User Interface Analysis to Increase User Experience on Computer
based Test Application: Case Study Smk Negeri 4 Pandeglang
Aang Munawar and Wendi Usino
Universitas Budi Luhur
Keyword: Analysis, Usability, CBT, User Experience, Jacob.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze Usability to Computer Based Test applications through the User Experience
approach in SMK Negeri 4 Pandeglang using Jacob Nielsen method using five variables namely,
Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Error, and Satisfaction. This study starts from the low value of
semester exam results using CBT. The population in this study are students of class XI year lesson
2015/2016 SMK Negeri 4 Pandeglang. The sampling technique of this research is a saturated sample
consists of 158 people. The results showed the level of user experience of the Computer Based Test
application including the category strongly agree the results of the questionnaire assessment of respondents
with an average value of 91.4% consists of variables Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Error, and
Satisfaction, students feel comfortable when the exam using CBT and able to show the actual ability to do
the work.
Every corporate agency, government, and education
today can not be separated from an information
system in order to run its work activities, so that
more regular and directed with more efficient time.
Information systems and computer technology are
growing very rapidly in line with the size of the need
for information. The development of information
technology has made it easier for the world of
education in implementing the teaching and learning
process one of them is the activity to evaluate the
results of learning that usually the exam is only done
using paper, but now the test can be done practically
using a computer.
Fhadilla (2016) states that the success of an
information system is not enough determined by the
technology used required the analysis of user
experience to determine the needs of users
dynamically. The low value of the students' semester
test results using CBT below the average score, with
the development of Computer Based Test
application through usability analysis with User
Experience approach is expected to provide comfort
during the test and show the actual student ability to
the test exams.
Research on the analysis of usability to an
application previously been done related to the
analysis of User Experience Web-Based Digital
Library (I Made Agus OW 2017), and also research
entitled Analysis of the benefits of implementation
of online exam information system (Erick Andika, et
al 2017) .
2.1 Usability
Usability comes from a usable word that generally
means it can be used properly. Something can be
said to be useful if the failure to use it can be
eliminated or minimized and provide benefits and
satisfaction to the user (Wimmi and Lussy, 2016).
Understanding usability according to Nielsen is a
user experience in interacting with the application or
website until the user can operate it easily and
quickly (Nielsen, 1994), while according to I Made
Agus Oka Wijaya usability is a term that shows the
ease of humans to use a particular tool or other man-
made objects to achieve a certain purpose (I Made
Agus Oka Wijaya, Dkk, 2017).
Munawar, A. and Usino, W.
User Interface Analysis to Increase User Experience on Computer based Test Application: Case Study Smk Negeri 4 Pandeglang.
DOI: 10.5220/0008929700830086
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life (ICT4BL 2019), pages 83-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-429-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to the theory of Nielsen Model, there
are five criteria in analyzing Usability include:
1. Learnability
2. Efficiency
3. Memorability
4. Error
5. Satisfaction
2.2 Computer Based Test
Computer Based Test is a computerized evaluation
application that aims to assist teachers in conducting
an evaluation, whether scoring, test execution, and
effectiveness and efficiency of its implementation
(Novrianti, 2014).
2.3 User Experience (UX)
User experience has a wider domain of User
Interface because the realm of UX starts with user
research which is then implemented into an
interface. User Interface is part of UX where UI is
the end product of UX. User experience designer is
able to generate a user interface that is easy to use by
target users. Because the UX realm looks quite large
( According to David
Lawrence (2016), User Experience (UX) can be
defined as any experience experienced by users
while interacting with digital devices. Any
experience or experience, such as physical
interactions, sensors, emotions, and mental. In other
words, it is the level of user satisfaction gained when
they interact with products with technology-based
contexts. User experience (user experience) is a term
user experience in perceiving ease and efficiency in
the interaction human with a computer. Includes
one's perception of practical aspects such as
usability, ease of use, and efficiency of an existing
system (Lilis Dwi Fraida, 2016).
2.4 User Interface Design
According to Tintin Chandra (2013), the goal of
UID is to design an effective interface for software
systems. Effective means ready to use, and the
results according to need.
Figure 1: User Interface Principle
Principles In Designing User Interface include:
1. User familiarity
2. Consistency
3. Minimal Surprise
4. Recoverability
5. User Guidance
6. User Diversity
3.1 Research Methodology
Research on Usability Analysis to know User
Experience in Computer Based Test application in
SMK Negeri 4 Pandeglang is using Jacob Nielsen
method which is based on five attributes, that is:
learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, dan
Methods in application development in this
research is more to the development of User
Interface through User Experience approach.
Image 2: User Interface Principle
Population in this research is all active class XII
students who have followed the semester test
activity by using Computer Based Test in SMK
Negeri 4 Pandeglang, which amounted to 158
students. Sampling in this study with the sampling
technique saturated with the intention that the
sample participants taken actually represent the
participating population. According to Sugiyono
(2008), saturated sampling is a technique of
ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life
determining the sample when all members of the
population used as a sample. So the sample of
participants in this study was 158 people.
Library study was conducted to find and obtain
data that is theoretical and related to the research
being done. Observation technique is done by
Participant Observation. In this observation, the
researcher is directly involved with the daily
activities of the person being observed or to be used
as the source of research data. To obtain the required
data, data collection is also done through a
questionnaire or questionnaire in a closed manner
where respondents determine the answers based on a
number of alternatives provided in the questionnaire
3.2 Research Indicators
The indicator used in this study, the researchers used
the Nielsen Usability Criteria Model, which assesses
the level of ease of user interface to use.
Table 1. Usability Indicators Nielsen Model
No Factor Usability Description
1 Learnability - Easy to
- Easy to look for
- Easy to identify
2 Efficiency - Easy to reach
- Easy to navigate
- Easy to remember
- Easy to
3 Memorability - Easy to remember
- Easy to
4 Error - Few numbers of
error detected
- Easy to fix
5 Satisfaction - System pleasant
- use
- Comfort to use
Testing stage Usability analysis results to determine
whether each criteria Usability is appropriate or not,
with this test using the method of User Acceptance
Test (UAT).
Based on the results of questionnaire data from
the five criteria obtained the following results:
a. Learnability has an average score of 95%, in
which case the student states strongly agree
that the developed CBT application is easy to
b. Efficiency has an average value of 90%, with
this factor the student states strongly agree
that the CBT application has been developed
quickly in the operation of its functions.
c. Memorability has an average rating of 93%,
with this factor the student states strongly
agree that the CBT application that has been
developed is easy to remember in a certain
period of time.
d. An error has an average value of 90%, with
this factor the student states strongly agree
that the application of CBT has been
developed the occurrence of errors
e. Satisfaction has an average value of 89%, with
this factor the student stated strongly agree
that CBT application that has been developed
convenient when used.
Based on the results of application testing
through answering questions directly by 158
students on CBT applications that have been
developed results obtained as follows:
Image 3. Rank Mid Test CBT
Information :
CBT1 (Computer Based Semester 1)
PBT1 (Paper-Based Test 1)
CBT2 (Computer-Based Test Semester 2)
PBT2 (Paper-Based Semester 2)
CBTN (Computer Based New)
Based on the result of Usability analysis with User
Experience approach on Computer Based Test
User Interface Analysis to Increase User Experience on Computer based Test Application: Case Study Smk Negeri 4 Pandeglang
application using the User Acceptance Test method,
it can be concluded as follows.
1. Of the 158 students of class XII SMK Negeri
4 Pandeglang are actively sampled in the
study. In this study using five variables based
on the theory of methods taken from Jacob
Nielsen such as Learnability, Efficiency,
Memorability, Error, and Satisfaction.
2. From the average percentage of five variables
is then obtained the average usability rate of
91.4% which belongs to the category Strongly
Agree. From the results of application testing
through answering activities directly by 158
students on CBT applications that have been
developed obtained.
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ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life