Application Programming Interface (API) between
companies and Fintech banks and promotes payments
without cash. Figure 3 shows a few of conventional
versus online models Fintech in Indonesia.
Figure 3: A few of conventional versus online models
Fintech in Indonesia.
Blockchain is a cheaper way to create a reliable
security system in cyberspace (Lynn et al., 2019). In
Society 5.0, cybersecurity will be a key factor. This
technology will be very useful to ensure
cybersecurity. One of the securities of cybersecurity
is from the side of authentication.
The contribution of this research is to review multi
factors authentication for Financial Technology that
uses biometric features. The results of this study
obtained recommendations for biometric features that
are in accordance with user needs that can be used for
Financial Technology.
Ometov et al., (2018) have conducted a survey of the
evolution of authentication systems towards Multi-
Factor Authentication (MFA), sensors used and
vision of future trends in a connected world including
online payments to authenticate users with the system
directly or by involving the cloud. MFA is
specifically expected to be used for human-to-
everything interaction by enabling authentication that
is fast, user-friendly, and reliable when accessing a
Qaddour, (2018) investigated the problems and
challenges related to the security of cloud computing
authentication. This means that someone can save his
work around the world, retrieve, update, delete, and
use data/information stored in the cloud from
anywhere in the world at any time. The popularity of
cloud in the business world has resulted in data
centers that are growing rapidly and extensively, but
there are risks in the utilization of resource sharing,
which leads to privacy and security issues. The new
solution provided by Qaddour, (2018) was proposed
to improve user authentication on Cloud Computing
using biometrics with multifactor authentication
techniques. Other researchers, Hussein and Scholar,
(2018) have conducted a comprehensive survey of
user authentication techniques using biometrics for
cloud computing.
(Yang et al., 2019) Finance is the most mature
biometric market outside the domain of law
enforcement because the logic is that protecting
money is a top priority for most people. Financial
companies have become early adopters of biometrics.
For example, cash machines with fingerprint readers
are currently used at increased speeds. In addition, the
new MasterCard, which includes an embedded
fingerprint reader, seeks to introduce a biometric
authentication layer for card payments, so as to
increase customer comfort in terms of security and
convenience. Compared to other biometric properties
(eg, faces, irises, and sounds), fingerprint-based
recognition systems are studied most widely and are
used most widely. For fingerprints, valley patterns
and ridges are determined after birth, and different
fingerprint patterns are owned by even identical
Martani, (2019) stated in Figure 4 that there are 5
things to respond to the future: (a) investing in
developing digital skills, (b) implementing a
prototype of new technology, learn by doing, (c)
education based on international certification and
digital skills, (d) responsive to industry, business and
technological development, (e) curriculum and
human-digital skills-based learning.
Figure 4: Respond to the future.