sensory signals to the central nervous system for
information integration, thus facilitating contraction
of inactive muscles. Besides, reduction of motor
neuron threshold induced by cutaneous stimulation
would influence the recruitment of the motor unit,
which can facilitate muscle contraction, and
ultimately improve muscle strength (Kouhzad et
al,2014; Donec V et al, 2012).
A meta-analysis study conducted by Yam et al,
2019 concluded that kinesiotape is effective in the
population with muscle fatigue and chronic
musculoskeletal diseases, but not in the population
without disabilities. Because KT will increase blood
circulation recovery by increasing nutrient and waste
change. KT may decrease pain by gate control
theory mechanism. KT provides tactile stimulation.
This stimulation may lead to the firing of large-
diameter afferent fibers, which close the gait to pain
signals transmitted by small-diameter afferent fibers.
This stimulation then decreased muscle soreness and
musculoskeletal pain and enhances muscle strength.
KT facilitates muscle strengthening by transmitting
a pulling force to the muscle fascia. KT may
stimulate mechanoreceptors. If the direction in
which KT is pulling matches the direction of muscle
contraction, KT could enhance the muscle spindle
reflex and increase the excitability of the motor units.
If applying in the opposite direction, KT will stretch
the Golgi tendon organs and will reduce the activity
of the motor neuron. But there is an insufficient
study that researches the physiological mechanism
of KT that affects muscle contraction (Yam et al,
The limitation of this study was a small number
of recruited samples. For future studies, it is
important to look for an increased motor unit
recruitment effect by taping applications by using an
objective measurement such as electromyography.
KT is effective for increasing muscle strength and
improve walking speed in obese and knee OA
patients in 4 weeks and also reduces pain scale
immediately. This study could be applicated in
obese and knee OA patients that restricted for
exercise because of their pain.
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