Activity?”. Based on the calculation above, the
researcher found that in experimental class which
used Task-Based Reading Activity. There was a
significant effect on vocabulary achievement
because the result of Sig. 2-tailed was lower than
significant level 5% the significant value was 0.05
(0.000 > 0.05).
Li-Na (2012) argued that Task-Based Instruction
is an effective way in English vocabulary learning in
which it can afford interest and authenticity,
improve language by negotiation of meanings and
create a climate of intimacy and deep
cooperativeness basic to learners’ emotional and
cognitive growth. So, the teaching and learning
activity to increase the learners vocabulaaries should
be recommended.
Table 3: Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test
for Equality
t-test for
Equality of
Interval of
The last question was “is there any significant
effect of learners’ vocabulary achievement with and
without Task-Based Reading Activity?”. It can be
said that there was a significant effect of learners’
vocabulary achievement as showed in the result of
the computation of post-test in experimental and
control class. It showed that Sig. 2-tailed was 0.001.
Whereas the significant level was α = 0.05. It
showed that Sig. 2-tailed lower than significant level
(0.001 < 0.05) and the result of T-computation was
3.333, where the significant level at 5% (2.000) and
it showed that T-computation was higher than T-
table (3.333 > 2.000) that meant there was a
significant effect between post-test in experimental
class and control class. It can be said that Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted. That there was a
significant effect on the result of the eight grade
learners’ of SMPN 24 Samarinda on vocabulary
achievement by using Task-Based Reading Activity.
This present study was supported by previous
study from Kamalian, Soleimani, and Safari (2017
who stated in their finding that Task-Based Reading
Activities have positive and significant impact on
vocabulary learning and the effect of time on
vocabulary retention indicated that there is a
statistically significant effect for time. This result
suggested that there was a change in scores across
three different time periods. It can be said that by
using Task-Based Reading Activity, the learners
were more active in doing the task together in group,
they are brave to report their discussion about task
given by researcher in front of the class and there
was not a boring situation in the class.
The result of this research shows that the
average of the learners’ score in vocabulary
achievement by using Task-Based Reading Activity
is higher than the learners’ who taught without using
Task-Based Reading Activity.
The researcher related the finding with some
theories. Chalak (2015:26) stated in his finding that
learner-to-learner interaction while performing tasks
provided opportunities for them to talk about
vocabulary and monitor the language that they used.
Task-Based Instruction (TBI) improved their
interaction skills and maximized their used of target
language. During the task, learners exchanged their
ideas and negotiated to learn their peers’ ideas,
attitudes, or beliefs on certain issues and became
familiar with a lot of words related to the topic. Of
course, learners’ had the chance to receive feedback
from their teacher and also their classmates.
Based on the explanation above, it can be
assumed that teaching by using Task-Based Reading
Activity has an effect on learners’ vocabulary
achievement. The pedagogical implication of my
research is that the learners became active learners
where they could show their contribution in the
discussion and that they participated well in the
teaching and learning activities.
Teaching English by using Task-Based Reading
Activity has a significant effect on the learners’
vocabulary achievement rather than teaching without
using Task-Based Reading Activity. The researcher
would like to recomend that using TBRA can be a
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society