influence between the work environment on
employee morale (Fithri & Anisa, 2017).
Based on data in compliance with the prevention
of the risk of falling patients in Islamic Hospital
Aisyiyah Malang, it was found that most nurses'
compliance was in the sufficient category of 63.3%
(19 respondents. This was due to the level of
education of nurses, most of whom were D3 Nursing,
the higher the education of a nurse, is expected to
have better knowledge, skills, and abilities in carrying
out the work, it is expected that after the education
level of the most respondents is S1 Kep then
compliance with falling patient risk prevention will
be better with the emergence of ideas to improve and
simplify the process or procedure for patient risk
prevention In addition, adherence is also influenced
by gender, wherein the results of the study of the
majority of respondents' gender are women namely
80% (24 respondents), women are more focused on
carrying out their duties properly and harmonious
work relationships, so that the women tend to be more
obedient to the rules and tasks assigned to them.
From the study there were 37% (11 respondents)
who were married and married people were more
obedient compared to single people, married people
tended to be more attached to groups or communities
so that they would avoid actions that could lead to
social sanctions, marital status is also closely related
to the use of income which affects the performance of
a nurse, from research data it is found that employee
income is 1-2.5 million as much as 80% (24
respondents). Income is related to motivation, where
motivation is the motivation of a nurse to do or act
according to the procedure, which in turn nurses will
get rewarded for what they have tried to meet their
The results of the study mentioned 12 respondents
(40%) had the most distance from home to the
workplace is <1 KM. Distance of residence that
causes nurses to be more obedient in carrying out a
procedure because they come with conditions that are
fit and strong motivation in carrying out their role as
caregiver of patients, including in terms of patient
safety, especially prevention of the risk of falling,
mentions the distance domicile influential on
employee performance (Kurniadi, 2013).
In this study, the data obtained that there is a very
significant influence between mental workload of
nurses on compliance with prevention of falling
patient risk, this is indicated by the significance value
of p-value 0,000, which can be interpreted as H1
accepted, namely there is an influence of nurses'
mental workload on risk prevention compliance the
patient fell in Malang Aisyiyah Islamic Hospital. The
correlation coefficient value of -768 indicates the
degree of a strong relationship and with this negative
direction, causing if the mental workload increases,
compliance with the prevention of falling patient risk
will decrease, as well as vice versa if the mental
workload decreases, the compliance to prevent the
risk of falling patients will increase. However, the
results of the study found 2 nurses with heavy mental
workloads were still able to implement compliance
risk prevention patients fell in the sufficient category
and there were 1 nurse with mental workloads were
showing compliance prevention risk of patients
falling in the good category, this was due to nurses
able to control the amount of mental pressure so as to
still be able to provide quality nursing care to patients,
do not show the real impact of the mental workload
they feel, be able to hold and maintain emotions, try
to stay concentrated, continue to provide quality
nursing services including preventative procedures
the risk of falling patients, through the process of
assessment, planning, management and evaluation,
nurses implement the risk of falling risks to prevent
patient safety incidents ie patients falling, so that the
patient safety quality indicators are in accordance
with the expected standards. Hospital quality that is
maintained will cause patients to be satisfied with
what is received, the public believes in the credibility
of the hospital.
This is in line with research conducted by
Werdani (2016). Which explains the results of his
research that the mental workload of nurses affects
patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction is an
outcome. Compliance with the prevention of falling
patient risk is the output produced by nurses who
carry out a process that if done well, the output will
be good too.
There is a very significant influence between the
mental workload of nurses on compliance with the
prevention of the risk of falling patients in Aisyiyah
Islamic Hospital. The degree of a strong relationship
and with this negative direction, cause if the mental
workload increases, compliance with the prevention
of the risk of falling patients will decrease.
The research authors would like to thank the research
assistants, nursing and technician who assisted in the