Event-triggered Observers-based Output Feedback H∞ Control for
Linear Time-invariant Systems with Quantization
Yuecheng Huang
1, a
and Dongbing Tong
1, b
College of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China
College of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China
Keywords: Time-invariant linear systems, H∞ control, event-triggered mechanism, quantization, observer, periodical
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the H∞ output feedback control for linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with
the quantization to realize the operation optimization of a microgrid (MG). Meanwhile, a novel event-
triggered mechanism is introduced to reduce the number of control signals. Furthermore, a model of
observer which is based on the event-triggered mechanism is proposed to verify the synchronization of LTI
systems. Based on this model, a criteria which is derived from linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) is provided
such that the system performance can be ensured. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the
effectiveness of the results.
With the increase in power demand and the shortage
of fossil fuels, the renewable energy (RES) and
batteries are combined to achieve power generation.
The combination which contains RES and batteries,
is called as the microgrid (MG). The MG can realize
the flexible application of the distributed power and
solve the problem of massive loads. However, the
performance of the MG can be disturbed by many
factors. Decisive factors for the stable operation of
the MG are power outputs, loads and prices. In
addition, many factors are uncertain, such as the
weather, the peak electricity consumption and
random events. These uncertainties can affect the
performance of the MG. Thus, the optimal
scheduling can’t be obtained to achieve the
economic operation. According to the literature (A.
D. Dominguez-Garcia, 2009), the model of the MG
can be transformed into LTI systems (C. A. Desoer,
1968) which are used to study the problem with
uncertainties. Thus, LTI systems are used in this
paper to analyze the performance of the MG.
Although LTI systems have been introduced to
measure the operation state of the MG, the data,
which is inside the system, is difficult to be
accurately measured due to the complexity in the
MG. Thus, the observer is proposed to solve the
difficulty of measuring the internal data. Nowadays,
observers-based LTI systems have been studied
extensively in different fields, such as the digital
image processing (J. Alonsomontesinos, 2015) and
the electric automatization (G. Bertotti, 1991). Due
to the greatly potential effect in analyzing the
internal data, some preliminary results have been
reported. For instance, the problem of the observers-
based circuit is studied by linear matrix inequalities
(LMIs) in literature (A. D. Dominguez-Garcia,
2009). After that, many literatures, which study the
state estimation by LMIs, have been proposed, such
as the state estimation with mixed interval time-
varying delays (F. Perez-Gonzalez, 2008), (Z. M.
Zhang, 2019), the fault detection and isolate for
observers-based linear systems (S.Hajshirmohamadi,
2016) and so on. Consequently, the observer is of
great value to investigate the internal working
In actual circuit measurements, the real-time
scheduling can not be achieved due to uncertainties.
In this paper, an event-triggered mechanism is
provided to filter uncertainties in order to obtain
appropriate current signals. The event-triggered
mechanism is executed when the predefined event
occurs. Current signals, which are not satisfied the
predefined event, will be filtered. Thus, an effective
method is provided to disperse the execution of tasks,
namely the event-triggered mechanism only works
Huang, Y. and Tong, D.
Event-triggered Observers-based Output Feedback H Control for Linear Time-invariant Systems with Quantization.
DOI: 10.5220/0008855603670372
In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ICVMEE 2019), pages 367-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-412-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved