The Effect of Task-based Reading Activity on Vocabulary
Achievement of the Second Grade Learners at SMPN 24 Samarinda
Ventje Jany Kalukar, Syamdianita, Rohmad Kurniawan
FKIP Mulawarman University, Language Department, Samarinda, Indonesia
Keywords: Experimental Study, Task-Based Reading Activity, Vocabulary Achievement
Abstract: The title underlying this study was the effect of Task-Based Reading Activity (TBRA) on vocabulary
achievement of the second grade learners at SMPN 24 Samarinda. The purposes of this study were to
investigate the learners’ vocabulary achievement taught with Task-Based Reading Activity. The researcher
wanted to find out whether there were any significant effects on learners’ vocabulary achievement with and
without Task-Based Reading Activity. The design of this study was quasi experimental. The population was
all the eighth grade learners in SMPN 24 Samarinda that consisted of 7 (seven) classes with the total
number of learners was 222. Two classes were used as the sample of eighth grade learners namely class 8F
as the experimental class and class 8E as the control class. 30 learners in experimental class used TBRA
while teaching and learning process in the classroom and 30 learners in control class used conventional
method while teaching and learning process in the classroom. Pre-test and post-test were conducted to
collect the data by giving test that consists of 40 multiple choice items. The data analyzed used T-test by
using SPSS version 25. The researcher used T-test in order to find out the significant difference on
vocabulary achievement before and after being taught by Task-Based Reading Activity. The findings of this
study showed that, in experimental class the mean score in pre-test was 66.77 and it increased to 77.25 in
post-test. It also showed that the result of Sig. 2-tailed was lower than significant level (0.000 < 0.05).
Another T-test computation was used in order to see the significant effect between control class and
experimental class. The post-test mean score of experimental class was 77.25 and in control class was
69.03. It also showed that the result of Sig. 2-tailed was lower than significant level (0.001 < 0.05). Based
on the result of the two T-test above it can be concluded that the Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. By
looking at the analysis of the research findings, it can be concluded that the effect on vocabulary
achievement taught with Task-Based Reading Activity seemed to be significant.
According to Nahavandi (2011:64) using task-based
activities that the learners take part in understanding,
evaluating, discussing, problem-solving, negotiating
meaning process become efficient in meeting the
needs of learner-centered classes.
Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) more
aimed on language learning as an interaction and
meaningful communication rather than the grammar
rules. TBLT has effect on learners which is they
were be more talkative during the learning process,
TBLT has a valuable points and is a new, exiting,
and interactive method to develop communicative
competence (Dailey 2009:18). Thus, this kind of
method can make the learners become active
learners rather than passive learners when useing
TBLT in the teaching process. The role of teacher as
a facilitator who gave them the material. It would
gave the students more chances to express what they
have and what they had done during the learning
Based on the definition above, the researcher was
interested to found out The Effect of Task-Based
Reading Activity on Vocabulary Achievement of the
Second Grade Learners at SMPN 24 Samarinda. The
researcher wanted to know their vocabulary
achievement while using Task-Based Reading
Activity in the learning process. The researcher was
optimistic that the TBRA could be used to increase
their vocabulary repertoire.
Kalukar, V., Syamdianita, . and Kurniawan, R.
The Effect of Task-based Reading Activity on Vocabulary Achievement of the Second Grade Learners at SMPN 24 Samarinda.
DOI: 10.5220/0009002104900493
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 490-493
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
FHD The purpose of this research was to find out
learners vocabulary achievement when they are
taught by using Task-Based Reading Activity. The
design of this study was quasi-experimental design,
in which one group is treated as the experiment
group and the other group is treated as the control
As it is stated by Creswell (2008: 145)
experimental design is to examine the impact of the
treatment on a result of it and all the other factors
that influence the result controlled by it. Supported
by Muijs (2004) about experimental design, pre-
test, post-test, and control group design are known
as the traditional experimental design. The
participants divided into two groups, control and
experimental group. Here, the control group was not
given the treatment with TBLT but the experimental
group was not given the treatment with TBLT.
In this study the researcher used nonrandom
sampling to choose the class. According to Gay, et al
(2012:140) non random sampling is a sampling
technique that used when it cannot ensure that each
item has an equal chance of being selected or when
selection is based on the expert knowledge of the
population. Gay, et al (2012:140) also states that
there are three types of non-random sampling they
are convenience sampling, purposive sampling and
quota sampling.
In this study the researcher used purposive sampling.
According to Gay, et al.
(2012:141) the process of choosing a sample which
is believed as representative in a population is called
purposive sampling.
The researcher used learner’s semester score in
English subject test as the criteria to choose the
experimental and control group. The class that had
an average score in English subject was selected as
control group and the class that had a low score in
English subject selected as experimental group. The
groups which the researcher took for the study was
class 8F as the experimental group which consisted
of 30 learners and 8E as the control group which
consisted of 30 learners
In this study the researcher used vocabulary test
as the instrument. The test was in the form of
multiple choice which contained of four options a, b,
c, and d. The total of vocabulary test were 60
questions which the distribution of vocabulary test
as: verb (25%); noun (25%); adverb (25%); and
adjective (25%). To find out the validity of the test,
the researcher used r table Pearson’s Product
Moment Correlation. The researcher used SPSS
version 25 to find out the validity of the instrument
in order to determine that valid of an instrument.
The data that was obtained from pre-test and
post-test was analyzed by T-test useing SPSS 25.0.
The means of the result of pre-test and post-test were
compared to found out the significance effect. The
researcher used independent sample t-test. In other
words this formula was used because this research
had two groups in which the subjects were different
in each other. The data were analyzed by using
independent sample t-test and measured it by using
SPSS version 25.
The results had been analyzed and calculated by the
researcher to answer three research questions of this
Table 1: Paired Samples Test
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
95% Confidence
Interval of
the Difference
Sig. (2-tailed)
The first question was “what is learners’
vocabulary achievement without using Task-Based
Reading Activity?”. Based on the result of
calculation above, the researcher found that in
control class, which did not use the Task-Based
Reading Activity, there was no significant effect on
vocabulary achievement because the result of Sig. 2-
tailed was higher than significant level 5% where the
significant value was 0.05 (0.580 > 0.05
Table 2: Paired Samples Test
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
95% Confidence
Interval of
the Difference
Sig. (2-tailed)
The second question was “what is learners’
vocabulary achievement with Task-Based Reading
The Effect of Task-based Reading Activity on Vocabulary Achievement of the Second Grade Learners at SMPN 24 Samarinda
Activity?”. Based on the calculation above, the
researcher found that in experimental class which
used Task-Based Reading Activity. There was a
significant effect on vocabulary achievement
because the result of Sig. 2-tailed was lower than
significant level 5% the significant value was 0.05
(0.000 > 0.05).
Li-Na (2012) argued that Task-Based Instruction
is an effective way in English vocabulary learning in
which it can afford interest and authenticity,
improve language by negotiation of meanings and
create a climate of intimacy and deep
cooperativeness basic to learners’ emotional and
cognitive growth. So, the teaching and learning
activity to increase the learners vocabulaaries should
be recommended.
Table 3: Independent Samples Test
not assumed
Levene's Test
for Equality
t-test for
Equality of
Sig. (2-tailed)
Std. Error
Interval of
the Difference
The last question was “is there any significant
effect of learners’ vocabulary achievement with and
without Task-Based Reading Activity?”. It can be
said that there was a significant effect of learners’
vocabulary achievement as showed in the result of
the computation of post-test in experimental and
control class. It showed that Sig. 2-tailed was 0.001.
Whereas the significant level was α = 0.05. It
showed that Sig. 2-tailed lower than significant level
(0.001 < 0.05) and the result of T-computation was
3.333, where the significant level at 5% (2.000) and
it showed that T-computation was higher than T-
table (3.333 > 2.000) that meant there was a
significant effect between post-test in experimental
class and control class. It can be said that Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted. That there was a
significant effect on the result of the eight grade
learners’ of SMPN 24 Samarinda on vocabulary
achievement by using Task-Based Reading Activity.
This present study was supported by previous
study from Kamalian, Soleimani, and Safari (2017
who stated in their finding that Task-Based Reading
Activities have positive and significant impact on
vocabulary learning and the effect of time on
vocabulary retention indicated that there is a
statistically significant effect for time. This result
suggested that there was a change in scores across
three different time periods. It can be said that by
using Task-Based Reading Activity, the learners
were more active in doing the task together in group,
they are brave to report their discussion about task
given by researcher in front of the class and there
was not a boring situation in the class.
The result of this research shows that the
average of the learners’ score in vocabulary
achievement by using Task-Based Reading Activity
is higher than the learners’ who taught without using
Task-Based Reading Activity.
The researcher related the finding with some
theories. Chalak (2015:26) stated in his finding that
learner-to-learner interaction while performing tasks
provided opportunities for them to talk about
vocabulary and monitor the language that they used.
Task-Based Instruction (TBI) improved their
interaction skills and maximized their used of target
language. During the task, learners exchanged their
ideas and negotiated to learn their peers’ ideas,
attitudes, or beliefs on certain issues and became
familiar with a lot of words related to the topic. Of
course, learners’ had the chance to receive feedback
from their teacher and also their classmates.
Based on the explanation above, it can be
assumed that teaching by using Task-Based Reading
Activity has an effect on learners’ vocabulary
achievement. The pedagogical implication of my
research is that the learners became active learners
where they could show their contribution in the
discussion and that they participated well in the
teaching and learning activities.
Teaching English by using Task-Based Reading
Activity has a significant effect on the learners’
vocabulary achievement rather than teaching without
using Task-Based Reading Activity. The researcher
would like to recomend that using TBRA can be a
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
solution for teachers to consider teaching by using
this method to improve the students’ English
vocabularies the class.
Based on the resercher’s finding on teaching by
using TBRA which is also supported by some
theories, the researcher would like to conclude that
the use of Task-Based Reading Activity can improve
the learners’ vocabulary achievement of the eight
grade learners of SMPN 24 Samarinda.
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The Effect of Task-based Reading Activity on Vocabulary Achievement of the Second Grade Learners at SMPN 24 Samarinda