The Form of Power and Sexuality in the Novel Tuhan Izinkan Aku
Jadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan
Wahid Khoirul Ikhwan
Trunojoyo University of Madura
Keywords: Power, Sexuality, Novels
Abstract: Literary work is a social phenomenon that is related to the socio-culture found in society. Power and
sexuality in literary works as a social phenomenon is a form of social expression. Power operates through
the power of the body as a mechanism for disciplining the body. Power and sexuality are social interactions
as a whole in society. The concept of Michel Foucault's theory (2000) about power and sexuality is very
interesting to study with a novel titled Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan. This
research aims to describe the forms of power and sexuality in the novel entitled Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi
Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan. This research is a qualitative descriptive study designed to describe the
forms of power and thought that appear in a novel titled Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M.
Dahlan. Possible forms of thinking include: (1) dogmatic, (2) stigmatization, (3) manipulation, and (4)
domination of thought packed with religious thought. Furthermore, the practice of social and individual
body power (sexuality) and thoughts carried out by the main character namely, Nidah Kirani.
Literary works are social phenomena built by the
author's imagination. However, literary works can
express social phenomena in the form of socio-
culture contained in society, because literary works
are part of social documents. According to Wellek
and Werren (1968) literature as a social document is
used to study an overview of social history, namely
social and cultural activities that exist in society.
Meanwhile, according to Fananie (2002) literary
works are a form of background social picture,
which is related to the structure, function, activity,
and socio-cultural conditions at the time the literary
work was created.
One form of social activity in literary works is
power. Power as a complex community activity,
namely describing the correlation between
individual and individual, individual and group,
group and group. In the context of power,
community activities are carried out with the process
of influencing each other, thus bringing up the
authorities. The ruler as the authority must have the
ability to govern and make direct or indirect
decisions to influence others, so that the group being
heard is obedient and obedient. This is in line with
what was conveyed by Faruk (2012) that the power
mechanism needs to be understood politically by
prioritizing ideas and awareness.
Such a mechanism needs to be understood as a
recognition that the mechanism of power exists in
society. This is based on Foucault's opinion (in
Haryatmoko, 2002) that power operates through
social mechanisms that are used to guarantee health,
knowledge, and welfare for the community. The
mechanism of power in society, according to
Foucault (in Sugiharto, 1996) is positive, productive,
and like capillaries circulating in the cells of the
body of the community. This indicates that power is
everywhere and power encompasses both macro and
micro scope whether systemized or not, which is
then channeled through social relations. Through
social relations, Foucault (1997) revealed that power
can produce forms of categorization as controllers of
people's behavior.
The operation of power in society is sometimes
not realized by the community. Society unknowingly
has become part of the operation of power.
According to Foucault (in Haryatmoko, 2002) that
power is not localized in the form of a disciplinary
order that is associated with a non-repressive but
productive activity structure. This illustrates that
power is not owned by anyone, but power permeates
Ikhwan, W.
The Form of Power and Sexuality in the Novel Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! By Muhidin M. Dahlan.
DOI: 10.5220/0009002204940498
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 494-498
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the fabric of social relations. One form of power is
related to bodily power or sexuality.
According to Foucault (2000) that sexuality is a
network on the surface of bodily stimuli, and the
intensification of pleasure is interconnected with
knowledge and power strategies. This provides
experience for individuals in the community to
recognize sexuality as a part of knowledge and to be
associated with a system of power and coercion.
Experience here is understood as correlation with the
field of knowledge, types of normativity, and forms
of subjectivity in a culture. Therefore, Foucault
(Filingham, 2002) views sexuality as a natural fact
and must be understood by humans so that it does
not make sexuality a bad thing.
The concept of power and sexuality is very
interesting to study with a novel entitled Tuhan
Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan.
This novel depicts the life of the character
NidahKirani who experiences inequality in society.
This form of inequality was manifested through the
figures of Nidah Kirani who was compartmentalized
in the activities of the hard-Islamic movement aimed
at establishing Islamic law in Indonesia. Through the
dogma that has been given by his organization
group, the figures of Nidah Kirani is influenced to
fight to establish Islamic law in a whole (whole)
manner. One of the methods carried out by Nidah
Kirani is to join the group somewhere, such as a
shelter. The dogma that has been given to the
character Nidah Kirani is a form of power that is not
repressive, is gentle in line with morals. However,
Nidah Kirani fought against the powers that affected
The form of resistance by NidahKirani is to run
away from her organization and choose to live in
frustration by having free sex and taking drugs.
When joining a radical Islamic organization,
NidahKirani saw sexuality as a taboo and closed
matter. After leaving his organization, the Nidah
Kirani figures looked at sexuality that was not taboo
and open. Therefore, Tuhan Izinkan AkuJadi
Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan is interesting to
studied with Michel Foucault's theory of power and
This research is a qualitative study with an object of
research in the form of a novel entitled Tuhan
Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan.
According to Ratna (2013) research that uses a
qualitative approach maintains the nature of values.
Meanwhile, the data analysis technique in this
research is the content analysis technique. According
to Bahtiar and Aswinarko (2013) that content
analysis techniques relate to communication content,
both verbally and nonverbally. Meanwhile,
according to Ibrahim (2015) explains that content
analysis is an approach or method that makes the
text (writing or discourse) as the object of study.
Data analysis was analyzed using three procedures,
namely (1) identification, (2) classifying, and (3)
interpretation or interpretation.
Most people understand power as a form of power
that exists in a country, so that people are not aware
that they are part of the object of power. In fact,
people give a negative view of power, because the
state or the authorities present power in a repressive
way. However, Foucault (in Sugiharto, 1996) gave a
new discourse that power is positive, productive, and
spread through social joints.
A novel called Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur!
by Muhidin M. Dahlan provides a description of the
form of power. The findings form power in thought,
that is dogmatic about the understanding of Islam.
The form of power in the form of dogma as did the
figures of Dahiri to the character Nidah Kirani is
about knowledge of Islam. Through this knowledge,
Dahiri figuress wanted to master the thoughts of
Nidah Kirani about Islam, so that Nidah Kirani
became a member of Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia. In
order to influence Nidah Kirani's thoughts, Dahiri
did not directly provide dogmaticism, but gradually.
In the first stage the Dahiri figures gave limited
insight to the figures of Nidah Kirani about Islam in
Indonesia which is not pure, which is purely the
Quran and the Sunnah of the Apostles, Islam is not a
religion, but Islam is Deen, and that Deen is a
system whose laws are laid out in the Shari'a. To
realize Deen as Islam, we need an Islamic
government in the form of Daulah Islamiyah
Indonesia (Indonesian Islamic State) (Dahlan, 34).
This makes the figures Nidah Kirani curious to
know thoughts about Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia.
In the second stage, the Dahiri figures invited
Nidah Kirani to hold a discussion as a manifestation
of establishing confidence in the Indonesian Islamic
state movement. This stage is also called screening.
Screening is a psychological test to strengthen the
intention to join this movement, so that it will form
cadres who are militant towards the Indonesian
Islamic state movement. After feeling stronger and
The Form of Power and Sexuality in the Novel Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! By Muhidin M. Dahlan
stronger confidence (Dahlan, 45). In the third stage
is attribution. Distribution is an oath of loyalty to the
cadres of the Indonesian Islamic state movement.
with this association, the character Nidah Kirani
means that he is already a member of Daulah
Islamiyah Indonesia (Dahlan, 49). The refraction
shows that the dogmatic character Nidah Kirani
succeeded in instilling power in the thinking of the
character Nidah Kirani.
The role of the Dahiri figures influencing the
Nidah Kirani figures in thinking about Daulah
Islamiyah Indonesia is a form of thought
domination. The dominance of this thought will
form power. This form of power is demonstrated by
the willingness of the leader Nidah Kirani to follow
the orders of the Dahiri figuress who were packaged
in the Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia's struggle, such as
willingness to take allegiance to become a member
of the Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia group and
payment of dues for the operational commander in
running the government. This fee is also used for
massive national network distribution (Dahlan, 78).
In addition, the leader Nidah Kirani also followed to
look for members of Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia.
The members recruited by the leader Nidah Kirani
are his own family, namely both parents and two
siblings of the leader Nidah Kirani. The dominance
of thought was also carried out by the figures of
Nidah Kirani, a number of community members in
her village, totaling 16 people, namely 8 women and
8 men. After the Nidah Kirani figures dominates his
thoughts, the family and 16 community members
obey everything that is ruled by the Nidah Kirani
figures. The dominance of thought is an attempt to
strengthen power over others, so that others can
obey the commands of those in power.
In addition, stigmatization of religion also gave
rise to forms of power. Stigmatization of the
understanding that a person who has not adhered to
Islamic law is considered to be unjust and infidel. In
order not to be wrongdoers and infidels, people must
emigrate into a country that enforces Islamic laws
(Dahlan, 46). This is the basis for the stigmatization
of the cadres of the Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia
movement to move, from the pagan government to
the Islamic state of Indonesia. With this
stigmatization, the cadres of the Daulah Islamiyah
Indonesia believed the existence of the Indonesian
Islamic state as the implementation of Islam as a
Kaffah (Dahlan, 46). Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia or
the Islamic state of Indonesia is within the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia or the state within
the state. The Islamic State of Indonesia already has
a government such as the highest commander
(central government), regional commander
(governor level), regional commander (regent level),
sub-district commander, and village commander
(Dahlan: 63). The formation of the Daulah Islamiyah
Indonesia proves that the form of power over
stigmatized thought forms the basis for forming the
movement. In an effort to recruit cadres of members
of the Islamic State of Indonesia, this is an effort to
stigmatize power in thinking which is done non-
repressively or in a smooth way.
Stigmatization was also experienced by the
figures of Nidah Kirani when wearing large
headscarves and large robes. Stigmatization using
large headscarves and large robes is excessive in the
view of others (Dahlan, 42). In fact, wearing a large
headscarf and a large robe is identical to the hard-
line Islamic label. Giving a strict Islamic label to
users of large hijab and large robes will bring
criticism by the general public. So that the use of
large headscarves and large robes will feel less
comfortable and more closed life from social life. As
a result of the practice of stigmatization above is the
role of one's power in society will be hampered.
Besides that, a novel called Tuhan Izinkan Aku
Jadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan is manipulated
in exercising power. This form of manipulation
arises when exercising power in the Indonesian
nation of Islam, the people have rights and
obligations. One of the obligations is to collect fees.
Nidah Kirani figures to get money to pay dues is to
manipulate tuition, semester money, book money,
and remittances from her sister abroad. So, the
figures of Nidah Kirani can provide contributions of
500 thousand in a week (Dahlan, 60). Form of
manipulation carried out by the leader Nidah Kirani
is by lying to his parents and brother that the money
to pay for college is used to finance his organization,
Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia.
In addition, the manipulation was also carried out
by the Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia group when
preaching to find new members. The form of
manipulation is propaganda for the sake of Islam is
allowed to lie, cheat, steal, rob, sell personal items,
and prostitute (Dahlan, 60). This form of
manipulation gives the idea that power can be
exercised in any way. In fact, violating Islamic
social and religious norms can be done to exercise
power for the sake of the establishment of the
Indonesian Islamic State.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
4 Forms of Body Power (Sexuality)
Power operates in society through social networks.
Not power in the form of statehood, but also spread
through social and individual. Forms of power
according to Foucault (in Synnot, 2007) there are
two forms of power over the body, namely the social
body and the individual body. Power in the social
body is in the form of spatial political rules,
capitalism activities, optimization, moral rules,
regulations, politics, and religion. Meanwhile, power
over the individual body in the form of sexual
activity, reproduction.
The form of social body power in the novel
entitled Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! by
Muhidin M. Dahlan namely, in the form of religious
life in Ki Ageng boarding school. The power of the
social body in the pesantren in the form of real life
which fosters religious values, such as the Koran, to
pray (pray, read the Quran, think), obey the rules of
the Islamic boarding school. Every boarding school
dweller obeys the provisions set by the boarding
school. When the inhabitants of the pesantren obey
the commands set by the boarding school, then the
power operates in the social body (Dahlan, 40). In
addition, the power of the social body also appears
in campus life. Campus life is the life of an
intellectual person who is studying in college. Not
only studying in tertiary institutions, students can
seek new knowledge in the form of Islamic study
discussion forums (Dahlan, 26)
The Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia movement
group is also part of the form of social body power.
