A Case Study of the Curriculum 2013 Implementation in the
Industrial Revolution 4.0
Yeni Nuraeni
, Zulela, MS
, Endry Boeriswati
, Desri Arwen
University Muhammadiyah of Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Postgraduate Departement, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Teachers, Teaching Aids, Evaluataion Education, Curriculum Development
Abstract: The aim of the study is to describe implementation the Curriculum 2013 in the industrial revolution 4.0: A
Case Study of The Curriculum 2013 has been implemented since July 2013 in several Indonesian schools
and which might have been in effect in all schools around 2014. The study was researched by
multidimensional qualitative reserach procedures, observations,teacher interview and group discussion.. The
data source is 22 elementary school teachers and five head masters in the Tangerang City Province of
Banten of Indonesia that’s teachers’dissiculties for making an interactive media.The study hihlights the need
to provide continuous teacher training particulary training about making interactive learning media as
macroflash, base abod flash or base powtone etc.
Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum for
elementary school level has begun in the academic
year 2013-2014. Curriculum 2013 is a character-
based curriculum that is expected to make the
Indonesia equal to the nations in the global world
order in the future. Since the beginning of the
curriculum implementation in 2013, many problems
have been found, including the unreadiness teachers
to apply teaching and learning methods in the 2013
curriculum and the complex and time-consuming
assessment. So, it gives a hard time for teachers and
shifts the focus from giving full attention to students.
Teaching and learning process is never be separated
in discussing about curriculum. Successful
implementation of the 2013 curriculum is the whole
process of learning, building competencies, and
planned the students’ character. In this case, research
will be carried out on the K-13 teacher learning
media especially, whether it is based on industrial
revolution 4.0 or not, according to the needs and
development of the era. Learning tools needed in
managing the teaching and learning process can be
in the form of materials / textbooks, syllabus,
Learning Implementation Plans, Student Activity
Sheets, assessment instruments or assessment of
learning outcomes, and learning media. However,
the implementation of the new curriculum changes
do not always run smoothly. (Kirkgöz,
2008),(Malawi, Tryanasari, & Riyanto, 2017)
Based on the results of the initial study there
were several problems in making the learning media
felt by the teacher. These constraints include the
making of learning planning teachers must creative
and be able make the class runs well. In addition,
textbooks for student books contain too much
images and lack of materials for students'
knowledge, so teachers are required to look for other
learning resources or getting an explanation of each
material through textbooks in the last curriculum. In
the assessment process the teacher is still
experiencing difficulties because of the many
assessments that the teacher has to fulfil. In addition,
the results of interviews conducted to the headmaster
indicate that the 2013 curriculum is a curriculum
that requires teachers to be more creative in
teaching, and make the students to be more active in
learning process. In implementing the 2013
curriculum, it is found that there were still a number
of teachers who did not understand the 2013
curriculum well, especially in their teaching learning
instruments, namely in making learning plans. That
is because there are still many teachers whose still
using conventional method, especially for elder
Nuraeni, Y., MS, Z., Boeriswati, E. and Arwen, D.
A Case Study of the Curriculum 2013 Implementation in the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0009002505060510
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 506-510
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
teachers. The teachers are still motivated by the
administration of the last curriculum, the teachers
are also still having difficulty in assessing using app
assessment made by the government because of lack
of ability to use IT (Technology Science). In
addition, there is still a lack of school facilities and
infrastructure support, especially on learning media.
Currently, Teachers are required to design a learning
instruments based on industrial revolution 4.0, in
order to prepare its students to compete in the global
competition era.
In Implemting The Curriculum 2013, the
constraints faced by the teachers' lesson plans are
still not referring to the Curriculum 2013;
application of learning with a scientific approach by
the teacher is not optimal; teachers less than optimal
in applying the learning model; and teachers are not
optimal assess student learning outcomes that cover
three domains of learning, namely the attitude,
knowledge and skills. And solutions to resolve the
problems faced is the need to make mentoring to
teachers on the implementation of Curriculum 2013
(which deals with lesson plans, scientific approach,
models of learning, and assessment of student
learning outcomes) and conducting lesson study club
(Gunawan, 2017)
Indonesia's current education ranking is far
below other developing countries even though it is
only at the Asian level, if you see the results of the
PISA survey. PISA is an international study of the
assessment of literacy achievement in reading,
mathematics and science for 15-year-old students,
coordinated by the OECD (Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development) based in
Paris, France. (Aditomo, Fakultas, & Universitas,
The differences between previous study and this
research were level of education and based on digital
era. This study focused on implementation K-13 in
elementary schools and in the industrial revolution
The study was explorative-descriptive research using
qualitative approach. This study was using
phenomenology tradition attitude(Caldas, 2009)
(Creswell, 2014). The study tried to identify the
teachers difficulities in implementing the
Curriculum 2013 in TangerangBanten province of
Indonesia. The participants were 22 teachers and 11
vice principals from 11 elementary schools. The
researcher seleted elementary schools from 3
districts in Tangerang-Banten province of Indonesia.
The data collection method used observation ,
interview and focus group discussion.
Observation conducted 12 times in six months,
with the subject of teachers and students. Researcher
investigated several items, i.e learning procces,
media, teaching aids, authentic assessment. The
participant of interview were principals, teachers,
and students. The interview objective to gain
information regarding teacher’s competence in
making digital learning media, scientific approach in
learning process, and authentic assessment.
Lastly, focus group discussion used to gain
opinion from the participants, namely, stakeholders,
supervisors, headmasters, and teachers. Focus group
discussion conducted in three times during
The data obtained from this study include the results
of observations, interviews and the results of
documentation in the form of learning instruments
used by the teacher in the learning process. having a
syllabus that has reached the criteria is quite
appropriate and the teacher also develops the
syllabus. This is in accordance with the results of
observations and interviews that the teacher is
developing syllabus. However, if analyzed based on
the indicator of industrial revolution 4.0, not on all
syllabus that the teacher uses yet.
Based on the results, it shows that all teachers
have made lesson plans that refer to the 2013
curriculum guidelines. The results of the study also
show that the teacher does not make worksheets, but
uses worksheets sourced from the publisher.
Textbooks used by students and teachers have been
provided by the government. Schools have learning
media facilities that can be used by teachers in the
learning process. However, the results of
observations and interviews show that teacher
learning devices, especially media, have not been
based on industrial revolution 4.0.
What do we know about Revolution Industrial
4.0?“Industry 4.0, also known as the intelligent
industry, is considered to be the fourth industrial
revolution, a term coined by Professor Schwab and
seeks to transform a company into an intelligent
organization to achieve the best business results.The
industrial revolution 40, but the adoption of digital
technology has reached a point where we are ready
for another radical change, the digital
transformation of the industry or what we call
A Case Study of the Curriculum 2013 Implementation in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
industry 4.0.”(Ilyas, 2019). The future as Industry
4.0 unfolds, computers are connected and
communicate with one another to ultimately make
decisions without human involvement. A
combination of cyber-physical systems, the Internet
of Things and the Internet of Systems make Industry
4.0 possible and the smart factory a reality. As a
result of the support of smart machines that keep
getting smarter as they get access to more data, our
factories will become more efficient and productive
and less wasteful (Marr, 2019). (Gregory Clark,
2010) (Lasi H, Fettke P, Kemper H-G, Feld T,
2014),(Ali, Rose Alinda, Syed Norris, Marlia, & Siti
Hamisah, 2017). Its mean the Curriculum 2013
needs media base computer and Information
Technology, and teaching aid base digital. All off
them has not show in implementing The Curriculum
2013 in several school in Tangrang.
Almost all examples of media that are observed
have not been interactive and interesting media
according to student development. Some interactive
media used such as interactive slideshows, films or
videos originating from other sources are not the
result of the teacher's own making. This finding
agree with carol (2017) While many teacher
candidates will utilize power-point presentations to
support lectures or word documents to create
handouts for students, it seems “teacher candidates
lack the instinctive ability to effectively integrate
technology into their teaching practices”,(2017).
Another difficulty is the use of an educational
assessment system, which is authentic assessment.
The difficulty is in terms of how teachers take values
that must include the achievement of all core
competencies and are converted from qualitative
values into quantitative values. This learning
outcome assessment is felt difficult by the teacher
because the assessment that must be done is too
much so it is too time consuming. Based on the
results of the analysis of research data, from some of
the problems faced, the efforts made by the principal
and teacher are participating in training on the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum. In addition,
the teacher also communicates with other teachers to
ask about solutions to the difficulties faced.
However, until now the training attended by teachers
is still comprehensive in discussing the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum, not training
that is really specifically discussing the learning
tools that refer to the 2013 curriculum.
The curriculum 2013 is a curriculum that
emphasizes the development of the ability to
perform (competency) tasks with certain
performance standards, so that the The 2013
curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes the
development of the ability to perform (competency)
tasks with certain performance standards, so that the
results can be felt by students, in the form of
mastering a certain set of competencies(Mulyasa,
2017). Whereas according to (Madjid, 2014), the
2013 curriculum orientation is an increase and
balance between the competencies of attitude
(attitude), skills (skills) and knowledge (knowledge).
2013 curriculum is a competency-based curriculum.
In it is formulated in an integrated manner,
knowledge, and skills competencies that must be
mastered by students. Also formulated the learning
and assessment process needed by students to
achieve the certain competencies Adriantoni (2016),
In the 2013 curriculum also formulated learning and
assessment processes needed by students to achieve
the certain competencies so that Indonesia can be
equal to other developing countries in the education
field. Teachers even though they have participated in
the 2013.This case like Kholid’s research findings
explained that not all types of assessment can be
carried out by teachers in Curriculum 2013.Teachers
did not conduct the assessment of observation, self
assessment, assessment of journals, oral assessmnet
and assessment of the protfolio periodically (Kholid,
Pratama, & Sutarni, 2016). This result agree with
analisis study of difficulties teacher’s in implenting
The curriculum 2013 in Kebumen were indicate that:
(1) The teacher in carrying out the stages of planning
and implementing learning based on the 2013
curriculum is categorized as not difficult, meanwhile
in conducting learning assessments based on the
2013 curriculum it is categorized as quite difficult;
(2) the dimension that is most difficult for teachers
in learning based on the 2013 curriculum is the
authentic assessment dimension.(Khoerunnisa,
Ulfah, Prasetyo, & Suryandari, 2018)
Curriculum training are still having difficulties in
developing integrative thematic learning instruments
that refer to the scientific approach. The scieniic
approach can use several strategies like contextual
learningThis approach is a form learning that has a
name , characteristics,syntax,setting, and culture, for
example:discovery learning, project based
leraning,problem based learning, and inquiry
learning. (Of, Based, & In, 2018)
Scientific knowledge refers to the products of
science such as concepts, theories, and laws. The
nature of science, however, refers to both products
and processes of science including the nature of
scientific knowledge, the scientific enterprise, and
scientists’ work. In other words, the nature of
science encompasses the nature of scientific
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
knowledge and the nature of scientific processes
which constitute how this knowledge is produced.
Scientific processes are activities (e.g. observation
and inference) which are related to the collection
and interpretation of data and derivation of
conclusions. The ture of science consists of the
epistemological commitments underlying these
activities. There is no consensus on the definition of
the nature of science among philosophers of science,
historians of science, scientists, and science
educators. However, most philosophers, historians,
scientists, and science educators agreed on some
general characteristics of the nature of scientific
knowledge as embedded within the nature of
science.(Mufilu, Macaro, & Akgül, n.d.).
Scientific knowledge refers to the products of
science such as concepts, theories, and laws. The
nature of science, however, refers to both products
and processes of science including the nature of
scientific knowledge, the scientific enterprise, and
scientists’ work. In other words, the nature of
science encompasses the nature of scientific
knowledge and the nature of scientific processes
which constitute how this knowledge is produced.
Scientific processes are activities (e.g. observation
and inference) which are related to the collection
and interpretation of data and derivation of
conclusions. The ture of science consists of the
epistemological commitments underlying these
activities. There is no consensus on the definition of
the nature of science among philosophers of science,
historians of science, scientists, and science
educators. However, most philosophers, historians,
scientists, and science educators agreed on some
general characteristics of the nature of scientific
knowledge as embedded within the nature of
science.(Mufilu et al., n.d.) (Hasan, 2018).
The teacher has implemented learning instruments in
the 2013 curriculum, such as syllabus, lesson plans,
worksheets, materials / textbooks, learning media
and learning outcomes assessment according to the
2013 curriculum, but has not met the demands of the
industrial revolution 4.0.
Problems faced by teachers in implementing
learning instruments in the 2013 curriculum include
teachers having difficulties in delivering lessons in
the 2013 curriculum, lack of learning materials or
supporting information to add insight and
knowledge of students in learning. So that the
teacher must look for other learning resources as an
additional reference to supplement the lack of
learning material. And the teacher has difficulty in
evaluating learning outcomes because the teacher
has to do too many assessments that require a long
time. 1. The efforts made by the teacher in
overcoming the problems faced in implementing
learning instruments in the 2013 curriculum are by
asking colleagues who have understood the 2013
curriculum implementation. In addition, the
principal made an effort by including teachers in
training on the implementation of the 2013
curriculum and holding meetings and mentoring led
by teachers who understand the implementation of
the 2013 curriculum to help teachers who do not
understand it. But unfortunately, the training
specifically discussed the implementation of
learning instruments in the 2013 curriculum has
never been held by both the central government and
regional governments, so the training is still general
in discussing the implementation of the 2013
curriculum. Information Technology training is
urgently needed for all teachers to be able to make
the 2013 Curriculum-based learning media industrial
revolution 4.0 Indicators and competencies in the
syllabus and learning plan also need to be
continuously improved according to the needs and
development of the times.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society