The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Increasing
Student Creative Thinking and Self-efficacy
, Zubaidah Amir
, Mana Samin Lubis
, Muhammad Syafri
, Dedek Andrian
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif kasim, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic University of Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Problem Based Learning, Self-Efficacy, Creative Thinking Ability
Creative Thinking and Self-Efficacy are needed in mathematics because these factors are the determining
factors in the mathematical success. The purpose of this study was to see the influence of Problem Based
Learning (PBL) in increasing the ability of student’s Creative Thinking and Self-Efficacy on Junior High
School at Pekanbaru Riau Province. This research was quantitative with Quasi-Experimental approach. The
design of this study is the Randomized Control-Group Post-test Only Design. The population of this research
was junior high school student at Pekanbaru Riau Province. The data collection technique is used in this
research was a mathematical creative thinking test. The data analysis technique is used in this research
were descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The results showed that the Problem Based Leaning gave significant
influences in increasing the students and self-efficacy. These results were proven from the significant value of
ANOVA analysis less 0.05 for creative thinking and self-efficacy.
One of science which is very important in the
development of education and technology is
Mathematics. Mathematics is a science that explains
abstract concepts to those that can be clearly defined
(Himmah et al., 2014). This is because mathematics
is not an observation activity, but from ideas,
processes, and deductive evidence. to translate this
abstract thing, we need an active learning process
in teaching and learning mathematics. In learning
mathematics, students are brought to observe, guess,
do, try, be able to answer the question of why
even argue. These principles are expected to be
able to realize the goals of creative and critical
mathematics learning (Suherman, 2001). According
to (Sukmadinata, 2012) creative thinking is a habit
of thinking that is embodied in the principles of
exploring, reviving imagination, intuition, fostering
new potential, opening views that create admiration,
stimulating unexpected thinking.
Several national and international studies have
found that students’ creative thinking skills are still
low. This fact is proven by research conducted by
the International Student Assessment Program (PISA)
team in 2015 which found that Indonesia ranked 69th
out of 76 countries. The PISA results are strengthened
by the average 2016/2017 National Exam results in
each province in Indonesia are still not as expected.
These results indicate that mathematics is still a
difficult subject for students. for in Riau Province,
the value of the National Mathematics Student
Examination in particular in Pekanbaru, the National
Exam results are still relatively low.
Based on the problems have found above. The
Mathematics Education Experts seek strategy and
have found several strategy or models that can make
student actively involved in building creative thinking
skills. The model can increase creative thinking
and self-efficacy student have created by experts is
problem-based learning (PBL) model. PBL is a
problem-based learning model that enables student
can develop the thinking skills. PBL makes student
can learn through various real problems in student
daily life. PBL goals are how to make students
can get and shape their knowledge in various way
of learning. (Sungur and Tekkaya, 2006) state that,
with the PBL model, students can interact with the
environment, classmates which the PBL will guide
students in improving their skills.
In addition to creative thinking, self-efficacy is an
important variable in learning mathematics because
Risnawati, ., Amir, Z., Lubis, M., Syafri, M. and Andrian, D.
The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Increasing Student Creative Thinking and Self-efficacy.
DOI: 10.5220/0009096701520156
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 152-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of students’ attitude like self-efficacy one aspect
that makes student success in learning mathematics.
(Bandura, 1997) says Self-efficacy is an individual
believes that student can do something like other
friends in the classroom in a certain condition. in
other words, self-efficacy is students’ confidence in
teaching and learning process that makes it get the
best result in learning mathematics. Self-efficacy
is a concept of the cognitive personal which is
had by students and formed from main components,
namely students’ experience, through observation
of other people’s experiences, social or verbal
media, physical and students’ emotional conditions.
Students’ experience is the source most influential
because students’ experience about success or failure
of students can increase or decrease self-efficacy
The self-efficacy is trust in one’s abilities,
specifically in the belief in a particular field or
concept. Confidence is needed to be able to compete
in the globalization era and the work world, as well
as in the education world. In teaching and learning
process, the teachers are often found that students
lack confidence and unsure of their abilities. If
this condition doesn’t improve, it will give a bad
impact on the students quality on future. In the
learning activities, they can not answer the teacher
question and they usually turned left and right as if
looking for support to a friend next to them. The
students are seemed to be unsure that he/she could
answer the questions given by teachers. Because of
the teacher have accountabilities on all problem the
student found, the teachers need to always look for a
solution to fix education quality.
Mathematics is a subject that could give a
solution about how to develop students’ confidence.
Various studies have been conducted related to
the students’ self-efficacy. (Pajares and Miller,
1994), (Pajares, 1996) have found that self-efficacy
influences student success in mathematics. (Kabiri
and Zohuriaan-Mehr, 2003) found that self-efficacy
affects mathematical anxiety and mathematical
success, namely mathematics anxiety is an influence
of mathematical self-efficacy or mathematical
performance. (Bandura, 1997) state that self-efficacy
is not something that is acquired from birth or
permanent from an individual but as a result of
cognitive processes through teaching and learning
that experienced by students in a certain period. This
means that students’ self-efficacy can be developed
through various strategy because cognitive processes
someone occur when teaching and learning process
in the classroom. the self-efficacy can be formed and
driven through daily activities have done by teachers
and students in the classroom.
The PBL model is begun by giving authentic
problems to students. According to (Choridah,
2013) PBL model can fix students’ mathematical
thinking skills on a high level. In the learning
process, PBL involves groups of students who are
supported to communicate with their friends. when
presenting group results, students have understood the
materials are asked for communicating with friends
and teachers. In PBL, the student is demanded to use
the all experience and knowledge have acquired from
the various strategy.
PBL will guide individuals and group to
investigate students to exchange answers and produce
various solutions to existing problems. the
ideas conveyed by student come from themselves
(original). This strategy can improve students’
creative thinking skills. Group discussions have
created making students have many experiences
through interaction between students and others.
Students are also trained to give a suggestion,
comment or express opinions in their groups, this
activity can increase their verbal abilities. Then, some
students present the discussion results in detail to their
friend in the classroom. In addition, the experience
that acquired from discussing will make students feel
satisfied with the achievement of their performance.
This research was quantitative research with a
quasi-experimental approach. The design is used in
this research was the Nonequivalent Control Group
Design where is there are two groups were studied,
namely; the treated group (X) and the untreated
group. the treated group is called the experimental
group and the untreated group is called the control
group. The population in this research were students
of Junior High School in Pekanbaru consisted of 36
schools.. The samples in these study were Public
Junior High School 4 for high level, Public Junior
High School 20 for middle level, Public Junior High
School 21 for low level. The instruments used in
this research were tests of creative thinking skills
and students’ self-efficacy questionnaires. The data
analysis technique that will be used in this study was
Descriptive Statistics and Two Way ANOVA.
The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Increasing Student Creative Thinking and Self-efficacy
3.1 Creative Thinking
The scores of students’ creative thinking were
analyzed through post-test data. The score from the
post-test results were presented in the table below.
The scores of average and standard deviation were
obtained after processing data from the results of the
test of students’ creative thinking tests based on PBL
Table 1: Student Creative Thinking Scores
Score of Model of Learning
School PBL Conventional
Level Mean SD N Mean SD N
High 88,6 8,5 31 77,8 6,3 30
Middle 83,4 9,7 41 75.5 6,9 41
Low 79,9 8 39 74,2 3,4 39
Total 83,9 8,7 111 75,9 5,9 110
Based on the table above, students at high level
schools have a higher average score of creative
thinking of the PBL class, compared to students at
the middle school level and low school level students,
namely 88.6. In Conventional classes, high school
level students get a higher average value of creative
thinking compared to middle school level students
and low school level students which are 77.83. Then
it can be seen whether there are significant differences
between the three levels of the school based on
learning that uses PBL with conventional. This result
can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of ANOVA analysis of Creative
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 1,028,952 19,063 ,000
Intercept 1326446,40 24574,85 ,000
Model 31,403 ,582 ,000
School Level 1,000,635 18,539 ,000
Model * School Level 1,700,026 31,496 ,003
Error 53,976
From the results of the calculation, obtained a
significant value based on the difference in the model
used in the learning of 0.00. This value indicates
that there is a significant difference between the
experimental class using the PBL Model and control
class using the conventional model. Based on the
analysis result was obtained a significant value at
school levels have used as treatment. From analysis
was obtained the significant value of 0.00. This result
shows that there is a significant difference between
experiment class and control class based on school
level, that is; high, middle, and low. Result analysis
shows have happened an interaction between the
learning models used with school level used in this
research. This result indicates that The PBL learning
model can increase the outcome result based on the
school level. The next step can be checked which one
of the best level for used in the PBL learning model.
the result can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: Scheffe Multiple Comparisons
(I) IQ (J) IQ Mean
Std. Error Sig.
Middle 26,104 13,071 ,139
Low 6,8391* 12,956 ,000
High -26,104 13,071 ,139
Low 4,2286* 11,272 ,001
High -6,8391* 12,956 ,000
Middle -4,2286* 11,272 ,001
Based on Table 3 obtained the multiple
comparisons between school levels that is; high,
middle, and low. From analysis result can be seen
that there is significant difference between high level
schools with low level. This result is proven from
the significant value has obtained is 0.00. There is
no significant difference of high level school with
middle level school. This result can be checked from
the significant value is 0.139. There is the significant
difference between middle level schools with low
level schools. This result can be seen clearly at Figure
Figure 1: Difference between Experiment and Control
Figure 1 shows that the experimental class has a
higher average of creative thinking ability than the
control class. This result can be generalized as a
whole that the group of exponents using the PBL
model is better than conventional classes, both from
high, middle, and low levels.
3.2 Self-efficacy
Self-efficacy scores are acquired from data analysis
uses questionnaire instruments. The score of average,
standard deviation, and number of students obtained
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
after processing data from the instrument in the form
of the student self-efficacy questionnaire.
Table 4: Student’s Mathematical Self-Efficacy Score Based
on Model of learning and level of schools.
Learning Model
PBL Convensional
Mean SD N Mean SD N
High 121 10,6 31 119 9,4 30
Middle 113 11,8 41 111 12,0 41
Low 122 10,4 39 104 9 39
Total 117,7 10,9 111 110,67 10,1 110
Based on the table above, in the class of PBL
model with low-level students having a higher score
of students’ mathematics self-efficacy than the two
school levels others, namely 121. In the conventional
class students with high-level schools have higher
average scores of self-efficacy from the two school
levels others that is 118. Then it can be seen
whether the comparison between the experimental
class self-efficacy is better than the control class.
these results can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 1,791,604 16,013 ,000
Intercept 2,674,375,337 23903,38 ,000
Model 1,914,772 17,114 ,000
School Level 646,666 5,780 ,004
Model * School Level 2,236,776 19,992 ,000
Error 111,883
Based on the analysis above has acquired the
significant difference between experiment class with
control class. This result was proven from the analysis
result with a significant of 0.00. When viewed
from the school level aspect, obtained the significant
difference between school levels from experiment
class with control class. This result can be seen from
significant value was 0.004. From the analysis, the
result can be seen the interaction between Model and
School levels (Model*Level Schools). This result
shows that there is significant interaction between
Model and Level School so that can be concluded
that Model and Level School can give different
result when Model and School Levels were used
simultaneously. For check the difference result
of interaction between Model and School Levels,
multiple comparisons can describe it as in Table 6.
Table 6: Multiple Comparisons of Self-Efficacy
Dependent Variable: Self-Efficacy
(I) IQ (J) IQ Mean
Std. Error Sig.
Middle 5,28* 1,89 ,02
Low 7,74* 1,87 ,00
High -5,28* 1,88 ,02
Low 2,46 1,63 ,32
High -7,74* 1,87 ,00
Middle -2,46 1,63 ,32
Based on Multiple Comparisons table, it can be
seen that there is a significant difference between high
levels school with middle school level in self-efficacy.
This conclusion can be seen from significant value
was 0.021. From the Mean Difference result that
viewed from multiple comparisons, the high-level
school was higher from middle-level school. The
result analysis shows that there is a significant
difference between the high-level school with the
low-level school, this result can be seen form
significant value was 0.021. From the result of
Mean Difference, it can be made a conclusion that
the high-level school was higher from the low-level
school. Based on the result analysis, obtained a
comparison between the middle-level school with the
low-level school. The result analysis shows that
there is no significant difference between the middle
school level with the low-level school because of the
significant value more 0.05 that is; 0.319. Although
no significant difference but Mean Difference shows
that the middle-level school is better from the
low-level school. For describe clearly comparison
of school levels of self-efficacy, figure 2 will show
self-efficacy comparison based on the levels school
as follow: Figure 2 shows that the experimental class
Figure 2: Line diagram between school levels of
uses PBL model has a higher average than the control
class use conventional model. For the high-level
school the experimental class is 120 and for the
control class is 118, the middle-level school in the
experimental class is 112 and for the control class is
111, while for the low-level group the experimental
class is 120 and the control class is 103. From this
result, it can be concluded that the PBL Model was
carried out at the experiment class effectively increase
the student’s self-efficacy.
The learning model is very important for
increasing learning outcome in teaching and learning
process because learning model can give a solution
about weakness and deficiency of teaching and
learning in the classroom (Risnawati, Andrian, Azmi,
The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Increasing Student Creative Thinking and Self-efficacy
Amir & Nurdin, 2019). Model and strategy of
learning actively can increase learning outcome in the
classroom (Moravec et al., 2010). Learning model
can give a broad direction to the student for solving
the problem about bad of learning outcome (Oxford,
2003). The learning will provide a solution about low
student motivation, low student outcome, low ability
of student during teaching and learning process, and
low interest in following the learning process.
PBL is one of learning model can increase
learning outcome. From this study, the conclusions
have made that problem-based learning can increase
the mathematics learning outcome and self-efficacy
of mathematics student at junior high school of
Pekanbaru, Riau Province. These results show that
PBL gives a good effect in giving knowledge to the
student to solve a problem in real life. PBL one a
model that describes a learning environment with a
problem and give a solution to solve it (Roh K H,
2003). PBL gives a positive effect in teaching and
learning process, improve student understanding in
mathematics subject, this model can increase student
ability to use the concept in real life (Padmavathy
and Mareesh, 2013). PBL is an effective and
efficient model in increasing mathematics student’s
performance. PBL is a model can give a good
solution in solving problems have found with good
and effective procedures (Abdullah et al., 2010).
Based on the results of the research, it was concluded
that there were differences in learning outcomes
between the Problem Based Learning model applied
to the experimental class and the conventional
strategy applied in the control class. The results
show that PBL can improve learning outcomes in the
form skills of the creative thinking and self-efficacy of
public junior high school Pekanbaru, Riau province.
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity