Position of Government Regulations for Replacement of Laws in
Construction of Democracy Law State
Ellydar Chaidir and Moza Dela Fudika
Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Position, Government Regulation of Law, Democracy
The phrase ”compulsive urgency” has a multi-interpretive understanding and is the authority of the President
to interpret the compulsive crises in forming government regulations instead of laws. In essence, in setting
government regulations instead of laws, there must be an objective limitation on the compulsive crunch. Al-
though the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 138 / PUU-VII / 2009 has stated that compulsive
crises must fulfill 3 (three) conditions, namely the existence of a situation that is an urgent need to resolve le-
gal issues quickly based on the law, the required law does not yet exist so that there is a legal vacuum or there
are laws but it is inadequate and the legal vacuum cannot be overcome by making law in the usual procedure
because it will take a long time. However, this has not been able to provide a benchmark for the meaning of
the crunch that forced it to be proven by the issuance of Perpu No.2 of 2017 concerning the dissolution of
Community Organizations.
Constitutionally based on Article 22 paragraph (1) of
the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
it was stated that ”In the event of a compelling matter
of urgency, the President has the right to set govern-
ment regulations instead of the law. The question that
arises is what conditions are said as a matter of the
force of the force. In terms of the president’s power
in carrying out his duties as head of government, the
president’s right to issue a Government Regulation in-
stead of Law (PERPU) is considered subjective be-
cause of a unilateral presidential judgment on behalf
of the government to determine the state in danger or
matters of urgency . PERPPU is a regulation which
in terms of its contents should be stipulated in the
form of a law but because of the forced state of cri-
sis stipulated in the form of a government regulation
(Asshidiqie, 2008).
The assessment can only be objective if PERPU
has been discussed to be agreed together with the
House of Representatives (DPR) to be mutually
agreed to become a law. As referred to in Arti-
cle 22 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which
reads ”The Government Regulation must obtain the
Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia
Tahun 1945
approval of the House of Representatives in the trial”.
Theoretically PERPU, based on the hierarchy of laws
and regulations, is at the same level as the Law. So
that it can be concluded that PERPU has a very domi-
nant position in the construction of a democratic legal
state because PERPU has a very broad impact on the
rights held by Indonesian citizens.
The formation of the PERPPU can be considered
to make the state tend to appear authoritarian due to
the actions of the government that gave birth to the
PERPPU with ”crunch matters” which have multiple
interpretations so that they can injure democratic val-
ues in the construction of the Indonesian law. Al-
though the Constitutional Court has interpreted the
sentence was the matter of urgency to force in the de-
cision of the Constitutional Court with case number
No. 138 / PUU-VII / 2009 which stipulates three cat-
egories of compulsive crises, but has not provided a
measure of the meaning of the force of force. The
crucial issue of the existence of the PERPPU can also
be seen from the birth of PERPPU No. 2 of 2017
concerning the dissolution of many community or-
ganizations that have received an assessment that the
government has carried out an authoritarian action be-
cause of its multiple interpretations of the urgency of
Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang
Nomor 2 Tahun 2017 Tentang Perubahan Undang-Undang
Nomor 17 Tahun 2013 tentang Organisasi Kemasyarakatan.
Chaidir, E. and Fudika, M.
Position of Government Regulations for Replacement of Laws in Construction of Democracy Law State.
DOI: 10.5220/0009105302280232
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 228-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
force in Article 22 paragraph (1) 1945 Constitution of
2.1 Legal Aspects of Government
Regulations Law Replacement
Hierarchically all types of legislation have certain
functions. But in general, according to Bagir Manan
the function of the legislation is divided into 2 (two)
main groups (Halim and Putera, 2013), namely:
1. Internal function, namely the function of legisla-
tion as a legal sub-system of the rule of law sys-
tem in general. Internally, legislation runs several
functions including:
a The function of the creation of law (rechtschep-
ping) which gives birth to a generally accepted
legal system of law or occurs in several ways,
namely through judicial decisions, habits that
arise in practice in public or state life, and leg-
islation. In Indonesia, legislation is the main
way of creating law.
b Legal renewal function. Establishment of legis-
lation can be planned, so that legal reform can
also be planned. The function of renewal of leg-
islation is, among others, in order to replace the
Dutch legislation and national legislation that is
no longer in line with new needs and develop-
c The function of integration of legal system plu-
ralism. The pluralism of the legal system that
prevails today is one of the colonial legacies
that must be reorganized. The renewal of the
national legal system is in order to integrate the
various legal systems so that they are arranged
in a harmonious order with each other.
d Legal certainty function. Legal certainty is an
important principle in legal action and law and
regulation can provide legal certainty that is
higher than customary law and customary law
or jurisprudence.
2. The external function is the linkage of legislation
with the place of effect. External functions can
also be called socio-legal functions (Siallagan and
Yusdiansyah, 2008), and can be divided into:
a Function of change. The function of change
is law as a means of social engineering where
laws and regulations are created or formed to
encourage changes in society in the economic,
social and cultural fields
b Stability function. Laws and regulations in the
field of criminal, order and security are rules
which are primarily aimed at ensuring the sta-
bility of society
c Convenience function. The convenience func-
tion can function as a means of regulating vari-
ous regulations that contain incentives, such as
tax breaks.
In essence, based on Article 7 paragraph (1) of
Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establish-
ment of Legislation Regulations
stating that: ”The
type and hierarchy of Legislation Regulations consists
a 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
b Decree of the People’s Consultative Assembly
c Substitute Government Laws / Regulations
d Government regulations
e Provincial Regulation; and’
f District Regulation
For the sound of the article, it can be concluded
that PERPPU has a position parallel to the Law so that
the functions of the legislation referred to above are
also related as a function of a PERPPU. In addition,
according to Maria Farida Indrati Soeprapto, because
this perppu is a government regulation that supersedes
the law, the content of the material is the same as the
material contained in the law (Indrati et al., 2008).
PERPPU is a government regulation that acts as an
Act or in other words, PERPPU is a government reg-
ulation that is given the same authority as law. The
formation of the PERPPU was purely the authority
of the president because of its formation without first
asking for approval from the House of Representa-
tives (Manan, 1992), although in the end it had to
be discussed together to get mutual approval from the
president and the House of Representatives (Haryono,
2.2 Key Terms of Establishment of
Constitutionally the conditions for establishing
PERPU will only be found in Article 22 paragraph
(1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of In-
, that only in the event of a compulsive cri-
sis, the president can issue PERPPU. PERPPU which
Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pem-
bentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia
Tahun 1945
Position of Government Regulations for Replacement of Laws in Construction of Democracy Law State
was born later was signed by the president. PERPPU
has a limited (temporary) period of time.
The main requirement for the formation of
PERPPU can also be seen in Article 1 number 4 of
Act No. 2 of 2011 which only states that the main
requirement for the stipulation of the PERPPU is the
issue of compulsive crises, but in the Law the explana-
tion section does not explain the terms and passed to
form a PERPPU. So that it can be concluded that the
conditions for making PERPPU are merely the sub-
jective judgment of the president or the government
stating the state of the country in a state of urgency or
in an emergency
2.3 The Crunch of the Forcing in the
Issuance of PERPU (Based on the
Decision of the Constitutional Court
Number 138 / PUU-VII / 2009
During this time there was no clear boundary about
”compulsion”. As a result there is no single interpre-
tation of the birth of the Perppu. In this context the
decision of the Constitutional Court No. 138 / PUU-
VII / 2009. Judicially, the Constitutional Court as-
sessed whether actually PERPU was equal to the law
so PERPU could be tested at the judicial institution
of the Constitutional Court. Based on Article 7 para-
graph (1) of Law Number 12 of 2011 it is stated that
PERPU itself has an equal position with the law.
Article 22D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitu-
tion which essentially states that:
1. Granting authority to the president to form gov-
ernment regulations instead of the law
2. The authority can only be used if the situation is
in a situation of compulsive crises.
3. PERPU must obtain the approval of the House
of Representatives for further hearings which de-
termine whether PERPU becomes a law or is re-
In the situation where there is a vacant position the
existence of a law caused by various things so that the
draft law has not been processed to be followed up as
a law based on the applicable provisions, but in such
conditions, there is a legal vacuum then arises which
is said to be a state urgent (urgent) so that immediately
requires a law to overcome this. Then the provisions
of Article 22 of the 1945 Constitution provide a spe-
cial institution by giving authority to the president as
head of government to make PERPU a form of over-
coming the occurrence of legal vacuum in the country
(Mawuntu, 2011). If you follow the mechanism for
drafting a law in a rule, the problem of legal vacuum
will not be able to be answered because time in mak-
ing legislation will take a long time, starting from the
planning stage to the final stage, namely enactment in
Based on the consideration of the Constitutional
Court’s ruling, it can be concluded that the notion
of ”matters of urgency that are compelling” accord-
ing to the interpretation of the Constitutional Court
is not only about the danger but also must be inter-
preted in conditions that must meet 3 (three) condi-
tions, namely:
1. There is a situation that is an urgent need to solve
a legal problem in a fast way
2. The law needed to resolve the problem does not
yet exist so that there is a legal vacuum
3. The legal vacuum cannot be overcome by making
laws with ordinary procedures because it will take
a long time
Based on the formulation of Article 22 paragraph
(1) of the 1945 Constitution, it is clear that the state-
ment ”President has the right” is impressed that the
issuance of PERPU is seen as subjective because it
is a right and fully under the control of the presi-
dent. However, the Constitutional Court ruling No.
138 / PUU-VII / 2009
is what should provide an
explanation and enlightenment regarding the bench-
marks of what is said to be a compelling situation or
a precarious situation in a country. And even though
the Constitutional Court’s decision has been issued,
it has not been able to give the true meaning related
to the intention of the compulsive crunch. So that
after the issuance of the verdict of the constitutional
court the presence of a PERPU today still has a shared
view of where the meaning of urgency intended by
the president as the subject given the authority to is-
sue PERPU. As an example of the issuance of PERPU
regarding the dissolution of community organizations
which also invited public sentiment and became con-
troversial in the level of public opinion.
