Marginality in Novel Tempurung by Oka Rusmini
Thera Widyastuti
Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Culture, Inferior, Marginal, Patriarchy, Women
Abstract: The culture of patriarchy is practiced by almost all nations in the world. Women become the people who are
harmed. They are treated differently from men. Novel Tempurung by Oka Rusmini depicts women who are
living in Bali, and Balinese still adhere to customs and traditions, where women become inferior. The writer
describes how women face their bodies, religion, culture and society. This research is a descriptive
analytical study with intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. Critical theories of feminist literature, gender, and
sociology of literature are used as tools to analyze. The research finding is that women became marginalized
due to patriarchal culture.
Literary works are part of people's lives. Activities
and events that occur in the society are recorded in
literature. The writer wrote it, published, then read
by the readers.
One of the functions of literature according to
Poe (Wellek, 1977: 25) is to entertain, and at the
same time teach something. Readers feel entertained
when reading literary works and also contain values
that provide education to the society.
Forms of literary works such as prose, drama and
poetry are favored in society. One of the various
types of prose is a novel, which is a long story that
has a variety of events and more than one main
character. The novel is made by building elements
which are intrinsic and extrinsic. Both are combined
in one work. A novel is totality, which is artistic by
combining the two elements.
The novels that appeared in Indonesia have a
long history, starting with the establishment of Balai
Pustaka in 1920-1950. In this period Indonesian
romans and novels were very well known, such as
Azab dan Sengsara (Merari Siregar, 1920), Siti
Nurbaya (Marah Roesli, 1922), Salah Asuhan
(Abdul Muis, 1928), and Tenggelamnya Kapal van
Der Wijck (Hamka, 1938). The development of
Indonesian literature continues with the emergence
of some periods: Pujangga Baru, Angkatan 45,
Angkatam 50-60, Angkatan 66-70, Angkatan 80-90,
Angkatan 2000, and Angkatan Milineal.
In the 80-90 period, the emergence of female
writers, such as NH. Dini, Mira W, Marga T, and
Oka Rusmini. They are very famous for works that
show women as the main characters. The presence
of female writers who brought up the themes of
women's daily lives gave rise to different colors.
Their work became a best seller. Concern for
women makes female authors favored by female
readers in particular.
Oka Rusmini is an Indonesian female writer
known for poetry, short stories and novels. Aside
from being a writer, she is also a journalist. Her
concern for the lives of women made her raise the
theme around women's issues. Oka Rusmini is from
Bali, and she described a lot about Balinese customs,
and her life as Brahmins. She was born in Jakarta,
on July 11, 1967. Her works include Earth Dance
(2000), Sagra (2001), Kenanga (2003), Tempurung
(2004). She was awarded the Equator Kusala
Literature award in 2004 for her poem titled Saiban.
This research discusses Oka Rusmini's novel
Tempurung. It was first published as a serial story
in 2004 in Media Indonesia Daily. This novel tells
the life of Balinese women in Bali with all the
problems surrounding their role, their bodies, and
Balinese society. More than one female character
presented, and each woman has problems with the
surrounding society, and also the culture that
surrounds them.
Balinese women are bound by culture, and
norms that are very binding, especially the caste
they adhere to, so women are helpless, and become
Widyastuti, T.
Marginality in Novel Tempurung by Oka Rusmini.
DOI: 10.5220/0009001604680473
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 468-473
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
marginalized. The problem in this research is about
the lives of marginalized women. And the purpose
of this research is to find out the lives of
marginalized women.
The research method used is descriptive analysis,
with literature studies. Descriptive method is a
research method used to investigate circumstances,
situations, which are then presented in the form of
research reports. This is done to achieve the desired
goals (Endraswara, 2003:146). Intrinsic and extrinsic
approaches are used to analyze problems in this
study. Figures and settings are intrinsic approaches
and the criticism theory of feminist literature,
gender, and sociology of literature is an extrinsic
approach used to answer research questions.
Whereas previous research on the same problem,
among others, was stated by:
(1) Feminist Literary Criticism in the Novel
Imraáh Inda Nuqthah Al-Shifr by Nawal Al-
Saadawi. Minyatul Ummah. 2009. The results of the
research show that women in Arabia experienced
violence, and a double burden which caused them to
experience gender injustice. (2) The Image of
Women in Novel Surga yang Tak Kurindukan by
Asma Nadia: A Review of Feminist Literary
Criticism. Ria Rahayu Candraning Tyas. 2017. The
research conclusions is women who have experience
violence, but can rise to become independent
The presence of characters are very important
role in the novel. The characters according to
Abrams (in Nurgiyanto 2007: 165) are people who
are displayed in a narrative work, or drama that the
reader interpreted as having moral qualities, and
certain tendencies such as those expressed in speech
and what is done in action.
A novel shows the setting as an illustration
where events or events occur so the reader gets an
idea of the situation and conditions in which the
character is located.
Social and cultural settings have a big role in helping
readers to understand society and culture in a certain
period of time. Setting becomes the concrete basic of
the story and clearly. Readers can feel and assess the
truth, accuracy, and setting actulisation that is told
so that they feel familiar. It's as if the readers find in
the story something that is part of them.
Feminist literary criticism emerged as an impact
of the awareness of academics who had views about
women who had been harmed in society. The goal is
to deconstruct the system of society assessment of
the position of women in society. (Djajanegara in
Widyastuti, 2015: 23).
Then gender theory described women who are
different from men. Gender is different from sex,
where gender can be changed, and based on the
culture in which people are located. Whereas sex
cannot be changed. Many conditions change the role
of women and men in the society. The term sex is
generally used to refer to reproductive problems, and
sexual activity, the rest are used by the term gender
(Kessler and McKenna, 1977: 7). Sex is more about
the biological aspects of a woman or man,
concerning the number of chromosomes, genetics,
and reproductive organs.
Whereas the sociology of literature helps us
understand how society is related to literature, which
influences our perspective on certain societies. The
definition of sociology is focuses on the general
aspects of society, and seeks to get the general
patterns of people's lives (Soekanto, 2007). Literary
work is a product of society. The writer produces
literary works that are influenced by the place where
he lives and the relationship that exists between the
writer and the people who live in the environment.
Ian Watt in Damono (1978: 3-4) said there is a
reciprocal relationship between writers, literature,
and society, such as (1) the social context of the
writerr that relates to the social position of writers in
society, and its relation to the reading society; (2)
literature as a mirror of society that describes society
to know the state of society, and (3) social functions
of literature that see the extent to which literary
works are influenced by society.
Novel Tempurung by Oka Rusmini is a story about
women in Bali, and their bodies, as well as their
problems being women. The female characters are
present very interesting to analyze. Each character is
portrayed as a woman who is confronted with
culture, customs, and society that adheres to the
prevailing norms, rules, and values.
The story begins with the presence of the
character Ida Ayu or commonly called Dayu. She is
from the Brahman caste which is highly respected in
the Balinese community. Dayu is always greeted
with respect by people who know her.
People still call me Dayu, short for Ida Ayu. The
name of the greatness I have to bear because I was
born to a Brahmin family. My father, who has the
title Ida Bagus, married a woman, Ida Ayu. It is said
that my position is very high because I was born
from a woman's womb with the title Ida Ayu. (p. 6)
Marginality in Novel Tempurung by Oka Rusmini
Dayu made a bold decision by marrying a man who
was not of her caste and religion. She gave up all
privileges in Balinese customs. Even so, the people
around her still call her Dayu.
That woman sometimes likes to call
me atu, short for Ratu An honor call
for Balinese women in Brahmin caste.
I often say to her, don't call me that,
because now I'm no longer an Ida Ayu. I
was married to a man outside my caste and
religion. (p.16)
Dayu's husband is a writer who has strange
habits. Sometimes he leaves home a week without
notifying his wife. Suddenly he sent news by e-mail
to his family to inform that he had left for the
purpose of writing. Not long after returning home,
then left again to look for writing inspiration.
The next characters is Ni Luh Putu Saring. She is
a young woman who has a unique name, given by
her parents. Saring has a beautiful body shape and
beautiful face. Because of her name, she often
complained about her name which was considered
My name is Ni Luh Putu Saring. All
young people today must laugh at my
name. I was called Saring. That name
often bothers me. Nothing I can do to
change my name, my parents are proud
of the word Saring attached to me, a strange
name that I always carry wherever I go. (p.25)
Saring married his beloved man named Barla, a man
with curly hair and sharp eyes. Many people did not
approve it when she married Barla, a man who
worked as a guide with uncertain income. Shortly
after marriage, Barla betrayed her by marrying a
woman who was much younger than Saring.
You're beautiful, Saring. Don't waste
your beauty. Don't torture yourself. Enjoy
your youth. You're still young now. You can
choose another man who is better. (p.52)
Saring never listen any comment from other
people. She alredy made decision to marry a man
who she loves so much.
Next is Ni Made Arsiki Wulandari. She is a
woman who grew up in Denpasar, the provincial
capital of Bali, so she felt she had no homeland. Her
parents came from Denpasar. She always felt sad
when her friends told her about their hometown.
My name is Ni Made Arsiki
Wulandari. I grew up in Denpasar. My
father is from Denpasar, and my mother is also a
Denpasar person. I don't have a country
home like everyone else. I am often jealous
of some friends who often tell stories about
their fathers and mothers countries home (p.183)
Another female character featured by the writer
is Ni Luh Wayan Rimpig. She is an emaciated old
woman. Villagers consider Rimpig is very strange
because her attitudes and behavior are more silent.
A thin body. Rimpig stepped forward.
She wants to see more clearly.
Straightened up. Two lumps of
withered flesh lay a little strange above
her heart.
Her eyes keep seeing her body. This
time she look her stomach. Flat and
not interesting. Two her hips look clearly.
Also flat, and do not make she feel like an
art on her body. (p.117)
Rimping is married to I Wayan Pasung, and has
three children, two sons I Wayan Ribeg, and I Made
Rabug, and one daughter, Ni Luh Nyoman Songi.
Her husband, Pasung never gave her money to
support their household needs. He was lazy, and
jobless. Therefore, they live in poverty.
Marginalization of Women
Marginalization occurs in women since long ago,
both at home (domestic) and outside the home
(public) where there were discrimination against
women by men. Therefore, marginalization of
women can be seen from the role of women in
There are general conditions that make women
the same as men. But there are also special
conditions that women have to make them different,
but not to distinguish them (Arivia, 2006:5)
Women have tools and reproductive processes
that are bestowed with nature, where when women
are pregnant, giving birth and breastfeeding will
have gender stereotypical implications (Megawangi,
1999: 88).
Marginalization occurs because the society
relates it to the patriarchal that they adhere to. The
emerging gender role makes people treat women
differently from men. The role is related to gender,
and not sex. The definition of sex is associated with
male-female, which is determined conditionally and
biologically, while the masculine-feminine gender is
determined by the prevailing culture in the local
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
Female characters in Novel Tempurung
experience life that is socially problematic for
themselves, and also the people around them.
Patriarchal gives the women more suffering because
it made rules and values which are not at women
According to Dayu, is the body of tiang
not attractive anymore? Is it a man who tiang
has marry who has broken tiang body?
Please Dayu try.. try see the photo of tiang when
tiang was young. Beautiful, slim and sexy
body. (p.57)
The above quote explains that in a patriarchal
society, the socio-cultural construction of a woman's
body is used as a tool to maintain the power and
dominance of men over women. Domination can be
seen from the attitude of the people who put female
sexuality as a satisfying male sexual desire.
Meanwhile, Arsiki was sad because she had to
face a tribulation, her parents' house was confiscated
by the court because her father mortgaged the house.
Her father owed a lot money, and can not pay it.
Finally, Arsiki and her mother had to leave house
without money and anything. The spoiled Arsiki
must be transformed into an independent and mature
girl. She needs money, and look for a job bacuse
she has to feed her mother and herself.
When you were a child transformed
into an adult woman, many problems
came. First, the problem with your
body. Second, problems with the
environment. As your body grows older,
various rules are made by the society
in our bodies. This can't be, it can't be. This is
taboo, this is forbidden. Basically there are
many rules. All punish. All insulted. (p. 188)
Women become subordinated in society.
Patriarchal society makes women inferior, and men
become superior. Women have dependence on men,
and therefore men control women. When Arsiki's
family wealth is lost, the mother does not know what
to do because she relies on her husband. She is
domestic person.
When a men and women become adulth, they
will continue their life journey into the marriage
stage. Marriage is a sacred moment carried out by
man and woman in a sacred bond. Those who are
united in marriage will live a family life. Kate Millet
(in Prabasmoro, 2006: 32) said that marriage/family
is the main instrument of patriarchy, which regulates
the attitudes and behavior of its members in such a
way that there is a perpetuation of patriarchal
Patriarchal society provides a favorable position
for men, especially in personal relations, and also
power relations in day-to-day bases, maybe even
minute-to-minute,second-to-second bases. Wife in
sub-ordinate position, and husband in dominant
position. The following is a quote about the
marriage that was thought by Arsiki and her
Marriage is also a tedious thing. First year,
you start learning to know his family, its
nature. You have to deal with a lot of big
problems. Today's women also have to think
about household economic affairs. (p.192)
Women not only think of household needs, but
also social needs. According to Benston (in Tong,
2004: 157), women were initially producers, and
were only secondary consumers. Women are a class
of people who are responsible for the production of
simple use values in activities associated with home
and family. Just because women do not sell products
from their work does not mean that their work is
easier than that produced in the marketed product.
Whereas Ida Ayu saw that her father's marriage
to her stepmother made her grandmother, her father's
mother furious because her child was asked to help
with housework.
"Your male authority will fall. You will no
longer be a real man. You marry a foolish woman.
Can't respect men. The point is that men must
be respected. And the authoritative man
is a man who never touches domestic
work. ( p. 235)
Men as leaders, and heads of households must be
respected. Men may not be told to do homework by
women in the household. Women do housework
while taking care of their children all day long. The
husband doesn't help her. The position of men over
women has been going on for a long time. The
domestic and public dichotomy has been going on
for a long time, where women are in the domestic,
and men in the public sphere, and this situation
creates gender inequality.
The culture of Bali places men upheld, and
women serve it. This situation makes Balinese
women become oppressed. They are marginalized
and cannot complain for the condition. These
marginalization is the attitude of the society as a
result of society social development. Dayu asked
about the situation of women who cannot complain
Marginality in Novel Tempurung by Oka Rusmini
of anything, and cannot be sick. This is unfair for
Then, where is the man? Above the
crown of a woman. Women must not
show the pain after giving birth! Do
not rest before a man falls asleep! (p.
The quote above is a situation that occurs in
patriarchal societies where women become objects,
and not subjects in the family. Therefore, women are
very disadvantaged because of their gender. The
female body continues to be an object, both objects
to be made "holy" and to be made "sexy".
Patriarchal culture prioritizes male interests, elevates
masculine values, and fosters women's interests, and
undermines feminine values. The implication is the
low appreciation of domestic work.
Love makes blind women. She doesn't care about
the opinions of others. When love is lost due to
suffering caused by the man she loves, then she
realizes that she has been tortured. Saring husband's
betrayal her for other woman who works in the
Salon near their house. Since they get married,
Barla, her husband’s did not give his wife money,
even though as a guide he often brought many
foreign tourists. Saring and her two sons, I Wayan
Pasek and I Made Pasek had to endure hunger
because they did not have money to buy food. The
ideal life that Saring dreamed was lost, and had to
face the bitter reality.
Patriarchy is a social structure, and ideology or
system of belief that men have superiority. Every
social system or historical period raises its own
variations regarding how patriots work, and how
different social and cultural practices. But the
principle remains the same, that men control most of
their income and social, economic and political
institutions (Bhasin in Widyastuti, 2015: 4). The role
of women as wives, and also mothers who take care
of homes, raise and care for children, and are hard
work. Here is the opinion of Elshtain (in Tong,
2008: 54) that Mothering is not an equal "role" with
being an administrative employee, a scientist, or an
air force member. Mothering is an activity that is
complex, rich, ambivalent, fun, which is a
biological, natural, social, symbolic, and emotional
thing. The following is a quote about the mothering
that Ida Ayu experienced which caused a contra in
"Now I know. Are you worried about
being pregnant? Because you know a
lot about various diseases that attack
the womb. If you just read, and read
on, without ever trying how it feels to
be pregnant, giving birth, breastfeeding,
raising children, you won't feel how
extraordinary and the torment of being
a mother, how pleasurable and painful it is. Sleep
becomes a luxury. (p. 66-67)
Patriarchal society thinks that women who are
pregnant their children, are the most appropriate
figure to care for and raise them. Myths about
motherhood state that all children need their
mothers. Marriage is united men and women in
bonds that make them unite in the home. The
differences from one another eventually merge into
one. The life journey makes marriage a story that
can end in happiness or sadness.
For Rimpig, at first her marriage to Pasung
was initially sprinkled with hundreds of
love. Thousands of dreams. Millions of
wishes. In fact, the man he married was a lazy
man. He works only drinking alcohol at the
edge of the village. Always go home
at night. Meanwhile, Rimpig, a simple
village woman who does not have any
skills, only cooking, cutting firewood,
and planting several pieces of
vegetables for daily food. She never
earn money. (p. 116)
Happiness Rimpig had never felt during her
marriage. She had a dream of a happy marriage and
an established family, but she never achieved it. But
instead, she experienced domestic violence. Her
body was always battered beaten by her husband.
Komnas Perempuan (2001) states that violence
against women is all acts of violence committed
against women resulting in physical, sexual and
psychological harm and suffering to women.
Women as victims tend to be passive, and harbor
their inner self.
Rimpig's body was always battered.
The man never knew how tired it was
to take care of children. If his lust
was high, Pasung did not hesitate to
drag Rimpig, lay her thin body on the
ground in the kitchen, forcefully entered his body
roughly. (p. 116)
Violence committed by a husband against his
wife can be triggered by social conditions. Berger
(1990) suggested that individual behavior is actually
a social product, where values and norms in society
contribute to individual behavior, meaning that if the
value of society is patriarchal, men become superior,
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
and women become inferior, where domination of
the husband towards his wife in the home. Violence
experienced by women is oppression, Jagger (in
Widyastuti, 2015: 12) explained about the
oppression experienced by women: (1) historically,
women were oppressed groups, (2) oppression of
women experienced in various layers, (3) oppression
of women was most difficult to eradicate (4) the
consequences of oppression cause misery, and (5)
oppression gives rise to other forms of other
Women as marginalized people in society are
unable to change the fact that they are inferior
groups controlled by superior groups. Gender roles
have a big influence on women because the culture
in which women live makes how women are treated.
Indonesian Literature presents female writers who
care about women and their problems. Novel
Tempurung feature female characters Ida Ayu, Ni
Luh Putu Saring, Ni Luh Wayan Rimpig, and Ni
Made Arsiki Wulandari with each of the problems
they face as Balinese women.
Marginalization occurs because women become
inferior, and men become superior. This condition is
detrimental to women because marriage makes
women do domestic work, all must be done without
complaining. Ida Ayu, and Ni Made Arsiki
Wulandari must experience a situation where their
living conditions fall at the lowest point because
society makes them unable to avoid the values and
norms that apply.
While Ni Luh Putu Saring, and Ni Luh Wayan
Rimpig faced problems with their spouses, who gave
them suffering. Barla and Pasung betrayed their
wives, and caused suffering that made Ni Luh Putu
Saring and Ni Luh Wayan Rimpig become
oppressed women. Their loyalty as a wife is not
appreciated, because of a betraying husband.
Women as marginalized people in society are
unable to change the fact that they are inferior
groups controlled by superior groups. Gender roles
have a big influence on women because the culture
in which women live makes how women are treated.
Women tried to make better life but its still needs
long time to achieve their goal.
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Marginality in Novel Tempurung by Oka Rusmini