical instruments from each
manufacturer has emerged, users of MIDI technology
will quickly take advantage of digital music
instruments. Besides that, it also has an impact on
effectiveness in musical work.
MIDI is currently widely used by musicians both
for composition and performance. MIDI stands for
Musical Instrument Digital Interface. The emergence
of MIDI technology has become an evolution from
the way musicians are creative in music. The use of
MIDI technology is now also used for the teaching
and learning process (Wahyu Widodo, 2013), both
teaching classically and practically. Utilising MIDI
technology for the teaching and learning process has
a good impact. It has also been much research that
reveals the benefits of midi technology. The role and
function of MIDI technology as instructional media
emerged in the results of the research conducted by
the author, namely in a study of the role of MIDI
technology in the practice of flute. The study shows
that MIDI technology plays a role in the teaching and
learning process of flute instrument practice. In this
case, the MIDI function is used to accompany each
flute practice. In the learning process, the practice of
the flute has an impact on students and teachers. The
effectiveness of students in understanding music
through MIDI can provide a temporary picture of the
scores that will be played. In this article, it also
presents problems that limit the use of MIDI
technology. This becomes the basis of the problems
that need to be revealed the extent of MIDI's roles and
functions and limits the discussion about the role and
function of MIDI technology as a teaching medium.
Therefore, before a more in-depth discussion of the
role and functions of MIDI as a teaching media
requires a brief understanding of MIDI technology.
MIDI technology is digital technology that is using
binary codification or using numbers 0 and 1.
Codification of the binary number is the most
important part of the message or the place of
command for digital musical instruments to
communicate. The code also does not accommodate
the sound of sampling or digital audio stored, so only
binary data is arranged in such a way that contains
commands. MIDI messages that have commands will
be forwarded to electronic instruments to be able to
emit sounds like analogue instruments. The MIDI
codification sequence is arranged specially. Code
numbers 0 and 1 represent a command that is not on
and note off (Torre, Andersen, & Bal, 2016). The
code interpreted when playing a keyboard instrument
or synthesiser by pressing the key, then a command
has been entered, and when the finger is lifted from
the key, it indicates a command stops. The MIDI
codification command is not only 0 and 1, but the
displacement of numbers 0 and 1 in a group of binary
numbers. A group of binary numbers in MIDI are
called bytes. In one byte consists of eight digits
between 0 or 1. The following is an overview of MIDI
data (Huber, 2007: 14-16).
Figure 1 MIDI Data (Source: The MIDI Manual p.14)
MIDI will feel strange and confusing in applying
for musical activities at first. Indeed, a little
knowledge of technology needs to be attached to the
joints of life, especially MIDI technology. Although
computer technology is not a foreign item, there are
still many people or art teachers who do not
understand how to apply digital computer technology.
This phenomenon also appears in using technology
that enabled the learning process of music. Not many
teachers know that MIDI technology will provide
many benefits to the learning process. Questions in
using MIDI technology applications provide author
references as part of the problem addressed in this
article. Also, the issue of utilising digital computer
technology in this case MIDI technology is included
in the author's research on the phenomenon of MIDI
utilisation used in the flute practice process at the
Music Department of the Performing Arts Faculty of
the Yogyakarta Institute of Arts in 2017-2018. In this
study revealed how the process and application of
MIDI technology to students practice the flute.
Through this research, it was revealed that MIDI
provides a significant benefit in the learning process
of flute practice. Students who will learn a piece of
music are helped by the music that will be delivered.
Also, students can learn independently with MIDI
technology using various electronic media that have
MIDI technology support. Students can use
smartphone technology to play the music that has
been converted into MIDI digital data. Also, students
can use digital musical instruments that have MIDI
technology support, such as keyboard synthesisers,
laptops, personal computers or personal computers
The Role of MIDI Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process of Flute Practice at ISI Yogyakarta
(PCs) or tablets. All of these technologies are
currently very supportive of being able to use MIDI
technology. Apart from the technological capabilities
of the hardware or hardware, software or software is
also growing very rapidly and increasingly
MIDI will feel strange and confusing in applying
for musical activities at first. Indeed, a little
knowledge of technology needs to be attached to the
joints of life, especially MIDI technology. Although
computer technology is not a foreign item, there are
still many people or art teachers who do not
understand how to apply digital computer technology.
This phenomenon also appears in using technology
that is enabled in the learning process of music. Not
many teachers know that MIDI technology will
provide many benefits to the learning process.
Questions in using MIDI technology applications
provide author references as part of the problem
addressed in this article. Also, the issue of utilising
digital computer technology in this case MIDI
technology is included in the author's research on the
phenomenon of MIDI utilisation used in the flute
practice process at the Music Department of the
Performing Arts Faculty of the Yogyakarta Institute
of Arts in 2017-2018. In this study revealed how the
process and application of MIDI technology to
students practice the flute. Through this research, it
was revealed that MIDI provides a significant benefit
in the learning process of flute practice. Students who
will learn a piece of music are helped by the music
that will be delivered. Also, students can learn
independently with MIDI technology using various
electronic media that have MIDI technology support.
Students can use smartphone technology to play the
music that has been converted into MIDI digital data.
Also, students can use digital musical instruments
that have MIDI technology support, such as keyboard
synthesisers, laptops, personal computers or personal
computers (PCs) or tablets. All of these technologies
are currently very supportive of being able to use
MIDI technology. Apart from the technological
capabilities of the hardware or hardware, software or
software is also growing very rapidly and
increasingly intelligent.
Some applications for personal computers, such
as Sibelius Music Note, Finale, Encore, and all
computer programs based on analogue and digital
sound processing have supported MIDI technology.
Electronic music devices such as keyboard
synthesisers and Sound Modules are also supported
by MIDI technology. By the development of digital
technology, electronic devices for music are
increasingly compact or portable. Namely, a digital
electronic music device that can be carried
everywhere and lightly. Unlike the previous musical
instrument technology. Technology that is easily
found at this time is smart technology or smart
technology. This means that with small hardware in it
there are quite complete facilities. Tablets or
smartphones have very often encountered every
human activity. So that using MIDI technology is
certainly not complicated. As explained above, MIDI
technology already exists, both in terms of hardware
and software. However, MIDI technology does not
work if the user or user does not know or use the
technology, so it cannot use the MIDI technology.
Various music education institutions have used MIDI
technology for the learning and teaching process like
Yamaha music education institutions and other non-
formal music education institutions that have utilised
the technology.
2.1 Computer Music Education
Computer programs that are used to help in the
teaching and learning process are very many. Before
presenting an educational music program, of course,
need to know the music program group. Computer
programs for music can be grouping into several
groups, among others, computer music programs for
processing notations or making music arrangements,
composing music, for processing print printing
notations, namely Sibelius, Encore, Finale, Music
Score. A group of music programs for processing
sound, recording, audio editing, making musical
illustration works, namely Pro Tools, Cakewalk Pro
Audio, Cubase, Nuendo. A group of music computer
programs used for education, namely screening,
SmartMusic, and many more. Computer programs for
music made almost all using MIDI technology. Some
computer programs that are often used for music
activities are the notation writing application
program, namely Sibelius and a sound processing
program (Wahyu Widodo, 2015). The following
division in computer programs for music according to
the author through observation in various literature
and based on users in general.
Figure 2. Chart of the division of computer programs
All computer music programs are supported by MIDI
technology, so exchanging files between computer
ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities
programs with different manufacturers is still legible.
