Risk Identification in Management System Process Integration Which
Have Impact on the Goal of Management System Components
Nastasia Ester Siahaan, Leni Sagita and Yusuf Latief
Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Risk Identification, Process Integration, Integrated Management System.
Integrated Management System is a combination of two or more management system that facilitate a
company to achieve its goals. In this case, the integrated systems are Quality Management System (QMS),
Environmental Management System, and Safety Management System. In integrating one management system
with another, the approach used is process integration. In the process integration, there are several risks
that have impact on component goals in the management system process integration. The purpose of this
study is to identify risks that have an impact on the goals of the component and make the dominant risks
management strategy in the process integration. This study uses respondents’ survey strategy to identify
risks in the management system process integration and case study strategy to find out the dominant risks
management strategies. The result of this study are risks in the process integration of management system and
dominant risk management strategies.
Implementation of Integrated Management System
for better quality management is a preference
for many organizations (Muzaimi et al., 2017).
Previously, organizations in the world were not
exempt from construction companies too focused on
individual management systems (Mourougan, 2015).
The American Society of Quality (2015) divides
the integration of management systems in three
approaches which are process integration, risk
integration, and audit integration (Paraschivescu,
2016). Process integration is a simulated device that
aims to achieve optimization, feasibility, and integral
solutions in a sustainable design (Klemes et al., 2013)
Process integration is a method of combining part
or all of the process to reduce resource consumption
(Bugdol and Jedynak, 2015). This research uses
a process integration approach that consists of 8
components, namely the scope (1), leadership (2),
integration of management policy (3), planning (4),
support (5), operational (6), performance evaluation
(7), and improvement (8) (Masuin et al., 2018).
The integration of system management has
advantages for the organization. On the other hand,
there are factors that inhibit and cause the purpose
of the management system components to be not
achieved. In the research of Rajkovic, Aleksic,
Milicevic, and Cudic (2008), the risk comes from
internal and external.
Process integration has a fairly high risk and
can have an impact on objectives. Therefore, it is
necessary to mature planning and identify the risks
that may occur either during management system
process integration. Once the risk is identified, the
risk should be assessed based on possible occurrence
and impact it may cause. This is done to prevent any
accidents that occur and can have an impact on project
work in particular and on the safety of the surrounding
environment in general.
From the explanation above, the study was
conducted with the aim of identifying the risks that
can occur in the integration process. When the risk is
identified, the appropriate strategy can be applied to
manage risk (in this research is the dominant risk) and
the purpose of the component on process management
system integration can be achieved.
Integrated Management System (IMS) is a
management system that combines all components
into a comprehensive system to facilitate the
achievement of objectives and goals (Muzaimi, Chew,
& Hamid, 2017). An IMS occurs when two or more
Siahaan, N., Sagita, L. and Latief, Y.
Risk Identification in Management System Process Integration Which Have Impact on the Goal of Management System Components.
DOI: 10.5220/0009091400410048
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 41-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
systems unite by eliminating the independence of one
or both, but without losing their identities (Poltronieri
et al., 2017). The integration consists of three main
management systems: Quality Management System
(QMS), Environmental Management System (EMS),
and Safety Management System (SMS). The goal of
implementing a management system by integrating
several standards and documents is to achieve
synergistic action in the organization (Zgodavova and
Bober, 2012).
IMS can be done by using 3 approaches,
namely process integration, risk integration, and audit
integration (Paraschivescu, 2016). Process integration
is a method of combining part or all of the process to
reduce resource consumption and harmful emissions
to the environment (Klemes, Varbanov, & Kravanja,
2013). Bugdol et al (2015) explained that only 0-70%
of all processes are integrated with the integration
matrix (Bugdol & Jedynak, 2015). Bugdol (2015)
said that not all processes need to be integrated.
This research uses a process integration approach
that consists of 8 components, namely the scope
(1), leadership (2), integration of management policy
(3), planning (4), support (5), operational (6),
performance evaluation (7), and improvement (8)
(Rofi’udin, Masuin, & Latief, 2018).
The three standards of QMS, EMS, and
SMS are generally based on the principle of
continuous improvement by the Deming cycle
(Plan-Do-Check-ACT) (Zeng et al., 2010). The
PDCA cycle is a concept of sustainable business
enhancement and additional troubleshooting (Singh,
2013). The process integration of the third process
management system is also based on the PDCA
approach described in Figure 1.
Blue lines demonstrate leadership, integration of
management policy, scope, planning, supporter,
operational, performance evaluation, and
improvisation supporting the system to perform
process integration.
The red lines demonstrate PDCA cycle in process
integration and its correlation with management
system components. PDCA is an ongoing approach
of management system in the flow of planning,
implementation, checking and corrective action
(Ribeiro et al., 2017). The planning stages consist
of scope, leadership, and integration of management
policies. Leadership is needed to create the unity
of goals and direction and involvement of people
activating an organization to align strategies, policies,
processes and resources to achieve its objectives.
The Input of planning in the integration process
management system is the needs and expectations of
stakeholders as well as internal and external issues of
the organization that are reflected in the scope of the
system regarding organizational objectives and goals
(Mourougan, 2015).
The implementation stage requires operational
and supporting components. The operation of the
system must be done in accordance with the planned.
In operation, it takes resources that build, implement,
and maintain an integrated management system. The
required resources are on supporting components.
Performance evaluation should be done to the
results and services produced in the operational
phase. The result of performance evaluation was
made the foundation for a system improvement.
Organizations must find and filter opportunities for
improvement and take important actions to respond
to system sustainability objectives.
This study uses two methods, respondents survey
and case studies. Respondents survey is suitable
to answer what and how large the correlation of
each survey variable. Analysis of surveys is useful
for identifying a thing (Yin, 2013). Therefore, this
strategy is used to identify risks in the integration
of process management systems that impact the
objectives of IMS components on construction
company organizations. The samples taken in this
research survey strategy are purposive samples. In
accordance with the research restrictions that have
been included in the research constraints in the first
chapter, selected respondents are the stakeholders of
the construction management (government or private
owned) implementing QMS, EMS, and SMS.
Case studies are used to investigate a small
number of cases in depth, such as the study of why a
project failed (Tan, 2011). The case study strategy is
suitable for answering the question ”How and why”
(Yin, 2013). Yin (2013) argues that this strategy
is conducted without controlling the characteristic
errors of the events studied and the research focuses
on contemporary events. The case studies research
strategy is due to questions relating to operational
relationships that need to be tracked over time, rather
than sheer frequency or incidence. This strategy is
suitable for use in this research as it can answer
strategies for managing the dominant risk, so that
the objectives of the integrated management system
components can be achieved.
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Figure 1: Process integration model. Source: (Rofi’udin, Masuin, & Latief, 2018)
Figure 2: Research Operational Model
3.1 The Goals of Management System
This study defines the purpose of the clauses or
components of the integration process management
system. The purpose of clauses is obtained by literary
studies and validated by experienced experts in the
Integrated Management System.
3.1.1 Scope
Scope assignment is required:
to identify external and internal issues of the
to know the organization and its context and
identify the needs and expectations of the
3.1.2 Leadership
Good leadership is one aspect that guarantees the
continuity of the system achieved (Gianni and
Gotzamani, 2014). The goals of this component or
clause are:
to determine who is responsible for the QMS
EMS, and SMS;
to create a unity of purpose and direction of
organizational policy;
to establish norms or standards that become a
reference to integrating management systems.
3.1.3 Integration of Management Policy
Integration of management policies integrates
several elements, which are values, regulations,
objectives, objectives, vision, and organizational
mission (Rofi’udin et al., 2018). The integration
of management policies is a process by which an
Risk Identification in Management System Process Integration Which Have Impact on the Goal of Management System Components
institution performs a change from a irregularity and
multi-dimensional institution to a new governance
system (Candel and Biesbroek, 2016). The goals of
this component are:
to provide instructions regarding the outcome of
an organization
to define the most important and common
terminology in the design process approach,
implementation, operation of integrated
management systems
3.1.4 Planning
Planning aims to set project scope, correct the
objectives, and determine the required actions for the
project’s purpose to be achieved. In planning, the
inputs needed in the management integration process
are the needs and expectations of stakeholders as well
as internal and external issues of the Organization
in relation to the objectives and objectives of
an organization (Mourougan, Auditing Integrated
Management System for Continuing Suitability,
Sustainability, and Improvement, 2015).
3.1.5 Support
The goals of this component or clause are:
to determine and provide the resources
required for the establishment, implementation,
maintenance and continuous improvement
to determine competence. Competence criteria
need to be set for each function and role relevant
to the management system
to raise the awareness of the people involved in
the management system of policies, significant
aspects, and the impact of relevance on their
to ensure that the mechanisms that facilitate the
communication in the management system run
3.1.6 Operational
The goals of operational are:
to ensure that processes are ready to meet the
requirements of the management system and to
implement the actions identified in the planning;
to establish, implement and maintain the
necessary processes to address potential
emergency situations identified.
3.1.7 Performance Evaluation
Therefore, evaluation is an important part of
the integration of process management systems.
Performance evaluation includes inspection,
measurement, analysis, assessment, internal audit,
and management review. The goals of this component
to determine the range of monitoring and
measurement necessary to assess the fulfilment of
obligations on the management system.
to ensure that all processes are audited at the
required frequency and ensure that internal audits
are consistent and thorough, clear objectives and
scope must be set for each audit
to ensure the continued suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of quality management system.
3.1.8 Improvement
This component has several purposes as follows:
to determine the opportunity for improvement and
apply the necessary actions to achieve the desired
to eliminate the cause of the actual problem so as
to avoid recurrence of the problem.
to continuously improve the suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness of management systems
(quality, environment, safety) to improve
3.2 Risks in Management System
Process Integration
After defining the purpose in the clause in the
integration process, the findings gained are the
identification of risks that occur in the integration
process that may affect the purpose of the clause or
component. These risks are obtained by conducting
related literary studies and conducting 2-round expert
validation. The identified risks that are validated by
experts are as many as 95 risk factors.
3.2.1 Risk Assessment
Risk quality analysis is performed to determine the
level of risk, whether low, moderate, or high. The
Level of risk can be obtained by multiplying the
average probability value and the average impact
value. The average probability value is obtained by
summing the risk frequency and then divided by the
total data obtained, which is 30 respondents. The
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
average impact value is obtained by summing the
impact value then divided by the amount of data,
which is 30 data. The following are indicators of the
Table 1: Scale Assessment of Risk Frequency.
Scale Category Indicator
0,1 Very Low Very small possibilities
0,3 Low Less likely to occur
0,5 Moderate Quite possibly happening
0,7 High It may happen
0,9 Very High Very likely to happen
Table 2: Risk Impact Assessment Scale.
Scale Category Indicator
0,05 Very Low
No impact on the purpose of
0,1 Low
Slight impact on the purpose of
0,2 Moderate
Insufficient impact on the
purpose of
0,4 High
Impact on the purpose of
0,8 Very High
Greatly affects the purpose of the
After obtaining the average probability value and
the average impact value, the multiplication is done
between the two values to get the risk value. From
the risk value, it is rated from 1 to 95 from the highest
risk rating to the lowest risk rating. Then, determined
the level of risk by looking to match the table below.
Table 3: Risk Category.
Risk Score Risk Category
0,01-0,05 Low Risk
0,06-0,17 Moderate Risk
0,17-0,72 High Risk
After the calculation is done, 10 of the highest
risks are obtained as follows in Table 4.
3.3 Strategies for Managing the
Dominant Risks
At the previous stage, the dominant risk has been
identified through a qualitative assessment of risk.
Dominant risk is interpreted as a high level of risk.
This stage aims to collect data in the form of strategy
proposals by outlining causes, preventive measures,
impacts and corrective actions.
3.3.1 Causes and Impact of Risk
Causes that have been identified and validated as
much as 9 causes. One cause could be the cause
for some risk. The most common cause of risk is
P2, which is lack of human resources competenceIn
Table 5 are compiled causes previously validated by
Table 5: Causes of Risk in Process Integration Management
Code Cause
Lack of awareness to consider inflation in the
identification of issues
P2 Lack of human resource competence
P3 Limited partner availability
P4 Understanding the different scopes
Lack of socialization on the importance of
P6 Preparation of an immature program
Management system problems are rarely used
as a subject in the company’s activities
Lack of training and certification obtained by
human resources
Analysis of the root cost is not specific or not
on target
The impact has been identified and validated by
experts as much as 35 impact. Any impact can occur
due to more than one risk factor. The most impact
occurs because the risk occurs is D2 and D6. D2
is an implementation of an integrated management
system that is not optimal. D6 is an organizational
performance goal not achieved. Table 6 are compiled
impacts previously validated by experts.
Table 6: Impacts of Risk in Process Integration
Management System.
Code Impact
Identify external and internal
organization issues inaccurate
Implementation of integrated
management system not optimal
Organizational risk does not
comply with the third process of
management systems
Company identification need
and expectation inaccurate
Workers ’ views are not equal or
Organizational performance
goals not achieved
The audit process is not running
D8 Ineffective management system
3.3.2 Risk Response
After identification of the cause of the risk, a
preventative action can be sought to prevent the cause
from occurring. The proposed preventive action is
9 actions and has received approval from the expert.
Preventive measures may be enforced to prevent more
than one cause. The most proposed preventive action
to prevent the cause is TP5, which is conducting
related socialization activities. Table 7 are compiled
preventive actions previously validated by experts.
Risk Identification in Management System Process Integration Which Have Impact on the Goal of Management System Components
Table 4: Highest Risks that Have Impact on the Goal of Management System Components
Risk Ranking Risk Score Goal of the Component
Component/Clause Scope
X1. Lack of inflation
2 0.307
To identify external and internal issues of the
X2. The organization in the
construction company does
not set the Job Description
& Standard/Requirements
integrated to the 3 systems
3 0.291
X3. Weak partner selection 1 0.481 organization
X4. The organization in the
construction company has
not been able to identify
and analyse important
issues related to Risk and
Opportunity in relation
to quality, safety, and
9 0.218
X5. Inaccurate Corporate
priority orientation
8 0.231 To know the organization and its context and identify
the needs and expectations of the company
Component/Clause Leadership
X6. Lack of unity of view of
all employees who are already
working under the previous
6 0.24 To create a unity of purpose and direction of
organizational policy.
Component/Clause Support
X7. Lack of financial
7 0.235 To determine and provide the resources required for
the establishment, implementation, maintenance and
continuous improvement
X8. Lack of employee
4 0.264 To raise the awareness of the people involved in the
management system of policies, significant aspects,
and the impact of relevance on their activities
Component/Clause Performance Evaluation
X9. Lack of competence
10 0.215 To ensure that all processes are audited at the
required frequency and ensure that internal audits are
consistent and thorough, clear objectives and scope
must be set for each audit
X10. Evaluation of follow-up
results of audit results still less
5 0.258 To ensure the continued suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of quality management system.
Table 7: Preventive Actions of Risk in Process Integration
Management System.
Code Preventive Action
TP1 Consider economic factors
Using competent human resources to set
JOB Description & Standard/requirements
integrated to all three management
TP3 Conduct a partner prequalification
Improving socialization and related
TP5 Conducting socialization regarding
Prepare programs for financial resource
needs in detail
Integrate management systems with
business processes
Increase training and certification programs
related to
Ensuring evaluation of follow-up results of
audit results researched
The risks that occur will cause impact. Therefore,
it is necessary to identify the impact that will occur,
so that it can be determined the corrective action.
From table 8, it is possible to know that a proposed
corrective action was proposed to take as many as 8
actions. The corrective action can be proposed for
more than one variable. The most corrective action
to be proposed for risk factors is TK1, which is to
perform the related review.
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Table 8: Corrective Actions of Risk in Process Integration
Management System.
Code Corrective Action
TK1 Perform related rereviews
Set Job Description According to
scope management system used
Choose a new partner that’s
considered stronger
TK4 Re-identify
TK5 Re-socialize
To make planning the financial
Monitor motivation by integrating
motivation towards understanding
the management system in the
Audit by combining senior auditors
and junior auditors
Lack of HR competence is the cause of the many
risks that occur. There are 5 risk factors that can
occur due to lack of HR competence. It is in the
background of lack of perfect knowledge of human
resources in the field of integrated management
system considering the integration of management
system has not been implemented in many companies,
especially construction companies(Asif et al., 2008).
Lack of HR competence can be prevented by
preventive measures such as conducting socialization,
training, and certification related to integrated
management system. It is considered relevant because
the most corrective action proposed in the study is
to socialize the details of the integrated management
system. From the findings,it can be seen that the
organizational performance is not achieved is the
most widely encountered impact when a risk occurs.
As for the most proposed corrective action is to do
a re-review of issues or problems that occur in the
integration of process management systems.
3.3.3 Pattern Recognition
After defining the cause and impact of the risks that
occur, as well as propose preventive actions and
corrective actions, can be made recognition pattern
as in Figure 3. The recognition pattern is a flow
from left to right, starting from preventive action,
cause, risk, impact, corrective action. From the
recognition pattern, it can be clearly seen the pattern
of interrelated strategies between one’s risk and the
other risk. For example, TP5 can be done to prevent
the causes of P5 and P6.
Process integration has a fairly high risk and can have
an impact on objectives. Therefore, it is necessary
to mature planning and identify the risks that may
occur either during management system process
Figure 3: Recognition Pattern for Top 10 Risks
integration.The identified risks must be managed by
defining their causes and impacts. Once known cause
and impact, it can be proposed preventive measures to
prevent occurrence and corrective action in response
if the impact occurs.
Based on this study, there are 10 highest risks in
management system process integration and 5 risks
occuring in scope component/clause.
The authors would like to thank the financial support
provided by University of Indonesia University
through the PITTA 2019 funding scheme managed
by Directorate for Research and Public Services
(DRPM) University of Indonesia.
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ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology