Analysis of Sharia Hotels Feasibility in Pekanbaru
Zulkifli, Boy Syamsul Bahkri, Muhammad Arif and Putri Nuraini
Faculty of Islamic Religion, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Sharia Hotel, Hilal-1, Tourism.
This research study is motivated by a growing number and a trend of sharia hotels in Pekanbaru. The problems
in sharia hotels are not just only on the claim and labels, but also the specifications and the criteria must be
clear so that they are not merely a business commodity. The problem statement in this research study is “do
sharia hotels in Pekanbaru meet the feasibility based on sharia regulations?”. The purpose of this research
study is to find out the feasibility of sharia hotels in Pekanbaru. The theoretical framework in this research
study refers to the Regulation of Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 2 Year 2014 on the Implementation Guidelines of Hilal-1 Syaria Hotel Business. The data used in
this research study are primary data and secondary data. The population and sample in this research study are
all sharia hotels (total sampling) in Pekanbaru, which consists of 8 hotels (1-star to 3-star hotels). While the
data collection techniques are observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of this research study
indicate that there are no sharia hotels that actually apply the sharia-based concept of Hilal-1 category which
includes product dimension, service dimension, and management dimension.
Currently, business development in Indonesia is
going bigger and advanced, including in the sectors
of industry, services, and trade. Globalization
has caused quite rapid changes in business, which
requires organizations or companies to adapt, have
resilience, be able to change direction quickly and
focus attention on customers.
Hospitality is a business or service business
needed by the people in Pekanbaru because in
Pekanbaru, the majority is Muslims and Sharia hotels
are surely petrified to the people who are working
there and those who are traveling in the city. The
development of hotels always tends to be shades of
sharia and star rated hotels.. The managers must
complete the facilities and infrastructures that make
many consumers are interested. Sharia hotels must
provide Islamic prayer room, food and beverages that
are halal.
Hotels that are in accordance with sharia
principles are hotels that provide lodging, food
and beverage services, and other services for the
common people; managed commercially, and meet
the requirements stipulated by the government, and
do not conflict with sharia principles. All components
of the hotel operational and technical requirements
criteria, starting from the small things such as kind
of information should be available at the concierge.
Equipment that must be available in the public toilet,
serving food and beverage, and reception of policy
and procedure at the front office must be ensured to
fulfill the sharia provisions.
The emergence of sharia hotels in Pekanbaru is
based on market needs sourced from Islamic spiritual
offerings. The needs for sharia products is an effect
of the increasing level of public awareness, especially
Muslim consumers against the laws and provisions of
Islam in terms of life.
The phenomenon of the increasing number of
hotels labeled sharia in Pekanbaru is an attraction for
Muslim tourists who are traveling in Riau Province.
The problem that occurs is that there are still many
hotels labeled as sharia but have not implemented
the sharia concept as a whole in its operational
management. According to preliminary observations,
the researcher still finds sharia hotels that do not meet
the criteria, for example, hotel guests that are still free
to enter guest without being identified first.
Based on the phenomena that occur above, the
researcher is interested in conducting research study
with the title ”Analysis of Sharia Hotels Feasibility in
Zulkifli, ., Bahkri, B., Arif, M. and Nuraini, P.
Analysis of Sharia Hotels Feasibility in Pekanbaru.
DOI: 10.5220/0009127902770282
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 277-282
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 The Meaning of Sharia Hotel
Sharia hotel is a hotel that in the provision,
procurement and use of products and facilities, and
business operations that do not violate the sharia
rules. All components of the hotel operational
technical criteria start from small things such as what
information should be available at the front office,
equipment in public toilets, until the presentation
of the types of food and beverages available at
reception policy and procedure, and house rules must
be ensured that all meet the criteria of sharia (Sofyan,
2011; Jurattanasan and Jaroenwisan, 2014).
The criteria for sharia hotel is as follows (Sofyan,
Hotel Guest
Food and Beverages
Decoration and Ornaments
2.2 Legal Basis of Sharia Hotel
Q.S An-Nisa : 29
Meaning: “O you who have believed, do not
consume one another’s wealth unjustly but only
[in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do
not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah
is to you ever Merciful..
The purpose of the verse is that Allah SWT
forbids taking the wealth of others by vanity
(improper way), except by trade that applies with
mutual consent. Sharia hotel is included in
commerce/business in the field of services so that
in obtaining profits; they are not allowed to use
methods prohibited by Allah SWT.
Hadith about glorifying guests.
Artinya: “Whosoever believes in Allah and the
last day, let him glorify his guests when he is
blessed. ”The friends ask, O Rasulllah Saw.
What is a special moment? He said, ”the first day
and night. The visit is three days, if it’s more than
three days, then it’s a charity.(HR.Muslim).
The basic principle that must be considered in
relation to realizing sharia in a business is the rule
of fiqh which reads: Meaning: “the original law in
the field of muamalah is skill (worship) until there
is a argument that prohibits it”.
From this rule, Islam gives freedom to humans
to do muamalah activities in order to fulfill
their needs in the form of profits, goods or
services, while still paying attention to the limits
set by sharia. In this case, what human have
to pay attention to is what limits should not
be violated in conducting muamalah activities
(Departemen Agama, 2005; Henderson, 2010).
2.3 Guidelines for Implementation of
Sharia Hotel
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of
Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 2 Year 2014 on guidelines
for implementation of sharia hotel businesses, the
government divides the group into Hilal-1 of sharia
hotel and Hilal-2 of sharia hotel.
Hilal-1 category includes product aspects which
consist of 8 elements and 27 sub-elements, service
aspects consist of 6 elements and 20 sub-elements,
and management aspects consist of 2 elements and
2 sub-elements. Below are the Hilal-1 categories that
have been determined by the government:
Public toilets (Public restroom)
Guest bedroom
Staff Room
Worship Room
Front office
House Keeping
Food and Beverages
Business Management
Human Resources
3.1 Types of Research Study
The type of this research study is descriptive research.
Descriptive research is a research study arranged in
order to provide a systematic description of scientific
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
information that comes from the subject or object of
research study. (Sanusi, 2011; Sugiarto and Ir, 2003;
Saad et al., 2014).
3.2 Research Study Sites
This research study is conducted in several
sharia-labeled hotels spread in Pekanbaru as follows:
Table 1: Name and Address of Sharia Hotels in Pekanbaru
NO Hotel Name Address
1 Akasia Syariah Hotel Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 419 Pekanbaru
2 D’Lira Syariah Hotel Jl. Pepaya No.73 Pekanbaru
3 Libra Syariah Hotel Jl. Tuanku Tambusain Pekanbaru
4 Oase Hotel Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 255 EF Pekanbaru
5 Rauda Hotel Jl. Tengku Zainal Abidin No. 2-4 Pekanbaru
6 Stefani Syariah Hotel Jl. Taskurun No. 100 Pekanbaru
7 Sri Indrayani Hotel Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 45 Pekanbaru
8 Tasia Ratu Hotel Jl. Hasyim Ashari No. 10. Pekanbaru
Source: Processed Data, 201
3.3 Data Collection Method
In collecting data for this research study, several
methods are used as follows:
Questionnaire is a list of questions that must be
covered by the interviewer during the interview.
The purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain
information on how the practice of sharia hotel
management in Pekanbaru.
Observation is the selection, alteration, recording,
and coding of a series of behaviors and
atmosphere relating to observation activities in
accordance with empirical objectives (Sutrisno,
Interview is data collection techniques by asking
questions directly by the interviewer to the
respondent and the respondents’ answers are
listed or recorded (Sutrisno, 2009). In practice,
the author prepares a list of questions to be
submitted directly to hotel managers or hoteliers
and sharia hotel staffs.
Documentation is a data collection technique
that is not directly aimed at the subject of
the researcher, but through documents (Sutrisno,
2009). Documentation can be in the form
of text, images, and monumental works of
someone. This documentation is intended to
obtain evidence regarding management practices
such as applicable regulations and applied to
sharia hotels in Pekanbaru.
3.4 Population and Sample
The population in this research study is all sharia
hotels in Pekanbaru, which are 8 hotels (1-star to
3-star hotels). Sample is examples that represent the
population and mirror the entire object under study
(Sutrisno, 2009; Komar, 2006; Pariwisata, 2014;
Sulastiyono, 2011). The population in this research
study is <100 people, then all populations in this
research study are used as research samples.
3.5 Data Analysis Method
The data analysis method used in this research study
is adjusted to the research study, that is a sharia review
of sharia hotel management practices assessed using
qualitative methods. This analysis aims to determine
business practices in hotel management in Pekanbaru
sharia hotels.
3.6 Operational Concept
Based on the theory above, the operational concepts
can be made as follows:
3.7 Theoretical Framework
Based on the description above, the theoretical
framework can be described as follows :
Source: Processed Data, 2018
4.1 Findings
4.1.1 Product Dimension
Product dimension consists of eight indicators (public
toilet, guest bedroom, guest bathroom, kitchen, staff
room, Islamic prayer room, swimming pool, and spa).
The eight indicators are divided into twenty-seven
statement items.
The results of the data collected from eight sharia
hotels for the Product Dimension shows that none
of the hotels achieved an ideal score (27) from a
number of indicators and sub-indicators presented.
The highest score is achieved by Sri Indrayani Hotel
(24) and Rauda Hotel (24). While the lowest score
is achieved by Oase Hotel (17). The average score
achieved by the hotels is 21.5.
Analysis of Sharia Hotels Feasibility in Pekanbaru
Table 2: Operational Concept
Concept Dimension Indicator
Guidelines for
Hilal-1 of Sharia
Hotel Business
- Product
(Regulation of the Minister of Tourism of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 2 on Guidelines
for Implementation of Sharia Hotel Business, 2014)
1. Public Toilet
(Public Restroom)
2. Guest Bedroom
3. Guest Bathroom
4. Kitchen
5. Staff Room
6. Islamic Prayer Room
7. Swimming pool
8. Spa
- Service
(Regulation of the Minister of Tourism of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 2 on Guidelines
for Implementation of Sharia Hotel Business, 2014)
1. Front office
2. House Keeping
3. Food and Beverages
4. Sports, recreation,
and fitness
5. Spa (if available)
6. Entertainment facilities
- Management
(Regulation of the Minister of Tourism of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 2 on Guidelines
for Implementation of Sharia Hotel Business, 2014)
1. Business Management
2. Human Resources
Source : Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 on
Guidelines for Implementation of Sharia Hotel Business, 2014.
Figure 1: Theoretical Framework
Table 3: Tabulation of Data of Product Dimension
No Hotel Name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Sri Indrayani 2 4 3 2 4 9 0 0 24
2. Rauda 2 4 3 2 4 9 0 0 24
3. Stefani 2 1 3 1 4 9 0 0 20
4. Akasia 2 3 3 2 4 9 0 0 23
5. Tasia Ratu 2 4 3 1 4 9 0 0 23
6. D’Lira 2 2 3 1 3 9 0 0 20
7. Oase 1 2 3 2 3 6 0 0 17
8. New Libra Syariah 2 4 3 2 4 6 0 0 21
Source: Processed Data, 2018
4.1.2 Service Dimension
The Service Dimension consists of six indicators
(front office, house keeping, food and beverage,
sports recreation and fitness, spa, and entertainment
facilities). The six indicators are divided into twenty
Table 4: Tabulation of Data of Service Dimension
No Hotel Name
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Sri Indrayani 5 3 3 0 0 1 12
2. Rauda 5 3 3 0 0 2 13
3. Stefani 4 2 3 0 0 1 10
4. Akasia 5 3 3 0 0 0 11
5. Tasia Ratu 5 3 3 0 0 2 13
6. D’Lira 4 2 3 0 0 1 10
7. Oase 5 2 3 0 0 1 11
8. New Libra Syariah 5 3 1 0 0 2 11
Source: Processed Data, 2018
statement items.
The results of the data collected from eight sharia
hotels for the Service Dimension indicate that none
of the hotels achieved an ideal score (20) from a
number of indicators and sub-indicators presented.
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
The highest score is achieved by Rauda Hotel (13)
and Tasia Ratu Hotel (13). While the lowest score is
achieved by Stefani Hotel (10) and D’Lira Hotel (10).
The average score achieved by the hotels is 11.4.
4.1.3 Management Dimension
Table 5: Tabulation of Data of Management Dimension
No Hotel Name
1 2
1. Sri Indrayani 1 1 2
2. Rauda 1 1 2
3. Stefani 1 1 2
4. Akasia 1 1 2
5. Tasia Ratu 1 1 2
6. D’Lira 1 1 2
7. Oase 1 1 2
8. New Libra Syariah 0 1 1
Source: Processed Data, 2018
The last dimension is Management Dimension which
consists of two indicators (business management and
human resources). The two indicators are divided into
two statement items. The result of data collected from
eight sharia hotels for the Management Dimension
shows that almost all hotels achieved ideal scores
(2) from a number of indicators and sub-indicators
presented. Only one hotel that is New Libra Syariah
Hotel get the lowest scores (1). The average score
achieved by the hotels is 1.9.
The beauty of the essence of sharia is to throw away
everything that is harmful or destructive to humans
and the environment. In line with the purpose of the
implementation of sharia, that is maintaining human
welfare including protection of the faith, life, mind,
descent, and property. Anything that guarantees the
protection of these five cases is a concern for humans
and is desirable, not limited by those who are Muslim,
because actually something dangerous for Muslims,
of course also dangerous for non-Muslims. Thus,
sharia products and services are open to all human
beings, without differentiate race, religion, gender, or
Sharia hotel is a hotel that provides services in
accordance with sharia principles. Halal definition is
not only limited to the provision of halal food & drink,
but also to the operation of hotels in general, starting
from the provision, procurement, use of products and
facilities, and financial transactions. In addition, in
receiving guests, the receptionist is required to select
guests who come in pairs, whether they are a married
couple or have a mahram relationship.
All halal products in Indonesia, including hotels,
of course require certificates as written evidence
indicating whether the hotel has met the business
standards of hotels as determined by the government
or not.
In 2014, the government has compiled and
determined the Guidelines for Implementation of
Sharia Hotel Business through Regulation of the
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Number
2. The guidelines contain the classification of sharia
hotels into 2 categories, that is Hilal-1 and Hilal-2
of Sharia Hotels. Hilal-1 category is a classification
of sharia hotel businesses that are considered to meet
all the criteria for sharia hotels needed to serve the
minimum needs of Muslim tourists. Whereas, the
Hilal-2 category is a classification of sharia hotel
businesses that are considered to meet all the criteria
for sharia hotels needed to serve the moderate needs
of Muslim tourists.
Some conclusions obtained from this research
study are:
The Product Dimension shows that no hotel has
an ideal score (27) from a number of indicators
and sub-indicators presented. The highest score
is achieved by Sri Indrayani Hotel (24) and Hotel
Rauda (24). While the lowest score is achieved by
Hotel Oase (17). The average score achieved by
the hotels is 21.5.
The Service Dimension shows that no hotel has
an ideal score (20) from a number of indicators
and sub-indicators presented. The highest score
is achieved by Hotel Rauda (13) and Hotel Tasia
Ratu (13). While the lowest score is achieved by
Hotel Stefani (10) and Hotel D’Lira (10). The
average score achieved by the hotels is 11.4.
The Management Dimension shows that almost
all hotels achieve ideal scores (2) from a number
of indicators and sub-indicators presented. Only
one hotel that is the New Libra Syaria Hotel get
the lowest score (1). The average score achieved
by the hotels is 1.9.
The results of this research study indicate that
there are no hotels that actually apply the sharia-based
concept in Pekanbaru, even to meet the Hilal-1
Category (sharia hotel business classifications that
are considered to meet all the criteria for sharia
hotels needed to serve the minimum needs of Muslim
Analysis of Sharia Hotels Feasibility in Pekanbaru
In this research study, it is explained that the hoteliers
can run their business after obtaining a Hotel Business
Certificate issued by the Business Certification
Agency, where the assessment of Absolute Criteria
fulfillment (the minimum terms and conditions that
must be fulfilled and implemented by the hotelier)
applicable organized by DSN-MUI.
Regardless of the central government’s efforts
to make sharia hotel standards, the results of this
research study indicate that in Pekanbaru, no hotel has
actually implemented a sharia-based concept, even
to fulfill the Hilal-1 category (sharia hotel business
classifications that are considered to meet all sharia
hotel criteria is needed to serve the minimum needs
of Muslim tourists). This may due to the high
investment costs for sharia hotels considering the
qualifications and standards of sharia-based hotels
which require hoteliers to add facilities in accordance
with applicable regulations.
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity