sex, the severity of autism, autistic student education
and the role of parents in tooth health care.
Internal factors such as the behavior of autistic
students in SDLB and SMPLB Bhakti Luhur Malang
which are unable to maintain their teeth
independently. Very few autistic students who check
their teeth to the doctor regularly every 6 months or
at least when experiencing tooth pain. Autistic
students also have behaviors that support an increase
in the number of their dental caries. Their behavior
that is difficult to control makes tooth health care
which includes daily dental examinations and
toothbrushes difficult to do (Du et al., 2019). Not all
of them want to open their teeth, understand
instructions or understand the wishes of
parents/caregivers or health workers to clean their
teeth. Factors of their daily habits such as eating
habits held in their mouths, treatment effects, refusal
to receive dental care, hyposensitivity to pain, and the
possibility of avoiding social contact. There are also
those who behave to damage their teeth by gouging
themselves. this is as expressed by Mae Chin et. all.
in 2008 in the Practical Oral Care for People with
Autism article that obsessive habits, repetitive
behavior, unpredictable body movements, and self-
injurious behavior may be symptoms that complicate
their dental care.
Internal factors, as well as the level of education
of autistic students, have less effect on improving
tooth health care due to autistic spectrum disorders
that are experienced causing obstacles in intellectual
power, perception, and censorship. Autistic students
do not have the awareness and understanding of the
importance of maintaining dental health. Internal
factors of autism severity influence tooth health care.
The more severe the autism, the more difficult the
process of cleaning teeth. Students who are still able
to be trained to do motor activities will certainly
facilitate them to be trained to brush their teeth.
However, in more severe autism where they are truly
unable to be trained to receive stimulation of external
sensory perception, they are not able to participate at
all in maintaining their own teeth. Internal factors in
the role of parents in maintaining the dental hygiene
of autistic students greatly affect the tooth health care
of autistic students. Parents of students who have
strong intentions, knowledge, and abilities in
maintaining their son's dental health, will give their
best in their son's dental care. They will routinely
check their sons to the dental specialist, take care of
their son's teeth properly and correctly at home, and
monitor a good diet for their son's dental health.
External factors in maintaining dental health are those
who help in maintaining the dental health of autism
students. With the limitations possessed, autistic
students cannot control their own dental hygiene, so
if they want optimal dental hygiene to be realized, it
is needed assistance from experts, parents or
caregivers. The role of health workers is very
influential in dental health and prevention of dental
caries in autistic students. Dental care in autistic
individuals is a specialization in dental care for
children with special needs who need further
education to be able to master the techniques that are
different from taking care of normal individuals.
There are still limited institutions that provide special
education for the dental care of individuals with
special needs, as well as the high cost and time
required to undertake the study. Parents of
students/guardians are sometimes unable to fund the
cost of dental care for autistic students because the
costs are different and much higher than dental health
care in normal individuals.
In daily life, external factors that support the
maintenance of dental hygiene for students who live
with their parents at home are assisted by parents,
while those who live in the dormitory are assisted by
caregivers/nuns owned by each child.
Not all parents understand how to care for their
son's dental health and hygiene properly. From the
results of the study note that most students who stay
at home rarely check their dental health to the doctor
regularly, so that the maintenance of clean teeth in the
medium level. Their efforts are still limited to regular
brushing. This can be caused by the influence of the
background of parents who are busy working and do
not understand about dental health. During this time
they also have never received counseling regarding
the tooth health care for children with autism. But for
students whose parents have a background as a doctor
(1 student), they have made efforts to maintain dental
health by examining and caring for their son's teeth
well, so that the condition of the teeth and mouth are
For students who live in the dormitory, their
dental health conditions are poorly maintained and
their dental health is maintained at a moderate level.
In maintaining dental hygiene they were
accompanied by nurses who did not have in-depth
knowledge about dental health for autism students.
The work done is only limited to brushing teeth twice
a day. The boarding house also never brought in a
dental health specialist to regularly check his health.
Health workers also have never come to provide
health education at the school. Plus the factor of
students apart from the supervision of parents who
mostly live far outside the island, thus making the
health condition of their teeth less monitored. But