users so that messages conveyed to the public can
take place effectively and on target. According to
Schiffrin (1994), This also means that a social
language user cannot behave arbitrarily in language
without regard to his cultural context and social
setting. In line with this Eerdmans, Prevignano, &
Thibault (2002), the importance of understanding the
context has also been raised by Gumperz on the
topic of Context and Communication edited by
Eerdmans et al. Explanation Hartley (1999) that
considering social context is important in
communication. In connection with that Kramsch,
(1998) also discussed the need to consider two types
of contexts, namely the context of the situation and
cultural context. This is in line with what was stated
by Achmad (1994) that discourse as a language
recording is used both in social contexts and cultural
context. Understanding discourse requires an
understanding of the social and cultural context.
Based on that opinions about the importance of
understanding the context, it can be concluded that
language users who do not heed the context in their
communication are language users who fail to
In discussions in internet discussion groups,
language is the most important medium for
expressing thoughts and feelings. In other words,
discussion on the internet will never go well without
adequate language support. The dynamics of
language on the internet is largely determined by the
enthusiasm of its users in expression and
In proper communication, especially discussions
in internet discussion groups, a person conveys his
thoughts and feelings in writing with the hope that
the reader (discussion partner) can understand what
is being conveyed. The person always tries to keep
the language relevant to the context, clear and easy
to understand, compact, concise and always focused
on the problem so as not to spend time discussing
friends. For example, people will use the language
form, "Answer briefly!" And "Can you answer it
briefly to be effective?" For different situations and
needs. In an emergency, people will tend to use the
first form, while people who ask for help from their
discussion partners in situations that are not so
urgent, they will tend to use the second form.
The deviation in the use of language mean that
there are certain implications to be achieved. If the
implication is not there, then the person concerned
does not carry out cooperation or is not cooperative.
So in summary it can be rationalized that there are
pragmatic principles that must be carried out by the
communication participants so that the
communication process runs smoothly. One of them
is the Principle of Cooperation. By adhering to this
principle, communication is expected to take place
properly. Based on this description, the use of
language on the internet, especially in discussion
groups, is worthy of research. This study examines
Violations of the Principle of Cooperation in three
Indonesian Hindu discussion groups. These groups
are Bhakti Manawa Wedanta, the Nusantara
Nusantara Network Discussion Forum, and
The reason for choosing the Violation of the
Principle of Cooperation is because this principle
cannot be separated in the fact of language use.
Then, the reason for doing research in only those
three discussion groups is because among dozens of
Indonesian Hindu discussion groups, only those
three groups were large and popular. The three
groups are managed by a foundation, so that their
vision and mission can be trusted. Each group has
more than 5,000 members.
At the next, the consideration of doing research
in Hindu-based groups is because there are several
Hindu cultural value systems that turned out to be
relevant to the Principles of Cooperation. According
to Prabhupada (1986), in Hindu culture, there is
ahimsa or non-violence. This means that it does not
hurt or harm others. The speech such as lies, slander,
or gossip can hurt another people. Further, in
Hinduism, there is also the teaching of tattvam asi
which means me and you are servants of God
(Krishna, 2008). So, thes teaches about equality as a
servant of God, because both are servants of God,
then it is fitting to cooperate with each other,
including in communicating.
In Indonesian Hindu culture, there is Tri Hita
Karana which means three causes of happiness. The
three causes in it referred the implementation in
three harmonies, namely: (1) harmony of the
relationship between humans and God, (2) harmony
of relations between humans and fellow human
beings, and (3) harmony of relations between
humans and nature (their environment). According
to Jaman (2007), if it refers to harmony points (2), it
can be understood that harmony requires
communication that is also harmony. In other words,
harmony communication is communication that
obeys the principle of cooperation.
Furthermore, the Hindu cultural value system
also teaches aprajalpa, namely refraining from
wanting or encouraging too much talking which is
not useful. According to Prabhupada (2007), this is
in line with the Principle of Cooperation, especially
the maxim of quantity and quality, then there is also
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society