Optimization of Feldenkrais Training as a Prevention of Falling Risk
in Elderly
Nungki Marlian Yuliadarwati
Departemen Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jalan Bandung No. 1 Malang 65113, East Java, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Elderly, Falling Risk, Feldenkrais
Abstract: At the time of continued mass, there will be a decrease in physiological functions or systems that will cause
interference to appear. Increasing the age of life expectancy will also increase the risk of falling. This study
aims to know the effect of optimizing Feldenkrais exercises as prevention of falling risk in the elderly. The
method in this study uses pre-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design approach. The
Berg Balance Scale measures the fall risk. The data analysis test in this study used the Wilcoxon test using
the SPSS application program. The results of the data analysis showed P = 0,000 = 0.05, indicating that
H1 was received from this study and H0 was rejected. In conclusion, the optimization of Feldenkrais exercises
affects the risk of falls in the elderly.
The elderly are an advanced stage that is passed in the
life process of every human being characterized by a
decrease in the ability and function of the body
physically and psychologically (Fristantia, 2018). In
the elderly experienced a decrease in the
physiological body, especially those that are very
instrumental in controlling balance such as a decrease
in muscle strength, posture, fat levels that accumulate
in certain areas, and some balance components
namely the visual sensory system, system, vestibular,
somatosensory consists of tactile or proprioceptive as
well as cognitive perception (Ullmann & Williams,
Factors that influence the risk of falling is the
scope of joint motion (Joint Range Of Motion),
namely the ability of the joints to help body
movement and direct a movement, especially when
the movement requires a high balance. On decreasing
the scope of joint motion in the elderly, there will be
an unfavorable balance control in the elderly, thus
increasing the risk of falls in the elderly(Vrantsidis et
al., 2009). Data from Basic Health Research in 2013
The prevalence of injury or fall in the elderly aged 55-
64 by 49.4%, elderly aged 66-74 by 67.1%, and
elderly aged over 75 by 78.2%. The increasing age of
life expectancy of the elderly will also increase the
risk of falling due to impaired balance (fristantia,
Data on the increased risk of falling very high
above the age of 60 years and above, it is necessary
to prevent the Feldenkrais method with the learning
approach of a person's movements verbally guided
through a series of movements which aim to increase
body awareness and movement organization
(Connors et al., 2011). Through increased
understanding and awareness of how the body
regulates movement patterns because, in this method,
it discusses the patterns of movement of one's habits
(Vrantsidis et al., 2009).
Elderly is a process in which the advanced stages
that are passed in the process of life in every human
being are characterized by a decrease in physiological
and bodily functions both physically and
psychologically elderly themselves (Bearman &
Shafarman, 2004).
The risk of falling on the elderly is the body's
ability to maintain posture stability from motor
activities, which cannot be separated from existing
environmental factors and regulatory systems that
play a role in posture formation. The purpose of the
body to maintain a posture from the risk of falling is
Yuliadarwati, N.
Optimization of Feldenkrais Training as a Prevention of Falling Risk in Elder ly.
DOI: 10.5220/0009127702200222
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 220-222
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to support the body to defy gravity and maintain the
center of mass of the body so that it is aligned and
balanced with the fulcrum plane and stabilizes the
body when moving into position such as walking or
moving (Ahrensdorf, Certified, Teacher, Verin, &
Feldenkrais, n.d.).
A berg balance scale can measure the risk of
falling in the elderly. The BBS scale was developed
in 1989 using a process of interviews with patients
and health professionals. There are 14 items of tests
conducted for the risk of falling. Each item contains a
weight of 0 to 4, with a maximum value of 56, which
is the highest score indicating the risk of falling in the
least elderly (Fristantia, 2018).
The research subjects were 86 elderly in Rejoso sub-
village, East Java, Indonesia. This type of research
uses quantitative methods with pre-experimental
designs with pretest and post-test design. Fall risk is
measured before and after with the berg balance test.
The normality test uses Kolmogorov Smirnoff, and
the analysis of influence data tests use Wilcoxon.
The Feldenkrais method is a very useful exercise to
train the balance, especially in the elderly. This
method use re-learning, which will be guided by a
sequence of proposed body movements to improve
body balance. All parts of the body that support to be
involved in movements such as sense organs,
touching, sensation, vestibular, proprioceptive,. The
principle of this method is how to think, feel, and
understand all the functions of each component of the
body (Fonow et al., 2017).
Feldenkrais on the level of balance in the elderly in
Rejoso Village, Batu City. This research was
conducted for four weeks and began in April, and
May 2018, and 68 samples were conducted. Then 68
samples will be given intervention in the form of the
Feldenkrais method which is done 2x meetings in a
week and carried out for four weeks. There are six
exercises found in this Feldenkrais method, the dose
of each exercise given eight times the count with three
reps (Ahrensdorf et al., n.d.).
Degeneration experienced by the elderly or
increasing age will cause setbacks and changes in all
systems in the body one of which is a decrease in
body balance in the elderly and with increasing age
causes a decrease in the central nervous system such
as vestibular, proprioceptive, and visual so that the
balance is disturbed (Lindner, 2014).
In humans who have the elderly cause a decrease
in the ability of both physical, financial, social, and
mental. In general, humans who have entered old age
often experience unfavorable health conditions such
as decreased muscle strength decreased sensory
system which results in disruption of balance in the
body (Patel & Bipinbhai, 1956)
The results of the statistical analysis with the
Wilcoxon test obtained P = 0,000 <α = 0.05, it can be
concluded that there is an effect of the optimization
of the Feldenkrais method exercise on the risk of
falling in the elderly in the Rejoso Village, Batu City.
The ability to carry out an activity not only
involves the factors that cause the risk of falling, but
there are other factors such as muscle strength,
proprioception, pain, and in terms of anticipating falls
(Plastaras et al., 2013). The Feldenkrais Method
exercise aims to increase body mobility and is
designed for the elderly especially to increase
flexibility, balance, and mobility of the elderly
(Palmer, 2017)
The Feldenkrais Method can be considered as a
method of learning through the body that can enhance
all actions or activities carried out by someone not
only aspects of the mind and emotions but is designed
to provide increased awareness of one's body
(Igweonu, 2010). The Feldenkrais method will be
directly applied by sensory systems such as the visual,
vestibular, and somatosensory systems. In this
method, the visual system plays a role because it is an
important component of balance to provide
information about the surrounding environment to
anticipate future disturbances. The vestibular system
is also very important in balance, head control,
eyeball movement. The somatosensory system also
has a role in providing information about the
perceived position of movements in the body that are
felt. The influence of the elderly on proprioceptive is
the decrease in muscle mass and strength. Loss of
strength can limit a person to do daily activities,
increase the likelihood of falling in the elderly, even
the loss of mechanoreceptors which can reduce
proprioceptors and disturbed balance (Kampe, 2010).
In the practice of the Feldenkrais method, it is
believed that when doing this method the muscles
will relax due to the movement in this method is very
minimal so that they can feel the movements made.
Therefore, the aim of the practice of the Feldenkrais
Method is to increase awareness of the body. These
strategies such as changes in speed, repetition of
Optimization of Feldenkrais Training as a Prevention of Falling Risk in Elderly
movements, regulating breathing patterns, and
sequence of movements (Lindner, 2014).
The Feldenkrais method emphasizes motion
control and movement coordination through the re-
learning of the sensory system. This system is guided
by proprioceptive, coordinated motion, sensation,
visual, hearing power, and movement control. This
technique will also increase awareness of motor
movements or moving the body with maximum
efficiency but with minimal effort (Joseph,
Paungmali, & Mohan, 2015)
Based on the results obtained and the explanation
above, it can be concluded that there is an effect of
optimizing Feldenkrais exercise as a risk of falling in
the elderly. It is hoped that other studies can research
the Feldenkrais Method to improve balance by using
reliable measuring devices so that they get more
accurate results and do not spend much time. It is
expected that researchers expand the population,
especially the elderly so that they can increase the
number of samples in this study. This research can
also be used as literature or a source for future
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HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference