The current research was an observational study with
a cross-sectional approach. Population used in this
study consisted of all nursing students studying in the
academic year of 2018-2019 at the Faculty of Health
Sciences University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The
study used a non-probability sampling technique
where all respondents were active students registered
at the Faculty of Health Sciences UMM. A response
rate of 91% was achieved in this research, where there
were 82 respondents from a total of 90 target
populations completed the questionnaire.
The instrument used in this study was a self-
administered questionnaire (SAQ) adapted from one
of the domains of The Dundee Ready Education
Environment Measure (DREEM). The DREEM was
developed by an International Delphi panel in
Dundee, Scotland (Miles, Swift and Leinster, 2012).
The area of perception at DREEM was modified to fit
with the academic culture in the study. The
questionnaire consisted of 10 statements on the
perceptions of students regarding the use of student
worksheet as a learning medium of the Emergency
Nursing subject.
All respondents were asked to read each statement
and to respond using the 5-point Likert scale ranging
from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Statement
items were scored as follows: 4 to strongly agree, 3 to
agree, 2 to doubt, 1 to disagree, and 0 to disagree
strongly. All items were calculated with the minimum
score of 0, and the maximum score of 40. Therefore,
a higher score indicated a more positive perception of
the students.
Before being distributed to respondents, the
research instrument was first tested for validity and
reliability of 10 students who were not involved in the
main study. The results of the validity test found that
all statements were valid with a range of scores
between 0.57 and 0.86. A Cronbach Alpha’s score
was 0.82 which meant that the research instrument
was reliable to use. The primary predictor variable
used a score obtained from the final paper-based test
at the Emergency Nursing subject. The score ranged
from a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 100. The
range was based on the academic rules applied at the
university where the minimum passing grade is 65.
Students whom scores above 65 were categorized as
above-average; meanwhile, students whom scores
below 65 were classified as below-average.
Prior to data collection, the researcher explained
the background, purpose, and significance of the
study to the respondents. Completion of this
questionnaire was voluntarily. The collected data
were analyzed using the SPSS program. A descriptive
analysis was used to explain demographic variables,
student perceptions, and academic performance. Two
bivariate analysis included in this current study were:
the Mann Whitney test which was used to identify a
difference on academic performance of the students
based on their judgments, and: a correlation test of
Spearman Rho which was used to explore the
relationship between variables. Researcher applied
the significance level of 95% for all types of statistical
From table 1, it can been seen the characteristics of
respondents based on gender and academic
performance. Of the total 82 students, the majority of
students were female (n = 66, 80.5%); majority of the
students had positive perceptions (n = 70, 85.4%);
and more than half of them had above-average
academic performance (n = 49, 59.8%) (see Table 1).
Students whose positive perceptions about the use of
student worksheets, more students had above-average
academic achievement (n=70%) than of below-
average academic achievement (30%). Furthermore,
in students with negative perceptions about the use of
student worksheets, all students below-average
academic achievement (100%) (see Table 2).
The current studys’ results indicated that students
with positive perceptions tended to achieve higher
scores compared to students with negative
perceptions. Other study also found that students with
higher scores on their perceptions had higher scores
on their final test (Aghamolaei and Fazel, 2010;
Ahmed et al., 2018). Other studies indicated that
students who had a favorable perception about the
active method of learning perceiving the ability to
delay, reverse, and revise lectures, as well as
enhanced personal learning (Schultz et al., 2014;
Blair, Maharaj and Primus, 2016).
In this current study, the majority of students have
positive perceptions about using student worksheets
and have above-average academic performance.
These tendency might occur because the method of
using student worksheets contributes an opportunity
for students to be more active in learning, to be able
to discuss, solve problems and find solutions related
to case questions contained in the student worksheet
(Aghamolaei and Fazel, 2010; Osakue, Ph and
Thomas, 2011).