adults (54,5%), 2 older adults (18,2%) and 3 elderly
From 40 Subjects who chose VAS score as
preferred tool to assess patient’s pain, 15 subjects
(37,5%) reasoned that they are more familiarized
with VAS than IPCPS so using VAS score to assess
pain is more convenient and easy for them. 24
subjects (60%) reasoned that VAS need less time to
complete than IPCPS and the other 1 subject (2,5%)
reasoned that VAS is more related to patient’s
responses. From 11 Subjects who chose IPCPS as
preferred tool to assess patient’s pain, 2 subjects
(18,2%) reasoned that IPCPS is more relevant and
easily applied to the patient’s disability because of
the pain. The other 9 subjects (81,8%) reasoned that
IPCPS is more descriptive than VAS to assess pain.
Table 3: Resident preferences on pain assessement
9 (69,2%) 4 (30,8%)
20 (90,9%) 2 (9,1%)
11 (68,8%) 5 (31,3%)
There are less subjects in preparation and
independent level who chose VAS over IPCPS than
in the internship level. Most subjects who preferred
IPCPS than VAS is also from the preparation and
independent group.
From 11 subjects who stated that VAS is more
accurate to describe pain than IPCPS, 6 subjects
(54,5%) reasoned that they confirmed patients’
responses more easily than using IPCPS and it may
give more accurate value to the patient’s pain. The
other 5 subjects (45,5%) reasoned that patients was
more understand to describe their pain when using
scale in VAS score than IPCPS. But, from 40
subjects who stated IPCPS is more accurate in
describing pain, all of them reasoned that IPCPS is
stated more detailed information for the patients to
compare with their pain and what problems may be
happened with their pain quality. They also reasoned
that IPCPS is more objective and hollistic to be used
in assessing pain.
The data is not distributed normally (p<0.05), so
the Spearman test was used as a nonparametric
correlations test. The test showed that IPCPS pain
rating scale has moderate correlation with VAS
score in assessing patient’s pain (r = 0,780, p<0,05).
There was more subjects preferred using VAS score
to assess pain than IPCPS. It was because of they
were familiarized with the tool so they need less
time to complete it. A study said that social
environment and culture have influences in making
people choose something they are more familiarized
with. The more someone become familiarized with
something, it will take less time for them to do it. It
is also said that there is some tendency to continue
doing what has been done in the past. (Curtis K,
As the subjects’ patient was varied in age, there
is no statistical differences in patients age and tools
to assess their pain with (p>0.05).
The majority of the subjects stated that the
IPCPS is more accurate in describing pain than
VAS. It is more likely because the IPCPS consists
more detailed description in explaining pain and its
ascociation to functional activities than VAS. It is
said that successful explanations start with accurate
descriptions, when the questionnaire items is being a
personality markers. (Seeboth A, 2018)
The limitation of this study is we did not
consider group allocation between preparation,
internship, and independent level of the
residents. We also need study with more sample
to do realibility or validity test to IPCPS.
Based on this study, VAS is more preferred to assess
patient’s pain as it is more familiar and need less
time to be done, but IPCPS has more descriptive
items on describing pain. The usage of IPCPS may
need some education and workshop before hand so
clinicians may familiarized more and using the tool
well. Further study may be needed to test the
reliability and validty of IPCPS.
Arbuck DM and Fleming A. 2019. Pain assessment:
review of current tools [Internet]. [Place unknown]:.
Practical Pain Management. Available at: