Cultural Artifacts and the Values of Its Sacred for the Asmat Tribe
Community in Papua: Novels by Ani Sekarningsih
Herman Didipu
, Setya Yuwana Sudikan
, Haris Supratno
State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia
State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: artifact, sacred value, ethnographic novel
Abstract: This research aimed at describing and interpreting the sacred values of cultural artifacts for society of Asmat
Tribe in Papua. The approach used was literary anthropology approach by utilizing the Clifford Geertz’s
concept. Research data sourced from 2 ethnographic novels by Ani Sekarningsih entitled Namaku Teweraut
(2000) and Osaka Anak Asmat (2002). Utilizing the descriptive interpretative method, the data analysis done
by three stages, namely: first, reading novels intensively while identifying cultural artifact, second, deeply
understanding parts which is identified, and third, interpreting the meaning behind every cultural artifact.
The research revealed 4 kinds of cultural artifacts which had values of sacred for Asmat Tribe community,
they are sculpture, ancestors milestone statue or mbis, custom home jew, and body decoration. The findings
explain that the sculpture for Asmat is a form of harmony of life with natural surroundings, as well as the
spiritual embodiment of Asmat community to the ancestors. Further, Ancestors milestone statue or mbis
contain spiritual values because it is believed as a place of ancestors’ spirit reside while the custom home
jew containing sacred values as a centre of tradition. The last, the body decoration is a symbol of self-
unification with natural surroundings and environment. The sacred value of cultural artefacts for the Asmat
tribe community essentially departs from five main functions, namely the spiritual function, ecological
function, aesthetic function, social function, and economic function.
Namaku Terawut (2000) and Osakat Anak Asmat
(2002) novel by Ani Sekarningsih can be
categorized as an ethnographic novel because
containing depth description about a culture,
especially Asmat Tribe in Papua. Various patterns of
life and cultural system of Asmat Tribe describe in
those novels, including depth description about
cultural artifact which it sacred by local society.
Cultural artifact is one of cultural element which is
very prominent in Asmat Tribe society. Even,
cultural artifact being one of the culture hallmarks of
Asmat Tribe society in Papua. Cultural artifact
existence for local society not just a mere formality
or artistic expression, but it has value and depth
meaning. That is why, every cultural artifact in
Asmat tribe being something which very sacred. It is
related with believed system of local society.
Literary study that specifically discusses the
cultural artifacts of the Asmat tribe has never been
conducted before. Several previous relevant literary
studies only discuss other aspects of Asmat culture.
Even then, it does not deeply discuss the meaning
behind it. Study conducted by Malawat and Mofu
(2018) focuses on the variety of Asmat traditions or
customs contained in the novel Namaku Teweraut by
Ani Sekarningsih. The approach used to analyze the
novel is the anthropological approach to literature.
Didipu (2018) conducts a study that discusses the
culture of the Asmat tribe in Papua. However, this
study only focuses on the aspect of the Asmat
traditional ceremonial procession contained in the
novel Namaku Teweraut by Ani Sekarningsih.
Hutabarat, Rafli, and Roman (2019) examines the
socio-cultural value of the Asmat tribe in the novel
Namaku Teweraut by Ani Sekarningsih through the
anthropological approach to literature.
The relevance of the three previous studies with
this study lies on: (1) the object of the novel, (2) the
research problem, and (3) the approach or theory
used. First, the three previous studies and this study
take the same object which was the novel Namaku
Teweraut by Ani Sekarningsih. The difference is,
Didipu, H., Sudikan, S. and Supratno, H.
Cultural Artifacts and the Values of Its Sacred for the Asmat Tribe Community in Papua: Novels by Ani Sekarningsih.
DOI: 10.5220/0008996401960202
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 196-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
this study uses another novel from Ani Sekarningsih
which is Osakat Anak Asmat. Second, the problem
studied in three previous studies and this study
describes the culture of the Asmat tribe. If the
previous studies take the issue of tradition,
traditional ceremonial processions, and socio-
cultural values of the Asmat tribe, this study focuses
on the aspect of cultural artefacts of the Asmat tribe.
This study does not only provide descriptions but
also reveals the meaning of the sacred values of each
cultural artifacts. Third, both previous studies and
this study use the anthropological approach to
literature. The difference is, this study utilizes
Clifford Geertz's interpretive anthropological theory
as a supporting theory so that cultural explanation is
not limited to superficial descriptions of a culture
The concept of culture, according to Geertz, is
patterns of meaning contained in symbols. The
symbol itself, as explained by Geertz (1973), refers
to every object, action, event, quality, or relationship
that becomes a tool for a conception in the form of
symbolic "meaning". Symbols and meanings are the
common property of every member of the society or,
in other words, public. Therefore, understanding
culture means exploring how meaning is produced
symbolically (Barker, 2013). As a symbolic system
that is meaningful, cultural processes must be read /
understood, translated, and interpreted (Kuper,
This research aimed at describing cultural artifact
and interpreting of its sacred values for Asmat tribe
community in Papua. To reveal the cultural artifact
and its sacred values or Asmat tribe society in Papua
used literary anthropology approach with utilize
Clifford Geertz symbolic interpretative concept.
Literary anthropology is literary interdisciplinary
approach which specially examines and analyzes
various human cultural aspects in a literary works.
Characteristics of literary anthropology, according to
Markowski and Pawel (2012), depart from the fact
that literature is a space where human nature itself is
revealed, or in other words, human discover its
essence through literature. In the perspective of
literary anthropology, literary works are considered
as anthropological documents that inform us about
human existence (Maryl, 2012). The main purpose is
to reveal and understand various humans/society
cultural phenomenon which is interpreted by literary
works. In this case, literary works assumed as
representation from various cultural phenomenon
which surround the process of creating literary
The method which used in this research was
interpretative descriptive method. This method was
used to give detail description about various cultural
artifacts and interpret the meaning or sacred values
or Asmat Tribe community in Papua. Data resources
of this research were two ethnographic novels by
Ani Sekarningsih which entitled Namaku Teweraut
(2000) and Osakat Anak Asmat (2002). The were
analyzed in three stages. The first, reading the
novels intensively while identifying cultural
artifacts, second deeply understanding parts which
are identified, and third, interpret the meaning
behind every cultural artifacts.
3.1 Art of Carving
Carving art which is poured by Asmat tribe through
neither statues nor other sacred objects like a series
of prayers that are praised to The Creator over the
blessings of nature that always sustains life the
whole of Asmat society. For Asmat tribe society,
carving artist like the religious scholars whose find a
secret behind the mystery. Carving artist of Asmat
tribe none other than diggers of the messages of the
universe which presented by The Creator through an
abundance of natural wealth and surround
environment. Sculpture for the Asmat society is only
intermediaries to relate vertically to the God, and
horizontally between each society and environment.
Hasil suatu ukiran tidak ubahnya sebagai
mediator lantaran kepercayaan yang sudah
mendarah daging pada masyarakat tentang
hubungannya dengan sistem kepercayaan
tradisional murni, sebagai salah satu unsur
kebudayaan dalam tatanan masyrakatku yang
masih berlaku. Yaitu alat untuk mengikat sikap
perbuatan para leluhur yang akrab dengan tata
cara hidup yang masih berlaku serta sering
hadir dalam mimpi-mimpi masyarakat desa
(Sekarningsih, 2000).
The result of a carving not unlike as mediator
because of belief that is ingrained in society
about their relationship with pure traditional
believed system, as one of cultural element in the
society order which is still valid. That is tools to
bind the attitude of ancestral deeds who are
familiar with the way of life is still valid and
Cultural Artifacts and the Values of Its Sacred for the Asmat Tribe Community in Papua: Novels by Ani Sekarningsih
come to the dream of villagers (Sekarningsih,
Carving art for Asmat tribe society in Papua is an
art expression and aesthetic. It is related to the
nature of sculpture as one of art form. Carving art
for Asmat tribe society is one of the ways to reveal
love for beauty, especially to their beautiful nature.
This can be known from Asmat carving detail which
much to presenting the beauty of their nature. For
local society, carving art has been inseparable part
from their life, like the existence of natural
environment which provides everything for their
Besides that, carving art is a society spiritual
manifest. It is related with symbolic meaning which
containing behind physically shape of the sculpture.
Asmat society Papua believes that carving art is a
media or container of the spirits o the ancestors.
Even though it has not present in real object, or has
been lie in other world, Asmat society still very
confident that the ancestors spirits can still come
back in real life and give blessing for local society.
Those spirits can reuse again into the statues which
carved. That is why, sculpture of the statue for
Asmat society is a sacred monument. The more
perfect the details of a carving, the greater the luck
and happiness that the person with the statue will
receive. Such is the belief that applies to the Asmat
community of Papua.
3.2 Ancestors Stump Statue or Mbis
Mbis statue or ancestors stump statue is one of
cultural artifacts which is very famous in Asmat
tribe society Papua. Not only because of the art
value of carving or sculpture on the statue, but also
the mystical value that is believed by the local
community. According to Asmat society belief, mbis
statue is a place or container for dripping the
ancestor spirits which give blessing, safety,
protection, and happiness for local society. The mbis
statue’s making through the traditional ceremony
which it is sacred by Asmat society that is mbis
pokmbu ceremony or the ancestors stump traditional
ceremony. Asmat society very sacred of this
traditional ceremony, even it considered to be main
ceremony of many ritual ceremonies.
Semua itu sudah menjadi masa silam dan apakah
roh mbis yang mengantarkan berkat dan
sejahtera atas desa-desa itu masih dapat
bertahan membingkai ruang dalam nilai baru?
Demikianlah, sampai sekarang upacara mbis
masih merupakan upacara induk di antara
sekian banyak upacara ritual (Sekarningsih,
All of that has been past and is the mbis spirit
which delivered blessing and joy to the villages
still can stand framing the space in the new
value? So it is, until today mbis ceremony still a
main ecermony between so many ritual
ceremony (Sekarningsih, 2000).
Mbis statue is a spirit for Asmat society to
always thankful for blessing which is gift by The
Creator through ancestor spirit. Through engraving
the mbis statue it seems clear that Asmat society is a
community which has never forget the services and
struggles o their predecessors. If today happiness
and safety their felt, all that can’t be separated from
the role on the ancestors who have pioneered it since
the first. Besides that, the existence mbis statue for
Asmat society like “glue” which is binding
togetherness in living patterned life since the first.
Because of that, every detail mbis statue engraving is
able representing identity of Asmat society in
generally, while symbolizing someone personality
which represented through carving on the statue. In
face part of the statue must made strong lines which
symbolizing authority of an Asmat man which is
brave and manly. Through statue sculpture, peoples
can imagine personality of Asmat people which
brave, never give up, and never step back in battle.
Every snapshot in part of statue body must able to
illustrate knight spirit of Asmat people who struggle
in living a life.
Sculpture of statue Asmat society also must
representing personality and devotion of the carved
person. On one of the mbis ceremonial processions
or ancestors stump ceremony, a group of Asmat
carvers (called wowipits) carved statue from person
who was died which was made from the trunk. The
statue which made must symbolize personality and
devotion during lifetime of the carved person. It is a
shape of honour and admiration of Asmat society to
all the services and devotion during lifetime of the
person. On the engraving like this, besides aesthetic
value from the statue, the more important is spiritual
value. People who see the statue expected not only
to be admired by it crave beauty, but which is more
emphasized is appreciation of the person personality.
Asmat society in particular, expected to emulate the
patriotic and knight soul of the person so will always
infected and inherited to the next generation in
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
3.3 Jew Traditional House
Like other regions or ethnicities in Indonesia, Asmat
tribe has their own traditional house which called
jew. Jew traditional house is a stage building in the
form of rectangle. Jew traditional house is become a
center of various it sacred ritual implementation by
local society, for example mbis traditional ceremony
or ancestors stump statue ceremony. Besides that,
Jew traditional house become a gathering place or
customary stakeholders and the warlords in
reconciliation or deliberate solving a problem, doing
customary proceedings, and planning various other
customary activities.
Jew traditional house is a representation numbers
of clan or biggest family group which exist in the
Asmat tribe society. The numbers of the clan signed
with the numbers of furnace in the traditional house.
In the center of the traditional house there is a
special fire stove occupied by customary leaders,
former warlords, famous engraver from Asmat, as
well as a medic or shaman
Although made being shared property all Asmat
society member, jew traditional house not carelessly
entered, especially by the children. A boy has begun
to be allowed and accustomed if already youth or
aged around twelve years old. It is intended for the
children at that age can already recognize, learn, and
understand various subtleties of Asmat tribe
cultivation. Even, in ancient times before known
formal education at school, jew traditional house has
been place to implementing education for Asmat
tribe’s children under direct care of indigenous
leaders. In it the children are taught about pattern of
life and life of Asmat tribe, cultivation of manners,
rules, norm, and tradition law which is valid in
Asmat, and ethic in treating nature with all the
wealth in it.
“Pendidikan di jew, rumah adat itu,
mengajarkan keharusan menghormati nenek
moyang, bukan maksud menyembah berhala. Hal
itu untuk mengingatkan pada setiap orang,
bahwa tanpa kehadiran orang-orang tua
terdahulu kita tidak mungkin lahir dan ada di
bumi. Tanpa endew dan ndiwi, atau ibu dan
bapak kita, kau tidak akan lahir di dunia ini.
Menikmati keindahan matahari dan mendengar
kicau burung, marasakan kebinalan ikan-ikan
dalam genggaman. Kamu tidak dapat mengecap
rasa sagu bakar yang enak. Bentuk terima kasih
itu dinyatakan dengan cara memperingati yang
telah meninggal. Mematuhi aturan tabu. Tidak
boleh menebang pohon disembarang tempat.
Tidak boleh membunuh hewan semaumu. Karena
nenek moyangmu bisa murka. Ia mengazabmu
dengan hukumannya, yang langsung diderita
penduduk kampung,” demikian Enakap,
ayahnya, menasehati Osakat (Sekarningsih,
“Education in Jew, that tradition house, teaches
the necessity of honouring the ancestors, not in
purpose to worship the statue. It is to remind to
everyone, that without the existence the
forerunner we are impossible to birth and exist
on earth. Without endew (our mother) and ndiwi
(our father), you will not birth in this world.
Enjoying the beauty of sun and listening birds
chirping, feel the fishiness in the grasp. You
cannot taste the delicious sago roasted taste. The
form of gratitude is stated by commemorating
the dead. Obey taboo rules. You should not cut
down trees in any place. You should not kill
animal at will because your ancestors could be
angry. He punished you with his punishment,
which is suffered by villages directly so that
Enakap, His father, advise Osakat (Sekarningsih,
The main function of jew traditional house is is
as a place for the implementation of important
ceremonies of the Asmat community, examples mbis
tradition ceremony or ancestors stump statue
ceremony. The whole of the mbis ceremony
procession is held and centered in jew traditional
house. Start from preparation that is discussion off
implementation planning, chanting of the people’s
song that called daiso, distribution of sago packets,
engraving process of the mbis statue, until set up
mbis statue, all of it centered in jew traditional
3.4 Body Decoration
One of characteristic which is very unique from
Asmat tribe is decoration which is used by Asmat
people to covering their bodies from various
activity, even more so on the activities of
cultivation. Body accessory which is used by Asmat
people not only sticker or unmeaning accessories.
Any object or material which is used is containing a
deep meaning for Asmat society itself.
Osakat menemukan wajah mantan Panglima
Perang Owitipis yang berhias kapur dan tanah
merah tergulung di antara asap tebal yang
memenuhi seluruh ruang rumah adat. Sekeliling
matanya dilingkari jelaga hitam pekat yang
menambah keangkerannya. Ia duduk menyendiri,
bersandar pada tiang terukir di pusat tungku
yang marak membara. Dahinya berdestarkan
Cultural Artifacts and the Values of Its Sacred for the Asmat Tribe Community in Papua: Novels by Ani Sekarningsih
facin, yaitu kulit kus-kus berwarna kuning yang
penuh dihiasi bulu-bulu putih.
Dadanya yang tipis, padat dihiasi kalung-kalung
gigi anjing dan taring babi. Nilai kalung-kalung
itu sangat berharga bagi umumnya orang Asmat.
Yang menunjukkan wibawa dan kejantanan
seseorang. Pada sebatas pinggang kebawah,
tertutup awer yang masih baru dilengkapi hiasan
bandul-bandul. Awer adalah sejenis rok dari
anyaman daun sagu. Sedangkan mulut nokennya
atau tas anyaman yang bertuah itu, tergantung
di lehernya, terbuka menghadap kearah pintu
luar. Artinya ia sedang memberi berkat
keselamatan bagi seluruh penduduk akmpung.
Berharap juga berlangsungnya kemudahan
untuk mereka yang bermohon, agar dikabulkan
cita-citanya. Di pangkal lengan kirinya terselip
pisua berhias. Yakni pisau belati yang terbuat
dari tulang kaki burung kasuari (Sekarningsih,
Osakat found face of ex warlord Owitipis which
is decorated with lime and red soil rolled in thick
smoke which fulfilled all the room of traditional
house. Around his eyes circled bold black soot
that adds to his awesomeness. He sitting by
himself, leaning on the a carved pole in the
centre of a burning furnace, his forehead wearing
facin headband, that is skin of cuscus colored
yellow which full decorated white furs.
His thin chest, densely decorated with dog tooth
and pig fangs necklaces. Value of those
necklaces is very valuable for Asmat people
generally. Which is indicates one’s authority and
virility. On the waist down, covered by awer
which is still new equipped with pendulums
decoration. Awer is a kind of skirt from woven
sago leaves. While the mouth of the noken or
webbing bag which has magic power, hanging on
his neck, open facing out door. It means he is
giving a blessing of salvation for all the villagers.
Also hope the ease for those who have begged, to
be granted of their future goals. At the base of
his left arm tucked in n ornate knife. That is
dagger knives made from Cassowary bird’s leg
bones (Sekarningsih, 2002).
If noticed, the jewellery which is used by the
Warlords of Asmat tribe all material or object which
is resourced from nature. None of the material or
object which is used are modern and from synthetic
material with high technology. This is a symbol of
Asmat people unification with nature and around
environment. Their love to nature and environment
are realized by various accessories which merged
with their body. By decorating their body using
natural material, Asmat people want to convey the
message that Asmat people can’t be separated from
whole nature. Nature is a part of live and their life.
Carving art for Asmat society is a form harmony of
life the society with around nature, also as an
embodiment of Asmat society spiritual to the
ancestor. Besides as an aesthetic expression, carving
art for Asmat society is a form of life harmony of the
society with around nature. The result of carving
especially engraving of statue is an embodiment of
Asmat society spiritual to the ancestors. That is why,
in one side sculpture for Asmat society become
expression of thankful to God which has blessing
nature and environment which able to give life for
local society. In other side, sculpture becomes
symbol of belief to existence of the ancestors which
has protected and give bless. In the point of view of
Rumansara et al. (2014), the Asmat carving is a
carving of belief that aims to worship the spirits of
the ancestors so that carving is a human activity in
the form of the birth of a personal state into an
ideological, psychological, physiological, and
religious state.
Although carving skills have become the nature
of the Asmat tribe community, they believe that not
all Asmat people get the expertise and ability to
carve mbis statues, only chosen people can carve
them (Hutabarat, et al., 2019). If other carving art
can be done anytime and anywhere, carving mbis
statues must be done through a procession of sacred
traditional ceremonies namely mbis pokmbu. The
result of study conducted by Didipu (2019) indicates
that the mbis pokmbu traditional ceremony has three
important roles for the Asmat community, namely
(1) as an expression of admiration of the Asmat
people to their ancestors, (2) a form of gratitude to
the creator of the universe, and (3 ) a ritual of
praying a blessing. Ancestors stump statue or mbis
containing high aesthetic value, while containing
spiritual value because believed to be a place of
reside of the spirits of the ancestors. With the
existence of this mbis statue, local society believe
that the ancestors spirit who was died always close
to them in daily life. The result of study conducted
by Asmarandani (2007) show that mbis statues are
the efforts of Asmat tribe to maintain their
relationship with people who have died. These
ancestors spirit which is believed give bless and
protecting to them. Because of that, the more statues
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
made, the more the ancestors spirit which exist close
to them so bless and protecting much more too.
Jew traditional house has important meaning for
the Asmat tribe community. Apart from being a
place to live, jew become the center of the activities
of the worship. The jew traditional house is a house
intended for the implementation of traditional
activities, ceremonies, traditional meetings, noken
(traditional asmat bags) making, wood carving
(Prasetya and Edhi 2013). Jew traditional house is a
symbol of togetherness and unity, and also
containing sacred value as a centre of cultivation. It
is means that Asmat peoples are one unified whole.
Whenever and wherever Asmat people are, they are
bound by one pattern of same cultivation system.
Clan or biggest family group can be different, but
when they are in the traditional house, all blend into
one unified whole.
Body decoration for Asmat society Papua is a
symbol of unity with nature and environment. If
noticed carefully, almost every single body
decoration which is used by Asmat people is a
material that resourced from nature. It is a tangible
manifestation of unity of Asmat people with whole
nature. By looking at the ever-worn body ornaments,
hinted to the world that Asmat people can’t be
separated from nature and environment. Nature is a
life for Asmat people. Nature is God's greatest gift to
Asmat tribe community.
In general, cultural artefacts have sacred values
for Asmat tribe community due to their five main
functions, namely spiritual, ecological, aesthetical,
social, and economical functions. Spiritual function,
related to local society system of belief which is
believe the existence of ancestor spirits which reside
in the cultural objects like statue. Ecology function,
related with the existence of nature and environment
which is becomes resource of life and centre all the
cultural activities as a God’s grace. Aesthetic
function, related with expression of art and
channelling talent of Asmat people who believed
that he born as a carver. Social function, related with
unity and commonality of mind pattern every Asmat
people so it become like “glue” which binding them
in one whole unity group. Economical function is
related to the economic potential resulting from
handicraft art of the Asmat tribe community that can
be sold at high prices so that it has the potential to
improve the welfare of local communities.
Based on the result off the research and discussion
above, can be summed up things as follows. There
are four kind of cultural artifacts of Asmat tribe
Papua which represented in the novels by Ani
Sekarningsih, there are Art of carving, ancestors
stump statue or mbis, Jew traditional house, and
body decoration. Each of those artifacts has meaning
and value of it sacred for local society. First, Art off
carving for Asmat society is a form of the society
harmony of life with surround nature. Besides that
result of carving is a spiritual embodiment the
Asmat society to the ancestors. Second, ancestors
stump statue or mbis containing high aesthetic value,
also containing spiritual value because believed as a
place where the ancestor spirits reside. Third, Jew
traditional house is a symbol of togetherness and
unity, and also containing value of it sacred as a
centre of cultivation. Fourth, body decoration for
Asmat tribe society is a symbol of unification of self
with nature and around environment. The sacred
value of cultural artefacts for the Asmat tribe
community essentially departs from five main
functions, namely the spiritual function, ecological
function, aesthetic function, social function, and
economic function.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society