Table 1 showed that differences of the level
spiritual of the participants before and after the
ntervention. The value of p (0,001) < α (0,05), a data
analyzed by Wilcoxon, that means the intervention
psychospiritual improved spiritual of participants.
The study’s findings obtain a change in spiritual level
after given psychospiritual interventions. Although
some of the participants have high spiritual level
before the provided intervention, the post-test
results showed a significant increase. The spiritual
approach is an individual experience, a person's belief
in the meaning of life experienced and represent a
power that exists in the individual himself.
The provision of psychospiritual interventions
remain one form of intervention that refers to
the use of spiritual experiences of worship,
especially those related to God, which can be applied
by always being thankful for everything that has been
received to assist the individual adjust to the
emotional problems faced, how to overcome a change
in life, promote effective changes to spur somewone
in developing personality, and create therapeutic
interactions (Nihayati, 2015).
Spiritual well-being can be necessary resource for
patients and their families who struggle with serious
or chronic illness (Musarezaie et al., 2015). Studies
which supported these findings were (Hosseini,
Davidson and Green, 2013) that there were positive
correlations between spirituality and hope, happiness,
mental health, health and well-being, quality of life,
job satisfaction, coping and recovery in both patients
and caregivers. The prayer and religious
psychotherapy can improve happiness and physical
health and alleviate anxiety, and depression
(Mardiyono and Petpichetchian, 2011).
The spiritual level influenced by age. The average
age of respondents is 49,8 years and includes late
adulthood. Age related to maturity and the ability of
a person. Increasing age is increasingly able to show
mental maturity. It stated in a hadith Qudsi narrated
by HR. Tirmidzi, that the emergence of a person's
tendency to start self-improvement is at the age of 60
years. Normally that age, a person could be
compelled to return to improve his spiritual values
through efforts to adjust to the initial nature of his
creation. Making himself a servant of God who is
always obedient to Him (Jalaluddin, 2015). Beside
the age factor, changes in one's spiritual quality occur
due to other internal factors and external factors.
Internal factors relate to conditions that exist in a
person (internal). While external factors concern
conditions, situations and experiences in interacting
with their environment.
This includes experience through education,
socio-cultural conditions, and experiences in other
social interactions. The internal factors that are
considered to play an active role in the occurrence of
religious conversion are personality factors and
innate factors. While external factors that can have an
influence on the occurrence of religious conversion.
Among the factors mentioned are family factors,
living environment factors, changes in status, poverty
(Jalaluddin, 2015). The majority of respondents are
Women are better at managing stress, this is
because it is influenced by emotional focused coping
(EFC). EFC allows individuals to recognise the good
idea (wisdom) of an event, expect sympathy and
understanding on others, or try to forget everything
related to things that have suppressed his emotions,
meaning that individuals learn to try and take lessons
or values from all efforts that have been done before
and used as a consideration exercise to solve the next
problem. This will further foster a person’s positive
emotions in interpreting something that happens
especially in spiritual matters.
The provision of psychospiritual
interventions is a stimulus that is carried out by
providing knowledge and experience on the
importance of fulfilling spiritual needs in this matter
relating to God, always grateful for what happened
and always believing God gives is the best so that
later can change perceptions someone in the face of
stress is faced especially in patients who are
undergoing a period of treatment at the hospital.
Spiritual care plays an important role in increasing
person’s spiritual well-being and has positive effects
on their stress responses, a sense of integrity and
excellence, and interpersonal relationships. Spiritual
enable a person to a purpose and purpose statement in
life and promotes access to inner strengths and
resources that will enhance the overall health
(Torabi, Sajjadi and Nourian, 2017; Younas, 2017).
Studies which supported these findings were
Abedi et al (2016), spiritual care of cancer patients
decreases the physical sign problems, anxiety, sleep
disorders, depression and disorders in their social
functions. There are a significant inluence of the
psycho-spiritual intervention on global QOL (quality
of life) and physical, role, emotional, cognitive, and
social isolation. The spirituality is seen as a unique
concept that stands in relationship to quality of life
(Jafari et al., 2013).
The limitation of this study is that research does
not involve several other factors that can affect the
patient's spiritual condition like the type of illness,