Pedestrian Transparent as One of Education Means and Disable’s
Friendly: Case Study - Pedestrian’s Universitas Budi Luhur
Dody Kurniawan, Farhan Khairillah Zain
Universitas Budi Luhur
Keywords: Transparent sidewalks, disable friendliness, Educational facilities
Abstract: The existence of sidewalks in the campus environment is the main requirement for pedestrians, especially for
the academic community with special needs. The existing condition of the sidewalk in Budi Luhur University
campus is still found problems, namely the distribution of pedestrian paths with vehicles is not continuous
even at some point the location does not have sidewalks. Another thing that is more important is the design
of the sidewalk that can accommodate the safety and comfort of the disabled people and pedestrian groups
which can be one of the educational facilities. From the formulation of the problem, descriptive research will
be carried out. Descriptive method is carried out to make a description, finding factually and accurately
regarding the facts, characteristics, and relationships between the phenomena investigated. This description
is obtained through field observations, interviews, and data from relevant agencies. The method of the
approach taken to achieve the predetermined goals is the Identification of Design Norms; Identification of
Comparative Studies and Identification of Potentials and Problems. The results of this study are in the form
of sidewalk redesign that can accommodate the safety and comfort of pedestrians, especially the disable
groups and sidewalks that can become educational facilities (transparent sidewalks).
The existence of sidewalks (pedestrian ways) in the
campus environment is the main requirement for
pedestrians, especially for academics with special
needs (disabled people). The Accessibility of
infrastructure in an environment is the most important
thing to support the security and comfort of everyone
in it [1]. The presence of the campus is the same as
the existence of a city, where all campus residents
must be able to access existing facilities on campus
easily and safely. Every campus citizen has the same
right to get the services provided by the campus. This
is a manifestation of the sense of responsibility of the
campus manager, and the nature of campus facilities
is the provision of excellent service to the entire
academic community without exception.
The presence of the sidewalk at this time is not
only a place to walk but also many benefits that we
can take. One of them is how to create sidewalks that
can function as educational facilities. Sidewalks are
no longer a means that has to be "trampled", but it is
a tool that can improve the insight of the knowledge
that uses these facilities. Moreover, if the sidewalk is
in the education area, this will be in line with the
campus function as an educational institution.
The existing conditions of the University of Budi
Luhur campus sidewalk are still found problems.
Namely, the distribution of pedestrian paths with
vehicles is not continuous even in some locations it
does not have sidewalks. A pedestrian lane is a place
or space for pedestrian activities safely and
comfortably [2]. Another thing that is more important
is that sidewalk design has not accommodated the
safety and comfort of the disabled group. In addition,
sidewalks are expected to provide more value
(educational facilities). Based on the above
conditions, this study aims to redesign the sidewalks
in the UBL campus environment that are suitable for
pedestrians and friendly to the disabled group and can
be a means of education.
This study uses a descriptive research method
approach. Descriptive method is carried out to make
a description systematically, factually, and accurately
Kurniawan, D. and Zain, F.
Pedestrian Transparent as One of Education Means and Disable’s Friendly: Case Study - Pedestrian’s Universitas Budi Luhur.
DOI: 10.5220/0008929800870092
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life (ICT4BL 2019), pages 87-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-429-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
regarding the facts, characteristics, and relationships
between phenomena investigated [3]. The results of
the analysis obtained new concepts and pedestrian
design as a means of education and friendly to the
disabled. The following are described methods of the
approach taken to achieve the predetermined goals:
2.1 Identification of Design Norms
The aim is to formulate criteria, indicators, and
elements that must be considered in designing
pedestrian ways that accommodate the safety and
comfort of pedestrians, especially the disabled group.
In addition, formulating criteria for sidewalks that
function as educational facilities.
2.2 Identification of the Comparative
Aim to get a comparison of the criteria, indicators,
and elements of pedestrian design that are already
there and are considered successful.
2.3 Identification of potential and
This identification aims to determine the condition of
the existing research area, both it is potential and
3.1 Basic concepts
The basic concept of this study is to redesign the
sidewalks in the Budi Luhur University campus that
can accommodate the safety and comfort of
pedestrians and disabled people. In addition, the
sidewalk is also expected to be an educational facility.
3.2 The Concept of Safety and
The safety concept used in this study is sidewalks that
prioritize a greater portion of needs for pedestrians,
especially the quadriplegic so that they can freely
walk. Another concept is that sidewalks are made
continuous so that pedestrian circulation can be free
from motor vehicle traffic interventions. The
presence of shelter to avoid the heat and rain is used
as a concept of convenience in this study. This is in
line with the tropical climate in Indonesia, where the
weather is divided into 2 seasons. Shade facilities in
the form of a canopy will be continuously made to
follow the existing pavement. With this pergola,
climate problems (heat and rain) are reduced.
3.3 Concept of Education
The concept of education used in this study is the
sidewalk will be made transparent so as to provide a
translucent effect. Pedestrians can see anything under
the sidewalk. During this time the existing sidewalks
seemed closed, dirty and hidden. Apart from
functioning as an educational facility, this transparent
sidewalk can be a means of entertainment. The
location of the study in the University of Budi Luhur
Jakarta (entrance campus, building units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6).
Figure 1: The Siteplan of Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta.
The location of study is divided into several
segments. This aims so that all potentials and
problems can be identified properly. The division of
the study location segments are:
Segment 1 = Main gate
Segment 2 = Building Unit 1, 2, 5
Segment 3 = Building Units 3, 4 and 6
ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life
Figure 2: The location of the study.
The main gate of the Budi Luhur University campus
has been equipped with the vehicle and pedestrian
access. However, the pedestrian condition is not free
from the vehicle. The existing condition of
pedestrians can only be seen in the form of yellow
markers parallel to vehicle access.
Figure.3. The existing condition of the sidewalk is not free
from the vehicle - Before (Segment 1).
Figure 4: The existing condition of the lobby lift has not
been accessible to the disabled. Before (Segment 3).
For this purpose, a design that provides safety and
comfort for pedestrians, especially the physically
disabled, is created. Security aspects can be obtained
from the difference in height between the sidewalk
line and the vehicle lane. The sidewalk is made
continuous and is equipped with a guardrail to make
the sidewalk area free from the vehicle. The comfort
aspect of pedestrians is obtained from the presence of
steel construction roofs covered with spandek. The
main pillar of the roof using H-Beam Roll with the
cantilever system gives a strong and modern
impression. The choice of style and construction is in
accordance with the existing and existing conditions
of the main gate of the Budi Luhur University.
Pedestrian Transparent as One of Education Means and Disable’s Friendly: Case Study - Pedestrian’s Universitas Budi Luhur
Figure 5: Perspective of redesigning the main gate sidewalk
- After (Segment 1).
Figure 6: Sidewalk Redesigning Details (Segment 1)
To accommodate comfortable, the sidewalk is
equipped with ramps and blind tiles. The sidewalk is
made continuously. This sidewalk lane is parallel to
the vehicle lane according to existing conditions. The
safety fence is made of galvanized pipe. The
pedestrian will be equipped with wooden chairs and
lighting as well as signs/disability markers as the
main ornament.
Figure 7: Details of redesigning the lobby lift-After
(Segment 3)
For educational facilities, the location of the park
is made of transparent sidewalks. The sidewalk is
made of special material so that the bottom surface of
the pavement can be seen from above. People can see
the condition of the sidewalk so that it becomes an
educational facility.
Figure 8: The existing condition of the courtyard sidewalk
has not been accessible to the disabled. Before (Segment 2).
ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life
Figure 9: Details of redesigning the courtyard. After
Figure 10: The perspective of redesigning the courtyard
sidewalk (Segment 2).
After analyzing the aspects that affect the redesign of
the Budi Luhur University campus sidewalk
5.1. Security aspects can be obtained from
the difference in height between the sidewalk line and
the vehicle lane. The sidewalk is made continuous
and is equipped with a guardrail to make the sidewalk
area free from the vehicle.
5.2. The comfort aspect of pedestrians is
obtained from the presence of steel construction roofs
covered with spandex. To accommodate comfortable
comfort, the sidewalk is equipped with ramps and
blind tiles. The sidewalk is made continuously and
equipped with a safety fence. The pedestrian will be
equipped with wooden chairs and lighting as well as
signs/disability markers as the main ornament.
5.3. The educational aspect is obtained from
transparent sidewalks, where pedestrians can see the
bottom conditions of the sidewalk. During this time,
the sidewalk seemed closed, dirty, and not
maintained. With the application of transparent
sidewalks, pedestrians can learn and know what
systems/networks are under the sidewalk. In addition,
the sidewalk will always be neat and clean.
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ICT4BL 2019 - International Conference on IT, Communication and Technology for Better Life