compared to those who consumed fruit ≥ 2
While the results for the vegetable diet most
respondents in the category of consuming 1-2
servings of vegetables. The study showed that as
many as 78.5% of respondents had the risk of
hypertension. In the study of Hardati & Ahmad
(2017) explained that respondents who consumed
vegetables <3 servings/day were at risk 1.04 times
suffering from hypertension compared to consuming
vegetables ≥ 3 servings/day.
Based on research that has been done, the results
show that from the number of male respondents
some respondents have smoking habits. This study
shows that as many as 22.7% of respondents have a
risk of hypertension. This is supported by the
research of Sartik et al (2017) explaining that the
results of the study showed a statistically significant
relationship between smoking habits and the
incidence of hypertension. In this study explained
that smoking behavior will increase the risk of
hypertension up to 6.9 times higher than those who
do not smoke.
Based on research that has been done, it is found
that the result of alcohol consumption is that most
respondents do not consume alcohol. Alcohol
consumption will have a bad impact on health for
the long term. One result of excessive alcohol
consumption will result in increased blood pressure.
Alcohol is one of the causes of hypertension because
alcohol has the same effect as carbon dioxide which
can increase blood acidity, so the blood becomes
thick and the heart is forced to pump, besides that
excessive alcohol consumption, in the long run, will
affect the cortisol levels in the blood thereby
resulting in the activity of rennin-angiotensin
aldosterone system (RAAS) increases (Komaling,
Based on the research that has been done, it is
obtained that the physical activity of the respondents
is mostly in the high-level category. The study
showed that as many as 17.2% of respondents had a
risk of hypertension. Supported by the results of
research Sapitri & Suyanto (2016) explains that
there is a statistically significant relationship
between physical activity and the incidence of
hypertension. Based on statistical tests, the value of
OR = 13.47 is obtained. That is, people who do not
do regular physical activity have a risk of
developing hypertension by 13.47 times compared
with people who do regular physical activity.
In this study, the authors found several research
limitations. As for some of these limitations are the
blood pressure is only measured one time.
Based on the results of research that has been done,
it can be concluded that the risk factors of family
history, gender and consumption patterns of fruits
and vegetables have the highest percentage in the
incidence of hypertension. Adds an overview and
knowledge of hypertension risk factors. For those
who have a history of hypertension to be able to
control blood pressure by increasing healthy
lifestyles, one of which is by consuming fruits and
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