either during the game or after it still bares in mind.
Thus, it can be said that the game of kuling-kuling
anca is a means to sharpen intelligence and means of
getting along, especially early childhood, namely
PAUD and elementary school students. The research
conducted by Hayati, Myrnawati, & Asmawi (2017)
concluded that there are significant differences in
children’s gross motor skill seen by traditional games.
The gross motor skill in children who given
traditional game of Boy-boyan, is higher than
children who did not give them at all. The positive
value of such local wisdom as kuling-kuling anca is a
frame for the formation of the character of the
nation's children who will become the next generation
of nations.
Nowadays, the game of kuling-kuling anca is
almost extinct (Badrunsyah, 2013). Early childhood
and elementary school children are now presented
with online games and the use of gadgets. This results
in children today being less able to get along, lack the
sense of respect, less concerned with the difficulties
faced by others, rarely cooperate, and become
individualistic beings. Even, children begin to be
insensitive to their surroundings. Children are more
familiar with foreign terms and feel familiar with the
terms around them (Selamat, dkk., 2016).
Child and adolescent psychologist from the
Applied Psychology Institute of University of
Indonesia, Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo said the
communication device or gadget made children
become individualists. Meanwhile, the fundraising
manager of the Putera Sempoerna Foundation, Imran
Razy, said that they invited families in the country to
share with each other in order to create a generation
full of empathy and caring (Razy, 2014).
There needs to be an effort that can bring children
closer to each other and their environment. The game
of kuling-kuling anca can foster concern and sharpen
children's intelligence. Concern and association can
grow because in the game of kuling-kuling anca there
is an interaction between the questioner and the
answerer. It can make intimate atmosphere between
people. Intelligence arises because the participants of
the kuling-kuling anca are invited to think.
This research is conducted based on the field of local
wisdom. Local wisdom by the some people is made
as a basis in environment management based on
sustainable development (Mawardi, 2011).
A similar opinion was expressed by Sibarani
(2012) that local wisdom is the wisdom or original
knowledge of a community originating from the
noble values of cultural traditions to regulate the
order of people's lives. Local wisdom is also defined
as a local cultural value that can be used to regulate
the life structure of the community wisely. Dahliani,
Soemarno, Setijanti (2015) said that local wisdom
means harmonious relationship between man, nature
and the built environment in an area that is also
influenced by its culture. More broadly, Keraff
(2010) states that local wisdom is a form of
knowledge, belief, understanding, or insight as well
as customs or ethics that guide human behavior in life
within an ecological community.
Sibarani (2012) mentions the types of local
wisdom that are divided into two. The first is wisdom
for peace which consists of politeness, honesty, social
solidarity, harmony and resolution of conflict,
commitment, positive thoughts, and gratitude. The
second type of local wisdom is for welfare which
consists of hard work, discipline, education, health,
mutual cooperation, gender management, cultural
preservation and creativity, and caring for the
environment. Kartika (2016) said that local wisdom
contains five pillars are known as PAKSA (Pray,
Attitude, Knowledge, Skill, Actions). In this study
the local wisdom that will be studied is the values of
local wisdom contained in the kuling-kuling anca
tradition of Angkola Mandailing. The value of local
wisdom contained in the kuling-kuling anca tradition
is expected to be able to form the character of the
nation's children as early as possible.
The object of the study is oral literature in the
form of kuling-kuling anca. In this study the value of
local wisdom contained in the game of kuling-kuling
anca will be revealed. From the field research and
literature, local wisdom will be obtained which can
sharpen the intelligence of the nation's children and
positive association to anticipate the bad influence of
online games and the use of gadgets.
This study applied a qualitative approach because the
goal is to explore, discover, express, and explain the
meaning of the object of research in depth. In
addition, qualitative research is aim to express an
empirical facts in an objective, scientific manners
based on logic, science, procedure, method, and
theory. In connection with the object of research is
the kuling-kuling anca, the data is analyzed based on
the interpretation theory (hermeneutics), with the
content analysis technique. In accordance with the
opinion of Endaswara (2008) that content analysis
Kuling-Kuling Anca as Traditional Games in Angkola Mandailing Ethnic based on Local Wisdom to Sharpen Intelligence