45 years (PERKENI, 2015). This result shows that
supporting therapy using wood stew has a success on
the body of a person with an age of approximately 59
years. A decoction of Caesalpinia Sappan Linn wood
as support therapy can still tolerate well with
someone of that age. The results of the observation
showed that the administration of Caesalpinia Sappan
Linn wood was effective at an average bodyweight of
60 kg. According to the Indonesian Endocrinology
Association, a bodyweight of more than 60 kg can
cause a person to have a slower tolerance to drug
therapy, as well as providing supportive therapies
such as herbs and Simplicia (PERKENI, 2015)
3.5 Duration of Diabetes
Respondents who experienced a significant decrease
in blood sugar values were respondents who had
diabetes on average for the last 2-5 years.
Respondents who had diabetes more than 6 years
showed a fairly good response, but have not been able
to show a significant decrease in blood sugar values.
This is in accordance with the theory and survey
according to the Indonesian Endocrinology
Association (2015), the length of time to have
diabetes that is more than 10 years requires more
therapy than drug administration and supporting
therapy. This is because body tolerance is different
compared to people who have long had diabetes
(PERKENI, 2015)
3.6 Life Style
Other results showed that respondents who
experienced a significant decrease in blood glucose
values were respondents with good daily activity
patterns, good sleep rest patterns, and food
consumption patterns were at a fairly good level,
although in terms of pharmacological therapy, require
compliance was still considered poor. This is in line
with the statement of the Indonesian Endocrinology
Association in (2015) stating that food and beverage
consumption factors, daily activities, sleep rest are the
main factors in influencing blood glucose values,
followed by the importance of adherence to taking
medication or therapy that contributes on the stability
of the condition of blood sugar levels of type II
diabetics, and can prevent or delay diabetes
complications continue (PERKENI, 2015)
3.7 Drug Choice
The results of the study found that most of the
samples that experienced a significant decrease in
blood glucose values were the samples that consumed
secretagogue drug class, while the samples taking
combination drugs remained significantly less. This
is due to the content of Brazilian, flavonoid, and
saponin in the decoction of Caesalpinia Sappan Linn
wood in general functions as a substance that helps
the activity of glucose transporters to optimize the
stability of blood glucose levels, which works to
support the function of secretagogue drug class which
functions to help and optimize insulin secretion. This
is supported by research by Chinnala, Elsani, and
Nalla (2015) in India who have tested the use of
glibenclamide along with the administration of
Caesalpinia Sappan Linn wood without being
affected by the number of doses consumed, the results
showed significant effectiveness in various doses
(Chinnala, Elsani, and Nalla, 2015). This shows that
the type of drug consumed can affect the reaction of
the decoction of Caesalpinia Sappan Linn wood, and
the number of doses does not affect the reaction
results of the Caesalpinia Sappan Linn wood stew.
Based on the data and several things that have
been explained, it can be concluded that the pattern of
daily activities, sleep rest patterns, consumption
patterns, types of medication, age factors, genetic
factors, long-term diabetes, and body weight can
influence the results of research and the effect of
Caesalpinia Sappan Linn decoction. Against
decreasing blood glucose levels.
Based on the analysis of research data and discussion,
it can be concluded that the decoction of Caesalpinia
Sappan Linn wood in accordance with the dose of
each respondent in the intervention group was
considered sufficient to have a significant effect on
reducing blood glucose levels in the respondents
during the 7 days of research that was obtained with
sig values (0.010 ) <0.05, whereas in the control
group the results were no better than the intervention
group, by analyzing the data before and after the
administration of Caesalpinia Sappan Linn wood
stew, the intervention group experienced improved
blood sugar levels better than the control group.
Chinnala, K. M., Elsani, M. M. and Nalla, M. K. (2015)
‘Anti Diabetic Activity of Methanolic Extract of
Caesalpinia Sappan Linn. on Alloxan Induced Diabetes
Mellitus in Rats’, International Journal of