Cultural Identity Representation in Short Story Collection on Media
Rhani Febria
, Liliana Muliastuti
, Emzir
Doctoral Student of Language Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Language Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Language Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Representation, Identity, Cultural Identity, Short Stories, Critical Discourse Analysis
Abstract: Discussion of identity refers to various kinds of issues, such as social, political, and cultural. One
issue of identity is in the form of cultural identity in short story on media. The concept of cultural
identity is something that is not immediately formed but a process that will never be completed
and manifested in a representation. The researcher examines using Norman Fairclough's critical
discourse analysis theory. The approach used is qualitative to understand the phenomenon of
what is experienced by the subject of research such as behavior, perceptions, motivations,
actions, etc. Data collection techniques were carried out by downloading short stories through
Republika's e-paper, then interviewing short story writers, describing, analyzing, and interpreting
based on critical discourse analysis techniques. The findings of this study reveal that there are
issues of cultural identity represented through text by looking at vocabulary and grammar. Based
on the findings, it can be concluded that the study of cultural identity representation can reveal
ideology and the hidden aspects of the short text by looking at linguistic elements through the
structure of the language used.
A short story is a work of fiction that is much shorter
than a novel that focuses its attention on several
characters with the form of a compressed genre,
achieving a focus, giving insight by the narration
conveyed (Pugh, 2014). Short stories present a
variety of social, cultural, educational, economic,
political, and so on. Short stories can be used as
material for language teachers, while researchers can
make short stories as interesting and challenging
research objects. Short stories with the theme of
culture display cultural phenomena and changes that
occur in society.
Short stories can be delivered through the use of
printed and electronic media. The media as a tool of
delivering information has an important role (Ahlers,
2006). It is said so, because the media is a dominant
consumer strategy or more widely used to obtain
information. he printed media which is the source of
this research data is Republika. Republika is an
Islamic-based daily newspaper founded on January
4, 1993 and is the first newspaper for the Muslim
community in Indonesia. Republika has a special
rubric that contains short stories sourced from
various writers both litterateurs, journalists, students,
and the public. There is one thing that is unique and
different in the Republika short story collection from
the short stories that appear in other newspapers. In
the Republika newspaper, short stories with the
themes of romance, family life, and social
environment more characterize the cultural identity
of its characters with Islamic values. In discussing
cultural identity, it is surely covers the scope of
class, gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity, race,
nationality, politics, morality, religion, and others.
Cultural identity is a social construction and can be
expressed through various forms of representation
that can be recognized by others so that the identity
can be interpreted through signs such as tastes,
beliefs, attitudes, lifestyles, and even political
involvement (Barker, 2014).
Regarding cultural identity agreed upon in the
short story, the researcher studies it using Norman
Fairclough's critical discourse analysis theory. The
researcher uses this theory because it can be critical
Febria, R., Muliastuti, L. and Emzir, .
Cultural Identity Representation in Short Story Collection on Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0008999704080415
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 408-415
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to dismantle the interests of analysis and also
because basically any short story is a discourse. In
the short story, discourse discusses in all aspects that
have relevance to discourse such as dialogue,
perspectives, attitudes, views, and tones. Words,
phrases, sentences, and grammar in short story can
be permitted the cultural identity conveyed by the
Critical discourse analysis seeks to expose the
interests of what is in the text and also considers the
element of power in its analysis. In this case, every
discourse appears not seen as a natural, reasonable,
and neutral but it is a form of power struggle
(Erianto: 11).
An important part of critical discourse analysis
means looking at institutions, practices, culture,
language, and everything else. In this study,
researchers used a Norman Fairclough model of
critical discourse analysis. Fairclough divides
discourse analysis into three dimensions, namely
text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice.
In the Fairclough model, the text is analyzed
linguistically by looking at lexical, semantics, and
sentence structure including coherence and
cohesion, how the words or sentences are combined
so as to form the understanding of all the analyzed
elements used to see three problems (Fairclough,
This study focuses on analyzing the short story
text with the first dimension analysis model, namely
text analysis. Text analysis Fairclough proposes
tools that have a linguistic background namely 1)
interactional control; 2) ethos (rhetoric); 3)
metaphors; 4) lexicals; 5) grammar. The terms
interactional control, ethos or identity, metaphor,
lexical, grammar as mentioned give insight into
ways to treat social events and relationships and also
construct certain versions of reality, identity, and
social relations (Fairclough, 1995). This is also in
line with the journals related to this research, it is
said that in exploring structures and themes, critical
discourse analysis as the main analytical lens
discusses the language found to analyze the
complexity of structure and lexical (Mora, 2006).
Critical discourse analysis in the context of
literature, in this case short stories, is an analysis that
requires critical language to discuss short stories that
are open for criticism of all kinds of theories and
approaches so that they can be explored, digested,
and enjoyed, so that literary works become public
commodities and not only consumption of literary
artists. Literary genre such as fiction, as part of the
genre as a whole, is new developments in the
analysis of critical discourse on the emphasis of
identity politics (Ulinnuha, Roma., Wening
Udasmoro., 2013). In analyzing cultural identity in a
short story, it will criticize cultural practices in
relation to power. Cultural studies must be able to
explore how the power influences cultural practices.
In essence, literary works should be open to
criticism of all kinds of theories and approache.
Cultural identity is something that is not directly
formed, but a process that will never be finished,
always in the process and manifested in a
representation (Hall, 1990). Hall revealed there are
two ways of looking at cultural identity, namely
cultural identity as a stable form and cultural identity
as something that will continue to change. It can be
concluded that cultural identity is something that is
formed through a social process and is manifested in
a representation. In other words, the cultural identity
is an identity that is formed of social construction or
is formed of the culture around it.
Cultural identity can consist of various things
such as religion, heredity, color, language, discourse,
class, education, profession, skills, community,
family, activities, region, friends, clothing, political
attitudes, etc. (Holliday, 2010). It can also be
concluded that cultural identity is an identity formed
of social construction. It means that individual
identity is formed of the culture around him. The
scope of cultural identity includes class, gender,
sexuality, age, ethnic, nationality, political position
(on various issues), morality, religion, and others.
Short stories are works of fiction that are shorter
than novels that focus on a number of characters
with genre forms that are compressed, achieve a
focus, and provide insight by the narration delivered
(Pugh, 2014). It can be concluded that a short story
is a work of fiction with a concise and focused story
on a story or problem that is built by the story-
building elements and contains ideas to give a
certain motivational effect to the reader or the
This research use qualitative method that provide the
latest update and information in order to give
contribution for development of science and it also
can be applied to various cases.
Qualitative research intends to understand the
phenomena about what is experienced by research
Cultural Identity Representation in Short Story Collection on Media
subjects such as behavior, perception, motivation,
action, etc. (Moleong, 2007). The method used
qualitative content analysis method. Qualitative
research with content analysis is based on the
consideration that the researcher intends to examine
and study more deeply about cultural identity using
Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis
Qualitatively, content analysis can involve a type
of analysis in which communication contents
(conversations, written texts, interviews,
photography, etc.) are categorized and classified.
The object of qualitative content analysis can be
recorded types of communication (interview
transcripts, discourse, observation protocols, video
tapes, documents, etc.) (Emzir, 2016). The analytical
method in this study uses one of the three
dimensions proposed by Norman Fairclough,
namely the level of text analysis. This method is
used to decipher content and analyze descriptively
text structure by looking at its constituent elements
such as lexical, sentences, grammar, and metaphor.
The researcher pay attention to the phenomenons
that occur in the community related to hot issues that
are being discussed, and associated with issues of
cultural identity. The data source of this research
was in the form of short stories in the Republika
newspaper which featured themes with current
issues related to culture that had been randomly
selected. After the data is collected, the next step is
to describe, analyze and interpret the data based on
critical discourse analysis techniques
a. Pergi ke Bukit [Going to the Hill]
This short story tells of a woman named Kayah who
was left by her husband when he went to earn a
living. Kayah's husband named Burhan did not
return and there was not information after leaving
for weeks to earn a living in a foreign country. Then
he also lost a child named Dali. Dali was found
dead buried by a landslide while digging a hole in a
gold mine. Dali, who is her only child, actually went
to the hill to look for new hope and change life for
the better as a worker in the gold mine than just
helping Kayah on a farm whose income was not
much. Although Kayah reluctantly, based on the
basis of his son's hard heart, Kayah allowed Dali to
leave. In the end Kayah had to accept the fact that
now she had lost her husband and child.
In this short story, the cultural identity of the
main figure in the short story named Kayah shows
the figure of a village woman whose daily work
plows the fields. It is marked by a text that shows
“Kayah telah menanami sepetak lahan ladangnya”
[Kayah has planted a plot of land]. Working plowing
fields is a reflection of the culture of rural
communities in managing their environment.
Regarding plowing the fields by using buffalo
provides information on how the knowledge of the
villagers interpreted their ideas in daily life which
indirectly spread animal fertilizer originating from
buffaloes to fertilize the rice fields. In accordance
with Hall's first perspective, it states that cultural
identity in individual (in this case is Kayah as rural
citizen) viewed as a history and cultural
representation of their origin. But in the end it will
cause a gap between an identities with another's.. In
line with the second Halls perspective, identifying
cultural identity is not only protecting the past but
also the future that can change from time to time.
Plowing fields is not longer cultivated in Kayah
village, but culture is being restored over time
because of the technology that has been developed.
It is illustrated in the text ladang-ladang mulai
kehilangan penggarapnya [the fields began to
merger]. Hereinafter referred to as the village
community including Kayah’s son named Dali did
not want to plow the fields with the reason to seek a
more useful life return to the past depicted in the text
“Semua orang pergi ke sana, Mak. Lihat saja rumah
si Toni, jadi bagus begitu sekarang, Mak tak ingin
rumah kita seperti itu?.” [Everybody goes there,
Mom. Just look at Toni's house, so it's great now,
Mom doesn't want our house like that?]. Identity as a
representation of Kayah independent woman is also
seen in the text “sementara itu, para perempuan
melakukan apa saja yang mereka bisa: memasak
untuk anak-anak dan orang-orang tua yang di
rumah; menggembalakan sapi atau kerbau piaraan
di ladang-ladang mereka yang terbengkalai.”
[Meanwhile, women do everything they can:
cooking for children and parents at home; herding
cattle or buffaloes in their abandoned fields].
The ideology set forth in the short story “Pergi
ke Bukit” [Going to the Hill] implies a condition
recently that many young people leave work as
farmers, whereas if they have land that is well
cultivated then the income earned is not inferior to
work in other sectors such as laborers and others.
The work of plowing the fields is the work of using
cow’s power in other words skillfully guiding cows
to flatten the fields. Currently, various cultural
competitions are being promoted by plowing fields
using cow. The traditional tool is just as fast as a
tractor from which a cow guide can be skilled and
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
master the technique of guiding a pair of cows.
Plowing fields by using cows also has advantages
compared to tractors because using these traditional
tools can reach deeper to melt cultivated fields or
reach plots of land that are narrowly reached by
Dali, who was told so insistently want to make
money outside of his village, is a portrait of young
people who have the desire to make money in other
countries. It is not merely want to get more money,
but there are some motivating things behind it. The
main thing is to want to try a new experience.
Getting to know a new culture will open eyes
because there are many things that can be learned.
Not only adapting to new cultures but also being
able to socialize with the environment and new
people. The condition of Dali who wants to work in
another place and left the job of plowing the fields
on the grounds that he has left behind the tools of
plowing the existing fields is a condition of
modernity which has favored reason as progress in
knowledge and society. Furthermore, the ideology of
the representation of cultural identity that can be
concluded from this short story about Kayah as a
figure of an independent woman who can work to
meet the needs of her household but still do her
nature as a mother who takes care of the household.
When the text constructs the position of the subject
for independent women are not only represent that
this position is static. In changing the representation
of mothers / women in contemporary culture there is
a possibility of the emergence of new
representations in the form of independent mothers /
women who are not idealized as a home figure
whose only takes care of children but supports
autonomy and work.
b. Haji Manap [Hajj Manap's]
Hajj Manap's short story tells about the main
character named Dul Karim, a boy who just
graduated from MTS (Islamic Junior High School).
Dul Karim lived together with his mother in a salt
field hut since leaving his father named Hajj Manap
who is also a famous salt farmer in his village.
However, because there was a group of villagers
who were provoked by someone who felt competed
to have conspired with several residents and a
woman who was threatened to take part in the
drama of the Hajj Manap murder. As a result, Hajj
Manap died tragically because he was killed due to
Hajj Manap's short story shows the cultural
identity of Javanese people who live in the village.
This is indicated by the use of texts in words such as
caping, huts, salt farmers, martial arts, boarding
house, etc. In the short story a child figure, Dul
Karim, is used who uses caping for his daily salt
farming. Caping is the result of Javanese culture that
characterizes farmers to protect their heads from the
sun when they go to their fields. Caping is a kind of
cone-shaped hat which is generally made of woven
bamboo, pandan leaves, or coconut leaves. This
identity reflects the historical experience and
cultural codes created that do not change at any time
as a rural farmer. Next is about the family of Hajj
Manap who lives in a hut. As it is known that
agriculture is one sector that is vulnerable to climate
change. But the family life of Hajj Manap can be
said to be able to adapt to the environment because it
is seen from the hut that is still functioning properly.
Many salt farmers have collapsed huts because they
are not functioning properly.
Cultural identity in the form of religion in the
short story was also conveyed through the text of
Hajj Manap's advice to Dul Karim to invite Allah to
give thanks to the wind that moves the windmill.
This is illustrated in the text “Allah yang
menciptakannya, makanya kita tak boleh lupa
bersyukur [Allah created it, so we must not forget
to be grateful]. The quote above shows the identity
of Hajj Manap as a Muslim. Allah was created the
heavens and the earth and everything in them. As
Allah commanded humans in the Qur'an to give
thanks him. In accordance with Surah Al-Baqarah:
152 which means remember me then I will
remember you. Be thankful to me and do not deny
(Al-Baqarah: 152). Identity as a Muslim is also
illustrated in the short story text using the word
mondok [boarding house] in the pesantren namely
MTS (Islamic Junior High School) where Dul Karim
received education.
Furthermore, it was conveyed in the text that
Hajj Manap had kanuragan science (martial arts).
Kanuragan is a science that functions to defend
itself supernaturally. It is also said this science has
the ability to be immune to attacks. There is a
contention here that people who have kanuragan
should be immune but can actually be killed.
Kanuragan science as the identity of a person who
has power in the supernatural field apparently is not
the subject of discussion. But because what is
conveyed in this short story is that Hajj Manap is a
good person, then of course the knowledge is used
for something good too. When he is attacked by
people who are not known because the problem is of
course he is not arbitrary to use his power to fight
these people. Weak representation of women is also
illustrated by the figure of the woman in this short
Cultural Identity Representation in Short Story Collection on Media
story, namely Dul Karim's mother who must accept
the fact that her husband was slandered and Mba Sri
who was threatened by the village head to be willing
to be part of the drama of the Hajj Manap murder.
This was marked in the text “Mbak Sri menemui ibu
Dul Karim dan meminta maaf sambil menangis,
katanya, Pak Kades akan membunuhnya bila ia
tidak mau ikut dalam skenario pembunuhan Haji
Manap” [Mbak Sri met Dul Karim's mother and
apologized while crying, he said, the village head
would kill him if he did not want to participate in the
scenario of the Hajj Manap murder]. After that
Mbak Sri disappeared and Dul Karim's mother
became sick.
The ideology contained in the short story of Hajj
Manap about the representation of rural
communities about family and kinship created by a
sense of togetherness and suffering. Dul Karim is
described as a child who is obedient and devoted to
his parents because he is willing to work hard to
help his mother for the necessities of life. Illustrated
ideology regarding the political identity contained in
the text. The representation of political identity can
be seen from the killing of Hajj Manap because he
will forward as candidate in the head village election
so that it becomes a threat to his opponent Pak
Kades who will also forward the next election. It can
be said that the political representation conveyed in
the short story text is a condition that is truly fateful
because anyone can use all means even though
heinous to fight his rivals.
The political representation that illustrates this
short story reflects the current era in which many
countries discuss political and government
experiencing conflicts related to political interests
regarding injustice, opposition and partiality. The
analyzed text shows that the death of Hajj Manap
after the conspiracy occurred between the figures
told. Another ideology that can be illustrated from
the short story of Hajj Manap is related to the
representation of cultural identity regarding sex and
gender. It can be seen from the figures of Dul
Karim’s mother and Mba Sri who have become a
subordination of male power. Sex is body biology
and gender is an agreement and cultural practice
related to the social construction of men, women and
their social relations. Furthermore, it is the
discussion of gender political and cultural practices
that are the source of women's inequality. Through
short story text, conveyed that Mba Sri claimed a
weak representation of women. With the threat of
being killed by the head of village to be willing to be
part of the Hajj Manap murder scenario by claiming
to have been raped by Hajj Manap.
c. Surga di Formosa [Heaven in Formosa]
Heaven in Formosa tells the story of a migrant
worker named Nana who tried her fortune abroad,
namely in the land of Formosa, Taiwan. In hopes of
a large salary she came without knowing what she
would do there. When she found out what was done
was to become a personal nurse of a patient in a
hospital, he could not help trying to live it. However,
it causes feelings of envy in the patient's old nurse.
When Nana starts working and is supervised by an
old patient former nurse, the patient accidentally
removes the wrapper of his hand which in turn is
fateful to the patient due to his abnormal motor
members. As a result of this incident caused anger
for Mrs. Ma the wife of the patient. Nana was
immediately expelled because it was considered
harmful to patients who had to be rushed
immediately to the ICU. Even then returned to MR.
Chen is a labor supplier to help her back.
Heaven's short story in Formosa represents
cultural identity in the form of cultural identity
which can be seen from the title of this short story
itself. The title Surga di Formosa [Heaven in
Formosa] as a metaphor that displays all the beauty
and enjoyment of a country that is well-known by
the term Formosa which means beautiful island in
Taiwan. Taiwan's cultural identity is also reflected in
the Buddhist religion which is the majority religious
identity in Taiwan when the text mentions the place
where the employer's main character's hospital is
treated. Furthermore, the identity of Taiwan is also
drawn from the language contained in the name
written in the text, namely MR. Chen which is the
origin of the name of Mandarin which is the national
language of the country. Cultural identity of
Indonesian culture, namely as TKI, is also evident
from the text presented which is the purpose of this
story. Nana's cultural identity as a patient and
sincere young woman is reflected in the text
“tanganku merogoh ke dalam tas, kuraih telepon
genggam yang hanya memiliki tiga fungsi,
menelepon, mengirim SMS, dan mengajarkan
keikhlasan” [my hands reach into my bag, I pick up
a cell phone that only has three functions, call, send
SMS, and teach sincerity].
The ideology conveyed from the title represents
that Taiwan is a beautiful country and is an
opportunity for foreign workers to find a decent life
there, although in the end what they get is not as
beautiful as imagined. Regarding the problem of
imigrant workers who work abroad is a matter of
representation of cultural identity. From year to year
with the large number of migrant workers sent
abroad, the trust for foreigners in knowing Indonesia
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
in terms of the home industry. In this case, first, TKI
shows that they are lowly workers, whose work is
not favored at all by the foreign community. Second,
TKI come from low to medium economies or with
economic conditions below them. Third, migrant
workers are categorized as workers who have
minimal skills but can be obedient and diligent
because of the conditions of those who need jobs. It
makes TKI the identity of the Indonesian people. It
also leads to cultural politics. TKI as a
representation of Indonesian identity as stated in
Hall's point of view that representation is not only an
object but also related to the politics. The increasing
in the economy abroad, of course also accompanied
by an increase in welfare as well as the quality of
life of the people. As a result, the need for a small
industrial workforce is growing rapidly and is not
fully met. This is due to the high standard of local
community salaries and also the increasing prestige
that occurs in young people abroad.
On this basis open opportunities for the entry of
foreign workers including Indonesia. Even now the
Indonesian government itself is increasing
cooperation marked by an increase in the number of
migrant workers because of the large number of
enthusiasts and requests. The government is
represented negatively because there is a visible
marginalization strategy in employing migrant
workers. This is a sign that the Indonesian
government is unable to work its people even though
it has a lot of human resources. Indirectly this gives
rise to an interpretation that Indonesia is a poor
country, lacking jobs and the inability to utilize its
human resources to develop its own country by
working in its own country. Furthermore, the short
story represents the social cultural identity of women
who are patient and sincere. This illustrates a
condition that women who remain strong despite
trials so heavy befall him.
d. Sore Sebelum Kenduri [The Evening before
This short story tells about the atmosphere of
festivity in a village in Aceh province. It told about
Kak Puteh who will hold his son's party.
Communities gather unpaid to prepare all their
festivals. Begin with making food to preparation of
the altar. In his busy preparing for the feast, the
conversation was about Kak Nun who was married
to Nyak Sukri. Nyak Sukri’s mother is reportedly not
accepting Kak Nun because of a widow who has
same age with her. It turns out that this matter
reached the ears of Kak Nun. Kak Na, who was a
suspect in spreading the news, was finally met by
Kak Nun when the festivity was underway which
eventually caused a commotion.
Kenduri is a form of celebration which is the
identity of Indonesian people which means a
banquet to commemorate an event that has existed
since before the entry of religion into the
archipelago. Including in Aceh, based on the
background referred to by the writer, the feast held
at this wedding uses Acehnese customs. This is
written in the short story text “ada bergoni daun ubi
yang akan digunakan untuk kenduri.” [There are
sacks of tuber leaves which will be used for
Kenduri]." Kenduri is a cultural identity of the
Indonesian people as a historical and cultural
representation of the region of origin. Aceh people
are also known to be very proud of their Muslim
identity. So that everything they do does not rule out
Islamic theory, so that the customs and cultural
traditions that are held are always flavored with
Islamic values. This is indicated by a text describing
“orang mengaji dan masjid yang dijadikan tempat
mengaji.” [People are reciting the Al-quran and the
mosque which is used as a place to reciting the Al-
Furthermore, the identity as an Islamic culture is
also illustrated from the text that mentions “remaja
perempuan berdiri di belakang meja prasmanan
yang disediakan untuk tamu perempuan, dan remaja
pria berada di belakang meja prasmanan yang
disediakan untuk tamu laki-laki, mereka memakai
baju batik dan bertugas melayani tamu laki-laki.”
[Young women at the buffet back table provided for
female guests, and young men at the buffet back
table provided for male guests, they wear batik
clothes and serve guests] means that prove women
and men according to their sex and according to
their muhrim. Then the text quoted “menahan diri
dan menyelesaikan masalah di masjid, di depan
para tetua kampung untuk mencari keadilan, di
mana pihak yang bersalah diharuskan membayar
denda atau sekadar meminta maaf pada pihak yang
lain” [refrain yourself and resolving problems in the
mosque, in front of village elders to seek justice,
where parties are required to pay fines or apologize
on the other side].
In the short story also mentioned about batik.
Batik is an Indonesian identity. Batik is still
represented as a legacy of Indonesia's ancestors
which still exists today. This is illustrated in the text
which states about “serombongan murid taman
kanak-kanak yang sudah berhias dan dipakaikan
baju adat mulai menari ranup lampuan di depan
rumah, menyambut sang mempelai perempuan.” [A
group of kindergarten students who have been
Cultural Identity Representation in Short Story Collection on Media
decorated and dressed in traditional clothes start
dancing lupuan dance in front of the house,
welcoming the bride]. Ranup Lumpuan dance is a
traditional Acehnese dance which is a welcoming
dance or danced at traditional ceremonies or
marriage events. This dance is synonymous with
betel. This dance has a value and meaning in the
form of a symbol of brotherhood between
communities. The traditional clothes in this dance
are traditional Acehnese clothes, usually in the form
of long-sleeved shirts or long-sleeved pants, using
Acehnese cloth at the waist and wearing a headdress
adorned with flowers.
The representation of the cultural identity of
rural communities is reflected in the family and
kinship system created by a high sense of
togetherness. Togetherness in the form of work they
do more closely than urban communities. Rural
communities find it easier to form families and form
tolerance among themselves, so the system helps in
preparing festivity reflects a condition as conveyed
by the first Hall's perspective on a static culture that
reflects an identity that will not change until old
because it occurs downward hereditary.
Furthermore, in a culture of gathering among fellow
Indonesian people, it represents the social conditions
of the community in general so that sometimes a
conversation arises to tell each other about the pros
and cons of others. So from here an ideology is
drawn that leads to racism that occurs between
figures who are fighting for arguing over the age
issue. Racism is a view of the views shared by
people who reject or dislike a group of people.
Racism is not only a matter of race, skin color,
gender but also concerns the degree and age.
A cultural identity that is displayed in the
kenduri ceremony and activities before the kenduri
is that people cook together and help each other and
traditional clothes and dances represent Indonesian
culture which is rich in diversity. Indonesian society
has a culture of mutual cooperation that has been
entrenched and is an original institution in
community development, although there is an
element of telling each other with all the good and
bad that can be a lesson for us together. Many
positive values can be taken, with mutual
cooperation can be said to be a place of friendship
between citizens to reduce social inequality.
Furthermore, the activity receiving guests with a
dance reflecting Indonesian culture that is
welcoming and has special characteristics.
Described by todays life, many young people lost
their lives mutual cooperation due to the
globalization effects.
It can be concluded that from the four short stories
displayed in the Republika newspaper namely Pergi
ke Bukit, Haji Manap, Surga di Formosa, and Sore
Sebelum Kenduri contains elements of cultural
identity representation. There are issues of cultural
identity that are represented through text by looking
at lexical and grammar. Based on the findings, it can
be concluded that the study of the representation of
cultural identity can dismantle ideologies and hidden
aspects in the short text by looking at the linguistic
elements through the language structure used. The
representation of cultural identity can be seen from
politics, social, culture, sex, gender, age, religion,
and economy. In accordance with the vision and
mission of the Republika whose ideology is
cosmopolitan Islam, it is seen that the works
displayed are aesthetically and thematically
containing elements of Islamic teachings. In issues
of identity, the ideology contained in the short story
text is expected to build a just, democratic, and
religious society and be critical and appreciative of
various forms of new cultural expressions that
develop in the community.
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Cultural Identity Representation in Short Story Collection on Media