The power of the social body takes the form of
activities of members, cadres, and senior officials of
Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia, such as linking each
member, looking for new members, worshiping,
dues, wedding parties, discussions (Dahlan, 58)
Furthermore, the nightlife in Yogyakarta is also part
of the authority of the social body. Social life
activities in Yogyakarta, such as free sex,
prostitution, drug distribution, staying up late,
trading (Dahlan, 111-112). Meanwhile, this form of
physical power according to Foucault (Suyono,
2002) is divided into two, namely, small and large
sizes. Small individual body in the form of body
actualization. This body writing is usually
transformed in the family, school and nurses.
Meanwhile, a large individual body in the form of a
law or regulations on the body made by the state.
The form of power of the individual body is
depicted in the actualization of the figuress of Nidah
Kirani who routinely carries out obligatory prayers
and sunnah. Nidah Kirani figuress routinely perform
the obligatory prayers, then supplemented with
sunnah prayers. The movements of the body that are
moved by the faith of God alone are able to carry
out. Especially midnight prayer is a heavy prayer
activity, because at that time it is time for people to
rest. Only people who have strong faith will carry
out these activities. Actualization of the prayer is a
form of obedience to the authority of God (Dahlan:
In addition, the actualization of the figures Nidah
Kirani always uses a large hijab and a large large
robe identical to clothing in accordance with Islamic
law. The use of idiomatic clothing is an Islamic
religious instruction for women to cover the body so
that it does not cause lust for men (Dahlan: 43).
Large robes and large veils are used to cover the
body so that its shape and nature are invisible. This
is done as a form of recognition of the power of his
Actualization of Nidah Kirani's character who
has free sex with some of her friends is also a form
of individual body power. Nidah Kirani figuress to
have free sex not to seek sexual pleasure, but rather
a form of protest against her Lord. The protest was
caused by his dissatisfaction with God over worship
and the struggle to establish the Daulah Islamiyah
Indonesia, which had sacrificed energy, study,
thought, family, and relatives. The figures of Nidah
Kirani felt that his obedience to his God had been in
vain when he learned that the members of Daulah
Islamiyah Indonesia had not been serious in fighting
and manipulating the movement (Dahlan, 123). In
addition, free sex carried out by the character Nidah
Kirani also uses drugs. Consuming drugs is a form
of power of the individual body to calm the mind
from disappointment with the reality of life that it
experiences (Dahlan, 107). By consuming drugs, the
leader Nidah Kirani feels he can forget the
disappointment with the Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia
group. Psychologically, the power of the individual
body of Nidah Kirani's character becomes unstable.
Forms of power and sexuality are interrelated forms.
Both the power of sexuality becomes a public
discourse that makes a person experience an
atmosphere of tension, high andrenaline, and power
and control. A novel called Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi
Pelacur! Muhidin M. Dahlan's work has
implications for the practice of power and sexuality
in life. Based on the research data packaged in the
research method, it can be implied that the public
The Form of Power and Sexuality in the Novel Tuhan Izinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur! By Muhidin M. Dahlan
needs to understand the practices of power around
them, so that the community can apply a form of
repressive power and not apply power dogmatically,
stigmatized, manipulated, or dominated for the
interests of individuals or groups. In addition, this
research has implications that understanding the
teachings of Islam must be selective, especially
radical movements that want to replace the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia into another form
of state, such as Daulah Islamiyah Indonesia.
Meanwhile, sexualitiesimplies that the practice
of sexuality is inseparable from the practice of
bodily power (sexuality), both socially and
individually. The practical implications of the power
of the social body, such as the state regulating and
controlling the population through family planning
programs, the health of pregnant women. In
addition, sexuality has implications for sex
education for children. This will provide knowledge
for children to understand the power of the social
body and the power of the individual body. Children
will understand the power of the body socially by
understanding the pre-marital period or marriage
period, while the power of an individual's body by
maintaining its reproductive health.
I am very grateful to the Trunojoyo Madura
University and the International Conference on
Education, Langugae, and Society (ICELS) seminar
committee for giving me the opportunity to present
my paper in this series of seminar activities.
hopefully it can be a benefit for all of us.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society