of these factors, one of which is the content in the Red
Rice and Corn Rice which acts as a substance that
helps the body to help control or stabilize the blood
glucose levels so that group A has a value of blood
glucose levels that do not much different from group
B. The absence of difference is caused by various
factors, as for the following factors, namely as
Brown rice also has a high fiber content which is
3.32 grams which means that fiber can prevent
gastrointestinal track disease and heart disease
(Nuryani, 2013). Red rice also has a fairly low
carbohydrate value, carbohydrates are consumed by
mice and undergo metabolic processes in the body of
mice, carbohydrates are also converted into glucose
in the liver and will be useful for energy formation in
the human body. Glucose will be absorbed by the
small intestine, will be carried by the bloodstream and
will be distributed to all cells of the body. Glucose is
also stored in the form of glycogen, which is in blood
plasma in the form of blood glucose. Glucose in the
human body functions as a fuel for metabolic
processes and also as a main source for the brain
(Subiyono, Martsiningsih and Gabrela, 2013).
Carbohydrates in foods with low glycemic index
are broken down slowly so that the release of glucose
also becomes slower, low glycemic index can reduce
the rate of absorption of blood glucose and increase
insulin sensitivity so that it can control or stabilize the
value of blood glucose levels. The lower the glycemic
index in eating foods the lower its ability to increase
blood glucose levels (Herlina, D.N., Nesha, T.R.T.,
Noor, F., Okki, A., Ebigail, D., Darmawati, 2017).
Corn rice has a fairly low carbohydrate content of
75.64%, corn carbohydrates can be starches, starches
contain two kinds of molecules namely amylopectin
and amylose, low glycemic index foods are broken
down slowly so that the release of glucose also
becomes slow, low glycemic index can reduce the
rate of absorption of blood glucose and increase
insulin sensitivity so that it can control the value of
blood glucose levels. In addition to the low
carbohydrate content, corn rice also has a fiber
content of 0.26 grams, the fiber itself can function to
prevent gastrointestinal track disease and heart
disease (Lalujan et al., 2017).
Analysis of the results found in this study showed
that the animal mice in group A (red rice) and group
B (corn rice) experienced changes in the value of
blood glucose levels that varied. The results showed
that experimental animals that experienced
significant changes in blood glucose levels were mice
that were in both groups for 7 days, from the results
of calculations conducted by researchers using the
SPSS computer program to get a difference in group
A (Red Rice) as much as - 7.08 mg / dl and in group
B (Corn Rice) it was obtained -6.58 mg / dl which
means that the two groups had a difference of only
0.5 mg / dl and a sig value of 0.978 above the value
of α <0.05 So that H0 was received , there is no
difference in the provision of brown rice (Oryza
Nivara) and corn rice (Zea Mays L) to changes in the
value of blood glucose levels in mice (Mus Musculus
Based on the data analysis of the results of research
and discussion it can be concluded that the feeding of
brown rice in group A and the feeding of corn rice in
group B in mice try animals there is no significant
difference with a significance value of 0.978 where
the value is greater than the value of α (0.05 ). The
results of the two calculations can be concluded that
there is no significant difference (H0 is accepted),
which means that there is no difference in the
provision of brown rice and corn rice to changes in
blood glucose levels in mice.
Further research is needed to get accurate results
on human samples so that brown rice and corn rice
can really be an additional therapy in the morning for
people with diabetes mellitus and people who need
additional therapy with glycemic index values on
foods that are quite low.
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