capacity level. The disorder itself expands beyond
the vertebra, with a study that shows how the latency
time of Achilles and patellar tendon reflex is longer
in COPD patients. The nerve damage, in this case,
could then be caused by secondary impairment
following peripheral muscle weakness in COPD. In
times where continuous oxygen supply is required,
studies had shown that postural control, balance, and
gait speed is worst in this group. This probably is
caused by the inability of the body to recruit
effective muscles and at the same time unable to
extract oxygen to provide adequate muscular
metabolism. (Lee et al., 2017) Despite there are no
significant differences in the gait speed in our
sample, this may be caused by longer treatment time
in the severe FHP group, and thus gait speed or
balance should be initially examined as the patient is
diagnosed as COPD.
Among the progressive secondary
musculoskeletal changes, FHP could be seen to be
one of the earliest changes in COPD, owing to the
change of thoracic cage following hyperventilation.
It is then advised that further studies would be able
to show how FHP to correlate to other functions,
such as postural control, balance, and gait. Recently,
these neuromusculoskeletal manifestations have
commonly been made into achievable
comprehensive goals in COPD patients. (Morais,
Cruz, and Marques, 2016)
This study had shown that FHP could be measured
and its severity is suggestively associated with
expiratory function in COPD patients. The
impairments of COPD, mainly hyperventilation, will
alter the thoracic kyphotic angle, rises shoulder
elevation, finally resulting in FHP. Several studies
had shown that FHP will exhibit a restrictive lung
disorder, which when coupled with COPD, result in
a mixed lung disorder, thus worsening the clinical
Longer duration of the COPD presence itself will
result in other functional disorders, as such will
reduce physical activity level. Musculoskeletal
disorders then must not be underestimated, simple
changes such as a postural correction in the cervical
vertebra would be able to impact respiratory
function, owing to a better length-tension
relationship of the respiratory muscles.
Aside from requiring more samples to discuss
the association, a further recommendation would
require a temporal description of both the COPD and
the treatment, to see the changes within the group, as
well as their respective improvements.
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