Illicium verum Essential Oil as Antibacterial Agent
Rizki Damayanti
, Tamrin
, Eddyanto
and Zul Alfian
Postgraduate Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Bioteknologi No. 1 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Bioteknologi No. 1, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan,
Medan, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry Universitas Serambi mekkah, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Essential Oils, Illicium verum, Antibacterial, Density, Bias Index.
Abstract: This aim of this research was to determine the main compounds, physico-chemical properties and the
potential of Illcium verum essential oils as antibacterial agent. Essential oil was obtained by steam
distillation of dried sample method. The yield of distillation of 500 grams of Illcium verum dry sample was
1.8% with physico-chemical properties of specific gravity 0.978 gr / mL and index of refraction 1.3284. The
results of volatile oil characterization using GC-MS showed that the main compounds contained were
anetols (97.03%). The anti-bacterial test results for gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) and
negative Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria indicate that Illcium verum essential oil has the potential as an
Illicium verum called star anise is an aromatherapy
plant containing essential oils (Figure 1). Illicium
verum is usually used for spices. Europe in the 17th
century introduced Illicium verum as a spice. The
Illicium verum plant originated in southern China
and North Vietnam, then grew exclusively in South
China, Indonesia and Japan. Essential oils are
obtained using the steam distillation method
(Morton, 2004).
Figure 1: Illicium verum.
Vietnam produces more than 2000 tons of star
anise seeds per year. Around 1600 tons of seeds
were exported to Cuba, China and Soviet Taiwan. In
addition, 200-250 tons of essential oil were sent to
France and Czechoslovakia (de Beer, 1993). In 2002
the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic was
very useful for food and medicine (Morton, 2004).
From this explanation, it shows that this plant is
very good as a basic product for commercial
This article informs the main components, the
physical properties of the essential oils of Illicium
verum, and also informs that the essential oils of
Illcium verum have the potential as antibacterial.
Antibacterial tests were tested on gram positive (S.
aureus) and negative (E. coli) bacteria. S. aureus is
one of the microbial pathogens which is often
positive in food (Octaviantris, 2007). Food sources
of S. aureus contamination that cause epidemics are
pork, bread products, beef, turkey, chicken and eggs.
The Gram negative bacteria used are E. coli bacteria,
usually these bacteria are often found in food,
sewage disposal, human digestive tracts, household
appliances. Selection of E. coli and S. aureus
bacteria in bacterial tests because their growth is
very fast and easy to handle (Octaviantaris, 2007).
Damayanti, R., Tamrin, ., Eddyanto, . and Alfian, Z.
Illicium verum Essential Oil as Antibacterial Agent.
DOI: 10.5220/0008855200960099
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation (ICOCSTI 2019), pages 96-99
ISBN: 978-989-758-415-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Materials
The material used by Illicium verum obtained from
the Pancing market, Medan, North Sumatra,
aquades. The tools used are distillation stahl, scales,
picnometers, refractometers, glassware and Gas
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
2.2 Methods
The Illicium verum was dried gradually 500g
each distillation) and put into Dean-Stark distillator.
The sample and distillate water ratio was 1: 2, then
the sample was evaporated for 6 hours at a
temperature of 100-105
C. Some amount of
anhydrous Na
was added to obtained essential
oils. The produced essential oils were analyzed for
yield, specific gravity, refractive index (SNI 06-
2385-2006), and characterization of the main
chemical compounds in Illicium verum using Gas
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
(Shimadzu-Qp- 505). Then, the obtained essential
oil was tested against S. aureus and E. coli to
measure its activity as antibacterial agent.
3.1 Yield Percentage and Physical
Properties of Atsiri Oil
The yield percentage of the isolated essential oils
from 500 g of dried sample Illicium verum was 1.8%
v/w. The physical properties of Illicium verum
essential oil was yellowish and has a distinctive odor
(Figure 2). In the previous research that conducted
by Gholivand et al. (2009) reported that the dried
Illicium verum contained 8 to 12% of essential oil.
The physicochemical properties of essential oils that
produced in this study has specific gravity of 0.978
gr / mL and index of refraction of 1.3284.
Figure 2: Essential oil of Illicium verum.
3.2 Chemical Compounds of Illicium
verum Essential Oil
The main compounds in essential oils are terpenoids,
which consist of monoterpenes with the range of
boiling points 140-180°C, and sesquiterpene with
boiling points above 200°C (Harborne 1987). The
compound that presence in Illicium verum essential
oil was characterized using GC-MS (Figure 3). The
GC-MS results of the Illicium verum essential oils
showed that the main components were anethol
(97.03%) and estragola (1.58%). This is in according
with the result of Dwivedy et al. (2018) that the
main components in Illicium verum are anetol
(89.12%) and estragola (4.86%).
This distinguish was caused by the differences in
the harvest age, storage, variety, and geographical
location (Sivasothy et al. 2011). Bermawie et al.,
(2008) also stated that the differences in the results
of the amount of substances formed in plants can be
influenced by several factors including
environmental and geographical factors.
Figure 3: Chromatogram of essential oils.
The structure of the dominant compounds in
the essential oils of Illicium verum is presented in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Structure of anethol and estragola.
Anethol is a compound that responsible for the
distinctive aroma of Illicium verum essential oil.
Mass chromatogram based on the Wiley data base
Illicium verum Essential Oil as Antibacterial Agent
(Figure 5) shows that anetol has an SI value: 97 with
molecular weight 148 (Figure 6) corresponding to
the molecular weight of anethol (C
O). The base
peak m/z 148 is the typical base peak for anethol,
because anethol is stabilized by resonance. Fraction
with m/z 117 is produced by the release of H and O
= CH
Figure 5: Anetol chromatogram based on the Wiley
Figure 6: Proposed Fragmentation Pattern of Anethol
Compounds (Kusumaningsih, 2004).
3.3 Antibacterial Activities of Illicium
verum Essential Oil
The antibacterial activity of Illicium verum againts
E. coli and S. aureus was performed using disc paper
method. The diameter of the inhibition zone is an
indication of the sensitivity of the testing bacteria,
with the greater the inhibition zone, the antibacterial
activity has better antibacterial activity (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Zone of Inhibition againt (a) E. coli and (b) S.
E. coli is one of the bacteria that used in this
study and classified as gram negative bacteria. Gram
negative bacteria have better resistance to
antimicrobial compounds compared to gram-positive
bacteria, according to Zuhud's opinion (Zuhud,
The inhibitory categories are grouped into three
based on inhibition diameter, i.e. (i) 0-3 mm is weak
category, (ii) 3-6 mm is moderate category, and (iii)
>6 mm is strong category. A material is said to have
strong antibacterial activity if the diameter is greater
or equal to 6 mm (Suciati et al., 2012).
The inhibitory value of Illicium verum essential
oil against E. coli and S. aureus respectively 0.8 mm
& 1.45 mm. This shows that essential oils of Illicium
verum against E. coli and S. aureus have the
potential as antibacterial .
The yield percentage of 500 grams of dried sample
Illcium verum is 1.8%. The physicochemical
properties of Illicium verum essensial oils, i.e.
specific gravity of 0.978 gr / mL and index of
refraction 1.3284. The main compounds that
contained in Illcium verum essential oils are anetol
(97.03%) and Estragol (1.58%). Illicium verum
essential oils against E. coli and S. aureus have the
potential as antibacterial.
The author thanks to BUDI-DN for the financial
support to perform the research.
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Illicium verum Essential Oil as Antibacterial Agent