From the results of the study gained that a decrease
in blood pressure and heart rate after and during
listening to Bach’s music. In accordance with the
previous study by Andhika Mahatidanar obtained
the results that listening to classical music can
decrease blood pressure (Kosinski, 2013). Another
study by Yohana Dani Hartono with the results
obtained after and during listening to Baroque music
is better than before listening to Baroque music
(Mahatinandar, 2016). Other research conducted by
Yenni Limyati, Widjaja Lakshmi, using rhythmic
auditory stimulation with the results of exercises
using rhythmic auditory stimulation better than
conventional exercises in improving the walking
patterns of patients hemiparese pasca stroke
clinically significant differences (Hartono, 2013).
The results of the study for a simple reaction to
light after listening to classical music Johann
Sebastian Bach faster when compared with a simple
reaction time before listening to classical music
Johann Sebastian Bach (Instrumental music). This is
in accordance with the research conducted by Prasad
B.K. in 2013, it is known that the visual reaction
time to light yellow and green is faster by listening
to instrumental music as well as showing that
instrumental music is better result when compared to
rock music (Limyati et al, 2012). Based on research
conducted by Mihaela Chraif et al. in 2013 gained
that results in groups that listened to classical music
and reggae music during research had a faster
reaction time compared to a group that did not listen
to music during the study (Nurulita, 2015).
In the study conducted by Rini Dharmastiti and
Retno Wijayanti in 2008, the results of the reaction
time on men were faster when listening to
instrumental music compared to when not listening
to music, and the results of research Shows that
there is no significant difference between simple
reaction times while listening to favorite music,
disliked music, and instrumental music (Chraif et al,
Bach’s music can decrease blood pressure, heart rate
and accelerate simple reaction times.
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