2.4 Published Analysis PERPU No.2 of
2017 Concerning Community
PERPU No. 2 of 2017 concerning Community Orga-
nizations has spawned good debate among academics,
practitioners and the public who stand on the pro and
contra positions which have implications for inter-
esting political dynamics in the Indonesian constitu-
tional system. Through this PERPU, the government
Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 138/PUU-
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
actually made PERPU as an instrument to control the
existence of social organizations within the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia. The issuance
of PERPU as if it seems that the policies issued by
the government in issuing PERPU tend to be one-
sided and subjective. The condition of the compulsive
crunch has not yet fully become a proven condition in
the midst of society. Through PERPU, the govern-
ment also revoked the existence of Community Or-
ganizations, namely Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia, which
was considered to be in conflict with Pancasila.
Government policies that issued PERPU have not
been fully accepted due to the difficulty of measur-
ing precarious conditions due to the existence of HTI
organizations and the absence of concrete indicators
and can measure the extent to which community or-
ganizations are in line with Pancasila values so that
the boundaries become vague and seem to be being
a one-sided subjective judgment in assessing the pre-
carious situation. If reviewed further, the existence of
HTI at the time before it was dissolved has not been
said to be alarming, because there has not been an ac-
tive movement carried out by HTI which could cause
the matters of crisis as intended by the government.
The lack of government aspirations for the disso-
lution of HTI organizations has also become the pub-
lic’s main spotlight. The government only listens to
the voices of one party claiming that the existence
of HTI endangers the integrity of the unitary state of
the Republic of Indonesia. The opinions of various
groups are certainly needed to provide an assessment
of the existence of HTI so that there is sufficient in-
dicator that HTI organizations can create a danger for
the integrity of the country of Indonesia. Regarding
this, Dr. Jeje Zaenudin as deputy general chairman of
PP Persatuan Islam writes:
“The irregularities are also getting stronger
when the government bases the dissolution
of HTI because it often collides with other
mass organizations in the community. In fact,
only recently has HTI activities been pre-
vented from being obstructed and disbanded
by a particular mass organization that manip-
ulates it. With other mass organizations, such
as Muhammadiyah, Persis, Al Irsyad, PUI,
etc., HTI remains harmonious, there must be
differing views on several aspects of Islamic
teachings, especially the concept of khilafah
(Riadi et al., 2017)”
Besides that, PERPU No.2 Year 2017 also gives
constitutional authority to the government to dissolve
the existence of community organizations that are
deemed inappropriate. Juridically, matters concern-
ing the dissolution of mass organizations are in the
hands of the court as the holder of the judicial author-
ity based on the theory of power sharing initiated by
Montesqui. Indirectly, the government automatically
has taken over the authority rather than the judicial
power which is under the authority of the Supreme
Court, which prior to the issuance of PERPU the au-
thority to dissolve the existence of social organiza-
tions was in the hands of the court. Based on these
problems, the issuance of PERPU No. 2 of 2017
gives the impression of the current dictator of the
government, in addition to not measuring the indica-
tors of the state of urgency that forced the issuance of
PERPU, the government has deviated its power as the
holder of executive power by overthrowing judicial
power in the dissolution of community organizations.
And in the author’s opinion, this problem would tend
to make new problems oriented to the division of eth-
nicity, race, religion, and culture that exist in Indone-
sia because of the existence of issues related to radi-
calism at the level of nation and state. So that it can
be concluded that with the birth of PERPU No. 2 of
2017 there has been an injury to the value of democ-
racy and the concept of separation of powers.
The phrase ’compulsive urgency’ in the background
of making Government Regulations Substituting the
Law does not yet have a judicial objective measure.
The authority in the issuance of PERPU is still ori-
ented to the constitutional subjective rights of the
president given by the 1945 Constitution of the Re-
public of Indonesia. The Constitutional Court Deci-
sion Number 138 / PUU-VII / 2009
has not been
able to answer the explanations of state benchmarks
in matters of compulsion. So that with the birth of
polemic against PERPU No. 2, 2017 is still an inter-
esting concern from a political and legal standpoint.
With regard to the urgency of the existence of mass
organizations that are considered inconsistent with
the ideological values of the nation, namely the Pan-
casila. So that PERPU’s position is still considered
as a frame for a government that leads to an authori-
tarian government. It is recommended that the Gov-
ernment and Parliament to emergency situation and to
make use Presidential Advisor Board so that issuance
of government regulation to subtitute act the meets
Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang
Nomor 2 Tahun 2017 Tentang Perubahan Undang-Undang
Nomor 17 Tahun 2013 tentang Organisasi Kemasyarakatan.
Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 138/PUU-
Position of Government Regulations for Replacement of Laws in Construction of Democracy Law State
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity