culture as a marking system through which the
social order is communicated.
In addition to his interest in structuralism text
analysis, Eco also combines openness, ambiguity,
and reader. Umberto Eco said: "The author must
strive so that the potential passwords he believes can
be captured by prospective readers. The author must
be able to understand the prospective readers "(Eco,
1984 in Sutrisno, 2005: 202). Eco distinguishes
between closed text and open text. Closed texts
usually do not have alternative interpretations, while
open texts are deliberately designed to give way to
the emergence of multiple interpretations
(polysemic). The main characteristic of the text is
ambiguity, irony, and complexity.
There are three things concerning the role of the
reader, namely;
1. Semiotic codes and narrative codes are not
merely the result of logical or transcendental
cultural grammar, but rather the result of
textual strategies where the author tries to
communicate with the reader.
2. The reader has the freedom to interpret. In
examining the construction of meaning, it
must also be observed the cultural code of the
3. The text will vary according to what is
expected to close the reader's freedom of
interpretation. (Sutrisno, 2005: 202).
2.2 The Theory of Lie
“Semiotics is in principle the discipline studying
everything which can be used in order to lie” (Eco,
1979: 7).
"If something cannot be used to express a lie, on
the contrary it cannot be used to reveal the truth: it
cannot in fact be used to" express "anything."
(Piliang, 2003: 45)
According to Umberto Eco, the sign system is a
cultural entity, that is the result of human
construction. This allows the mark to be used as the
correct delivery of information. However, the sign
can also be misused to convey a message that does
not match reality. Implicitly Eco's definition of the
theory of lies is if semiotics is a lie theory, then it is
also the theory of truth. Because, if a sign cannot be
used to reveal the truth, then it cannot also be used
to reveal lies. Thus the implicit lie theory is the truth
theory, as the word afternoon is implicit with the
word night. (Piliang, 2003:45)
Lies in the Eco perspective are not like actual
meanings, not denotative meanings, but intelligent
lies (Milan Kundera 1990 referred to as Imagology)
carried out by people who are experts in
communication such as; mass media, advertising,
film industry, etc. This is in line with Jean
Boudrillard's theory of hypertension (figure of
postmodernism). According to Baudrillard, hyper
reality is the world of simulacrum and reality
distortion where production and games are free of
signs so that signs of loss of contact with reality are
represented, where reality has been replaced by false
images. In this way, something imaginary can be
made real (Eco, 2009 at the reviewer Sugeng P.
Syahrie). Denotative lies say or write something we
know is not valid; in other words, the sign is not in
accordance with reality.
3.1 Analysis based on Communication
An example of a lie in Eco's perspective is Sasha's
toothpaste advertisement, which promotes Islamic
religious elements, namely siwak raw material. The
tag line "Pancaran aura Islami" and the time of
pilgrimage is a sentence that is identical to Islam. In
addition to the brand Ambassador Teuku Wisnu and
Shireen Sungkar, some of the advertising stars are
all Muslim/Muslimah seen from the Muslim
clothing they use. Testimonials from users are
almost all Muslim. Based on this, it is certain that
Sasha's target market is Muslims.
Figure 3. Sasha Advertisement
Siwak, in the view of Islam, is the sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet used Siwak to
clean his teeth and mouth every time he prayed.
Sasha's marketing raises this sunnah in marketing its