Semiotic Analysis of the Lies Theory on 'Sasha' Toothpaste
Nawiroh Vera
Universitas Budi Luhur
Keywords: Semiotic, Theory of Lies, Advertisement
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the Sasha toothpaste advertisement that was broadcast on mass media.
Advertising is one form of communication consisting of information and ideas about a product that aims to
influence the audience to the conative stage. The author is interested in analyzing Sasha's advertisement
because there are several signs in the ad that are not in accordance with the reality in the Indonesian context,
namely the content of siwak flakes on Sasha which siwak is a tradition of brushing teeth that refers to the
Prophet Muhammad's recommendations as a sunnah. For the analysis needs of researchers using the theory
of lies Umberto Eco. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative using semiotic analysis, wherein
the semiotics the analysis focuses on the signs contained in the ad text. The results of the study indicate that
the sign conveyed in Sasha's advertisement is a false sign referring to the Eco teori. Based on observations
and analysis on Sasha toothpaste advertisements, it can be concluded that "Hijrah" and "Siwak" are signs
that can be used to lie. Even words, images can also be used to lie. This is what Umberto Eco meant by the
Theory of Lies.
Advertising is a form of persuasive communication
that aims to influence the audience to the conative
stage. The purpose of the advertiser is of course that
the products or services that are informed attract the
interest of the audience to buy or use them. Based on
this, the advertising creator set a creative strategy in
creating advertising messages.
"Advertising is a form of communication that
consists of information and ideas about a product
that is aimed at the audience simultaneously in order
to get a good reception, advertising tries to provide
information, persuade and convince" (Sudiana,
1986: 1). Many types of advertisements, each of
which has its own character. An advertisement
requires creative ideas and concepts so that the
persuasive message can be accepted by the audience.
Advertising is a form of mass communication
that not only functions as a means of promotion to
offer goods and services, but advertising has
expanded functions, which is a tool to instill
symbolic meaning through language and
visualization in advertising messages. In accordance
with its character, advertising is a portrait of reality
that exists in society so that it can spread social,
cultural, political, and so on values.
However, sometimes advertisements that appear
in the mass media do not match the actual reality,
sometimes manipulated, sometimes exaggerated.
Jean Baudrillard calls this phenomenon hyperreality,
from here comes the theory of simulacra. While
Umberto Eco issued a theory of semiotics called the
theory of lies. At first glance, these two theories are
difficult to distinguish, but the context of this theory
is indeed different.
One ad that just appeared in Indonesian mass
media in May 2019 to coincide with the month of
Ramadan is Sasha's toothpaste ad. There are several
things that the author thinks are very interesting in
this Sasha ad. The first is that this advert carries the
tagline "Sasha Pancaran Aura Islami", both of these
ads use # time to migrate. Moreover, what is
interesting is the selection of Teuku Wisnu and
Shireen Sungkar as brand ambassadors with their
Islamic appearance. The target market for this
advertisement is specifically for Muslims because
the content of toothpaste that is a selling point is
using siwak wood powder.
Based on the information from PT Kino Brand
manager, Sasha Halal Toothpaste has the superiority
Vera, N.
Semiotic Analysis of the Lies Theory on ’Sasha’ Toothpaste Advertising.
DOI: 10.5220/0008928800290033
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life (ICT4BL 2019), pages 29-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-429-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of the original Siwak flake content in each product,
it has also received halal certification. In addition to
getting a Halal certificate, Sasha's toothpaste has
also received a Halal Assurance System (SJH)
certificate. Siwak, in the view of Islamic teachings,
is a sunnah because the Prophet, according to
history, always uses siwak to clean his teeth.
Figure 1. Siwak wood
Figure 2. Sasha's toothpaste packaging
The author is interested in analyzing Sasha's
advertisement because there are several signs in the
ad that is not in accordance with reality in the
Indonesian context. For example, Siwak raw
materials derived from Ark trees are tough to find in
Indonesia, as reported in the following website
portal: Siwak or Miswak (Salvadora persica Linn.)
Is a plant that in Biology belongs to the
Salvadoracea family, and has been widely cultivated
and spread in arid regions of the world, from India in
the East stretching to the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq,
Sudan in the North, and Central Africa to Mauritania
in the West (
In order to strengthen the results of the analysis
and findings in this study, the author uses the
method of semiotic analysis to reveal the hidden
meanings displayed in this advertisement. Data is
collected from Sasha advertisements spread in the
mass media
2.1 Semiotic
One of the semiotic figures in critical thinking is
Umberto Eco. In one of his books entitled "Semiotic
Theory," Eco said that semiotics is a study that
examines the entire process of social life as a
process of communication. Eco illustrates, people
communicate through a variety of mediums, from
the clothes they wear to the homes they occupy.
From images, music, to culinary practices and even
the landscape of the City. This communication
process is called "significance." In this case, Eco
refers to Peirce's idea of the process of non-linguistic
communication, which does not require the
emergence of message senders (Eco, 2009). The
strong influence of the structuralism tradition, Eco's
view of sign theory rejects between the appearance
of signs and social practice.
The starting point underlying the theory of codes
and signs is "semiosis" (the term from Peirce) which
is infinite. "Umberto Eco's view of infinite semiosis
is related to a type of mediator in relation to the
position of the reader. infinite meaning on the other
side: The unlimited semiosis of Eco is the same as
the meaning of the Interpretant of Peirce (Lechte,
2001: 203).
The code associates language expressions with
their fields of content. Eco uses the term "code-s" to
indicate the code used according to the structure of
the language. Without code, sound or graphic signs
do not have any meaning, and in the most radical
sense do not function linguistically. Kode-s can be
"denotative" (if a statement can be understood
literally), or "connotative" (if other codes appear in
the same statement).
In the view of Umberto Eco, the code consists of
two types, namely:
- Single code, where one element system is
translated into another system. For example,
Morse code.
- The code has a context; the purpose of the
context here is social and cultural life.
Therefore, the sign can have many meanings,
meaning comes depending on the ability of the
language user or the sign system. (Lechte,
2001: 201).
Based on this, Eco concluded that all types of
cultural products are semiosis phenomena because
they contain both of these elements. Consequently,
the general theory of culture should be born from the
womb of semiotics (Eco, 2009: 38). Eco defines
ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life
culture as a marking system through which the
social order is communicated.
In addition to his interest in structuralism text
analysis, Eco also combines openness, ambiguity,
and reader. Umberto Eco said: "The author must
strive so that the potential passwords he believes can
be captured by prospective readers. The author must
be able to understand the prospective readers "(Eco,
1984 in Sutrisno, 2005: 202). Eco distinguishes
between closed text and open text. Closed texts
usually do not have alternative interpretations, while
open texts are deliberately designed to give way to
the emergence of multiple interpretations
(polysemic). The main characteristic of the text is
ambiguity, irony, and complexity.
There are three things concerning the role of the
reader, namely;
1. Semiotic codes and narrative codes are not
merely the result of logical or transcendental
cultural grammar, but rather the result of
textual strategies where the author tries to
communicate with the reader.
2. The reader has the freedom to interpret. In
examining the construction of meaning, it
must also be observed the cultural code of the
3. The text will vary according to what is
expected to close the reader's freedom of
interpretation. (Sutrisno, 2005: 202).
2.2 The Theory of Lie
“Semiotics is in principle the discipline studying
everything which can be used in order to lie” (Eco,
1979: 7).
"If something cannot be used to express a lie, on
the contrary it cannot be used to reveal the truth: it
cannot in fact be used to" express "anything."
(Piliang, 2003: 45)
According to Umberto Eco, the sign system is a
cultural entity, that is the result of human
construction. This allows the mark to be used as the
correct delivery of information. However, the sign
can also be misused to convey a message that does
not match reality. Implicitly Eco's definition of the
theory of lies is if semiotics is a lie theory, then it is
also the theory of truth. Because, if a sign cannot be
used to reveal the truth, then it cannot also be used
to reveal lies. Thus the implicit lie theory is the truth
theory, as the word afternoon is implicit with the
word night. (Piliang, 2003:45)
Lies in the Eco perspective are not like actual
meanings, not denotative meanings, but intelligent
lies (Milan Kundera 1990 referred to as Imagology)
carried out by people who are experts in
communication such as; mass media, advertising,
film industry, etc. This is in line with Jean
Boudrillard's theory of hypertension (figure of
postmodernism). According to Baudrillard, hyper
reality is the world of simulacrum and reality
distortion where production and games are free of
signs so that signs of loss of contact with reality are
represented, where reality has been replaced by false
images. In this way, something imaginary can be
made real (Eco, 2009 at the reviewer Sugeng P.
Syahrie). Denotative lies say or write something we
know is not valid; in other words, the sign is not in
accordance with reality.
3.1 Analysis based on Communication
An example of a lie in Eco's perspective is Sasha's
toothpaste advertisement, which promotes Islamic
religious elements, namely siwak raw material. The
tag line "Pancaran aura Islami" and the time of
pilgrimage is a sentence that is identical to Islam. In
addition to the brand Ambassador Teuku Wisnu and
Shireen Sungkar, some of the advertising stars are
all Muslim/Muslimah seen from the Muslim
clothing they use. Testimonials from users are
almost all Muslim. Based on this, it is certain that
Sasha's target market is Muslims.
Figure 3. Sasha Advertisement
Siwak, in the view of Islam, is the sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet used Siwak to
clean his teeth and mouth every time he prayed.
Sasha's marketing raises this sunnah in marketing its
Semiotic Analysis of the Lies Theory on ’Sasha’ Toothpaste Advertising
products. Even though history based on siwak is not
only used by Muslims, although it is closely related
to Muslim culture. This was evidenced by an article
written by Ra'ed I. Al Sadhan and Khalid Almas, he
once wrote a paper on the history of the use of siwak
which was later published in Saudi Dental Journal in
1999. In a paper entitled "Miswak (Chewing Stick):
A Cultural and Scientific Heritage" it is mentioned
that miswak or siwak has been used by Babylonians
since around 7,000 years ago. Siwak was also used
in the Greek and Roman empires. Furthermore,
Siwak is also used by Jews, ancient Egyptians and
Muslims today(
So basically not only Muslims who use siwak,
but as if the advertisement wants to say that siwak is
an Islamic culture, the prophet advocates to mate,
therefore Muslims should replace the toothpaste
used with Sasha because Sasha is one- only
toothpaste in Indonesia containing siwak wood
The people featured in the advert are public
figures whose daily appearance is identical to Islam.
The phrase "perfecting the sasha's hijrah with
bersiwak" is time for pilgrimage always put forward.
Figure 4. Sasha’s Brand Ambassadors
The reality of Islamic aura is not only visible
from a lifestyle that in this case, is the selection of
cosmetics such as toothpaste. Actual Islamic aura is
a person's daily behavior that reflects good morals as
a foundation for behaving in life.
Siwak is a tool for brushing teeth, but in this
advertisement, the siwak used is Ark wood chips and
only one part of the Sasha ingredient. To strengthen
the Islamic image, the advertisement uses
Ambassador ad shireen and Wisnu, which appear to
be in an Islamic-style fashion that is used with the
slogan "Perfect Hijrah with Sasha"
This is where the simulacrum and reality
distortion is taking place through production and the
free play of signs, so the signs of loss of contact with
reality are represented. The audience is lied to the
slogan "Hijrah with Sasha" because the real
understanding of Hijrah is not that simple. The
Hijrah referred to in this ad is because Sasha claims
that only this toothpaste is halal and is suitable for
consumption by Muslims, so let Muslims move to
use halal toothpaste. Actually, there are many other
brand kinds of toothpaste that also get halal
certificates from MUI.
Another thing to note is that Ark wood raw
material cannot grow in Indonesia because it can
only grow in hot areas such as in the desert and in
several other places. Using siwak raw materials
means that production costs are more expensive,
sold to the market is also expensive. Only certain
people want to buy. Even though Muslims in
Indonesia are not all able to use expensive
Something that is imaginary becomes apparent in
advertisements in the mass media. Signs in the form
of images, music, text-tagline are imagology in the
mass media, which Eco calls a theory of lies, or
hyperreality in baudrillard terms.
Based on observations and analysis on Sasha
toothpaste advertisements, it can be concluded that
"Hijrah" and "Siwak" are signs that can be used to
lie. Even words, images can also be used to lie. This
is what Umberto Eco meant by the Theory of Lies.
Namely the virtual world that is not in accordance
with the reality, but the results of the game signs that
can be interpreted mixed, depending on the
individuals who interpret it.
ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life
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Semiotic Analysis of the Lies Theory on ’Sasha’ Toothpaste Advertising