Policy Implementation of Green Open Space in Pekanbaru City
Moris Adidi Yogia
, Raden Imam Al Hafis
Mustika Devitasari
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Student Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Policy, Implementation, Green Open Space, Cooperation.
The obligation to provide public Green Open Space is the responsibility of regional governments as stipulated
in Law Number 26/2007 concerning Spatial Planning as a form of service or the provision of public facilities
for the community. The problems faced are the lack of urban protected areas, the existence of Green Open
Space which is far from ideal proportions in Pekanbaru City so that when the rain occurs, it is flooded due to
low water absorption. The purpose of this paper is expected to be input for the Pekanbaru City Government to
carry out the mandate of the existing Act and be able to overcome existing problems. The results of the research
show that 30% of Green Open Space has not been met by the city, 20% public and 10% private. In the policy
implementation of the Green Open Space in Pekanbaru City, it has not been implemented optimally from the
targets set in the Act. For this reason the Pekanbaru city government needs to take steps to meet the needs of
providing Green Open Space in Pekanbaru City as follows: 1. Increasing more intensive socialization to the
public, and the private sector about the important role of green open space in Pekanbaru City; 2. Making local
regulations relating to partnerships in the provision of green open space; and 3. Require housing companies
or developers to provide Green Open Space.
The obligation to provide public Green Open Space
is the responsibility of regional government as a form
of service or provision of public facilities for the
community. The policy of providing public green
open space is a part of public policy, which means
that policies that regulate public / public interests are
not interests of certain groups or groups. In order
to respond to these matters in Law Number 26/2007,
content related to environmental issues is increasingly
emphasized. One of them is in connection with City
Spatial Planning which is required to include plans for
the provision and utilization of Green Open Space.
Law Number 26/2007 on Spatial Planning said
that 30% of Green Open Space must be contained
in urban spatial planning, 10% private area and 20%
public area. The 30% amount is a standard measure
to ensure a sustainable balance of urban planning is
maintained and a supply of fresh air can be enjoyed
by residents of the city. Efforts to implement 30% of
the green open space in the urban area are able to be
achieved in stages with the allocation of urban land in
accordance with Minister of Public Works Regulation
Number 5/2008 deals with procedures for providing
and utilizing green open space in urban areas. As for
the phenomenon that occurs at this time:
Lack of urban protected areas, but the population
growth of Pekanbaru City is increasing and the
growth of private vehicle use is increasing and
pollution is increasing.
Lack of control of water management, so that the
low supply of open green space in the city of
Pekanbaru during the rain causes flooding due to
low water absorption.
The realization of green open space that is not
in accordance with the expectations of the law.
Market dominance of government regulations that
are able to accommodate the desires and needs of
capital owners.
There is no need for 30% of green open space
from the city, from 20% of public green space
and 10% private. The area of pekanbaru is 632.26
KM2, equivalent to 63,226 ha. If it is taken
30%, the green space that must be fulfilled is
189.68 KM2 or equal to 18,967 ha. If divided by
20% public and 10% private, then the area that
must be provided by the government is 126.45
KM2, equivalent to 12,645 ha and 63,226 KM2,
Yogia, M., Al Hafis, R. and Devitasari, M.
Policy Implementation of Green Open Space in Pekanbaru City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009058400410044
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 41-44
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
equivalent to 6,322.6 ha. Whereas the facts show
that in Pekanbaru, the existing public green space
only amounted to 80,582 ha until 2017, equivalent
to 0.637% of the 20% Green Open Space that
must be met.
The objectives of this study include:
Describe how Pekanbaru City Government
implements Green Open Space Policy in
Pekanbaru City.
Knowing and describing obstacles or obstacles
faced by the Pekanbaru City government in
implementing the Policy for Provision of Green
Open Space in Pekanbaru City.
Determine the model of application for the City
of Pekanbaru in meeting the needs of Green
Open Space in the City of Pekanbaru, so that the
mandate of the Laws and Regional Regulations
regarding the fulfillment of the specified amount
can be fulfilled to the maximum.
The method used in this research is descriptive
qualitative, the type of research that describes a
phenomenon or event as it is. The method used in
this study is by conducting in-depth interviews with
the Department of Public Works Department of Parks
and agencies related to this problem. Data collected
both primary and secondary. Qualitative research
according to (Strauss and Corbin, 2003; Gandara,
2013) is a type of research that produces findings
that cannot be obtained by using statistical procedures
or by other means of quantification (measurement).
(Ikbar, 2012) said that the qualitative approach
is a research approach based on phenomenology
and constructivism paradigm in developing science.
Meanwhile, according to (Sarwono, 2013; Agustino,
2008), conveying in a qualitative approach the
emphasis on meaning, reasoning and defining certain
problems and more examining problems related to
daily life, emphasis on the process rather than the
final result. Some things that become fundamental
considerations in using qualitative methods in this
study, are as stated by (Chaedar, 2002; Creswell and
Poth, 2017), conveying that qualitative research in
analyzing a phenomenon can be presented as a whole
and more sensitive in capturing information but still
maintaining wholeness and object. In other words
the data collected in the case study is an integrated
whole. (Miles and Huberman, 1992; Purwanto, 2012;
Tarsito, 2014), suggest that the activities in qualitative
data analysis are carried out interactively and take
place continuously until complete, so that the data is
saturated. The size of data saturation is indicated by
no new data or information obtained. Activities in the
analysis include Data Reduction, Data Presentation
and Conclusion Withdrawal and Verification.
Figure 1: Interactive Models, (Miles and Huberman, 1992).
3.1 Policy Implementation of Green
Open Space in Pekanbaru City
To find out in depth about the Implementation
of Green Open Space Policy in Pekanbaru City,
researchers used four indicators to measure the
implementation of green open space policies,
especially in Pekanbaru City, among these indicators.
Bureaucratic Structure
Regarding communication carried out in the
policy implementation of the green open space in
Pekanbaru and coupled with the observation of the
research team to the community regarding green
space, especially with the community’s responsibility
to provide 10% green open space in their homes, the
authors concluded that communication between units
was generally the implementers have been carried out
accordingly according to the indicators discussed by
the researchers, but for the socialization carried out
by the government to the community it has not been
implemented as it should be in accordance with the
expectations of the existing policies.
In connection with available resources in the
implementation of the policy, in general it has
been implemented in accordance with the existing
provisions, but for the availability of funding sources
in the provision of green space is also limited
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
because there is a need that must also be provided or
completed by the Pekanbaru PUPR Office.
For the Disposition in the implementation of green
open space policy in Pekanbaru city it can indeed be
said as it should and this is proven by the existence
of several Green Open Space in Pekanbaru City
recent years. Although there are several problems
in the implementation of the provision, such as the
occurrence of corruption cases in the Green Open
Space Appoints / ”Integrity Monument”.
The bureaucratic structure in the implementation
of green open space policies has been carried out
well even though the open green space has not been
maximally determined by the existing rules / policies.
This is indicated by the completion of the provision
of green open space at several points in Pekanbaru,
which is currently widely enjoyed in Pekanbaru. such
as green open space, integrity teaching green space,
road parks, feeding, etc. Barriers to the government in
implementing the Policy for Provision of Green Open
Space in Pekanbaru City
Through this study, researchers found several
obstacles faced by the city government especially
in implementing this green open space policy. The
obstacles faced by Pekanbaru City Government itself
The absence of a special team in disseminating
information to the community about the
importance and the community has a
responsibility for fulfilling 10% of the green
open space of the 30% who were saved in the
Limited land owned by the government of
Pekanbaru city in particular, so that to provide
green open space in the city itself the government
must buy it to the public at a very high price
There is no collaboration with the private sector to
supply and manage green open runag in the city of
The model for the Pekanbaru City government in
implementing the Policy for Provision of Green Open
Space in Pekanbaru City
The author provides a model recommendation
that can be applied in the city of Pekanbaru in the
implementation of providing green open space in
Pekanbaru city. As for the proposed model as follows:
From the results of the research that has been carried
out on the implementation of the green open space
Figure 2: Pekanbaru City Spatial Planning Office
policy in Pekanbaru, the authors make the following
In general, the communication between the
implementing units has been carried out
accordingly according to the indicators discussed
by the researcher, but the socialization carried out
by the government to the community has not been
implemented as it should be in accordance with
the expectations of the existing policies.
In implementing the green open space policy in
pekanbaru city, for the Resource indicator, in
general it has been implemented in accordance
with the existing provisions, but for the
availability of funding sources in the provision of
green open space it is also limited because there
is a need that must also be provided or completed
by the Office PUPR Pekanbaru City.
That the implementation of green open space
policy in the city of pekanbaru can indeed be said
to have been implemented, this is evidenced by
the development of several Green Open Space
in Pekanbaru City recent years. But it has not
been carried out maximally from the desired
expectations. The area of Public Open Space that
must be met is 126.452 Km
(20%) = 12,645.2
ha, Total Public Open Space managed by DPUPR
2017 = 80,582 ha. So the green space that is
fulfilled = 0.637% from 20%.
Policy Implementation of Green Open Space in Pekanbaru City
From the results obtained, the researcher gave
recommendations as follows:
Increasing more intensive socialization to the
community, and the private sector about the
important role of Open green space in Pekanbaru
Increasing more intensive socialization to the
community, and the private sector about the
important role of Open green space in Pekanbaru
Require companies or housing developers to
provide and CSR to provide Green Open Space
and for housing developers to provide as much as
10% of the total total area developed.
The author would like to thank the Riau Islamic
University, through the Institute for Research and
Community Service for providing the opportunity to
carry out this research.
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity