The Effect of Teacher Certification on Teaching Ability in Indonesian
Language Subjects in Elementary Schools
Deddy Sofyan, Endry Boerieswati, Moch. Asmawi, Vina Iasha
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Teacher Certification, Teaching Ability, Elementary Schools
Abstract: This study aims to find out whether there is an influence of teacher certification on the ability to teach
Indonesian language subjects in elementary schools. The approach used is a quantitative approach with
survey methods (correlational studies) that describe the variables studied, while investigating the influence
between variables. The selection of this sample is determined based on consideration of the distance of the
research location to the domicile of the researcher. The sample that was the target of this research was 100
elementary school teachers. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence between
Teacher Certification on teaching ability in Indonesian Language subjects in Elementary school
In the implementation of teacher certification it is
stated that teacher in office must go through several
components that must be met such as; test academic
qualifications, education and research, learning
experience, design of learning implementation,
assessment from superiors or supervisors, academic
achievement, work on professional development,
participation in scientific forums, organizational and
educational experience, and relevant awards in
accordance with the education sector. All of these
components become a prerequisite for a teacher to
obtain a due diligence and professionalism for each
teacher (Kurniawan, 2011).
According to Friedrichsen (2009)
Professionalism of a teacher is an inseparable part of
the education system. It can even be said, it is an
absolute requirement in realizing quality education.
With teacher's professionalism, the education system
can work well in students have character, dignity,
and noble character (Biesta, 2015). Ignoring the
professionalism of a teacher in an effort to build an
education system and achieve character education
goals, arguably is a futile job. because teachers the
main source of information in educational
institutions. In addition, the teacher also spearheaded
the transformation of knowledge for students. For
this reason, the professionalism of a teacher
becomes something that cannot be ignored
(Densmore, 2018).
Professionalism itself comes from the word
profession, which means a field of work that
someone wants or is engaged in. In addition, the
profession is also defined as a certain position or
occupation that requires special knowledge and
skills obtained from intensive academic education
(Mausethagen & Smeby, 2016). According to Ozga
& Lawn, (2017) professional teachers are teachers
who are able to manage themselves in carrying out
their daily tasks. Professionalization here is seen as a
process that moves from ignorance to knowing, from
immaturity to maturity, from being directed by
others (other directedness) to directing oneself
(Sanaky, 2005).
Whereas according to Supriadi, (2009)
professional teachers will be reflected in the
implementation of service assignments that are
characterized by expertise in both material and
methods. Professional teachers should be able to
carry out their responsibilities as teachers, students,
parents, society, nation, State and Religion (Sneyers,
Jacobs & Struyf, 2016). Professional teachers have
personal, social, intellectual, moral and spiritual
To bear the title professional’, a teacher
certainly cannot be arbitrary. He must have certain
competencies as required. In accordance with the
provisions of the Teacher and Lecturer Law and
Sofyan, D., Boerieswati, E., Asmawi, M. and Iasha, V.
The Effect of Teacher Certification on Teaching Ability in Indonesian Language Subjects in Elementary Schools.
DOI: 10.5220/0009034205920596
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 592-596
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Government Regulation No. 19 (MoNE, 2005) that
states teacher competencies include personal,
pedagogical, professional and social competencies.
In addition to the four competencies mentioned by
Moore & Clarke (2016), the attitude of a
professional teacher is demanded with a number of
minimum requirements, including: having adequate
quality of professional education, having scientific
competence in accordance with the field he is
engaged in, having good communication skills with
children students, have a creative and productive
spirit, have a work ethic and a high commitment to
the profession, and always carry out self-
development continuously (continuous
improvement) through professional organizations,
the internet, books, seminars and the like. Speaking
of teaching, the teaching style of a teacher is
different from the others during the teaching and
learning process even though it has the same
purpose: conveying knowledge, shaping students'
attitudes, and making students skilled in their work.
The ability to teach also reflects the personality
of the teacher self and is difficult to change because
it has become a trait since childhood or from birth.
Thus, the ability to teach becomes an important
factor in determining the success of student
achievement. Nairz-Wirth & Feldmann (2019)
claimed that The ability to teach is a basic skill in
teachers when the learning process is both curricular
and psychological. Curricular teaching abilities are
tailored to the objectives and characteristics of
certain subjects. Whereas psychological teaching
styles are tailored to student motivation, classroom
management, and evaluation of teaching and
learning outcomes (Gibson, Cumming, & Zollo,
(2017). So, it can be concluded that teaching is an
effort to provide direction, guidance, and stimulation
to students in order to achieve learning goals and
improve learning outcomes.
In the effort of increasing the professionalism of
teachers in formal schools in particular, the
government always strives to improve teacher
quality through varios programs to improve and
develop professionalism, one of which is by
participating in teacher certification. Most of the
teachers who teach in the Elementary School Bogor
have taken certification. Some passed and some
others have not passed the certification. Thus, the
teaching abilities of certified and non-certified
teachers can be observed. The certification followed
by elementary school teachers in the city of Bogor
was carried out through portfolio and teacher
education and professional training (PLPG)
(Directorate General of GTK, 2017). In Period 2006-
2015, Bogor elementary school teachers who passed
the teacher certification reached 2319 teachers, 1975
of them were Civil Servant Teachers private school
(Directorate General of GTK, 2017). data from the
Directorate General of GTK in 2017),illustrates that
with the majority of teachers who have been
certified, there is an increase in teachers’ teaching
skills and it also provides evidence that they are
appropriate and suitable to teach, The measure of the
teacher's teaching ability assessment in principle, the
teacher must have teaching preparation, among
others the teacher must master the material and
choose the right method and in accordance with the
learning material being taught (Widoyoko, 2009).
Teacher certification is essential to improve teacher
quality so as to bring improvements in the quality of
education and improvement of teacher quality in
delivering learning material to students by
developing the potential of their teaching skills
(Kartowagiran, 2011). In the process of obtaining an
educator certificate (certification), the teacher is
equipped to become a professional teacher, one of
which is a teacher must have teaching skills
(Wardoyo & Herdiani, 2017).
Teachers in learning are the spearhead in
implementing quality learning (Sumantri,
Prayuningtyas, Rachmadtullah, & Magdalena,
,2018). Teachers face directly with students in the
class through the teaching-learning process.
According to research conducted by Professor John
Hattie from the University of Auckland, the
dominant factor that determines student achievement
is influenced by teacher factors of 30%, 49% of
students' characters, and 21% of others (Hurriyati,
2017). The research shows the correlation between
teacher's ability to educational outcomes. Some of
the facts that the average ability of prospective
teachers based on the ability to answer test questions
for prospective teachers is still below 50%, which is
only 44%. The lowest ability is in physics and
mathematics competencies which only reach 33%
and 46%. In addition, the average ability
pedagogical average based on teacher competency
test in 2015 was 56.69% (Hurriyati, 2017). The low
competency of prospective teachers in Indonesia and
the impact on graduates produced if students are
educated by teachers with less competence. Even
though according to Campbell (2019) teachers are
very important in learning because they include non-
social factors that can cause problems in learning. In
fact the average teacher in Indonesia has not been
able to create an effective learning.
The Effect of Teacher Certification on Teaching Ability in Indonesian Language Subjects in Elementary Schools
The approach used is a quantitative approach, with
survey methods, (correlational studies) that
describes the variables studied, while investigating
the influence between variables. This research is to
find out whether there is an effect of teacher
certification on teaching ability in Indonesian
language subjects in elementary schools. The
selection of this sample is determined based on
consideration of the distance of the research location
to the domicile of the researchers. The sample that
was the target of this research was 100 elementary
school teachers.
Inferential Analysis presents three things, namely
correlation test, simple correlation, and significance
test. Correlation Analysis is used to find out how
closely the relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable. Regression
analysis is used to estimate the value of the variable
the ability to teach based on the value of variable x,
teacher certification and estimated changes in y for
each unit of change in variable x. Testing the
hypothesis in this study is held by conducting a t-test
by looking for the magnitude of the t-count that will
be compared with t-table. The coefficient of
determination to state the size of the contribution of
independent variables to the dependent variable.
The study conducted to find out how much influence
the dependent variable has on the independent.
Before testing the hypothesis, the data of this study
were tested for normality with the aim of seeing
whether each variable was normally distributed or
not. The following are the results of the normality
test in this study
Table 1: Normality Test of the One-Sample Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test
teacher certification
Teaching Ability
Based on the results of the normality test,
significance value is > 0.05. This shows that the data
of this study are normally distributed. Furthermore,
the hypothesis test in this study is to see whether
variable X has a role on variable Y. In this case the
researcher wants to see the Effect of Teacher
Certification on teaching ability in Indonesian
Language subjects in Elementary School.
Hypothesis testing is done by simple regression
analysis. Based on the results of these tests the
following results are obtained.
Table 2: Variable Regression Test Teacher Certification of
teaching ability in Indonesian Language subjects in
elementary schools
R Square
The results of the calculations carried out, Show
the Influence of Teacher Certification on teaching
ability in Indonesian Language subjects in Primary
Schools (F = 13.305, p = 0,000). Therefore the
research hypothesis is accepted. Besides that, it is
known that the determination coefficient value is 0,
120. The magnitude of the coefficient of
determination shows the role magnitude in percent,
which is 12.0%. So it can be concluded that the
effect of teacher certification on teaching ability in
Indonesian language subjects in elementary schools
is 12.0%, of which 88% are influenced by other
factors. Furthermore, the above table also a linear
equation Y = 62,152 0,309X. This means that with
every addition of 1 value to Teacher Certification,
the value of performance will decrease by 0.309.
Based on the results of this study it was found that
there was a positive influence between Teacher
Certification on teaching ability In Indonesian
Language subjects in Elementary Schools. This was
due to the improvement of teacher quality through
this certification program as an effort to improve the
quality of education. The rationale is that if good
teacher competencies are followed by good welfare,
it is expected that the performance is also good. If
the performance is also good, the teaching and
learning activities are also good. Good teaching and
learning activities are expected to produce
highquality education.
The findings of this study are in line with the
results of the research conducted by Suardi & Yusuf
(2017) who argued that the impact of certification
for teachers can improve the quality of teacher
teaching and in accordance Zaeni, Abdullah & Egar
(2017) who found that teachers who have
competence as educators and already have
certification haves a positive impact on learning and
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
teaching activities. The level of social teacher is also
better, the teacher is also motivated to continue to
maintain the quality of the learning he does.
Teacher certification is a breakthrough in the world
of education to improve the quality and
professionalism of a teacher, so that in the future all
teachers must have a certificate as a teaching license
or permission. This certification program is a breath
of fresh air for teachers, because besides being able
to improve the quality of Indonesian education they
also get their rights as professional workers,
including improving their welfare. Nevertheless,
teachers are also required to fulfill their obligations
as professional workers. Furthermore, the existence
of teacher certification will automatically increase
the motivation of teachers in scientific work
activities. Teacher's activeness in scientific work like
this is expected to improve the teacher's self-
development. The teacher certification program
turned out to have a positive impact on the
performance of teachers who had received educator
certificates. There is an increase in aspects of work
discipline and academic administrative discipline.
The author is grateful to all parties who have helped
in the completion of this research starting from the
pre-observation stage, the literature search of the
school where the research was conducted. GP3
Postgraduate of the Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
Indonesia, who has provided guidance to the author
for the publication of the research report
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society