Strategies in Translating Conversational Implicature in Harry Potter
and The Cursed Child Novel
Unpris Yastanti
, Emzir
, Aceng Rahmat
Language Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Key Words: Implicature Dialogues, Literature, Novel, Translation Strategy
Abstract: The objective of this research is to identify the strategies of translation used by translators in translating
conversational implicature. The data are conversations taken from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child novel
written by J.K Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne and the translated novel Harry Potter dan Si Anak
Terkutuk by Rosi L. Simamora. This research uses a qualitative approach of comparative content analysis.
All the dialogues in the source text and the target text are analyzed by using a comparative model. Molena
and Albir’s theory is used to analyze the strategy of translation. The results of this research show that: (1)
There are 25 data of implicature dialogues, (2) There are six translation strategies used by the translator, (3)
The most used translation strategy is Calque 42.3%, Transposition 29.6%, Modulation 25.9%,
Generalization 3.7%, Compensation 3.7, and Linguistic amplification 3.7 %. The implications of the
research findings are to provide better insights for translated novel readers to carefully choose novels they
are reading and to contribute to better understanding in the production of quality translation and in the
teaching of translation course.
Translation is a part of the process in developing
science and technology especially in Indonesia. It is
because translation is one of the ways in
understanding literary sources or works in foreign
languages, such as Mandarin, Arabic, English,
Russian, and others. Furthermore, the number of
foreign language translated books continues to rise
and it can be seen through the more foreign literary
works, particularly references and novels in English
are translated into Indonesian. By having Indonesian
as its national language, Indonesian people need
translation so that they can understand the reading
sources well. Hasibuan, et al. (2018) stated that “In
the need of global communication, the role of
translation takes central stage since not all people
know and speak each other’s languages, thereby
depending on the translation”. It is similar to Sayogi
(2014) who mentioned the importance of the role of
translation in the development of science and
technology. The translation of foreign-language
scientific books into Indonesian will facilitate the
flow of scientific information and accelerate the
process of maturing Indonesian into a scientific
Translation is an inseparable process of
renderring sentences from one language into
another, like English into Indonesian.
Translators should produce a good translation from
the source language into the target language. They
must transfer the messages and express the meaning
from the source language into the target language by
considering the range of matching and text. In other
words, translation is the process of transferring
messages between languages. It indicates that
translation involves two different language systems,
namely the source language and target language’s
grammatical, linguistic and cultural systems.
Therefore, translation can be called a complex
Yastanti, U., Emzir, . and Rahmat, A.
Strategies in Translating Conversational Implicature in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Novel.
DOI: 10.5220/0009001904820489
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 482-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
phenomenon. Newmark (Irawan, 2016) stated that
“... rendering the meaning of a text into another
language in the way the author intended the text”.
The definition explains that translation is
areproduction of meaning fromthe source language
into the target language. As it is supported by
Nurlela, Rudy Sofyan, S. & Gustianingsih. (2018)
Translation is a process of transferring the meaning
expressed in a certain language, called source
language (SL), into another language, called target
language (TL)”.
In the process of translating, the translator must
have the ability and knowledge of the source
language and target language to reproduce as
accurately as possible all features of the source
language and change them into the target language.
As Dewi (2016) described “what the translator need
is, therefore, the interface of knowledge in both
language and culture.” Gholi and Ahmadi (2017)
also said that "The translator explores a text written
in another time and place and brings back his or her
version of that explanatory process in the form of
translation. The travel writer produces a different
kind of translation, a version of the journey that he
or she claims to have undertaken".
The translator should be aware of translation
strategies which may guide them to choose more
suitable strategies in their translation so that they
will produce a good translation. According to
Molina dan Albir in Putrawan (2018), “Strategies
are procedures (conscious or unconscious, verbal or
nonverbal) used by the translator to solve problems
that emerge when carrying out the translation
process with a particular objective in mind.
A translation strategy is one of the factors in
creating a good translation. Accordingly, to get a
good quality translation, the translator should use
suitable translation strategies. Zekri and Shahsavar
(2016) study used translation strategy as one of the
elements to assess the quality of Persian translation
of English Pharmaceutical Leaflets. The result
revealed that the translation may, directly and
indirectly, affect the health of patients efficiently
and effectively so that the translator must take
suitable translation strategies to avoid the mistakes.
A qualified translator should find the meaning in the
source text and replace it with the target text
In the same line another study from Shi (2017)
explored the translation strategy of English brand
names from the perspective of culture. She
mentioned that translation should follow the target-
culture oriented strategy to conform to the habitual
use of target language, social culture, and aesthetics.
This is one of the functions of translation strategies
that is supported by Molina and Albir (Putrawan,
2018). They elaborated on the functions of
translation strategies, such as translators use
strategies for comprehension (e.g., to distinguish
main and secondary ideas, establish conceptual
relationships, and search for information) and for
reformulation (e.g., paraphrase, retranslate, say out
loud, avoid words that are close to the original).”
In another study, Arjomandi and Kafipour (2016)
believed that choosing suitable translation strategies
more frequently may lead to the more fluent and
understandable translated text. In this research, they
investigated the most frequently used Malone
translation strategies in the translation of “Little
Prince” from English into Persian and identify
whethertwo translators investigated in the study
differ in the application of these strategies. They use
sentences and phrases from the English text of the
book as the materials of their research.
As in this research, the writer identified
translation strategies used by the translator of Harry
Potter and the Cursed Child novel. The writer
focused on the translation strategies of implicature
dialogues both in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Novel and its translated novel, Harry Potter dan Si
Anak Terkutuk. The data of this research is not only
the sentences and the phrases, but also the sentence
and the phrase in the conversational implicature
In the translation process of a literary work
(novel), translators not only transfer the meaning,
but theyalso play a role as the medium of a cross-
cultural communication. Moreover, in the translation
process of conversational implicatures, they must
produce the messages that are interpretable,
acceptable, and also coherent in the target language
and culture. The difficulties in the translation of the
text are different. The translator should comprehend
the message, transfer it, and recreate it in the same
circumstance. In attaining this goal, they must have
a good level in pragmatic competence. Yule in
Harthaty (2012) stated that “Pragmatics is concerned
Strategies in Translating Conversational Implicature in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Novel
with the study of meaning as communicated by a
speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or
reader). It has, consequently, more to do with the
analysis of what people mean by their utterances
than what the words or phrases in those utterances
might mean by themselves. Pragmatics is the study
of speaker meaning”. Rather different from
Arjomandi and Kafipour study, incarrying out this
analysis, the writer uses the theory of translation
strategy from Molina and Albir. Molina and Albir
(2002) elaborated 17 translation strategies,
namely:Adaptation, Amplification, Borrowing,
Calque, Compensation, Description, Discursive
Creation, Established Equivalent,
GeneralizationLinguistic Amplification, Linguistic
Compression, Modulation, Particularization,
Reduction, Substitution, Transposition, and
This research used qualitative research method of
comparative content analysis. Qualitative research
methods are interpreted as research that produces
qualitative data in the form of written or spoken
words of the people or observed behaviors
(Moleong, 2002). The data are the conversational
implicatures taken from Harry Potter and the
Cursed Child novelwritten by J.K Rowling, John
Tiffany, and Jack Thorne and its translated
novel,Harry Potter dan Si Anak Terkutuk, by Rosi L.
Simamora. All the dialogues in the source text and
target text are analyzed by using a comparative
model. The writer explained the results through
words in detail. The writer investigated the source
text and the target text. Harry Potter and the Cursed
Child novel written by J.K Rowling, John Tiffany,
and Jack Thorne is the source text; while the target
text is the translated novel, Harry Potter dan Si
Anak Terkutuk, by Rosi L. Simamora. All the
conversational implicature of the dialogues in the
source text and target text are analyzed by using a
comparative model. In carrying out the research, the
writer used a theory of translation strategies from
Molena and Albir. The collected data were analyzed,
interpreted, and explained using the qualitative
method (Mulyana, 2001; Muhadjir, 2000). The idea
is supported by Fraenkel and Wallen (1993) who
stated that qualitative research is considered to
describe the research object completely and
The writer found six strategies used by the translator
in translating the conversational implicature of the
dialogues originated from Harry Potter and the
Cursed Child Novel and the translated Novel, Harry
Potter dan Si Anak Terkutuk. Below is the table of
translation strategies:
Tabel 1. Translation Strategies
Jame: Can we go now, please?
Ginny: All you have to do is
walk straight at the wall
between platforms nine and ten.
James" Bisakah kita pergi sekarang,
ku mohon?." Ginny," Kalian hanya
perlu berjalan lurus menuju dinding
diantara peron sembilan dan
replaced by
those of target
Lily: Have you got my trick?
Ron: Are you aware of the
weasly's Wizard Wheezes
certified nose- stealing breath?
Lily" Apakah kau punya sulap
untukku".Ron" Apakah kau tahu
napas pencuri-hidung milik Toko
Lelucon Weasley".
Ron: Bing. Bang Boing. Young
Lady, get ready to not being
able to smell at all….
Lily: where's my nose?
Ron," Sim.sala.Bim. Gadis kecil,
bersiaplah untuk tidak dapat
menghirup sama sekali…"Lily"
Mana hidungku?"
Changing the
word class or
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
James: Apart from the
Thestrals. Watch out from the
Thestrals. Albus: I thought there
were invisible!
James,"Kecuali Thestral. Hati-hati
terhadap Thestral".
Albus," Kukira mereka tak
point of view
Ginny: they are going to be
okay, right? Hermione:
Hogwarts is a big place.
Ginny, "Mereka akan baik-baik saja,
kan". Hermione, "Hogwarts tempat
yang luas".
point of view
Ginny: And how would you
feel Harry, if Al-if he is? Ron:
You know Gin, we always
thought there was a chance you
could be sorted into Slytherin.
Ginny: "Dan bagaimana
perasaanmu, Harry,kalau Al-kalau
dia masuk Syltherin?. Ron, "Kau
tahu Gin, kami selalu mengira ada
kemungkinan kau bakal dipilih
masuk Slytherin"
replaced by
those of target
Scorpius: Hi Rose. Would you
like some of my Fizzing
Whizzbees? Rose: I've just had
breaksfast, thanks.
Scorpius, "Hai, Ros. Apakah kamu
mau sedikit permen Kumbang
Berdesingku". Rose, "Aku baru saja
sarapan, terimakasih"
Scorpius: THANK YOU
(laughinh) Wow
ALBUS". Albus,"(Tertawa)Wow"
replaced by
those of target
Harry; Draco, just let it blow
over-they'll soon move on.
Draco: My son is suffering and-
Astoria hasn't been well
recently-so he needs all the
support he can get.
Harry," Draco, biarkan saja gosip
itu berlalu-tak lama lagi mereka
akan melupakannya."
Draco,"Putraku menderita dan--
Astoria belakangan ini sakit-sakitan-
-jadi dia membutuhkan semua
dukungan yang bisa didapatkannya."
Changing the
word class or
Albus: Are yu clapping her too?
We hate Quidditch ad she's
playing for another house.
Scorpius: She's your cousin,
Albus,"Apkah kau bertepuk tangan
untuknya juga?Kita benci Quidditch
dan dia bermain untuk asrama lai."
Scorpius"Dia sepupumu,Albus".
Changing the
word class or
Albus: Do you think she'd clap
for me? Scorpius: I think she's
Albus, "Apakah pikirmu dia akan
bertepuk tangan untukku". Scorpius,
"Menurutku dia hebat".
Harry: and you're sure you want
to keep it? Hermione: I don’t
think we have a choice. Look at
it. It's entirely different from the
Time-Tuner I had.
Harry,"Dan kau yakin ingin
menyimpannya". Hermione,"Aku tak
yakin kita punya pilihan. Lihat benda
itu. Benar-benar berbeda dengan
Pembalik Waktu yang pernah
point of view
Amos: Delphi-perhaps if you
were prepared to accompany
them?. Delphi: if that would
make you happy, Uncle.
Amos, "Delphi--mungkin kau siap
menemani mereka?". Delphi, "Kalau
itu membuatmu senang, Paman".
replaced by
those of target
Draco: And the Trolley Witch is
not able to tell us anthing
usefull?. Hermione: The Trolley
Witch is furious. She keeps
talking about lettig down
Ottaline Gambol. She prides
herself on her Hogwarts
Draco," Dan penyihir Troli tidak
dapat memberitahu kita sesuatu yang
berguna?".Hermione," Penyihir troli
marah besar. Dia terus berbicara
tentang mengecewakan ottaline
Gambol. Dia bangga dengan
rekornya dalam memastikanjn tidak
Use the
general term
in the target
Strategies in Translating Conversational Implicature in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Novel
delivery record.
ada penumang Hogwarts yang
pernah meninggalkan mereka".
Deplhi: and we have a winner.
Albus: I've never been good at
Delphi," Dan kita mempunyai
pemenang". Albus,"Aku tak pernah
jago dalam mantra".
explain in the
target text
Bane: Harry Potter. Harry:
Good. You still recognise me,
Bane. Bane: You've grown
Bane, "Harry Potter". Harry,"
Bagus. Kau masih mengenaliku,
Bane".Bane, "Kau bertambah tua".
point of view
Harry: Can you help me, Bane?
There's a pause. Bane looks
downs at Harry imperiously.
Bane: I can tell you what I
know…but I tell you not for
your benefit but the benefit of
my hrd. The centaurs do not
need another war.
Harry," Dapatkah kau membantuku,
Bane". Hening sejenak. Dengan
angkuh Bane menunduk menatap
Harry. Bane," Aku hanya dapat
memberitahumu apa yang
kuketahui..tapi aku emmberitahumu
bukan demi keuntunganmu
melainkan demi keuntungan
kawananku. Kaum sentaurus tidak
membutuhkan peperangan lain."
replaced by
those of target
Harry: I have to protect my son.
Draco: from Scorpius? Harry:
Bane told me he sensed a
darkness around my son. Near
my son. Draco: What are you
implying, Potter? Harry turns
and looks Draco dead in the
eye. Harry: Are you sure ….are
you really sure he's yours,
Draco? There's a deadly silence.
Draco: You take that back..right
Harry,"Aku harus melindungi
Putraku". Draco,"Dari Scorpius?".
Harry," Bane memberitahuku bahwa
dia merasakan sebuah kegelapan
disekeliling anakku. Di dekat
anakku." Draco,"Apa maksud
ucapanmu, Potter?" Harry berbalik
dan menatap tajam mata Draco.
Harry, " Apakah kau yakin....apakah
kau benar-benar yakin dia putramu,
Draco". Draco," Tarik kata-
katamu....sekarang juga".
the target text
Draco: Flipendo! Harry is sent
twriling through the air. Draco
laughs. Keep up, old man.
Harry: We're the same age,
Draco. Draco: I wear it better
Draco, "Flipindo!". Harrry
berputar-putar di udara. Draco
tertawa."Bertahanlah, Pak Tua".
Harry," Umur kita sama, Draco."
Draco," Aku lebih awet muda
dibandingkan kau".
Changing the
word class or
Albus: And it's something I
should have said a long time
ago. You're probably the best
person I know. And you don't-
you couldn't -hold me back-you
make me stronger-and when
Dad forced us apart-without
you--Scorpius: I didn’t much
like my life without you in
Albus: Dan seharusnya aku
mengatakannya sejak dulu sekali.
Dan kau tidak-kau tidak dapat-
menghalangiku-kau justru
membuatku semakin kuat-dan ketika
Dad memaksa memisahkan kita-
tanpa kau—“
Scorpius” Aku juga tidak terlalu
menyukai hidupku tanpa kau di
Changing the
word class or
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
Mc Gonagall: I just don’t think
I can interfere in friendships
and I believe-- Harry: I need to
say sorry to you and sorry to
Albus, will you give me that
chance? Draco arrives behind
them with a bang of soot.
Professor McGonagall: Draco.
Draco: He needs to see his son,
and I need to see mine. Harry:
like I say-peace-not war.
Professor McGonagall: Well,
peace is certainly something I
can be part of.
Profesor “Aku hanya berpikir aku
tidak dapat mencampuri urusan
persahabatan dan aku percaya----
Harry aku perlu meminta maaf
pada Anda dan meminta maaf pada
Albus, maukah anda memberikanku
kesempatan itu” Professor:
“Draco” Draco” Dia perlu menemui
putranya, dan aku perlu menemui
putraku” Harry Seperti kataku
tadi- damai bukan perang,
Professor “Yah, Jelas aku dapat
melibatkan diri dalam damai”.
replaced by
those of target
Prosessor Mc Gonagall: The
Ministry has a Time-Turner?I
thought they were destroyed?
Moaning Myrtle: Isn't everyone
so naughty?
Profesor McGonagal “Kementerian
mempunyai Pembalik-Waktu?
Kusangka benda-benda itu sudah
dihancurkan” Myrtle Merana
Bukankah semua orang sangat
replaced by
those of target
Scorpius: I need your help.
Snape: I exist to serve.
Scorpius Saya membutuhkan
bantuan Anda", Snape Aku ada
untuk melayani”
replaced by
those of target
Scorpius: What if I was to tell
you there was another world-
another world in which
Veldemort was defeated at the
Battle of Hogwarts, in which
Harry Potter and Dumbledore's
Army won, how would you feel
Snape: I'd say that the rumours
of Hogwarts's beloved Scorpion
King losing his mind are well
Scorpius Bagaimana kalau saya
memberitahukan Anda ada dunia
yang laindunia lain dimana
Veldemort telah dikalahkan di
Pertempuran Hogwarts, dimana
Harry Potter dan Laskar
Dumdledore menang, bagaimana
perasaan Anda” . Snape
Menurutku gossip-gosip bahwa
Scorpion King kesayangan Hogwarts
kehilangan akal sehatnya telah
changing the
point of view
and Changing
the word class
Harry: And I've locked away
the map. You won't see it again.
Your mum left your room
exactly as it was when you ran
away-you know that? Wouldn’t
let me go in-wouldn’t let
anyone go in-you really scared
her…and me.
Albus: Really scared you?
Harry: Yes. Albus: I thought
Harry Potter wasn't afraid of
anything? Harry: Is that how I
make you feel?
Harry: Dan aku sudah menyimpan
peta itu. Kau tidak akan melihatnya
lagi, Ibumu menjaga kamarmu tepat
seperti waktu sebelum kau kabur-kau
tahu itu? Tidak membolehkan aku
masuk-tidak mengizinkan siapa pun
masuk-kau benar-benar membuatnya
takut...dan membuatku takut
juga.Albus Benar-benar
membuatmu takut?” Harry Ya”
Albus “ Kusangka Harry Potter tidak
takut apapun”. Harry : “Begitukah
anggapanmu terhadapku?”
The table above shows the analysis of translation
strategy. There are 25 conversational implicature of
dialogues originated from Harry Potter and the
Cursed Child Novel and the translated Novel, Harry
Potter dan Si Anak Terkutuk. The discussion and
percentage are in the following;
Strategies in Translating Conversational Implicature in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Novel
Table 2. The Result
Based on the table above, it can be understood
that the translation strategies used by the translator
to translate Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Novel consist of six translation strategies, namely:
Calque, Transposition, Modulation, Generalization,
Compensation, and Linguistic Amplification.
From the results shown above, it can be
concluded that the most used strategy in translating
the conversational implicature of dialogues in Harry
Potter and the Cursed Child Novel is Calque,
42.3%, followed by transposition, 29,6%,
Modulation 25.9%, Generalization 3.7%,
Compensation 3.7% and Linguistic Amplification
3.7 %.
The research results show that there are 25
conversational implicature. The translation strategies
used by the translator are Calque, Transposition,
Modulation, Generalization, Compensation, and
Linguistic Amplification. After conducting this
research, the writer concluded that the translator
used several translation strategies in the translation
process. In other words, the translator chose suitable
translation strategies to get a good translation result.
In this case, the novel is one of the good novels
which have good translation quality. It is suitable for
the learners who learn English especially in
translation, furthermore in pragmatic.
Through this study results, readers can learn to
be more careful in choosing a novel which has good
translation such as the novel used in this study.
Furthermore, the representation of the research
findings contributes to the better production of
translations and the teaching of translation course.
I am very grateful to Universitas Negeri Jakarta for
giving the opportunity to write articles as a
requirement for the doctoral exam, and I thank the
writers of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child novel,
J.K Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne and the
translated novel,Harry Potter dan Si Anak Terkutuk,
Rosi L. Simamora for their fantastic work.
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Strategies in Translating Conversational Implicature in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Novel