Figure 4: The Stage of IHC Nucleus Image Segmenta-
tion Stage of Breast Cancer (a) Image of estrogen recep-
tor (b) Image Resulted by Median filtering (c) Image H Re-
sulted by colour Deconvolution (d) Image DAB Resulted by
Colour Deconvolution (e) Image H Resulted by Watershed
(f) Image DAB Resulted by Watershed
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Image of the result of using (a) 3x3 Kernel Size
(b) 1x1 kernel size
Figure 5 is the result of cell segmentation in connec-
tive tissue using a 3x3 and 1x1 disk kernel. It is seen
that cells in the connective tissue are still counted as
many cancer cells while using a 1x1-sized kernel seen
in cells in the connective tissue there are not many
Based on the results seen in figure 5, the use of
3x3 and 1x1 kernels has indeed succeeded in remov-
ing cells in the connective tissue, but not all cells in
the connective tissue can be identified. This research
will be continued by using other methods to remove
cells in connective tissue. If this step has been com-
pleted, then the next process until cell count can be
From the steps that have been done above, some re-
sults are obtained, namely stages of digital image pro-
cessing to read IHC breast cancer images to obtain
H cell counts and positive DAB cell numbers begin-
ning with the pre-processing process using Median
Filtering, then proceed with colour segmentation us-
ing Colour Deconvolution to obtain IHC H images
and positive DAB IHC images and followed by cell
segmentation using Watershed Markers. The use of
3x3 and 1x1 kernels has indeed succeeded in remov-
ing cells in the connective tissue, but not all cells in
the connective tissue can be identified. This research
will be continued by using other methods to remove
cells in connective tissue. If this step has been com-
pleted, then the next process until cell count can be
High appreciation should be given to Universitas Is-
lam Riau (UIR) and Universiti Teknologi Petronas
(UTP) for their support in matching grant of this re-
search work.
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ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology