The Influence of Antenatal Yoga on Decreasing Anxiety Levels in
Primigravida Trimester I and II in Malang
Ririn Harini
and Dwi Handayani
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Bendungan sutami 188A
Malang, Indonesia 65145
RSI Aisyiyah, Jl.Sulawesi no.16, Malang, Indonesia 65117
Keywords: Antenatal Yoga Anxiety Level, Primigravida Trimester I and II.
Abstract: Sunlight consists of ultraviolet (UV) light and based on its wavelength, the UV light could be categorized into
UVA, UVB, and UVC. Organic Ultraviolet (UV) filters can be found in plants and fruits which have orange-
red or pink colors, such as watermelon, tomato, Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), carrot, dragon fruit, faloak
(Sterculia quadrifida R.Br), strawberry, papaya, and rosella. Most of these plants contain active compounds
such as carotenoids and anthocyanin. Determination of the effectiveness of the extracts as potential sunscreen
was carried out by determining the Sun Protecting Factor (SPF) value in vitro by UV spectrophotometry.
Maceration technique was used for the extraction process by using ethanol with a ratio of 4:1. Each of dried
extract (100 mg) was then mixed well in the ethanol (96%, 50 mL) until all the extract was dissolved and then
filtered. The SPF values were determined by the Equation of Mansur. It was observed that all of the red
pigmented extracts showed UV protection capabilities, with Secang extract gave the highest SPF value of
18.490. The Secang extract would have good potential to be developed as one of the ingredients in the
sunscreen cream. Sunscreen cream combination between Secang extract and ZnO showed good quality and
significant SPF value than ZnO and extract Secang sunscreen cream.
Pregnancy is a complicated process that begins with
conception or when a healthy sperm cell joins with an
egg followed by fertilization, nidation, and
implantation. A pregnancy usually lasts about 280
days or 40 weeks (9 months and 7 days). Pregnancy
is divided into three quarters: first-quarter pregnancy
(weeks 0 to 12), second-quarter pregnancy (weeks 13
to 28), and third-quarter pregnancy (weeks 28 to 40)
(Sulistyowati, 2012). According to Ida Bagus Gede
Manuaba, pregnancy is a growth and development of
the intrauterine fetus from conception up to early
labor (Sunarsih, 2012).
Physical and psychological changes gradually
during pregnancy from the first trimester to the third
trimester might cause anxiety. According to (Astuti et
al., 2017), the most felt changes that require great
adaptation is in the first trimester of pregnancy:
appetite changes, nausea and vomiting, feeling
exhausted, breast pain and gain weight.
Furthermore, psychological changes in the 1st-
trimester mood swings, anxiety, financial and
miscarriage worries, disappointment, rejection,
depression, and decreased libido. Physiological
changes in 2nd trimester are: leg swelling,
constipation, indigestion/bloating, vulvar
varicosities. Besides, psychological changes in the
2nd trimester are; (1) at the time before fetal
movement felt: changing self-identity from the
affection receiver into the giver, evaluating
interpersonal relationships with her mother, and
preparing to be a mother. (2) at the time when fetal
movements felt: realizing that the fetus is a separate
individual and needs to be cared for, focusing on
pregnancy and fetal well-being, feeling healthier,
being sad that she will leave her natural role and
afraid her husband will not like her body shape.
(Astuti et al., 2017).
Physical and psychological changes in 1st-
trimester pregnant women will have an impact on the
subsequent pregnancy process especially those who
have never experienced pregnancy (primigravida)
(Fauziah, Purwono and Abdurachman, 2016). Factors
Harini, R. and Handayani, D.
The Influence of Antenatal Yoga on Decreasing Anxiety Levels in Primigravida Trimester I and II in Malang.
DOI: 10.5220/0009122800880091
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 88-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that can cause anxiety are age, parity, education,
work, husband support, environmental conditions.
However, 52% of pregnant women experience
anxiety or depression during pregnancy (Anxiety and
Depression Association of America, 2016).
The impact of anxiety is harmful for pregnant
women. It can affect the health of the fetus and the
mother. Around 33% of mothers have depression or
anxiety during pregnancy. It will affect the baby, such
as low birth weight, premature birth (before 37
weeks), low infant health level after delivered, poor
adaptation to extrauterine life and respiratory
problems. Thus, the risks experienced by mothers are
suicide, depression or postpartum anxiety, alcohol or
drug abuse, insufficient physical activity,
preeclampsia, preterm labor, and cesarean delivery,
Astuti, et al. (2017). Meanwhile, according to (Buss
et al., 2010) anxiety around pregnancy are prenatal
maternal anxiety is related to distinctive patterns of
structural brain development. Therefore the results
suggest that addressing mothers’ pregnancy-related
concerns and anxiety as a focus for intervention.
UNICEF Indonesia's study in 2014 Indonesian
Public Health book states that one woman dies during
childbirth or due to pregnancy every one hour.
(Wibowo and team (2014) in (Astuti et al., 2017). In
2017, there were 5,113 pregnant women had been
checked at Aisyiyah Hospital (Aisyiah, 2017). 4,573
of them went to the Gynecology Obstetrician and 540
to the KIA clinic. Pregnancy complications consist of
41 women miscarriage/abortion, 16 women
pregnancy with preeclampsia, 17 women pregnancy
bleeding, 24 babies born with premature conditions,
56 babies born weighing less than 2500 gram, and
351 labor with cesarean (Aisyiah, 2017).
According to the data above, the researchers
provide a solution for pregnant women to maintain
their physical and mental health using physical
training, antenatal yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice
that focuses on strength, flexibility, and respiration to
improve physical and mental health. The main
components of yoga are posture and breath. Yoga
originated in India around 5,000 years ago and has
been adapted in other countries in various ways.
The results showed yoga is a safe and effective
way to increase physical activity, especially strength,
flexibility, and balance. Some evidence shows regular
yoga practice is beneficial for people who have high
blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains such as
lower back pain, depression, and stress (Astuti et al.,
2017). According to (Field et al., 2013; Mediarti et
al., 2014; Fauziah, Purwono and Abdurachman,
2016; Ashari, Pongsibidang and Mikhrunnisai, 2019)
doing prenatal yoga regularly might reduce anxiety or
stress of pregnant women and reviews of prenatal
yoga on reducing maternal discomfort during
pregnancy and anxiety/stress. It will make pregnant
women feel relaxed, both breathing and muscle.
Antenatal Yoga influences the anxiety level of
pregnant women in the third quarter of childbirth
(Aswitami, 2017). Also, research related to yoga
conducted on 94 pregnant women in Taipei shows the
effect of reducing stress during pregnancy and
boosting immunity (Chen et al., 2017).
Based on phenomena in the yoga community,
pregnant women can do exercise in second-trimester.
Besides, based on "Mother's Care in Pregnancy"
(Astuti et al., 2017), women may do yoga in the first-
trimester with only mild movements, by choosing the
most comfortable posture. From the researcher's
preliminary study result, from 10 primigravida
pregnant women, 100% of them didn't know they may
do antenatal yoga in the first quarter of pregnancy. 23
pregnant women who check their pregnancies at
Aisyiyah Hospital Malang stated: 10 first trimester
primigravida pregnant women (38.46%) felt anxiety
caused by complaints of nausea, vomiting, and
dizziness. Whereas out of 10 primigravida pregnant
women in the second trimester, 7 pregnant women
(26.92%) felt anxiety due to worries caused by
complaints of lower back pain, insomnia, legs
cramps, swollen feet, constipation, and 3 pregnant
women (11.53 %) felt anxiety towards the condition
of the baby (Aisyiah, 2017).
This research applies cross-sectional design which is
a type of research to study the dynamics of the
correlation between risk factors and effects, through
observation or data collection at a time ( point time
approach ) (Notoatmodjo, 2012). This study was
conducted in a group (One Group Pretest Posttest), to
find out the effect of antenatal yoga on decreasing
anxiety levels in primigravida pregnant women. Data
were taken using a pre and post questionnaire carried
out antenatal yoga to obtain significant data.
The results of the influence of antenatal yoga on
decreasing anxiety levels in trimester I and II
primigravida at RSI Aisyiyah Malang measured using
questionnaire sheets. The results of anxiety level
The Influence of Antenatal Yoga on Decreasing Anxiety Levels in Primigravida Trimester I and II in Malang
before doing antenatal yoga can be seen in Table 5.2
Based on the results, it was found that most
respondents had a severe anxiety level of 11
respondents or 68.75%, moderate anxiety level of 5
respondents or 31.25% of the total respondents and
respondents who have mild levels of anxiety as many
as 0 respondents.
Table 1: Respondents Characteristics in RSI Aisyiyah
Malang from 4th to 26th June 2018.
Age (years)
Level of
- Junior high
- Senior high
- University
- Private
- Public
Table 2: Distribution of Anxiety Levels in Primigravida
Trimester I and II Before doing Antenatal Yoga at RSI
Aisyiyah Malang from 4th to 26th June 2018.
Level in
Trimester I and II
The Wilcoxon Test analysis results using the
SPSS program, it is stated that Z value = -3,530 with
a significance level of 0,000 (p <0.05), Sig value (2-
tailed) real level / 2). It means that H
Thus it can be concluded "Antenatal Yoga Influence
Anxiety Levels in Primigravida Trimester I and II at
Aisiyah Hospital Malang". The Wilcoxon test results
can be seen in Table 5.4 below.
Table 3: Distribution of Anxiety Levels in Primigravida
Trimester I and II After Doing Antenatal Yoga at RSI
Aisyiyah Malang on 4th to 26th June 2018.
Anxiety Level in
Trimester I and
Trimester II
Picture 1: The Influence of Antenatal Yoga on Decreasing
Anxiety Levels in Primigravida Trimester I and II at RSI
Aisyiyah Malang.
Table 4: The Influence of Antenatal Yoga on Decreasing
Levels of Anxiety in Primigravida Trimester I and II at RSI
Aisyiyah Malang from 4 to 26 June 2018.
Anxiety level
before doing
antenatal yoga
Anxiety level
after doing
antenatal yoga
The mean score of anxiety levels in primigravida
trimester I and II before doing antenatal yoga is 27.25,
the standard deviation is 3.550, and the minimum and
maximum scores are 20 and 32. Whereas the mean of
primigravida trimester I and II anxiety levels after
doing antenatal yoga is 12.75, the standard deviation
is 1.238, and the minimum and maximum scores are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pretest dan Postest
pretest postest
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
10 and 15. Probability value = 0,000 and α value 0.05
so the P. value and Sig value (0,000) <0.05. The
H1 conclusion is accepted. Therefore, “Antenatal
yoga influence on decreasing anxiety levels in
primigravida trimester I and II in RSI Aisyiyah
The mean score of anxiety levels in primigravida
trimester I and II before doing antenatal yoga is 27.25,
the standard deviation is 3.550, and the minimum and
maximum scores are 20 and 32. Whereas the mean of
primigravida trimester I and II anxiety levels after
doing antenatal yoga is 12.75, the standard deviation
is 1.238, and the minimum and maximum scores are
10 and 15.
Probability value = 0,000 and α value 0.05 so the
P. value and Sig value (0,000) <0.05. The H1
conclusion is accepted. Therefore, Antenatal yoga
influence on decreasing anxiety levels in
primigravida trimester I and II in RSI Aisyiyah
The researcher would like to thank all those who have
provided guidance and support for this research.
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Dalam Menghadapi Proses Persalinan Di Klinik
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The Influence of Antenatal Yoga on Decreasing Anxiety Levels in Primigravida Trimester I and II in Malang