Figure 2: DSC thermograms of: (a) conventional rice, (b)
rice analogue containing taro powder 15% (CS/CP/TP:
Table 3: Characteristics of thermal properties of
conventional rice compared to those of rice analogue
containing 15% of taro powder.
Temperature of Thermogram (
Rice analogue
containing 15%
In general, both thermograph of conventional rice
and rice analogue showed endothermic peak 75.08–
C (due to water evaporation and melting of
gelatinous phase) and exothermic peak 296.15-
C (due to thermal decomposition),
respectively. When compared to those of
conventional rice, endothermic peak of rice analogue
showed slightly increase temperature (104.37-
C), but with higher heat capacity (-72.79 to -
109.18 J/g). In addition, exothermic peak of rice
analogue also showed increase decomposition
temperature (325.06-409.07
C), and the heat capacity
also higher (49.30-86.74 J/g). These phenomena were
related to the higher fibre content of rice analogue,
which is upto 26.13%, since the fibre may absorb
more water and require more heat to decompose.
It was found that optimum composition of rice
analogue (RA) with dissolution time close to that of
CR was that with ratio of cassava starch (CS) over
corn powder (CP): 70/30. It was shown that addition
of TP increased DT of the RA samples, and therefore
it was taken that the optimum composition with
addition of TP with weight ratio: CS: CP: TP = 70
/30/15. Morphology of the RA grains showed rougher
surfaces due to the natural fibre contents, whereas
thermal analysis using DSC technique indicated that
increase fibre contents also increase the melting and
decomposition temperatures of the RAs slightly.
Compared to those of conventional rice (CR),
carbohydrate contents of rice analogues decreased
from 78% to 60% and the fibre contents increase from
3 up to 18%, and the protein and total fat contents
were also increase, therefore that the rice analogues
(RA) are better for diet and diabetics menues.
The authors would like to thank to University of
Sumatera Utara for granting the research fund to
carry out this works through Professorship Research
Grant of TALENTA 2018.
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ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation