Audit of Nursing Care Quality at Dr. Slamet Hospital
Rohmah Susanto
, Ati Surya Mediawati
, and Kurniawan Yudianto
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Bendungan Sutami No
188A, Malang, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing, Padjdjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM 21, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: In house training, audit, quality, care, nursing.
Abstract: Audit of nursing is the assessment of clinical nursing quality evaluation which is a professional effort for the
quality of nursing service records held by the nursing and the nursing profession. Based on PMK No. 49 of
2013, that the quality audit of Nursing Care and Midwifery Care is carried out by the Nursing Committee
through the Professional Quality Sub Committee. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of In-
House Training audit of nursing care quality at RSUD Dr. Slamet Garut. The study is a cross sectional study
with descriptive design, the variable in this study was nurses' knowledge of the audit of nursing care quality,
a sample of 35 nurses using a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used a questionnaire to
determine the level of nurses' knowledge about auditing the quality of nursing care. Assessment of pretest
and posttest performed before and after the implementation of In-House Training. Technique data analysis
using t-test to determine the effect tifitas before and after activities. The results showed an increase in
knowledge about the audit of nursing care nurse from a mean value of 38.71 to 74 .33 statistical test p value
= 0.00 (p <a), the conclusion of an increase in knowledge of nurses about the quality of nursing care after an
audit carried out In House Training. This was also shown by the mean post test scores which were higher
than the mean pretest scores.
Health development in the field of hospital services,
aims to improve the quality and efficiency of the
implementation of integrated health referrals and to
improve and strengthen the management of health
services which includes planning, implementing,
monitoring, controlling and evaluating activities.
The development of socio-cultural changes in
society and the development of science and
technology, as well as increasing public knowledge
about health followed by community demands for
better health services requires health care facilities to
improve continuously in line with developments in
the community. Development is carried out in stages
in order to improve the quality of health services in
hospitals. If the hospital does not prepare itself in an
effort to improve the quality of services, the facility
will be shunned by the community and the
community will seek better health facilities.
Hospitals must improve their appearance in a
planned manner in accordance with the needs and
demands of the community in order to continue to
One effort to improve the order of each service
facility in hospitals is to improve the quality of
service in all service units, both in medical service
units, medical support services, nursing services or
in administrative and management service units
through a quality assurance program. These quality
improvement activities can be carried out with
various approaches or quality activities, including by
developing Quality Control Groups, Integrated
Quality Control, Compilation/ Application of service
standards or service provision in hospitals.
Hospital Service Quality is the degree of perfection
of Hospital services to meet the needs of the
community/ consumers for health services in
accordance with professional standards and
professional service standards by using the potential
resources available in hospitals in a reasonable,
efficient and effective manner and provided safely
and satisfactorily according to norms, ethics, law
and socio-culture, taking into account the limitations
and the ability of the government and society as
Susanto, R., Mediawati, A. and Yudianto, K.
Audit of Nursing Care Quality at Dr. Slamet Hospital.
DOI: 10.5220/0009125101330136
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science Inter national Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 133-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In order to improve the quality of hospital services,
it is arranged in the form of comprehensive and
integrative activities concerning the systematic and
continuous structure, process and output / outcome ,
monitoring and assessing the quality and fairness of
services to patients, using opportunities to improve
patient services and solve problems that occur so
that the services provided at the hospital are efficient
and effective. Efforts to improve quality in hospitals
aim to provide care or the best service to patients.
One effort to guarantee the quality of health
services is the concept of clinical governance.
Activities to implement the basic concept of clinical
governance consist of clinical audit activities,
providing clinical data of good quality, outcome
measurement, evidence based clinical risk
management, poor clinical performance
management, and mechanisms for monitoring
service outcomes. Clinical audits include medical
audits and nursing audits, the implementation of
medical and nursing audits is now increasingly
important not only in terms of benefits but also
medical and nursing audits as one of the hospital's
accreditation instruments. A clinical audit is carried
out to maintain and improve the quality of clinical
services continuously to patients.
According to Elison, the nursing audit
specifically refers to the assessment of the quality of
clinical nursing which is a professional evaluation of
the quality of nursing services provided to patients,
using nursing records and carried out by the nursing
profession. Internal nursing audits are carried out by
professional organizations within institutions where
nursing practice is conducted, external nursing
audits are carried out by professional organizations
outside the institution.
Based on PMK No. 49 of 2013 concerning the
Hospital Nursing Committee, that the quality audit
of Nursing and Midwifery Care is carried out by the
Nursing Committee through the Professional Quality
Sub Committee, which includes case audits (nursing
incidents; based on events that occur during the
nursing care service process), and clinical audits
nursing (carried out periodically and planned) .
Based on preliminary studies through interviews
with the nursing committee team, that the audit of
nursing care has not been carried out optimally at
Dr. Slamet Hospital, this is related to human
resource constraints. Interest in this research is to
know P: What Knowledge Q nurses on Audit
Quality Nursing Care in Dr. Slamet Hospital.
According to the National Academic Institute of
Medicine (IOM) the quality of health services is the
degree to which health services for individuals and
populations increase the probability of desired health
outcomes and are consistent with current
professional knowledge. This definition highlights
several aspects of quality. First, high-quality health
services must achieve the desired health outcomes
for individuals who are in accordance with diverse
choices. Second, health services must achieve the
desired health outcomes for the population in
accordance with applicable regulations on the
efficiency of policy makers and third-party payers.
Finally, health services must conform to professional
standards and scientific evidence, consistent with the
effectiveness of clinical focus and health care
According to The Centre of Clinical Governance
Research in Health (2009) audit instruments can be
in the form of checklists, reviews of nursing care,
and computer software programs that have been
developed to improve quality, accuracy, and make
time effective.
The scope of the nursing audit includes audit
structures that focus on facilities, equipment,
officers, organization, procedures and reporting
records. The audit process is an assessment of the
implementation of nursing care whether carried out
according to standards. The audit process uses a
retrospective approach by measuring the quality of
nursing care after the patient returns or after several
patients are treated (Swansbrug, 1990). Audit results
done Concurrent or Retrospective which is based on
the concept of Henderson so that nursing care will
be given to produce data patient’s needs are met,
patient have the knowledge to meet their needs,
patient have the skills and abilities, motivated.
Ability that must be possessed to conduct audits,
among others: Selecting and establishing audits, as
well as establishing criteria and standards, selecting
populations, samples, and collecting data,
Conducting descriptive analysis of nursing audit
results, Planning changes and improvements in
nursing audits, Planning reaudits nursing, a simple
statistical test.
This research is a quantitative research with a
descriptive design where the variables in this study
are nurses' knowledge about nursing care audits. The
population in this study were nurses in charge of
conducting audits of the quality of nursing care in
each treatment room of Dr. Slamet Hospital as many
as 50 people, the sample in this study were 35 nurses
with purposive sampling technique. The instrument
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
used a questionnaire of 30 questions to determine
the level of nurses' knowledge about nursing care
audits related to: selecting and establishing audits, as
well as determining criteria and standards, selecting
populations, samples, and data collection, carrying
out descriptive analyses of nursing audit results,
planning changes and improvements in nursing
audits, planning nursing re-audits. Observation sheet
to see the ability of nurses in data processing
applications in Microsoft Excel. Assessment of pre-
test and post-test performed before and after the
implementation of the In-House Training held for 3
days, with lectures, discussions, direct practice of
nursing care quality audit on the status of patients
who have already gone home. Data analysis
techniques used t-test to determine the effect before
and after holding In House Training.
Characteristics of respondents by Education level
and Gender can be found in table 1 below.
Table 1: Demographic characteristic of nurse.
N (%)
Level of education
- Diploma
- Bachelor
20 (57)
15 (43)
- Male
- Female
11 (31)
24 (69)
Figure 1: Nurses' knowledges about auditing the
quality of nursing care.
The results showed that most of nurse gained
diploma for their education and most of nurse are
female nurse. Also, nursing ability in a data
processing application using Microsoft Excel
accounted 10 people from 35 nurses. The average
pre-test value of 35 nurses is 38.71 with a mean of
12,650, while the post-test mean value is 74.33 with
a mean of 11,800. In addition, the statistical test
results obtained p value = 0.00 (p <a), so it can be
concluded that there is an increase in nurses'
knowledge about the audit of nursing care quality
after stabilization in the form of In-House Training.
It is also shown by the average post-test value which
is higher than the average pre-test value.
This shows that In House Training activities are
effective in increasing nurses' knowledge and
abilities in conducting audits of nursing care quality,
so that these activities are expected to continue and
be followed up in order to increase nurses
knowledge and abilities, so as to produce accurate
audit data in order to make improvements
improvement of nursing care services which in turn
can improve the quality of nursing services at Dr.
Slamet hospital.
Based on the research it can be concluded that there
is an increase in nurses' knowledge in conducting
audits of the quality of nursing care, which is
indicated by the average post-test scores higher than
the average pre-test scores. The suggestion for the
hospital is to make a routine agenda of In-House
Training activities in increasing the knowledge and
abilities of nurses, especially about auditing nursing
care, because there are many other nursing audit
The author would like to thank those who have
helped a lot in the preparation of this scientific work
Ladies and Gentlemen at the Faculty of Health
Sciences of UMM and Faculty of Nursing
Padjadjaran University.
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HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference