Kuling-Kuling Anca as Traditional Games in Angkola Mandailing
Ethnic based on Local Wisdom to Sharpen Intelligence
Nurhayati Harahap
, Siti Norma Nasution
Department of Indonesian literature, University Sumatera Utara
Department of English Literature, University Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Kuling-kuling anca games, sharpening intelligence, local wisdom
Abstract: Every ethnic has its own way to sharpen intelligence, both the cognitive intelligence and affective
intelligence of the next generation, including the community of Angkola Mandailing ethnic. Kuling-kuling
anca as a kind of "puzzles" is means of "using the brain" of the community, especially children to
teenagers in Angkola Mandailing while they are gathering. In the game of kuling-kuling anca, there are
various positive things, among others, sharpening intelligence and sensitivity to the environment. Kuling-
kuling anca contain valueable local wisdom which are used to make character bulding of children to
continue nation building by using the ancestral cultural heritage which are included in the local wisdom.
Nowadays, kuling-kuling anca as traditional games is rarely found, it can even be said to be almost extinct.
This study aims to describe kuling-kuling anca as one of the local wisdom of the Angkola Mandailing ethnic
games to sharpen the nation intelligence that can be used to anticipate the bad influence of online games and
gadgets. Kuling-kuling anca games were conducted in PAUD and Elementary Schools in the Angkola
Mandailing area, namely Padangsidemouan dan Gunung Tua. The kuling-kuling anca obtained were
described and presented in the form of narrative texts, videos, and interpreted through the synthesis of
content. Furthermore, it was verified that the intelligence can be illustrated and that was caused by the
kuling-kuling anca games. The result of this study is intended to be able to answer the culinary culms that
one must recognize the form, character, etc, about the answer referred to kuling-kuling anca so that the right
answers are found. Kuling-kuling anca can make someone’s intelligence is honed and able to give
satisfaction to someone who can answer them because they are superior to other people who cannot answer
Every ethnic group has its own way to sharpen
intelligence, both the cognitive and affective
intelligence of the next generation, including the
people of Angkola Mandailing. The people of
Angkola Mandailing are people who live in the
Angkola Mandailing area in four regency areas,
namely the South Tapanuli Regency, Mandailing
Natal Regency, North Padang Lawas Regency, and
Padang Lawas Regency (Pemerintah Kabupaten
Mandailing Natal, 2019).
Local wisodm products can sharpen intelligence
in Angkola Mandailing region one of them is kuling-
kuling anca, as a puzzle tradition that is played when
gathering in informal occasion. In line with this
opinion, Taufikin (2018) said that puzzle tradition be
able to activate students and, motivate students. The
participants can be of the same age and vary. If one of
the people gathered wants to puzzle, he will provoke
a game by saying: "kuling-kuling anca". Those who
feel interested will respond by saying: "Anca". Then,
the game of kuling-kuling anca begins. If someone
can answer the proposed puzzle, they will feel happy,
proud, and feel they can win the "competition". So, in
kuling-kuling anca game, there is joy, pride that
raises confidence, and the spirit of competition
(Komunitas Seni Mandailing Natal, 2015).
The kuling-kuling anca game is one of the way to
educate and increase sensitivity, including sensitivity
to the environment. Harahap (2012) states that
kuling-kuling anca is a culture that must be preserved
because it can sharpen the speed of thinking and
memory of children as well as a source of knowledge
information is to educate children. Kuling-kuling
anca is a culture done by collaborative model as one
way to improve students' self-confidence ( Nurhayati,
Rosmaiyadi, & Buyung, 2017).
During their childhood, researchers experienced
joy and pride when they could answer the kuling-
kuling anca questions proposed. Even what was got
Harahap, N. and Nasution, S.
Kuling-Kuling Anca as Traditional Games in Angkola Mandailing Ethnic based on Local Wisdom to Sharpen Intelligence.
DOI: 10.5220/0008999103660370
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 366-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
either during the game or after it still bares in mind.
Thus, it can be said that the game of kuling-kuling
anca is a means to sharpen intelligence and means of
getting along, especially early childhood, namely
PAUD and elementary school students. The research
conducted by Hayati, Myrnawati, & Asmawi (2017)
concluded that there are significant differences in
children’s gross motor skill seen by traditional games.
The gross motor skill in children who given
traditional game of Boy-boyan, is higher than
children who did not give them at all. The positive
value of such local wisdom as kuling-kuling anca is a
frame for the formation of the character of the
nation's children who will become the next generation
of nations.
Nowadays, the game of kuling-kuling anca is
almost extinct (Badrunsyah, 2013). Early childhood
and elementary school children are now presented
with online games and the use of gadgets. This results
in children today being less able to get along, lack the
sense of respect, less concerned with the difficulties
faced by others, rarely cooperate, and become
individualistic beings. Even, children begin to be
insensitive to their surroundings. Children are more
familiar with foreign terms and feel familiar with the
terms around them (Selamat, dkk., 2016).
Child and adolescent psychologist from the
Applied Psychology Institute of University of
Indonesia, Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo said the
communication device or gadget made children
become individualists. Meanwhile, the fundraising
manager of the Putera Sempoerna Foundation, Imran
Razy, said that they invited families in the country to
share with each other in order to create a generation
full of empathy and caring (Razy, 2014).
There needs to be an effort that can bring children
closer to each other and their environment. The game
of kuling-kuling anca can foster concern and sharpen
children's intelligence. Concern and association can
grow because in the game of kuling-kuling anca there
is an interaction between the questioner and the
answerer. It can make intimate atmosphere between
people. Intelligence arises because the participants of
the kuling-kuling anca are invited to think.
This research is conducted based on the field of local
wisdom. Local wisdom by the some people is made
as a basis in environment management based on
sustainable development (Mawardi, 2011).
A similar opinion was expressed by Sibarani
(2012) that local wisdom is the wisdom or original
knowledge of a community originating from the
noble values of cultural traditions to regulate the
order of people's lives. Local wisdom is also defined
as a local cultural value that can be used to regulate
the life structure of the community wisely. Dahliani,
Soemarno, Setijanti (2015) said that local wisdom
means harmonious relationship between man, nature
and the built environment in an area that is also
influenced by its culture. More broadly, Keraff
(2010) states that local wisdom is a form of
knowledge, belief, understanding, or insight as well
as customs or ethics that guide human behavior in life
within an ecological community.
Sibarani (2012) mentions the types of local
wisdom that are divided into two. The first is wisdom
for peace which consists of politeness, honesty, social
solidarity, harmony and resolution of conflict,
commitment, positive thoughts, and gratitude. The
second type of local wisdom is for welfare which
consists of hard work, discipline, education, health,
mutual cooperation, gender management, cultural
preservation and creativity, and caring for the
environment. Kartika (2016) said that local wisdom
contains five pillars are known as PAKSA (Pray,
Attitude, Knowledge, Skill, Actions). In this study
the local wisdom that will be studied is the values of
local wisdom contained in the kuling-kuling anca
tradition of Angkola Mandailing. The value of local
wisdom contained in the kuling-kuling anca tradition
is expected to be able to form the character of the
nation's children as early as possible.
The object of the study is oral literature in the
form of kuling-kuling anca. In this study the value of
local wisdom contained in the game of kuling-kuling
anca will be revealed. From the field research and
literature, local wisdom will be obtained which can
sharpen the intelligence of the nation's children and
positive association to anticipate the bad influence of
online games and the use of gadgets.
This study applied a qualitative approach because the
goal is to explore, discover, express, and explain the
meaning of the object of research in depth. In
addition, qualitative research is aim to express an
empirical facts in an objective, scientific manners
based on logic, science, procedure, method, and
theory. In connection with the object of research is
the kuling-kuling anca, the data is analyzed based on
the interpretation theory (hermeneutics), with the
content analysis technique. In accordance with the
opinion of Endaswara (2008) that content analysis
Kuling-Kuling Anca as Traditional Games in Angkola Mandailing Ethnic based on Local Wisdom to Sharpen Intelligence
can be used if the research objective is to reveal
certain values in literary works, among others,
include: (a) moral messages, (b) educational values,
(c) philological values, (d) religious values, (e)
welfare values etc. This approach is suitable to
answer the research objectives to uncover
environmental values contained in the kuling-kuling
anca of Angkola Mandailing culture.
Researchers used the Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) technique with the community to obtain
information on the kuling-kuling anca of Angkola
Mandailing. Collection of kuling-kuling anca
verbally, obtained through recording from
informants, as well as from the text of the puzzle
obtained from various sources.
Data analysis was carried out according to
Miles and Huberman's theory, namely: (1) Data
reduction, through the data selection process, focus,
simplification, and raw data of the kuling-kuling anca
of Angkola Mandailing which is the object of
research and (2) Data presentation, in the form of a
description of kuling-kuling anca is presented in the
form of narrative texts and tables relating to the
kuling-kuling anca of Angkola Mandailing.
The results of the research on kuling-kuling anca
regarding the sharpening of children's intelligence
include the following:
1. Kuling-kuling Acca ( Part question)
Aha sambalta? Di dia au?. Aso dijawab
haduana sarontak (What is our menu?
Where a I?). (How can you answer both
question simultaneously?)
Ahamai?(guess what)?’
Anca ( Part answer)
The answer: di kantor i (means in leaving
room and close in spelling to a name of fish for
menu, namely ikan tori)
2. Kuling-kuling anca (Part question):
Marsisik inda ihan, marpayung inda raja
(Scaly not fish, shaded with umbrella not a
Ahamai? (What is it?)
Acca (Part answer)
The answer: Honas (Pinaple)
To answer the kuling-kuling anca number 1, of
course, someone must know the form, character, etc.
about ikantori (name of fish) and di kantor + i (living
room) is one part of the house in the community of
Angkola Mandailing. Both the questioner and the
answerer must use their reasoning about the kuling-
kuling anca so that there will be a process of
interaction between the two parties. More details
about kuling-kuling anca number 1, there are two
questions that will be a one-word answer. The first
question is "what is our menu" and the second
question "where are we now". The answerer thinks
that regarding the dishes is anchovy (ikan tori) and
the one in the living room (di kantor i). As such, the
answer is a combination of word "ikan tori" and "di
kantor i" to be an (d)ikan tor(i).
In relation to the kuling-kuling anca that was
asked for honas (pineapple), both parties had to
recognize the characteristics of pineapple, namely
having a hat (crown) like a king and having scales
like fish. Based on the character of this pineapple, it
can create a kuling-kuling anca by assuming that it
has scales and crowns. Pineapple is a plant that
produces fresh fruit as an energy source as Hossain,
Akhtar, &Anwar (2015) said that the ripen pineapple
fruit is consumed fresh and juice as source of
essential minerals and vitamins with some medicinal
values. Thus, the answer is pineapple symbolized as
fish and king.
To solve the problem which is asked in kuling-
kuling anca, critical estimate is very necessary.
Harahap (2012) mentions that the kuling-kuling anca
is very powerful to nurture the speed of thinking and
remembering of a child. Besides that, the ability to
master the majors in literary works needs to be
owned. Language style in puzzles are metaphors.
This is in line with the opinion of Nurazizah (2018)
mentioning that the traditional riddles of other terms
of kuling-kuling anca have a double meaning that is
expressed in a metaphorical style that requires
intelligence and careful thinking. Metaphor is the use
of a word or groups of words rather than with the true
meaning, but as a painting based on equality or
comparison (online version of KBBI). The aim is to
express a meaning by emphasizing the impression
that will be caused
Safira, Sa’diyah, & Qutsiyyah (2012) mentioned
that traditional puzzles can be made to test one’s
intelligence because many puzzles can not be
answered by the power of thinking only, but the
answer should be known first. Thus, puzzle requires
mastery of the types of language and habits in life. To
support the fact mentioned, Utami (2014) said that
the implementations of crossword puzzles and the
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
complementary action were successful to help the
students understand new words and learn English
One of the tips for kuling-kuling anca as an oral
tradition is to make it a habit so that someone allows
it to become a necessity in order to sharpen
intelligence. In the people of Angkola Mandailing,
the kuling-kuling anca games were chosen for leisure
time and when one family gathered at home. Also
fellow friends who gather at home in certain places as
traditional games and become solace. Sukatman in
Nurazizah (2018) interpreted traditional puzzles to
function as values education instruments and cultural
communication media and Kayra (2016) said that one
of primary merit of traditional games is that they
foster children's communication skills.
The Angkola Mandailing community that has
been familiar with and know the kuling-kuling anca
will feel that they are already knowledgeable and feel
more informed about their friends. The same is true in
the opinion of Safira, Sa'diyah, & Qutsiyyah (2018)
that people who know the puzzle most will get
satisfaction, because they will be known as someone
who is knowledgeable about folklore. Brockmann,
Delhey, Welzel, & Yuan (2019) added that cina
puzzle can make someone happiness. This will be
even more important if he dwells in traditional
To solve the problem that was asked in the Angking
Mandailing kuling-kuling critical thinking skills is
needed. This is due to the fact that the kuling-kuling
anca can sharpen one's intelligence and by that one
will get satisfaction.
Author would like to thank USU Rector for funding
this Research. Then the thanks is also sent to the
Faculty of Cultural Science Dean who allowed the
Indonesian Letter Study Program to be the place for
this research. Last but not least, thanks are also
conveyed to the organizers of The 1st ICELS
(International Conference on Education, Language,
and Society) seminar who accepted these article to
be delivered in parallel session.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society