Segmentation of Palm Oil Leaf Disease using
Zoning Feature Extraction
Ause Labellapansa, Ana Yulianti and Agus Yuliani
Department of Informatics,Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Palm oil, Pests, Digital Image Processing, Zoning, Fitur Extraction.
Oil palm (Elaeis) is an industrial plant that produces large profits, especially in Indonesia. One of the factors
that can affect the yield of this plant is destructive pests including Limacodidae and Psychidae. Delay in
dealing with pest problems can cause poor results. This study uses the help of digital image processing to
inentify two types of pests found on palm oil leaves of pests. Segmentation will be carried out to determine
the characteristics of Limacodidae and Psychidae pests. The image processing method used is the zoning
feature ecstasy. It is expected that knowing the types of pests suffered by oil palm trees can accelerate the
recovery of oil palm trees so as to produce good quality of fruit.
Indonesia is the world’s largest Palm Oil producer.
It is spread out from Aceh region, the East Coast of
Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and all the way to Su-
lawesi (Ermawati and Saptia, 2013). One of the fac-
tors that can affect the yield of palm oil is destructive
(Pribadi and Anggraeni, 2011) states that if plants
are in low humidity environment conditions, they will
be easily attacked by pests and diseases. This is sus-
pected due to saponin compounds found in plants
(which act as self-defense from insect attacks) will
decrease qualitatively and quantitatively so that the
plants will easily be harmed by pests.
Some of the destructive pests that attack the oil
palm plantations are Limacodidae and Psychidae.
The potential loss of yield caused by these two pests
can reach 35% (Wood et al., 1973). Limacodidae is a
palm-leaf-eating pest that often harms oil palm plan-
tations in North Sumatra.
The attack of the caterpillar pest which is a palm-
leaf-eating caterpillar has caused many problems.
This causes the loss of leaves of the plants which has
a direct impact on the decrease in production so this
indicates how serious the caterpillar attack is (Pahan,
To overcome this problem, computer system assis-
tance is needed by utilizing image processing knowl-
edge to identify these two types of pests. (Harahap
et al., 2018) identified oil palm leaf disease using the
Support Vector Machine method with an accuracy of
90% and (Aji et al., 2013) did the same thing using
artificial neural networks and produced an accuracy
value of 87.75%. Feature extraction for finding dis-
ease in leaves was carried out by (Arivazhagan et al.,
2013). The use of a deep convolution neural network
was carried out by (Sladojevic et al., 2016) to identify
13 leaf diseases with a precision level of 91% to 98%.
Detecting and classifying the plant leaf diseases based
by using GLCM and SVM on the Apple leaf has been
conducted by Sivakamasundari, G., & Seenivasagam
(Sivakamasundari and Seenivasagam, 2018) with ac-
curacy level about 92%. Our research is preliminary
research by identifying the image of palm oil leaves
and has not entered the classification stage.
The steps in this study are shown in Figure 1. The
image acquisition process is carried out by taking pic-
tures of leaves attacked by destructive pests. The im-
age will be processed from the original image to the
re-measurement stage by shrinking the pixel size to
600x250 pixels and followed by binery processing.
Zoning Feature Extraction will divide the leaf im-
age into several regions or zones of the same size, the
value of the features obtained from the method will
be used to determine the results of the image value of
palm oil leaves affected by Limacodidae and Psychi-
Labellapansa, A., Yulianti, A. and Yuliani, A.
Segmentation of Palm Oil Leaf Disease using Zoning Feature Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0009122100980101
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 98-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Research Scheme
dae pests. Zoning is one of the most popular methods
used for optical character document characterization
(Hegadi, 2012). The zoning calculation process is as
Counting the number of black pixels per zone.
Counting the zone that has the highest number of
pixels. Figure 2 and 3 is the number of Black Pix-
els in Each Zone affected by Limacodidae Image
and Psychidae
Figure 2: The Number of Each Zone for Limacodidae
Figure 3: The Number of Each Zone for Psychidae
Calculating the feature value of each zone. The
feature values of each zone in the Limacodidae
affected are:
z1 =
= 0, 3 (1)
z2 =
= 0 (2)
z3 =
= 1 (3)
z4 =
= 0 (4)
While the feature values of each zone in the Psy-
chidae affected are:
z1 =
= 1 (5)
z2 =
= 0 (6)
z3 =
= 1 (7)
z4 =
= 0, 75 (8)
Figure 4: Image Causes by Limacodidae Pest
Figure 5: Image Causes by Psychidae Pest
Figure 6: Image from the Resizing process Caused by Li-
macodidae Pests
Figure 7: Image from the Resizing process Caused by Psy-
chidae Pests
Figure 4 is an image caused by the Limacodidae
Pest and figure 5 by the Psychidae Pest. The resizing
process is shown in Figures 6 and 7. The next stage,
the image of the leaf is changed to a grayscale image.
Then that grayscale image will undergo a process of
conversion to binaries using a threshold value. In this
technique, digital images will be classified into two
parts, namely objects and background.
Segmentation of Palm Oil Leaf Disease using Zoning Feature Extraction
The solution to the matrix of caterpillar impact
reference image with a threshold value is 122 for Li-
macodidae (Formula 9) and 88.5 for Psychidae (For-
mula 10)
f (x, y) =
255, i f f (x, y) 122
0, i f f (x, y) < 122
f (x, y) =
255, i f f (x, y) 88, 5
0, i f f (x, y) < 88, 5
Figure 8 is the image of the impact of Limacodi-
dae binary process and Figure 9 is the image of the
impact of Psychidae binary process.
Figure 8: Result of Binary Process by Limacodidae Pests
Figure 9: Result of Binary Process by Psychidae Pestss
The next step is to use the zone extraction feature
where the image of the leaf will be divided into sev-
eral regions or zones of the same size. The feature
values obtained from the method will be used to deter-
mine the results of the image values of palm oil leaves
affected by Limacodidae and Psychidae. Zoning is
one of the most popular methods used for document
optical characterization (Hegadi, 2012). The calcula-
tion process in the zoning method is as follows:
Count the number of black pixels per zone.
Calculates zones that have the highest number of
Calculates the feature value of each zone from the
feature value
Figure 10 is the result of zoning. Image 1 and 2 are
the images of Caterpillar Pests and image 3 and 4 are
Figure 10: Zoning Images
Figure 11: (Cont.) Zoning Images
images of Psychidae Pests. Each image will produce
4 regions.
Table 1 is the value data for Figure 10. The zona-
tion values of Figure 1 are 1, 0.40, 016, and 0. It can
be seen in Table 1 that there are significant differences
in zones 2 and 3.
Table 1: This caption has one line so it is centered.
Images Value Class
Image 1 1 0,40 0,16 0
Image 2 0,92 0,96 0,28 1
Image 3 0,33 0,16 1 0
Image 4 1 0,17 0 0
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
In research that has been done by using zoning feature
extraction, values can be taken from each zone in the
image. The results of zoning can be developed into
the classification stage using k-NN, SVM, or artificial
neural networks. The brightness, contrast, and back-
ground of the image greatly affect the results that will
be processed by the zoning feature extraction.
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neural network classification on mobile device. Inter-
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kelapa sawit indonesia the export performance of in-
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Segmentation of Palm Oil Leaf Disease using Zoning Feature Extraction