Based on this study, Sarcopenia in Indonesia can be
determined by cut-off point from young adult values
for the ASM; <8,1 Kg/M
(male) and <5,6 Kg/M
(female), the HGS; < 32 Kg (male) and <20 Kg
(female), and the GS; < 1,2 M/sec (male) and < 1,17
The values of the ASM, HGS, and GS in elderly
male subjects from community dwelling were higher
than values obtained from subjects in nursing home
setting. While the ASM and HGS results in elderly
female subjects were quite similar between both
location, however, elderly female subjects from
community dwelling group have higher GS
compared to the elderly female subjects in the
nursing home. The percentage of the lower ASM in
elderly male and female subjects were significantly
higher in nursing home setting than community
dwelling home.
The physical performance in this study presented
by gait speed was better in elderly who lived in
community dwelling home in both gender.
This study was support by Research Institution of
Trisakti University. The authors subsequently
present their sincere gratitude to the Director of Sari
Asih Hospital Ciputat Tangerang, The Head of
Budhi Mulya 2 Social Care Institution Cengkareng
for facilitating this study, and also the highest
appreciation to all of the students from the
university, the elderly subjects from the community
dwelling group and the elderly subjects from the
nursing home who participated in this study.
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