Computer programs for music also not only
developed for a personal computer but also extended
to smartphone or smartphone technology. Various
forms and functions of music application programs
already exist. Just keep in mind that the music
application program on a smartphone is not as good
as a personal computer. The functions of music
programs are on smart telephones on average as
music players, simple sound recorders, and
straightforward information applications. The
computer programs on smartphones include: music
player groups: Music Player, MP3Player, JOOX,
SoundCloud, MIDI Player; audio processing group:
WavePad Audio Editor, SingPlay, n-Track Studio;
educational group: Guitar Offline chord, RealDrum,
RealGuitar, Tuner, Metronome, Flute, Midi Sheet
Music, MIDI Sequencer, and many more.
Reviewing MIDI technology as a teaching
medium refers to the development of computational
technology, which is currently developing very
rapidly. The learning process and the current model
are not free from the effects of computing technology.
Computational technology, which has digital
technology with a high level of intelligence is
increasingly easy to use. Through computer
technology that has high capabilities, it is very
necessary to be used for the process of learning
music, especially the practice of musical instruments
such as flutes. Current computer technology in MIDI
already exists in various electronic devices.
Electronic devices have digital computer technology
on musical instruments, such as keyboards, electric
pianos, MIDI wind instruments, and others.
MIDI technology, as part of a tool in the learning
process in both formal and informal education
institutions, is already underway like the Yamaha
educational institutions. MIDI technology, as a tool
or tool, has an impact on effectiveness in the learning
process (Reese, 2002). Also, according to Reese,
MIDI can be used for creative students to compose
music. This becomes interesting if students can learn
musical instruments, such as making musical
accompaniment according to their skills. The
reference sources for the study in using MIDI
technology refer to various literature studies such as
journals, books, literature, seminar results or research
at home and abroad. In this case, the results of studies
or research that publish about the process of music
practice. Along with the development of digital
computer culture and technology, the learning
process developed. The process of learning music
practice, which was initially based manually into a
more interactive and communicative for the learning
process. The process of learning to use computer
technology media is still a lot with the slogan learn by
doing. Learn by doing is meant that every computer
user always learns from using self-taught MIDI
computer technology. MIDI technology is
fundamental to do because learning the art of music
is not only learning in conjunctive but motoric and
2.2 Technology in Educations
Learning related to technology can indeed be
measured, among others, through performance in
terms of understanding (understanding), mastering
theory, analytical skills and problem-solving, skills in
using tools and understanding routine work
procedures, ability to research natural resources, and
communication skills (Djanali, 2005). Social science,
including music, cannot be separate from Supeno
Djanali's thoughts. Through computing technology
students who take practical lessons can more easily
understand, master and be skilled in using computer
technology to assist in the process of learning music
practice. In the New Paradigm of Higher Education in
Indonesia (2005) also shows that the learning process
must be innovative and follow the latest technological
developments, namely using the CAL (Computer
Aided Learning) system (Naiming, Shudong, Ye, &
Liming, 2009). It is intended that utilising computer
technology and software to assist the learning process
of the practice of musical instruments.
A prospective musician needs a sound source to
get a picture of the shape of musical artwork. Through
computing technology, Peter Manning in the book
Electronic and Computer Music explained that
computing technology which currently has good
artificial intelligence, it is not difficult to realise
sounds that are similar to the original (Manning,
2004). So the sound becomes the primary and
important source in this research. Through sound
sources that are digitally processed, it will make it
easier for a musician or group of musicians. The ease
shown by digital sound is explained a lot in the mind
of Peter Manning.
The learning model uses computer technology
through a preliminary study that starts from the
problems of each student in the learning process on
accompanying or accompanying instruments.
Companion instruments are usually called
accompaniment instruments. Accompaniment
The Role of MIDI Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process of Flute Practice at ISI Yogyakarta
instruments are needed in various activities playing
musical instruments. However, the need for
accompaniment instruments cannot meet every
student in obtaining accompaniment instruments.
Case studies of difficulties in using accompaniment
instruments are generally used when students carry
out exam assignments in instrument practice courses.
Every student must fight to get the best piano
accompaniment instruments. Getting a good piano
player is very difficult. There are not many students
in classical piano instruments. Seeing these problems
certainly must get a solution for the needs of
accompaniment instruments. The fulfilment of
accompaniment instruments is also not only when
students carry out music practice examination
assignments, but also the need for accompanying
instruments to practice routine music practice. This
encourages an idea of how to use technology that is
currently developing very rapidly and is balanced
with artificial intelligence, namely computational
technology. The use of computational technology
makes it possible to answer the problems experienced
by students, even though MIDI technology from the
computing technology section still has weaknesses.
MIDI technology is a system in computer
technology that has the ability as a communication
channel between digital electronic instruments that
currently exist in various electronic musical
instruments (Loy, 1985). Using MIDI technology will
undoubtedly provide a solution to the problems that
arise. MIDI technology can be processed into a
companion instrument so that every music player can
take advantage of the practice of the instrument to the
show. This is shown from the writings of Yoemun
Yun and Si-Ho Cha in a Designing Journal Virtual
Instruments for Computer Music. MIDI has a
fundamental principle that is universal and easy to
develop so that a composer and music player can be
helped in the process of creativity in creating music
(Yun & Cha, 2013: 172).
Utilising and applying MIDI technology in the
music teaching process will certainly be complicated.
This happens if we do not know MIDI technology yet.
Studying technology is certainly the most thing and
rarely pays attention to reading manuals or manuals.
A phenomenon occurs when studying technology
usually applies legal trial and error learning. This
method often occurs and is done by every user of
computing technology today. Behaviour encountered
by the author in using smart technology, one of which
uses computer programs such as laptops, tablets and
smartphones. The use of technology by trial and error
is also not wrong, but it would be better if using MIDI
technology a little to understand the basic concepts of
MIDI technology. To find out the basic concepts of
MIDI has also been briefly presented in the
introduction to this article. The process of chasing in
making musical arrangements using application
programs or software in articles written by the author
shows that MIDI serves as a teaching media and
provides an illustration that MIDI can be used for
teaching media (Wahyu Widodo, 2015). The
connection of MIDI technology with computer
application software programs has been integrated
into it.
The realisation of the role of MIDI and its
function in utilising MIDI technology is supported by
data from studies conducted by the author relating to
the teaching process of the practice of flute
instruments. Refusing from the teaching process, the
practice of music found various problems in
providing teaching materials in music practice,
especially flute training. The most emerging problem
is the instrument that accompanies it in each exercise.
To get a complete musical accompaniment is not
easy. Music material is needed by players who have
higher skills than the instruments that will be
accompanied. Departing the problem of assistance in
the process of teaching music practice requires a
solution that can help in activities. Data that can be
taken using MIDI technology for learning media,
namely students who take lectures on the practice of
flute instruments consisting of several students by
presenting musical works that vary according to the
level of ability of students. The data obtained is to use
student responses at the end of the teaching process
before and after using MIDI technology (Wahyu
Widodo, 2017).
MIDI technology is a digital technology that is
currently easy to find. Since the development of
digital technology has grown rapidly, almost all MIDI
technologies are embedded in electronic media.
Today's electronic media is not only on keyboard
instruments but also on many other instruments, such
as wind instruments, guitars, pianos, computers,
smartphones, and much more. MIDI technology that
is easily found in the educational environment, it will
be very supportive in the teaching process.
The teaching process using electronic media that
has MIDI technology requires stages. These stages
will be constructive in music practice activities.
Every music practice certainly requires planning
activities to practice flute music, such as teaching
materials. Using MIDI technology in the learning
process of flute instrument practice becomes a tool
for instructors and trainees to be able to understand
the material of the music to be learned. Through this
technology, it also raises quite a large number of class
ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities
actions that have been done manually, which are then
carried out interactively. This can be shown in an
article by Petri Toiviainen, which states that MIDI
technology provides a positive reputation for
education (Toiviainen, 1998). This opinion also
supports the research of MIDI functions in the flute
practice teaching process.
MIDI is a technology that changes the activity of
music art. Music activities that allow from music
activity manually. Of course MIDI technology also
still has disadvantages. A composer or songwriter has
yet to get a vote from work made manually, but
through MIDI technology a composer can answer the
problem. The form of sound that can be heard is from
one of the advantages of MIDI technology. Through
MIDI technology that can carry messages on
electronic devices to transmit stored sound and
control electronic music instruments. MIDI is silent,
but only messages are instructed from users to
electronic instruments, then electronic instruments
display messages. The sound contained in electronic
instruments is audio recording converted to digital
audio. Analog sound that is converted into digital
sound becomes the primary medium for music
activity. The advantages of digital sound are sounds
that can be processed in such a way as the user
desires. Digital noise carried out through instructions
from MIDI messages is very small audio files
capacity, so MIDI data has a small capacity. Besides
that, MIDI also has several channels that function as
sound lines that are located. MIDI consists of 16
channels consisting of 15 channels for melodic digital
sound and channel number 10 used for percussion
sounds. Also, MIDI has data control facilities, such as
volume, Pan, Velocity, and others.
The results of MIDI data provide excellent
benefits to help those in the music field. This is also
used in MIDI as a teaching medium. Through the
research conducted by the author, the role of MIDI
technology in the process of practising flute music is
very supportive in discussing the role and function of
MIDI as a teaching medium. Students who take part
in the research also give a good response, which
utilises MIDI technology is very helpful in the
process of practising musical instruments. Another
benefit of MIDI technology as instrumental
accompaniment is that students can control the level
of difficulty of the work to be played. The level of
difficulty in a musical instrument is usually referred
to as a class. Music works that are converted in the
form of digital data can be easily controlled, that is by
adjusting the speed or level of the metronome. This
metronome is also a function of MIDI technology.
When associated with teaching media, an instructor
will be assisted in supervising and guiding students to
play music. Tempo can be arranged easily without
significant difficulties. A teacher only needs
supporting electronic media such as personal
computers, laptops, or smartphones, and active
speakers. Also, the MIDI function is a medium to
accompany musical instrument practices. MIDI
technology that is a partner in the practice of playing
musical instruments is already quite widely used
non-formal schools such as Yamaha, Suzuki, and
other music education institutions. The MIDI
function as a teaching medium and acts as a
companion in the teaching and learning process has
also been carried out by the author in the teaching
process to date. Besides MIDI technology plays a role
in the learning process of the practice of musical
instruments, which are used in the learning process of
teaching music theory, solfeggio, making
arrangements or composition, and other musical
activities. Utilisation in MIDI technology provides a
solution or helps in a variety of musical activities;
therefore, MIDI has a role and function that is good
when used as a medium of teaching.
MIDI has small data but has sophisticated
capabilities. MIDI does not only function to exchange
data between electronic musical instruments, but the
role of MIDI is very supportive in music activities.
Music activities cannot only accompany, but MIDI
can also function as a teaching medium. MIDI
capabilities that can be processed in such a way as
voice data so that instructors will easily use this
technology. Then adjusting the speed of sound of a
piece of music using MIDI technology provides a
significant role for the flexibility of the user to
function as a medium of teaching. MIDI technology
can also bring up music data in the form of written
notation so that if used for teaching and learning the
making of compositions or musical arrangements is
very supportive. MIDI data can be opened using a
program to write notations. Through the above
explanation as a whole, MIDI technology is very
useful if it is used for the teaching and learning
process both at the elementary level to the college
level. The suggestion in this article is that
increasingly sophisticated technology now needs to
function positively to support teaching and learning
activities, such as utilising MIDI technology in the
learning process. It takes the role of educational
institutions to support every teacher using MIDI
technology to be very important.
The Role of MIDI Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process of Flute Practice at ISI Yogyakarta
The writing of this article is based on the results of
research and funding from the Kemenristekdikti
DRPM in 2017-2018.
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ICONARTIES 2019 - 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities