type of addiction caused by internet technology,
better known as Internet Addictive Dissorder. As
stated that the internet can cause addiction, one of
which is Computer Game Addiction (excessive
playing games) (Doktersehat, 2019)
Social motives are important to get an idea of the
behavior of individuals and groups David McClelland
(in Robbins, 2001) in his theory McLelland's
Achievement Motivation Theory or McClelland's
achievement motivation theory suggests that
individuals have potential energy reserves, how this
energy is released and developed depends on the
strength or motivation of individuals and situations
and opportunities available. This theory focuses on
three needs, namely the need for achievement
(achievement), the need for power (power), and
affiliate needs. Each individual has their own needs
according to their character and mindset. In its
implementation, someone who tends to have one of
the high needs on the three diastas needs will be more
suitable for one particular position in a job.
According to WHO (World Health Organization)
the first thing that can be measured from people who
are addicted to the game is from the frequency of
play, even the duration can be increased day by
day.(“5 Ciri Kecanduan Game,” n.d.) These addicts
cannot control their habit of playing games. Online
game addicts over time experience changes in
communication. The pattern of interpersonal
communication also changes. Initially
communication was carried out directly in "internet
cafes" but now communication patterns are carried
out through chat rooms. Starting from making game
tactics, choosing playmates, and conveying
everything about the game through other apps.
Communication patterns that occur based on the
results of observations and interviews with
informants are 5 All Channel Communication
Networks or Patterns the All Channel pattern is a
pattern that has open channels, so this pattern allows
everyone to communicate with anyone, this pattern is
the most flexible pattern. Each other is free to express
what they choose to be heroes. They fight each other
in the chat room if they are having trouble facing the
enemy. They are also free to comment on the skills
and tactics used by each other. So, no one is the most
powerful or most in control in terms of interpersonal
communication. Before playing they first do
interpersonal communication by apps like Whatsapp
or Line Group. Then, when the war starts, personal
communication is carried out in the chat room. The
chat can be disabled or turned on depending on the
game's initial agreement. Can be arranged for
communication only through chat, or by voice. So the
interpersonal communication they do is an agreement
at the beginning. If according to them there is a "toxic
people" they immediately agreed to turn it off.
However, it is possible to be revived. Only then will
they continue to communicate no longer through the
chat room but through Whatsapp ori Line Group.
The study was conducted through interviews and
observations to informants. The motivation stage is
the initial stage and the factors that exist in someone
who moves and directs their behavior to meet certain
needs. In this case the individual seeks to improve the
ability that is in them to meet the needs of those in an
online game. In this motivation stage, the informants
had different experiences in terms of the initial
decision as to why they started and chose to play
online games, especially Mobile Legends Bang Bang
game. Based on the results of observations and
interviews conducted at each informant, on average
they started playing online games from an early age
when they were in school.
Interviews show that informant has participated in
playing games since the first season or second season,
which is around 2017 until 2019 now. Starting from
campus friends and even home friends who
introduced Mobile Legends Bang Bang to the
informants so they became addicted to the game. The
informants play using their own internet quota and
there are also those who use free hotspots just for the
game is not lag. They are interested in Mobile
Legends Bang Bang games for several reasons, some
are interested in existing heroes as well because their
friends are even interested because without removing
real money informants can get all the heroes by using
points in the game.
Informants feel happy when playing games.
According to them, it felt like it was very exciting
when they first downloaded the game, when they
downloaded it immediately invited their friends to
play and set the strategy. Making the strategy is a
satisfaction for the informants. Strategies must be
made precisely by communicating through chat
menus between team members when choosing what
type of hero to use, mage, assassin, tank, marksman,
fighter, or support. Then after that communication is
also done to determine what hero to use from these
types. Heroes including Tank types include Tigreal,
Franco, Minotaur, Akai, Hylos, Hilda, Grock, and
Lolita. Some of the heroes including the Marksman
included Bruno, Clint, Layla, Miya, Moskov, Roger,
Irithel, and Yi Sun-shin. Heroes included in the types