models. The results are compared as shown in Table
Table 5. The contact forces calculated with different
Error with exhaustive
Model proposed
in this paper
Optimized ZMC
Contact Model
Iida exhaustive
contact model
According to the calculation result, the fitting
model proposed in this paper is basically consistent
with the exhaustive model. Meanwhile, it can be
found that the model without considering the
interaction will produce great errors.
In this paper, the traditional micro-contact model of
rough surfaces is optimized in order to consider the
accuracy and efficiency of calculation compre-
hensively. The deformation distribution law of
asperities considering interaction is studied by using
Iida exhaustive model. Fitting function is established
to describe the distribution of asperities under micro-
interaction through data analysis. Therefore, a new
contact model of rough surfaces is proposed.
Compared with the optimized ZMC model and Iida
exhaustive model, the correctness of the proposed
model and the non-negligibility of the interaction are
The work was supported by 2017 Science and
Technology Support Plan of Nanjing Jiangsu China
(Grant No. 201701213) and 2018 Science and
Technology Support Plan of Yunnan China (Grant
No. 2018IC30).
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ICVMEE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering