To support government programs to improve
community resilience, knowledge about rural
resilient villages needs to be provided. This can be
done by several methods, one of which is SGD (Small
Group Discussion). The higher the level of
community knowledge the higher the resilience of the
community in dealing with disasters (Frankenberg et
al., 2013)
Muis and Anwar, (2018) developed a model of
community preparedness in dealing with disasters by
using participatory activities. From the results of the
research on the development of the model, it was
found that there was an increase in public knowledge,
but public awareness was still not reaching the
expectations. Therefore, by using Small Group
Discussion (SGD), the community can play an active
role so as to increase knowledge as well as public
Small Group Discussion (SGD) is one of the
methods developed in the last 40 years (Qamar,
Ahmad and Niaz, 2015). This method consists of
tutorials, seminars and problem-solving sessions by
small groups. A small group is a group of people with
a limited number who interact with each other. This
group consists of 8-12 members.
Soifa (2018) said that the SGD method can
improve student competency. In this study showed
that after the SGD method there was a change in the
situation in the classroom, students were more active
than before. Students become actively involved in the
learning process. The classroom atmosphere becomes
more dynamic during the learning process. By
discussing texts, doing assignments in groups,
students are more motivated to improve their reading
competency skills.
Research conducted by Afrilia, Eka and Sari
(2018) states that the SGD method can increase the
knowledge of pregnant women groups. Knowledge
enhancement occurs after group members interact
with each other and discuss a problem. Each group
member is active in discussing one topic that has been
However, this method requires adequate
facilitators to accommodate each group. The
facilitator also needs to pay attention to group
members who are less active in the discussion
process. This method also requires adequate facilities
and infrastructure to support the smooth learning
process (Ulfah, 2017).
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect
of providing methods Small Group Discussion (SGD)
to the resilience of the people of Sumberejo Village.
This study uses a quantitative method with a Pre-
Experimental design, and uses approach One Group
petest-posttest. Groups were given a pretest about
community resilience before treatment. The treatment
consisted of, first, the group was given education
about the concept of the Resilient Village of
Disasters. Second, groups are divided into small
groups according to their region. Third, each group
was given problems related to the threat of disasters,
vulnerability and capacity in the area of each group.
After treatment, each group was given a posttest. The
number of samples in the study were 35 people. The
sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The
instrument used in this study was to use a community
resilience questionnaire with 51 question items
consisting of 5 domains (knowledge of disaster risk,
disaster risk assessment, planning of activities to
reduce disaster risk, implementation of disaster risk
reduction activities, communication systems and
governance). Data analysis using t test with a
significance of ρ <0.05.
The results of this study showed that community
resilience before treatment was averaged 103.2.
While after treatment the average community
toughness was 163.23. The results can be seen in table
Before the t test was performed, the data was
tested for normality in advance using the test saphiro
wilk, because it is an absolute requirement when using
the t test (Sugiyono, 2011). From these tests it was
found that the pretest data test value of 0.407. While
the posttest data test value of 0.354. From these
results it can be concluded that the data are normally
distributed and can be continued for t test. These
results can be seen in table 2.
While the results of the t test can be seen in table
3. From these test results indicate that the correlation
value of 0.09 which means there is no significant
relationship between SGD methods with community
resilience. From the table shows that the value ρ
<0.05 which means there is a significant influence
between the SGD method on community resilience.