Social Support and Physical Activities on People with Hypertension
Aged 45 Years and Above
Riza Fikriana
* and Melya Intan
STIKes Kepanjen, Jalan.Tunorojoyo 16, (0341) 397644 Kepanjen, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Doctoral Program of Public Health, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Social support, physical activities, hypertension.
Abstract: The blood pressure control through regular physical activities is necessary to prevent complications. Social
support is one of the factors that affect the physical activities of people with hypertension. This study aims
to identify the correlation between social support and physical activities of people with hypertension. This
study used correlational method with the cross-sectional approach. 110 people were chosen as participants
using simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire asking about support from family, health
workers, and peers, as well as International Physical Activity Questionnaire were used to collect the data.
The statistical test conducted was Gamma Correlation Test. Results showed that there was no relationship
between family support, health worker support, and peer support with physical activities among people with
hypertension aged 45 years and above indicated by the p-value for each variable: 0.655, 0.055, and 0.857.
Based on the three p-values, the support from health workers had a p-value close to 0.05. No correlation
between social support and physical activities of the people with hypertension signifies that social support
has not yet been able to be given adequately to the people with hypertension. Family, health workers, and
peers are expected to strengthen their role in controlling the blood pressure of the people with hypertension
through physical activities.
The prevalence of hypertension increases every year
(Benjamin et al., 2017). Hypertension is a risk factor
for cardiovascular disease. A few complications
occur due to hypertension, such as cerebrovascular
accident and chronic kidney disease kronik (Latifi et
al., 2014). Studies have shown that 30% of patients
who died due to heart disease had a history of
hypertension (Tereshchenko et al., 2017). Thus,
blood pressure control is vital for people with
hypertension in order to prevent health
complications (Huang et al., 2017)
Steps to control blood pressure on people with
hypertension start by engaging regular physical
activities. Regular physical activities can reduce
systolic and diastolic blood pressure on people with
hypertension (Diaz and Shimbo, 2013). Social
support is one of the factors that influence
someone’s physical activity (Ishak et al., 2017).
Social support is able to decrease someone’s health
problems (Xie et al., 2018). Social support plays an
important role in health. It can determine an
individual’s mental and physical health. Moreover, it
also can increase efforts to prevent diseases, mental
health disorders, and psychological distress, as well
as decrease the number of deaths (Veiel, 1985)
2.1 Research Design, Setting and
This study was observational analytical with the
cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted
in the areas surrounding Puskesmas Turen in Malang
Regency with the study population of all patients
with hypertension in Turen Sub-District. The
research sample was 110 patients with hypertension
aged 45 years and older selected using simple
random sampling technique.
Fikriana, R. and Intan, M.
Social Support and Physical Activities on People with Hypertension Aged 45 Years and Above.
DOI: 10.5220/0009119200050009
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Data Collection
The research instrument was a questionnaire
designed to gather the information from the
respondents on demography, social support, and
physical activities. Demographic data included age,
sex, education, and jobs. In addition, data on the
respondents’ compliance to blood pressure
medication and blood pressure levels measured
using sphygmomanometer were collected. Another
questionnaire was designed to collect social support
data consisting of family support, health worker
support, and peer support.
The questionnaire on social support was arranged
based on the components of emotional and
appreciation supports, instrumental support, and
informational support. The questionnaire consisted
of questions with answer choices using the Likert
scale comprised of four answer choices which were
Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, and Strongly
Agree. To measure the physical activities of the
people with hypertension, International Physical
Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was employed. The
total score was categorized into light, moderate, and
vigorous. Before data were collected, the
respondents were given an explanation of the aim,
the significance, and the procedure of the research.
The respondents signed the informed consent form
to show that they agreed to participate in the study.
2.3 Data Analysis
Data analysis was carried out using descriptive
analysis technique in the form of frequency
distribution to present data on demography, social
support, and physical activities. Besides, the
Spearman’s rank test was performed to analyze the
correlation between social support and physical
3.1 Socio Demographic Data and
Health Status
Socio demographic data show that 63.6% of the
respondents were between 60 and 74 years old with
which the majority were women. 62% attended
elementary schools and 40% were unemployed. In
regard to health status measured by blood pressure,
65.5% were categorized into hypertension stage I
and 34.5% were categorized into hypertension stage
II. 35.5% regularly took anti-hypertension medicine,
while 64.5% did not.
3.2 Social Support and Physical
Data show that 40% of the respondents received
adequate family support, while 62.7% received
enough support from health workers. Enough
support from peers is also seen to be given to 56.4%
of the respondents (see Table 2).
Based on the components of emotional and
appreciation supports, instrumental support, and
informational support, family support had the
highest average score. Additionally, informational
support had the highest average score on each social
support, health worker support, and peer support
(see Table 3).
Table 1: Socio demographic data and health status (n=110).
Variable n (%) Variable n (%)
Age (years)
45 – 59
60 – 74
> 75
Didn’t go to school
Junior High
Senior High
Consumption of Anti-Hypertension
Not Regularly
Hypertension Categories
Hypertension Stage I
Hypertension Stage II
33 (30.0)
70 (63.6)
7 (6.4)
8 (7.0)
68 (62.0)
22 (20.0)
12 (11.0)
39 (35.5)
71 (64.5)
72 (65.5)
38 (34.5)
Marital Status
Private sector
17 (15.5)
93 (84.5)
1 (0.9)
107 (99.1)
17 (15.5)
18 (16.5)
31 (28.0)
44 (40.0)
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
3.3 Relationship between Social
Support and Physical Activities
Analysis results of statistical test show that the three
types of social support – family support, health
worker support, and peer support – had no link with
physical activities of the people with hypertension
with each p-value 0.655, 0.055, and 0.857. It can be
seen that the p-value of the health worker support
was close to the meaning of relationship between
social support and physical activities (see Table 4).
Blood pressure control on people with
hypertension can be done by taking advantage of
pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy
approaches. Physical activity is one of the strategies
of a non-pharmacological therapy necessary for
people with hypertension to prevent an increase in
blood pressure and health complications (Han et al.,
2014). Results show that 25.5% of people with
hypertension performed light physical activities;
44.5% performed moderate physical activities; and
30% performed vigorous physical activities (see
Table 2).
Table 2: Frequency distribution of social support and physical activities of the people with hypertension (n=110).
Variable n (%) Variable n (%)
Family Support
Health Worker Support
29 (26.4)
44 (40.0)
37 (33.6)
24 (21.8)
69 (62.7)
17 (15.5)
Peer Support
Physical Activities
37 (33.6)
62 (56.4)
11 (10.0)
28 (25.5)
49 (44.5)
33 (30.0)
Table 3: Average score of emotional support, appreciation support, instrumental support, and informational support of the
people with hypertension (n=110).
Social Support Average Score
of Emotional &
Appreciation Supports
Average Score
of Instrumental Support
Average Score
of Informational Support
Family Support 10.35 10.23 11.03
Health Worker Support 10.09 8.90 10.62
Peer Support 9.58 8.30 9.62
Table 4: Results of Analysis on the Gamma Correlation between Social Support and Physical Activities (n=110).
Physical Activities Correlation
Coefficient (r)
Light Moderate Vigorous
Family Support Poor 8 12 9 0.059 0.655
Enough 12 20 12
Good 8 17 12
Total 28 49 33
Health Worker Support Poor 8 11 5 0.253 0.055
Enough 19 28 22
Good 1 10 6
Total 28 49 33
Peer Support Poor 11 16 10 0.026 0.857
Enough 13 28 21
Good 4 5 2
Total 28 49 33
Social Support and Physical Activities on People with Hypertension Aged 45 Years and Above
Regular physical activities will cause peripheral
vascular resistance to weaken; thus, blood pressure
can be lowered thanks to the neuro hormonal and
structural responses as well as the decrease of the
sympathetic nerve activities and the increase of
arterial lumen diameter (Hamer, 2006). In addition,
doing physical activities regularly can prevent
people with hypertension from Left Ventricular
Hypertrophy (Hegde and Solomon, 2015).
Based on the health status of people with
hypertension, 65.5% were fallen into hypertension
stage I and the rest 34.5% were categorized into
hypertension stage II. Social environment is a
resource that mediates the relationship between
stress and health. Someone living in a pressuring
social environment will experience positive impacts
if he or she receives social support. However, poor
social support can contribute to someone’s mental
and physical health disorder (Schaefer, Coyne and
Lazarus, 1981). Support is vital for people with
hypertension. Good social support from the
environment can influence people with hypertension
in treatment management for them, including
physical activities.
The results of this study suggest that family
support had the highest average score compared to
health worker support and peer support. Social
support, especially from family, with the increase of
patients’ knowledge will positively affect their self-
care behavior (Ishak et al., 2017). (Wulandhani dkk,
2014) argued that family support can be expressed
by giving attention, empathy, encouragement,
advice, information, and etc. Family support is
associated with the development of mental balance
and psychological satisfaction. Family members
should be prepared to give assistance if needed.
Someone who receives family support will feel
emotionally calm to be able to feel the attention,
advice, and good impression given to them (Azizah,
Furthermore, Table 3 describes that among three
forms of social support, the highest average score
was fallen into informational support. Informational
support refers to a support by giving information or
advice that can help someone solve problems and
give feedback on how he or she does it. Feedback
can assist someone to maintain his or her social
identity and social integrity (Schaefer, Coyne and
Lazarus, 1981).
The results of gamma correlation analysis
indicate that no link is found between family
support, health worker support, peer support, and
physical activities among people with hypertension
(see Table 4). A few other factors are likely to
contribute to the physical activities of people with
hypertension. According to Precede-Proceed model
by Lawrence W. Green (1980), someone’s health
behavior is affected by three factors which are
predisposition factor, enabling factor, and
reinforcing factor. Predisposition factor includes
demographic factor, social structure, and health
beliefs. On the other hand, the enabling factor is the
facilities that support health care (Notoatmodjo,
2007). Social factor is supposed to be a reinforcing
factor. In this study, however, social support has no
association with physical activities.
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HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
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Social Support and Physical Activities on People with Hypertension Aged 45 Years and Above