Learning in Digital Literation
Nuke Lu’Lu Ul Chusna S
, Otto Fajarianto
, Andi Ahmad
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia
Mathematics Education Departement, STKIP Kusumanegara Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Industrial Revolution 4.0, Digital Literacy, Learning
Abstract: Technological developments in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era changed one's literacy culture into digital
literacy. Digital literacy is a key skill in education today, so it is very important to apply it to every learning.
The use of digital technology in learning can increase student interest and motivation in learning, improve
the quality of the learning process and student learning outcomes. The role of educators must be prepared
more thoroughly and renewed so that educational institutions in Indonesia are ready to face the industrial
revolution 4.0.
Indonesia faces the era of the Industrial Revolution
4.0, is expected to improve in preparing relevant
needs to face the challenges ahead, especially in the
field of education. Education 4.0 is an education
characterized by the use of digital technology, a
system that can make the learning process take place
continuously without space and time limits. Success
in facing the industrial revolution cannot be
separated from the quality of the teaching staff, to
master expertise, adaptability with new
technological changes and global challenges. If
educators do not make changes in learning
strategies, they will experience great difficulties,
namely facing students who are unable to be
competent with technology, therefore educators
must change in learning strategies (Rizki, 2019).
The digital revolution has started since the third
Industrial Revolution, which at this stage, the world
gained the internet with such fast interconnection,
being able to surf or explore the virtual world using
computers. Changes are different from the previous
industrial revolution, industrial revolution 4.0 is
marked by the development of the Internet of Things
(IoT) followed by new technologies in data science,
artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud and nano
technology (Ghufron, 2018).
AR as an alternative medium of learning in the
future. In the past, the limitations of AR technology
are only used in one place cannot be moved around.
(Fajarianto, 2018)
Quoted from Wikipedia, the 4.0 industrial
revolution has four principles that enable each
company to identify and implement a variety of
industry 4.0 scenarios, including: Interoperability;
the ability of machines, devices, sensors, and
humans to connect and communicate with each other
through the internet media for everything (IoT) or
the internet for audiences (IoT). Information
Transparency; the ability of information systems to
create a virtual copy of the physical world by
enriching digital factory models with sensor data.
Technical support; the first is the ability of an aid
system to help people collect data and make
visualizations in order to make wise decisions.
Second, the ability of the cyber-physical system to
help humans perform a variety of heavy, unpleasant,
or unsafe tasks for humans.
Independent Decree; the ability of the cyber-
physical system to make decisions and perform tasks
as independently as possible.
The development of Information and
Communication Technology or abbreviated ICT that
currently exists contributes to the development of
education, especially in universities, including in the
teaching and learning process. In education the use
of the internet network is digital literacy, which is
capable of reading, writing, understanding and
responding critically to various forms of
communication such as information from digital
Ul Chusna S, N., Fajarianto, O. and Ahmad, A.
Learning in Digital Literation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009005005510553
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 551-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
media (Cam & Kiyici, 2017). Digital literacy not
only builds knowledge access skills but is also an
indicator of achievement in education.
The new literacy movement is intended to focus
on three main literacies, namely 1) digital literacy,
2) technological literacy, and 3) human literacy.
Utilization of technology has become an
important instrument in the success of independent
learning. The technology that can be utilized by
students in learning success is digital literacy, which
provides opportunities to access and sort out the
information needed. Digital literacy learning
activities must be supported by the ability to look
critically at the information obtained, and the
development of the ability to think critically is an
important aspect for sorting, organizing, organizing
and utilizing that information for learning. Learning
with digital literacy can provide new experiences for
students to develop their potential (Haliq & Riyanti,
Digital literacy is the interests, attitudes, and
abilities of individuals using digital technology and
communication tools to access, manage, integrate,
analyze and evaluate information, build new
knowledge, create, and communicate with others so
that they can participate effectively in society.
Digital literacy is directed at the aim of
increasing the ability to read, analyze, and use
information in the digital world (Big Data),
technology literacy aims to provide an
understanding of how machines work and
technology applications, and human literacy is
directed at improving communication skills and
mastery of design science (Aoun , 2017).
One of the concepts of digital literacy actions in
learning is strategy, it is important to identify
learning activities that can guide students in
achieving learning goals. Definition of strategy
According to Carl Von Clausewits is the use of
battle to win the war ("the use of engagements for
the object of war"). Rangkuti said that strategy is a
means to an end.
Strategies are structured to build towards student
learning achievement based on learning objectives.
The use of technology is one of the important
strategies, although it is recommended that students
can find and find their own problems, it is very
effective in learning and educators remain as
facilitators (Muliawati & Badu Kusuma, 2019).
Educators are required to have high competence
to produce students who are able to answer the
challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
educators are demanded to be able to innovate and
be creative, because previous learning systems have
not been accepted by students today and educators
must be oriented towards the development of
technology, information, and communication from
the analog era to the digital era (Nasution &
Nurhafizah, 2019)
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a
formidable challenge for Indonesian teachers.
Quoting Jack Ma in the 2018 World Economic
Forum annual meeting, education is a big challenge
this century. If we don't change the way we educate
and teach, the next 30 years we will experience great
difficulties. Education and learning that is
conditional on the content of knowledge overriding
the content of attitudes and skills as currently being
implemented, will result in students who are unable
to compete with machines. The dominance of
knowledge in education and learning must be
changed so that in the future young Indonesians will
be able to surpass machine intelligence while being
able to be wise in using machines for benefit.
The impact of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution on
Education in Indonesia in this modern era,
information and technology have greatly influenced
school activities. New information and knowledge
spread easily and accessible to anyone who needs it.
In current technological developments the source
of knowledge and information is very easily
accessible. Digital literacy can help students
understand the world through sources of various
sciences, and students become more critical, active,
and competent in learning in the current digital era.
To take advantage of the presence of technology, the
perception of educators and students must change,
namely learning activities must be student-centered,
and educators and students must collaborate with
using technology to create a community that
educates, encourages and supports the learning
The method used in this article is the literature
review method. The article aims to find out Learning
in Digital Literacy. The data in the article was
obtained based on literature studies, including from
previous studies, books and articles.
Digital literacy trains students at each stage of
learning activities, such as research stages, students
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
can use the internet as a source of information. For
students who have not been trained in the use of
digital literacy properly will have problems in
finding keywords to get the information needed,
communication stages, students are trained to
communicate the results of the findings into spoken
or written language. Students are trained to
understand and communicate ideas, share ideas that
have become ideas as they have obtained. Digital
literacy in universities can be done with
communication and collaboration in the form of
active participation in digital networks for learning.
The implementation of digital literacy programs
is expected to encourage students, educators and
citizens of educational institutions to support digital
literacy skills. The Four Cs of 21st Century Skills,
namely (1). Critical Thinker, students are
encouraged to think critically and be able to solve
problems by being given problems in learning,
provoked questions and trying to find solutions to
problems by searching for various information via
the internet, (2). Communicator, students are trained
to understand and communicate ideas after
understanding what is learned, students are
encouraged to convey their ideas that have been
obtained through literacy activities, (3).
Collaborator, the ability to cooperate in doing work
with others, with digital literacy of students trained
to be able to collaborate with other students, other
groups of other fields by sharing information
through computer media, (4). Creator, the ability to
be a creator is needed to produce high quality work.
Digital literacy activities in the classroom or at
school have now shifted from conventional literacy
reading using print media to electronic media called
digital literacy (Jayanti, Aryana, & Gunamantha,
Students faced by educators today are
millennials, who are familiar with the digital world
and are familiar with the flow of information and
industrial technology 4.0. Seeing these challenges,
mkaa educators must continue to learn by increasing
competence so that they are able to face millennial
generation students. Do not let the term term 4.0
students arise, learn in the 3.0 industry space and be
taught by educators from industry 2.0 or even 1.0,
and if this happens then our education will continue
to lag behind other countries that are ready with
changes in education 4.0 (Rizki, 2019)
Learning today has a difference with learning in the
past. Educators must begin one step in change,
namely changing learning strategies that are
centered on educators into student-centered learning
The existence of the digital era can replace the
role of educators, especially in the learning process
that is based on the transfer of knowledge,
technology and skills, but the role of educators
remains irreplaceable because it also serves to
develop learners' character, mentality, attitudes
through noble cultural values.
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Learning in Digital Literation