Endothelial Protective and Antioxidant Effect of Polysaccharide
Peptide of Ganoderma Lucidum in STEMI and NSTEMI Patients
with Diabetes as a Risk Factor
Djanggan Sargowo
, Nurul Aini Rahmawati
*, Faris Wahyu Nugroho
, Putri Annisa Kamila
, Dedy
, Monika Sitio
, Liemena Harold Adrian
, Aditya Reza Pratama
, Yusuf Arifin
, Rizki
, Diah Ivana Sari
, Chamelia Rohadatul ‘Aissy
, Evita Febriyanti Purwanto
, Firyal Nadiah
, Merkuri Puspasari Sukatman
, Rakhmawati Fahmiy
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University/Saiful Anwar General
Hospital, Malang, Indonesia
Master Program of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
Jalan Bendungan Sutami 188A Malang 65145
Keywords: STEMI, NSTEMI, Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Endothelial dysfunction, Antioxidant, Ganoderma Lucidum.
Abstract: Diabetes induced increases of Reactive Oxygens Species (ROS) Production. Oxidative stress and endothelial
dysfunction are induced by high free radical. In Previous studies has been found that PsP of Ganoderma
Lucidum has no toxicity in animal model and can be act as an antioxidants and antiendothelial dysfunction.
This study was purposed to prove the effect of PsP of Ganoderma Lucidum as antioxidant and protective
endothelial cell in STEMI and NSTEMI patients with diabetes. This clinical trial study conducted to 50
patients that diagnosed STEMI, NSTEMI and Diabetes, with pre- and post-test control group design. The
parameters are MDA, SOD, CEC, and EPC counts. Patients divided into two group randomized, one group
were given PsP Ganoderma Lucidum 750mg/day in 3 divided dose, and another group were given placebo
for 90days. Normally distributed data will be analyzed by Dependent T-test and abnormally distributed data
will be analyze by Wilcoxon test. The result are in PsP group patiens MDA level significantly decreased with
P=0,030, SOD significantly increased with P=0,000, EPC count significantly increased with P=0,016, CEC
count significantly decreased with P= 0,020. It concluded PsP of Ganoderma Lucidum act as antioxidant and
protective endothelial cell against pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in STEMI and NSTEMI patients with
The pathophysiology of vascular damage in diabetes
is complex and involves abnormalities in endothelial
cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, and platelet
function. Hyperglycemia reduces the availability of
endothelial nitric oxide (NO) and vascular function
through several mechanisms, especially an increase in
the number of reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived
from mitochondria and cytoplasm. ROS is not only
the final effector but also the triggering factors of
each of the following pathways involved in blood
vessel damage caused by hyperglycemia: polyol
pathway, formation of glycation end products
(AGEs), de-novosynthesis of diacylglycerol (DAG),
which leads to the activation of isoform protein-
kinase C (PKC) and the hexosamine pathway (Bonora
& DeFronzo, 2018).
Knowledge of the factors involved in the process
of atherosclerosis, the main markers of antioxidants
such as SOD or markers for oxidative stress such as
MDA will help in the treatment of this disease.
Pathological processes in endothelial due to oxidative
stress using CEC (circular endothelial cells) which
prove the existence of endothelial injury and EPC
(endothelial progenitor cells) that improve vascular
repair. The second marker representing vascular and
endothelial integrity is important in the
pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease
(Rajendran et al., 2013).
Sargowo, D., Rahmawati, N., Nugroho, F., Kamila, P., Irawan, D., Sitio, M., Adrian, L., Pratama, A., Arifin, Y., Fadlan, R., Sari, D., ’Aissy, C., Purwanto, E., Rahmah, F., Sukatman, M. and
Fahmiy, R.
Endothelial Protective and Antioxidant Effect of Polysaccharide Peptide of Ganoderma Lucidum in STEMI and NSTEMI Patients with Diabetes as a Risk Factor.
DOI: 10.5220/0009121700600065
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 60-65
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Treatment using natural ingredients has long been
used, one of which is the administration of
polysaccharide peptides (PSP) derived from
Ganoderma Lucidum extract. Ganoderma Lucidum is
an oriental mushroom, has a history in China, Japan
and other Asian countries as an ingredient that adds
to health and longevity. This fungus is dark and large.
In China, Ganoderma Lucidum is called Lingzhi,
while in Japan it is called Reishi or Mannentake.
Lingzhi contain bioactive compound, namely β-
glucan has been proven to have an effect on
controlling blood sugar, immune system modulation,
hepatoprotective and many other effects
Molecular weight, conformation, and degree of
branching are influenced β-glucan properties. The
different structure of β-glucan can affect its
antioxidant activity. This antioxidant activity can also
be influenced by sources and extraction methods. The
molecular weight of β-glucan extracted from barley
with warm water is 40,000-100,000 Da, while
oligomers made from β-glucan macromolecules with
enzymatic degradation by lichenase have a molecular
weight of around 2,000 Da. The smaller molecular
size, inferred, can result in a reduction in hydroxyl
radical uptake activity or a reduction in activity of
antioxidant. The reduced molecular weight of about
1/20 - 1/50 can cause a reduction in antioxidant
activity by about half from before. This finding shows
that β-glucan still carries out hydroxyl radicals at
various molecular sizes, even with different potentials
(Kofuji et al., 2012).
β-1,3 / 1,6-D-Glucan contained in PsP has been
analyzed by the Complex Carbohydrate Research
Center-University of Georgia, USA and the analysis
shows that PsP has a large molecular weight (>
3,755,000 Da). β-1,3 / 1,6-D-Glucan in PsP is also
known to have complex triple helix solution
conformation and branching. Large molecular
weight, triple helix formation and complex branching
shows the potential of β-glucan in PsP as a powerful
immunomodulator and antioxidant. The molecular
weight of β-glucan in PsP extracted from Ganoderma
Lucidum can be compared with the molecular weight
of β-glucan taken from other sources. The molecular
weight greater than the molecular weight of β-glucan
from other sources shows the potential of β-glucan in
PsP as a stronger antioxidant compared to other
sources (HE et al., 2010).
Research on Peptide Polysaccharide (PsP) of
Ganoderma Lucidum has been started since 2013
which aims to find out the effect of PsP
administration on Rattus novergicus strain Wistar rats
with a high-fat diet and diabetes mellitus. The results
showed that PsP is a chronic anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant in Rattus novergicus strain Wistar rats
(Sargowo et al., 2018). In 2014, an acute and sub-
chronic PsP toxicity study was conducted. In this test,
observations of blood chemical parameters and
histopathology of organs including kidney, lung,
heart, aorta, and liver in Rattus novergicus strain
Wistar rats.
The results showed that 5 variations of PsP dose
did not have a toxic effect with a certain dose in
Rattus novergicus strain Wistar rats (Wihastuti
et al.,
2016). In 2015 a study was conducted to determine
the effect of giving PSP as a chronic anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, antilipid, and endothelial
antidisfunction in stable Angina Pectoris patients and
at high risk of heart disease based on Framingham
scores. The results showed that PsP has an anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, antilipid, and endothelial
anti-inflammatory function so that it can play a role
as a secondary preventive for Angina Pectoris
patients. Stable and primary preventive for patients at
high risk of heart disease based on Fraingham scores
(Sargowo et al., 2018).
Based on the results of the study, the
administration of PsP is thought to be beneficial for
patients with STEMI and NSTEMI. Therefore,
further research is needed on the potential of β-1,3 /
1,6-D-glucans from mycelia Ganoderma Lucidum
extract as an antioxidant and endothelial protection in
STEMI and NSTEMI patients with diabetes.
The study was true experimental using double blinds
randomized perspective with pre-test and post-test
design. All patients who participated in this study
were patients who came from the cardiology
outpatient unit of the Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital
and Lavalette Malang Hospital which had agreed to
participate in this study and had signed informed
consent. Following are the inclusion, exclusion, and
drop out criteria in this study.
2.1 Study Subject
The study group consisted of 50 patients with STEMI
and NSTEMI. They are admitted to CVCU or heart
poly of Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang and signed the
informed consent. Patients who drinking alcohol a
day more than 50g of ethanol, has acute hepatitis,
kidney failure, hematological abnormalities and
bleeding, anaphylactic disorder, using steroid, have
transplant of grafting organ, sepsis, drug abuse in
previous year, have low moderate risk according
Endothelial Protective and Antioxidant Effect of Polysaccharide Peptide of Ganoderma Lucidum in STEMI and NSTEMI Patients with
Diabetes as a Risk Factor
Framingham cardiovascular risk score criteria
according to ATP III, rheumatological abnormalities,
neoplasm less than 5 years, severe disease and severe
comorbidity were excluded from the study. All
protocols in this study were agreed with informed
consent and the Ethics Committee of the Medical
Faculty of Brawijaya University, Malang Indonesia
(171 / EC / KEPK / 07/2018)
2.1 Collection of Specimens and
Biochemical Analysis.
Venous blood sample were collected from all the
patient, 20 ml of blood was collected from each
patient. The blood sample was centrifuges at 1000
rpm for 15 minutes at 2-8 ° C. Measurement of SOD
and MDA in humans by taking pretest and posttest
blood preparations then using the ELISA kit method.
SOD uses an ELISA kit that is applied in quantitative
in vitro determination of SOD concentrations in
humans in serum, plasma, and other body fluids. A
detectable dose of SOD of at least 37.5 pg / mL. MDA
is measured using ELISA with the ELISA
competitive method. MDA in the sample will
compete with MDA on the plate, with the aim that the
two compete to bind antibodies that are specific to
MDA. The amount of CEC was measured by the
flowcytometry method of blood plasma samples with
anti-CD146 antibody markers labeled Phycoerythrin
and anti-CD45 labeled FITC. EPC counts were
measured by flowcytometry from blood plasma
samples with Phycoerythrin labeled anti-CD133
antibody markers and FITC labeled anti-CD34
All data are expressed of mean ± SD. Paired T test
was used to estimate the differences between groups.
If the data are abnormally distributed, Wilcoxon test
will be used to analyze. SPSS 25.0 was used for
statistical analyze and the statistically significant was
set at p<0,05.
In this study there were five patient who dropped out
caused by allergic reactions. In the extract group there
was significant decrease in MDA and CEC and there
was significant increase in SOD and EPC.
Anthropometric results and characteristics of
research subjects can be seen in table 1.
Table 1: Characteristics of research subjects and anthropometric examination results.
Variabel Mean pretest
Mean Posttest
p- value
PsP Placebo
SOD 2,8878±0,9315 3,4099± 0,1171 2,6807± 0,1930 0,000
MDA 20,8239±1,5969 16,7858± 2,1828 23,6827 ± 2,26851 0,03
CEC 88,1119±13,928 61,618± 9,5877 48,3465 ± 7,48505 0,02
EPC 101,4794±8, 116 93,7319±9,2121 101,1762±11,088 0,16
Table 2: The result of SOD, MDA, CEC, EPC.
Sample pretest mean Sample posttest mean
PsP Placebo PsP Placebo
Gender M: 53,78%
Age (Years) 59,26
Weight (kg) 58,35 63,8
58,12 63,84 0,743
Height (m) 1,55±0,07
BMI 24.24 26.27 24.14 26.29 0.706
WC (cm) 87.5 93,92 88.85 94.08 0.482
Pulse 81.85 74.36 75.2 77.24 0.000
SBP (mmHg) 148.35 148,48 134.5 147,6 0.021
DBP (mmHg) 86.4 85.64 80 83.44 0.317
GDP 139,81 151,5 109,937 129,312 0,041
HBA1C 7,934 8,125 7,156 8,121 0,025
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
This study purposed to prove the potential of β-
1,3 / 1,6-D-Glukan (Polysaccharide Peptide) from
Miselia Ganoderma Lucidum as an antioxidant and
endothelial protective in STEMI and NSTEMI
patients with Diabetes as a risk factor. Data analysis
showed that extract of Ganoderma Lucidum could
reduce MDA levels significantly (p = 0.03), it can
significantly increase SOD (p = 0.00), decrease in
CEC levels significantly (p= 0,02), and significantly
increase in SOD level (p = 0.016). This data shows
that β-1,3 / 1,6-D-glucan (Polysaccharide Peptide)
has an antioxidant effect and increases the potential
of endothelial cells in carrying out angiogenesis even
in oxidative stress conditions and it is associated with
SOD improvement, especially MnSOD. β-1,3 / 1,6-
D-Glucan (Polysaccharide Peptide) increases the
expression of MnSOD and increases its antioxidant
activity. This increase can then reduce free radicals in
endothelial cells and increase cell resistance to
oxidative stress.
SOD has enzymatic activity to scavenge on
superoxide anion molecules (O2), through the
mechanism of redox reactions. Under oxidized
conditions, SOD will release excess electrons in
superoxid anions, and release O2 molecules. Under
reduced conditions, SOD will catalyze the reaction of
superoxid anions with hydrogen cations (2H +) to
form hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which is more
unreactive. Determination of the form of reduced or
oxidized SOD, is determined by the amount of redox
from metal ions that are conjugated with SOD.
Furthermore, H2O2 will be catalyzed further by
enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase (Fukai
and Ushio-Fukai, 2011).
At high conditions of free radicals, there is an
initial response to an increase in SOD production,
specifically Cu / ZnSOD through the PI3K / Akt
transmission pathway and NF-κB transcription factor
in cells exposed to oxidants. However, in conditions
of high free radicals that continue, causing problems
in the process of SOD formation, especially in
MnSOD and EC SOD. MnSOD is made on
mitochondria, which require "mitochondrial import
machines" to be used in the cytosol and carry out their
functions. In high conditions of free radicals, there is
a disturbance in the process of important
mitochondrial, which can reduce the level of
cytosolic MnSOD (Candas and Li, 2014). In addition,
SOD scavenge metabolites, namely H2O2 can also be
the amount of functional SOD2 protein, also can be
displayed mRNA from SOD2. It can act as H2O2
affecting the amount of SOD2 protein in the post-
translational process (Candas and Li, 2014).
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a product of lipid
peroxidation and one of the oxidant markers most
often studied. MDA is involved in many disease such
as cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease
observed an increase in MDA which contribute to
heart disease. Other research states that agents that
decrease MDA and increase SOD provide benefits
and are even considered as therapeutic agents for
heart disease because they can reduce oxidative stress
in the body (Kim, Yun and Kwon, 2016).
Endothelial dysfunction is characterized by a state
of endothelial stiffness, pro inflammation, and pro
thrombi nature. This occurs in most cardiovascular
diseases, such as coronary disease, peripheral
vascular disease, hypertension, chronic heart failure,
diabetes, chronic kidney failure, and severe viral
infections. High free radicals cause oxidative stress,
and can cause endothelial dysfunction.
Cardiovascular risk factors are associated with an
increase in ROS sources such as NADPH oxidase,
xanthine oxidase, cyclooxygenase and mitochondria.
Free radicals can disrupt the balance of nitric oxide,
damage the endothelium, and if it occurs in a long
time, will affect the permeability of blood vessels,
causing toxic substances easily enter the tissues.
Oxidative stress that occurs can also cause increased
proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells,
increase in metalloproteinase matrix and be involved
in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque (Alessio et
al., 2013).
Factors that can induce endothelial cell release
from the vascular wall include mechanical injury to
the vascular wall, after arterial or venous blood
sampling, and acute plaque rupture. ROS activity
together with prolonged inflammation that disrupts
the integrity of integrins and cadherins can also cause
endothelial cell release. In this study, the results
obtained by giving PsP of Ganoderma Lucidum, a
significant decrease in the number of CEC compared
with placebo. This indicates that PsP Ganoderma
Lucidum can improve endothelial dysfunction that
occurs in the process of atherosclerosis. CEC itself is
known that can be induced through various processes
that occur in atherosclerosis, such as persistent
inflammation and high free radical conditions
(Rajendran et al., 2013).
Protease enzymes and pro-inflammatory
cytokines produced will disrupt the integrity of
integrin and cadherin proteins that function for
endothelial cell adhesion (Schmidt, Manca and
Hoefer, 2015). The number of CECs in addition to
indicating endothelial dysfunction, also gives an idea
of the severity of the atherosclerotic process.
Sugimoto et al. reported that there was a positive
Endothelial Protective and Antioxidant Effect of Polysaccharide Peptide of Ganoderma Lucidum in STEMI and NSTEMI Patients with
Diabetes as a Risk Factor
correlation between the number of CECs and Carotid
Plaque Score indicating the severity of
atherosclerosis(Sugimoto et al., 2015).
Inversely related to CEC, EPC has a negative
correlation with the progression of atherosclerosis by
having a role in regenerating damaged vascular
endothelium. EPC is a derivative of stem cells in the
bone marrow, which are able to stimulate
proliferating and migrating. Proliferation and
migration of EPC depend on cytokines and growth
factors that result from vascular endothelial damage
processes, such as VEGF, IGF-1, SDF-1α, to
erythropoietin. EPC in circulation is divided into 2
pathways of differentiation, namely early EPC (also
called angiogenic EPC) and late EPC (also called out-
growth EPC). Early EPC plays a role in the process
of angiogenesis, whereas late EPC, which can
differentiate to form mature endothelial cells, plays a
role in the process of vascular endothelial
regeneration. This difference is supported by the
expression of adhesion molecule markers in late
EPC, such as VE-cadherin and von Willebrand
Factor (Shantsila, Watson and Lip, 2007). In this
study, the results obtained by giving PsP of
Ganoderma Lucidum increased the number of EPC
compared to the placebo group significantly.
These results indicate that PsP of Ganoderma
Lucidum can increase the process of endothelial cell
regeneration, which is damaged in the development
of the atherosclerotic process. This can be thought to
be caused by the anti-oxidant properties of PsP
Ganoderma Lucidum. Lin et al. reported that
increased free radical production correlates with a
decrease in the amount of EPC through the induction
of apoptosis from EPC. Similar results were obtained
in studies from Fiorito et al. which illustrates the
increase in the amount of EPC in the administration
of vitamins C and E as anti-oxidants. In addition, an
increase in the amount of EPC due to the
administration of this vitamin is also induced by a
decrease in TNF-α levels which indicates the
presence of anti-inflammatory factors that play a role
in increasing the amount of EPC (Fiorito et al., 2008).
TNF-α is a marker of inflammation, and various
studies have described its relationship with EPC.
Research by Chen et al. gave the results that the
incubation of EPC with TNF-α which described the
pro-inflammatory environmental conditions caused a
decrease in EPC proliferation and migration and
induced apoptosis of EPC. In addition, exposure with
TNF-α reduces the ability of EPC adhesion by
decreasing the expression of VEGFR and SDF-1
proteins that play a role in adhesion with sub
endothelium (Chen et al., 2011). Other studies from
Koshikawa et al. reported that hsCRP levels were
negatively correlated with the amount of EPC in
circulation. The hsCRP protein is one of the
inflammatory markers produced more in chronic
diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis
(Koshikawa et al., 2010). From these studies it can be
concluded that inflammatory conditions reduce EPC
activity in endothelial regeneration.
From this study, it can be concluded that PsP of
Ganoderma Lucidum can be act as antioxidant and
endothelial protection in STEMI and NTEMI patients
with diabetes as a risk factor.
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Endothelial Protective and Antioxidant Effect of Polysaccharide Peptide of Ganoderma Lucidum in STEMI and NSTEMI Patients with
Diabetes as a Risk Factor